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Investigating the Effect of Sanctions on Iranian Economy Using System Dynamics Approach
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kianfar, Farhad (Supervisor)
Developing and progressing excavation technology, and distillation and petroleum technology as fuel cause chemical and hydrocarbonic materials have been given an important role in human life. Having petroleum expanded, its effect in countries’ economics has been highlighted and found a substantial role in countries’ development. Iran, considering 11% extractable petroleum reserves which is equivalent to 138 billion barrel, is known as an oil rich country. The petroleum has an eminent role in country’s economics and is the main country’s income source and the most important exports. With regard to the high technology needed for petroleum exploration and purification, Iran requires foreign...
Experimental Investigation of Fretting Fatigue of Titanium Specimens Made by Additive Manufacturing Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Additive manufacturing (AM) has gained significant attention in recent years as a novel approach to fabricate three-dimensional parts. Its advantages, including high speed, low-cost production for small-scale batches, and greater design freedom, have made it a competitive alternative to traditional manufacturing methods. However, the application of AM for components subjected to fretting fatigue requires careful evaluation. Fretting fatigue is a major cause of failure in turbines, particularly at the contact interface between turbine blade roots and disk. In this study, the influence of AM and post-processing treatments on the fretting fatigue life of Ti-6Al-4V alloy was investigated. Five...
A note on isometries of Lipschitz spaces
, Article Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ; Vol. 411, Issue. 2 , 2014 , Pages 555-558 ; ISSN: 0022247X ; Sharif University of Technology
The main purpose of this article is to generalize a recent result about isometries of Lipschitz spaces. Botelho, Fleming and Jamison [2] described surjective linear isometries between vector-valued Lipschitz spaces under certain conditions. In this article, we extend the main result of [2] by removing the quasi-sub-reflexivity condition from Banach spaces
An integral type characterization of constant functions on metric-measure spaces
, Article Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ; Volume 385, Issue 1 , January , 2012 , Pages 194-201 ; 0022247X (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
The main purpose of this article is to generalize a characterization of constant functions to the context of metric-measure spaces. In fact, we approximate a measurable function, in terms of a certain integrability condition, by Lipschitz functions. Then, similar to Brezis (2002) [2], we establish a necessary and sufficient condition in order that any measurable function which satisfies an integrability condition to be constant a.e. Also, we provide a different proof for the main result of Pietruska-Pałuba (2004) [7] in the setting of Dirichlet forms
Generalized rademacher-stepanov type theorem and applications
, Article Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendung ; Volume 28, Issue 3 , 2009 , Pages 249-275 ; 02322064 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
The main purpose of this article is to generalize a theorem of Stepanov which provides a necessary and sufficient condition for almost everywhere differentiability of functions over Euclidean spaces. We state and prove an Lp-type generalization of the Stepanov theorem and then we extend it to the context of Orlicz spaces. Then, this generalized Rademacher-Stepanov type theorem is applied to the Sobolev and bounded variation maps with values into a metric space. It is shown that several generalized differentiability type theorems are valid for the Sobolev maps from a Lipschitz manifold into a metric space. As a byproduct, it is shown that the Sobolev spaces of Korevaar-Schoen and Reshetnyak...
A non-existence theorem for isometric immersions
, Article Journal of Geometry and Physics ; Volume 59, Issue 3 , 2009 , Pages 263-266 ; 03930440 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Let f : M {long rightwards arrow} over(M, -) be an isometric immersion between Riemannian manifolds. For certain conditions on M and over(M, -) in terms of curvatures and external diameter, we extend the non-embedding theorem of Chern and Kuiper to the isometric immersions of non-compact manifolds. Also, our results generalize and improve the main results of Jorge and Koutroufiotis [L. Jorge, D. Koutroufiotis, An estimate for the curvature of bounded submanifolds, Amer. J. Math. 103 (4) (1981) 711-725] and Veeravalli [A. R. Veeravalli, A sharp lower bound for the Ricci curvature of bounded hypersurfaces in space forms, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 62 (1) (2000) 165-170]. © 2008 Elsevier B.V....
An integral type characterization of lipschitz functions over metric-measure spaces
, Article Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ; Volume 479, Issue 2 , 2019 , Pages 1708-1714 ; 0022247X (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Academic Press Inc
The main purpose of this article is to generalize a characterization of Lipschitz functions in the context of metric-measure spaces. The results are established in the class of metric-measure spaces which satisfy a strong version of the doubling (Bishop-Gromov regularity) condition. Indeed, we establish a necessary and sufficient condition in order that any measurable function which satisfies an integrability condition to be essentially Lipschitzian. © 2019 Elsevier Inc
Isometries of Lipschitz type function spaces
, Article Mathematische Nachrichten ; Volume 291, Issue 11-12 , 2018 , Pages 1899-1907 ; 0025584X (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Wiley-VCH Verlag
In this article, we describe isometries over the Lipschitz spaces under certain conditions. Indeed, we provide a unified proof for the main results of and in a more general setting. Finally, we extend our results for some other functions spaces like the space of vector-valued little Lipschitz maps and pointwise Lipschitz maps. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
A remark on the bourgain-brezis-mironescu characterization of constant functions
, Article Houston Journal of Mathematics ; Volume 46, Issue 1 , 2020 , Pages 113-115 ; Sharif University of Technology
University of Houston
The purpose of this paper is to describe a simple proof for a result originally presented by H. Brezis in [B], with roots in J. Bourgain, H. Brezis and P. Mironescu [BBM]. © 2020 University of Houston
A remark on isometries of absolutely continuous spaces
, Article Journal of Function Spaces ; Volume 2020 , 2020 ; Sharif University of Technology
Hindawi Limited
The purpose of this article is to study the isometries between vector-valued absolutely continuous function spaces, over compact subsets of the real line. Indeed, under certain conditions, it is shown that such isometries can be represented as a weighted composition operator. © 2020 Alireza Ranjbar-Motlagh
Generalizations of the Liouville theorem
, Article Differential Geometry and its Application ; Volume 26, Issue 3 , 2008 , Pages 339-345 ; 09262245 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
The purpose of this paper is to generalize the Liouville theorem for functions which are defined on the complete Riemannian manifolds. Then, we apply it to the isometric immersions between complete Riemannian manifolds in order to obtain an estimate for the size of the image of immersions in terms of the supremum of the length of their mean curvature vector in a quite general setting. The proofs are based on the Calabi's generalization of maximum principle for functions which are not necessarily differentiable. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Isometries between spaces of vector-valued differentiable functions
, Article Journal of Function Spaces ; Volume 2021 , 2021 ; 23148896 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Hindawi Limited
This article characterizes the isometries between spaces of all differentiable functions from a compact interval of the real line into a strictly convex Banach space. © 2021 Alireza Ranjbar-Motlagh
A note on the Poincaré inequality
, Article Studia Mathematica ; Volume 154, Issue 1 , 2003 , Pages 1-11 ; 00393223 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Instytut Matematyczny
The Poincaré inequality is extended to uniformly doubling metric-measure spaces which satisfy a version of the triangle comparison property. The proof is based on a generalization of the change of variables formula
Besov type function spaces defined on metric-measure spaces
, Article Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ; Volume 505, Issue 2 , 2022 ; 0022247X (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Academic Press Inc
The purpose of this article is to study the Besov type function spaces for maps which are defined on abstract metric-measure spaces. We extend some of the embedding theorems of the classical Besov spaces to the setting of abstract spaces. © 2021 Elsevier Inc
Poincaré inequality for abstract spaces
, Article Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society ; Volume 71, Issue 2 , 2005 , Pages 193-204 ; 00049727 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Australian Mathematical Publishing Association
The Poincaré inequality is generalised to metric-measure spaces which support a strong version of the doubling condition. This generalises the Poincaré inequality for manifolds whose Ricci curvature is bounded from below and metric-measure spaces which satisfy the measure contraction property. Copyright Clearance Centre, Inc
Face Forgery Detection Through Statistical Analysis and Local Correlation Investigation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghaemmaghami, Shahrokh (Supervisor) ; Amini, Sajjad (Supervisor)
Existing face forgery detection methods mainly focus on certain features of images, such as features related to image noise, local textures or frequency statistics of images for forgery detection. This makes the extracted representations and the final decision depend on the data in the database and makes it difficult to detect forgery with unknown manipulation methods. Solving this challenge, which is called the generalization challenge in artificial intelligence literature, has become the main goal of researchers in this field. In this thesis, the focus is on extracting effective features for success in forgery detection and preventing the performance of the forgery detection network from...
Analytical Investigation and Evaluation of Vulnerability of Deep Networks to Adversarial Perturbations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghaemmaghami, Shahrokh (Supervisor) ; Amini, Sajjad (Co-Supervisor)
One of the most important problems in machine learning is investigating the performance of the learning algorithms, and especially deep neural networks, on adversarial examples, which are generated by imperceptibly perturbing input images, so that cause the model make a wrong prediction. Not only this line of research is important for making deep neural networks dependable, but also can help with understanding the fundamental limitations of deep neural networks, and the nature of their operation, which can in turn provide researchers with valuable insights into artificial intelligence. In this research work, we have tried to approach the topic with a mainly theoretical mindset. The method we...
Synthesis and analysis of the properties of ferro-fluids
, Article ICONN 2010 - Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 22 February 2010 through 26 February 2010, Sydney, NSW ; 2010 , Pages 91-93 ; 9781424452620 (ISBN) ; Ghane Motlagh, B ; Ghane Golmohamadi, F ; Ghane Motlagh, R ; Rouhani, S ; Sharif University of Technology
We report the rheological properties of ferro-fluid (FF) containing iron oxide nano-particles. At first, a FF was synthesized by using chemical co-precipitaton[1]. The microstructure study using SEM revealed that the FF contained nano-particles with the mean particle size of 35nm. The XRD study revealed that we have well crystallized structures of magnetite; they appeared to be approximately single crystalline structures. The rheological results proved that the FF has non Newtonian behavior, it is a shear thinning fluid in all magnetic fields, Moreover, the magnetic field increases the viscosity in a definite shear rate due to the nano-particles agglomerations and formation of chain-like...
Design of A Digitally Controlled Bias Chip For A Transceiver
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Medi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Sheikhaei, Samad (Supervisor)
Advances in IC fabrication makes possible have systems on chips. In this thesis we have designed and fabricated a digitally controlled bias chip for a transceiver which can be programmed by its digital interface. In this thesis, briefly we review basics of voltage regulators and methods for controlling them. Then we introduce high voltage 0.18um CMOS technology. In this thesis, we describe the requirements of a specific transceiver and present a system to overcome these requirements. This system has positive, negative and internal regulators, a five-bit analog to digital converter, temperature sensors, power amplifier controller and digital serial interface. In this thesis, we present a...
On harmonic maps from stochastically complete manifolds
, Article Archiv der Mathematik ; Volume 92, Issue 6 , 2009 , Pages 637-644 ; 0003889X (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
The main purpose of this article is to generalize a theorem about the size of minimal submanifolds in Euclidean spaces. In fact, we state and prove a non-existence theorem about harmonic maps from a stochastically complete manifold into a cone type domain. The proof is based on a generalized version of the maximum principle applied to the Lapalace-Beltrami operator on Riemannian manifolds. © 2009 Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland