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Modeling Driving Behaviors Using Smartphone Sensors
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Monitoring driving behaviors of drivers, would avoid their dangerous behaviors and remarkably raise the safety. Nowadays real-time supervision is considered as one of the modern methods of controlling driving behaviors. Previously, due to expensive costs of required equipments and other restrictions, this kind of supervision hasn't been considered fairly. Nowadays increasing usage of smart phones, which contain multiple sensors, enables this type of supervision with lower costs. In the present study we would present some models, to assess the driving behavior via smart phone sensors such as accelerometer, gyroscope and rotation vector
Evaluation of Distance-Based Auto Insurance Contracts
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Auto insurance premiums are currently part of car ownership fixed costs in Iran. As driver behavior and driven distance, in spite of their significant impact on driver’s risk, are not considered in these costs. Distance-based models are introduced to enter usage costs to premium calculations and affect drivers’ behavior. Achieving benefits of this plan demands evaluation of profits and implementing costs of it. This research aims to provide guidelines to influence drivers’ behavior alongside with studying the distance-based insurance market in Iran. Required data collected using a field survey in Tehran car technical inspection centers, by representing four different plans to 980...
Destination Choice Modeling For Shopping Trips; Case Study For The City of Shiraz
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
The fratar model that is one of the most common models of travel distribution has some weak points. Due to its strong tendency to existing distribution and disregarding the zonal characteristics, this model is unable to consider sudden changes in plan on the horizon. In order to identify the variables affecting the distribution of travel, using the behavioral approach is vital. For this purpose, Multinomial Logit model is used for distribution of shopping trips in the city of Shiraz. The city of Shiraz is divided into 156 zones. If all zones be considered as the choice set for each traveler, the results of model won't be efficient. To address this problem, sampling should be done based on...
Escort patterns in Dual-worker households with Students: A Comparison between Individual and Group Decision Making Mechanism
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Individuals have been regarded as independent decision makers in the majority of transportation analysis. However, individual behaviors are usually affected by the interactions between the members in group decisions; and consequently, individual decision making paradigm could result in less-accurate predictions. Besides, as the data used for travel demand modeling typically comes from household level surveys, the idea of random sampling holds at household level and not the individual; and therefore, individual information would not be consistent with the theory of the discrete choice models when the household is the actual sampling unit. The present paper aims at modeling the way that...
Spatial Transferability of Activity Choice and Time Allocation Joint Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Spatial transferability of behavioral models can significantly decrease the costs and time required for transportation studies. The main aim in this study is exploring transferability of MDCEV joint model used for activity type and duration choices with implementing various transfer methods on different sample sizes. In order to achieve this goal, full information of comprehensive transportation studies conducted in Mashhad 1994 and Shiraz 1999 has been employed. Shiraz city is the region where the model is generated using its data and Mashhad is the region which the generated model is transferred to. Transfer methods studies in this study are Transfer scaling, Bayesian method, Combined...
Modeling and Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Crash-injury Severities in Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Traffic safety is one of the fundamental part of the transportation planning which is led to lowest the number of crashes and its following consequences by in-depth studying. Thus, determining the severity of accidents, including damage, injury and fatal injury is very important. The aim of this study is analysis of the accident-injury severities in single-vehicle and multi-vehicle crashes and providing the policies in Iran. The approach used in this study to select the most effective parameters of the injury-severity is based on the data gathered in Iran Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization during the year 2011. Accident probabilistic model based on analysis of relations among...
Cost-benefit Analysis of Insurance Companies in Usage-based and Common Car Insurance Market
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Car usage-based insurance is recently introduced to the market of car insurance and because these contracts are new in this market, Insurers and other beneficiaries are eager to know about the outcome of them. In this study, the outcome of these contracts and equilibrium of the market have been analyzed from the view of insurers. An insurer as a profitable firm want to analyze its costs and benefits, and as a result, one of the most important factors from the view of the insurer is the cost-benefit analysis when the insurer enters into the new market of usage-based insurance. For this analysis, by contract selection and insurer loss payment data, insurer cost and benefit forecasting models...
Real-time Traffic Flow and Vehicle Composition Estimation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Real-time prediction of traffic flow and vehicle composition in urban network is the main purpose of this research. A two-step model is presented as an alternative for costly methods of data collection. At the first step, Passenger Car Equivalent of flow is estimated by an Artificial Neural Network model, and then a Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value model defines vehicle composition. Real-time speed data from Google-Maps API, land-use information, and transportation network specifications of Tehran are used. The observed traffic from 95 Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras are gathered from the CBD zone of Tehran on spring 2017. Goodness of fit and Root Mean Square Error of...
Simulation of Road Freight Transport Companies, Considering the Pickup and Delivery Problem Optimization
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
This study develops an agent-based model to simulate and analysis of regulatory scenarios in road freight transport. In this agent-based model, actors such as commodity owners, shipping companies, drivers, and fleets interact. The focus of this research is on the development of the behavior of transportation companies by adding the optimization method of pickup and delivery problem to their decisions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the scenarios related to market deregulation and to analyze the behavior of agents, especially transport companies. The key question is that how companies that daily optimize their pickup and delivery problem using automated methods affect the KPIs of the...
Simulation of Road Freight Transport Companies with Stochastic Demand
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
This study has added strategies to the decisions of road freight transport companies in their agent-based model. Added strategies are related to the company's supply management and in response to current and future demands. By forecasting future demand, uncertainty is to be present in this part of the demand. Firms use vehicle routing algorithms to meet existing demand, and car Sharing approaches to the second strategy. The algorithm used in the first strategy is a meta-heuristic algorithm called simulated annealing. For the second strategy, two scenarios are added to the simulation model, and in the second scenario, which is a more accurate scenario, the problem in question is defined in...
Simultaneous Modeling of Mode and Destination Choice for Shopping Trips
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Mode and destination choice in shopping trips are highly correlated and separate modeling of these choices does not consider the interaction between them. As making decision about mode and destination in shopping trips is done simultaneously, in this study a multinomial logit structure is used to model mode choice and destination choice of shopping trips simultaneously. To solve the problem of inconsistent estimation of multinomial logit model duo to the large number of alternatives, importance random sampling method is used to create a choice set for each passenger. For the purpose of comparison, mode choice and destination choice are modeled both separately and simultaneously. The results...
Estimating a Mixed Profile MDCEV:Case of Daily Activity Type and Duration
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
The closed-form formulation of MDCEV has become popular in past years, as it accounts for satiation effects through a novel consumption-based utility structure. The model, however, suffers from an “empirical identification” problem. The problem is mainly due to entangled roles of two model parameters in capturing satiation effects. Thus far, the best known solution to the problem is fixing either or both of the parameters to pre-defined values and estimate a restricted satiation profile. This paper, presents a new hybrid optimization algorithm (named HEMPME) to eliminate the need for imposing such restrictions, and disentangle the two effects through estimating a “mixed profile” model....
An Assessment and Identification of Influential Factors that Affect Public View Towards the Efficiency of the Traffic Police in Driving Offenses Detection
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
According to the World Health Organization, in 2018 nearly 21,000 people lost their lives in road accidents in Iran. According to a report published by the organization, the fifth leading cause of death in Iran among all age groups is death due to road accidents. This imposes huge economic and social costs on the country every year. According to UNICEF, the cost to the Iranian economy caused by traffic accidents is more than 5% of the country's GDP. The human factor is known as the most important factor involved in the accident. According to existing theories and studies, one of the effective reasons for committing a driving offense as a high-risk behavior is a person's attitude. Therefore,...
A Copula Based Joint Model of Residential and Work Location Choice
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Residential location choice is one of the most important decisions that households should make. This decision has many effects on household's travel patterns and urban built environment. Considering predetermined residential locations is one of the weaknesses of these models. Joint modelling of residential and work location choices is a solution to this problem. So far, multinomial logit, nested logit and mixed logit are the structures that have been used for this joint modeling. Independence from irrevelant alternatives, forcing sequential structure and complicated calculations in large dimension problems are respectively weaknesses of mentioned structures. In this researsh a copula based...
Post-Earthquake Travel Demand Evaluation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
The aim of this study is to evaluate post-earthquake travel behavior in Tehran. After a horrible disaster, like earthquake, people’s travel behavior may change substantially in comparison with normal condition. If people’s travel behavior can be predicted after an earthquake, then authorities can manage travels for emergency medical services in a more efficient way, so the casualties are profoundly diminished. To collect a formation, a questionnaire about socio-economic characteristics of people and their post-earthquake travel behavior was designed. According to the obtained results, time of occurrence and severity of the earthquake are of the utmost importance. So if the earthquake occurs...
The Effects of Regulatory on Activities of Transportation Companies
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
The growth of road freight transport in recent years, in addition to positive effects, has also left negative externalities. Part of the negative effects such as environmental pollution and damage to infrastructure is exacerbated by the lack of capable transport companies and the low productivity of transportation systems. The government intervenes through regulatory scenarios such as restrictions and tolls to reduce the negative effects on the road transport market. But which scenario is more effective in improving the productivity of the current transportation structure and what will be the consequences? This paper introduces an agent-based micro-simulation to model domestic trucking...
A Simultaneous Approach for Activity Type and Activity Duration of Disabled People
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Daily activity patterns that include type and duration of activities are modeled simultaneously in MDCEV models. Conventionally, however, a diverse range of econometric models are used to sequentially model the decisions. Focusing on the disabled individuals, we aimed at comparing the prediction power of the two methods. A three level Nested Logit along with a Hazard model represent the sequential approach, the performance of which is compared to the MDCEV method. A random forest model is applied during the activity type prediction by MDCEV model. With considering 6.35 percent error in random forest model, the results confirmed that simultaneous approach improves activity type prediction by...
Investigating Effects of Urban Freight Companies' Scale on their Transport Efficiency and Developing a Tool for Integration of Freight Companies
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor) ; Kermanshah, Amir Hassan (Supervisor)
In this research, a dashboard has been developed to support decision-making in the integration of freight companies. Freight companies usually consist of a limited number of vehicles due to the high cost of vehicles, while the fixed costs of a freight company constitute a significant part of that company's total cost. Therefore, if these companies are merged, their total cost will be substantially decreased. Moreover, under particular demand levels, the integration of freight companies reduces the mileage, travel time, and the number of required cars. Therefore, the integration of freight companies not only reduces fixed costs but also reduces other costs including greenhouse gas costs by...
Data Recovery Analysis of Real-Time Sensor Networks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jahangir, Amir Hossein (Supervisor)
There are several applications of wireless sensor networks wherein the data collected by the sensors in the network are critical and hence have to be reliably transported to the sink, example of such applications are fire detection in a forest or controlling vibration on body of dam. Reliable communication in wireless sensor networks is hard to achieve efficiently using methods in conventional systems like Internet. End-to-end retransmission is inefficient, or in some cases impossible. It is well-known that Reed-Solomon codes may be used to provide error correction for multiple failures in RAID-like systems. To the coding theorists, this technique is a straight forward extension to a basic...
Driving Behavior Estimation with Smartphone Data
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
Identifying driving behaviors and building an efficient and accurate driving behavior recognition model is of paramount importance for improving driving safety. Nowadays, with the ubiquity of smartphone sensors, many researchers are using smartphone sensory data to create models which forecast driving behaviors. This research introduces a logit model that predicts nine types of driving events using accelerometer and gyroscope sensors with an accuracy of 76 percent