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    Using Game Theory in Topology Control of Wireless Mobile Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asgarieh, Yashar (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Motivated by the fact of lack of infra-structure in multi-hop wireless networks, there is a controversial issue of assurance in protocols execution. Due to dynamic structure of these networks, local information should be considered for implementing related algorithms implementation. Selecting logical neighbors, named topology control, is one of these algorithms which have to take sanctity of the execution into consideration. To cope with these issues it can be beneficial to explore algorithm design problem in view of independent and rational agents. In other words, in investigating topology control algorithms in the presence of independent nodes, several contradictory problems were observed... 

    Evaluation of Performance and Power Consumption of the Task Migration Schemes in the Mesh NoC

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Goodarzi, Bahareh (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    With the advance of the semiconductor technology, it has been feasible now to fabricate high performance multiprocessor systems-on-chips, containing tens and in the near future hundreds of processing cores. Meanwhile, the diminished technology feature size and high power consumption limit in using previous communication structures such as shared buses. Networks-on-Chip (NoC) have been introduced to obviate these constraints by providing high modularity, scalability and inherent parallelism. Design of these interconnect structures includes multiple tradeoffs between delays, throughput, energy consumption and silicon area requirements. So far, many mechanisms have been proposed to improve the... 

    A Spatial Locality-based Block Replacement Algoritghm in Cache Memories

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ardalani, Newsha (Author) ; Sarbazi-Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    From the programmer’s point of view, main memory allocation to a program is contigious, however this is non-contigious and the program is scattered in physical memory here and there. Assuming main memory partitioned into regions, each program accesses in its life time different regions which are not necessariliy close and occupy different percentages of the cache capacity. Considering what the replacement policy is chosen, the cache would be partitioned differently among regions, e.g., the commonly used LRU policy partitions the cache among regions on a demand basis, giving the more cache resource to regions whose miss ratio is higher, which is not necessarily optimal. In this thesis, we... 

    Performance Evaluation of Recovery Based Routing Algorithms in Irregular Mesh NoCs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseingholi, Mahdieh (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Heterogeneity is one of the challenges in the current NoC (Network-on-Chip) domain which oblige designers to consider less regular topologies to provide the best cost-performance trade-off while minimizing resource and power consumption and providing the maximum flexibility. Irregular mesh is a topology which combines the benefits of regularity and advantage of irregularity. Another important issue in any NoC is the selection of routing algorithm which provides the best performance. Routing algorithms especially those coupled with wormhole switching should deal with deadlock occurrences. Deadlock detection and recovery-based routing schemes for this type of switching gained attraction since... 

    Performance Evaluation of Routing Algorithms in NoCs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Niknam, Kimia (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    The increasing complexity of integrated circuits drives the research of new on chip interconnection architectures. Network On Chip (NoCs) are a candidate architecture to be used in future systems, due to its increased performance, reusability and scalability. A NoC is a set of interconnected switches, with IP cores connected to these switches. Different routing algorithms have been proposed for NoCs such as XY deterministic algorithm, and WF (West First), NL (North Last) and NF (Negative First) as partially adaptive algorithms. OE (Odd Even) is not based on adding virtual channels to network topologies. Unlike previous methods, which rely on prohibiting certain turns in order to achieve... 

    Investigation of the Effecct of Mobility on the Performance of Infrastructure-less Wireless Networks

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Nayebi, Abbas (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    One of the most important factors in using wireless networks is to enable the nodes to move. Thus, it is crucial to a wireless network designer or analyst to investigate the effect of mobility of the nodes on the performance of mobile wireless networks. This problem is considered here in a systematic approach. The general approach proposed is the intermediate performance modeling. After introducing the theoretical framework, link statistics is used as intermediate performance measures and the rest of the work is conducted in two lines. We first show that such measures can be obtained analytically or by experiments and then use them to obtain analytical results about different protocols. For... 

    Analysis of Router Architecture on Efficiency and Power Consumption of NoCs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Najjari, Noushin (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Networks on Chip have been proposed as a solution to mitigate complex on-chip communication problems. NoCs are composed of IP cores (or processing elements) which are interconnected by on-chip switching fabrics. A step in the design process of NoCs is hardware virtualization which is mapping the IP cores on to the tiles of chips. The communication among the IP cores greatly affects the performance and power consumption of NoCs which itself is deeply related to the placement of IPs on to the tiles of the network. Different mapping algorithms have been proposed for Network on Chips which allocate a set of Intellectual Properties (IPs) to determined network topologies. In these mapping... 

    Design and Evaluation of an NOC Supporting Simultaneous Execution of Multiple Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sahhaf, Sahel (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    In this project we present a method to support execution of multiple applications on an NoC simultaneously. To this end we are going to use resource sharing methods, especially Spacial Division Multiplexing (SDM). In this work we first present a mapping algorithm to map the nodes of a compound graph (a graph that is composed of all the task graphs that are supposed to work simultaneously) in to mesh nodes. We also present an architecture to support SDM. After that we present a routing and resource allocation algorithm to find a circuit for each communication flow in the task graph. Our results show that the proposed mapping algorithm reduces the average packet latency compared to NMAP... 

    Improving the Performance and Power Consumption of on-Chip Network Using Hybrid Switching

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Teimouri, Nasibeh (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Switching as one of important characteristics of on-chip network affects on power consumption and performance. In general there are two switching methods as circuit-switching and packet-switching. Hybrid switching includes both switching to have both resource utilization and scalability of packet switching and low power consumption and improved latency of circuit switching. Also topology is another network attribute that greatly affects the power, performance, cost, and design time/effort of NoCs. In this thesis, we propose a novel NoC architecture which holds both fixed connections between adjacent nodes and long connections virtually connecting non-adjacent nodes. Our proposed NoC... 

    A High-Performance and Low-Power Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip Architecture

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Modarressi, Mehdi (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a promising on-chip communication paradigm which targets the scalability and predictability problems of the traditional on-chip mechanisms. However, it has been shown that, in future technologies (especially 22 nm technology), the power consumption of the current NoCs is about 10 times higher than the power budget can be devoted to them. Application-specific optimization is one of the most effective approaches to bridge the exiting gap between the current and the ideal NoC power consumptions. However, almost all existing application-specific customization methods try to customize NoCs for... 

    Using Task Migration for Reducing On-Chip Communication Delay and Power Consumption in 3D NoCs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yaghoubi, Hossein (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    General-purpose Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) are used to run a wide range of applications. Task-to-network mapping is one of the best NoC optimization methods which highly affects the NoC power and performance metrics. However, this kind of optimization can be applied
    only when the input application and its traffic pattern is known in advance and is described by a communication task-graph. However, for some applications, such as multimedia and network applications, the communication task graph is not known in advance. Hence, we cannot achieve an optimum task mapping by using the existing mapping algorithms. In this thesis, we aim to address this problem by proposing a distributed run-time... 

    Improving Performance and Power Consumption of Optical CMPs Using Inter-core Communication Prediction

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghane, Millad (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Studying data flows in conventional applications of Multi-Processor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) denotes that most of these flows are the ones that transfer huge volume of data in inter-core communications. Previous works try to present architecture for interconnection network which some paths with low power and latency are reserved (statically or dynamically). However all of the presented methods are based on subnetworks or mechanism of transferring control messages (to establish a path and tear it down after transmission of data). Optical connections with low cost, low power and high bandwidth are good candidates to reduce power consumption of Network-on-Chips (NoCs). Therefore, using optical... 

    Performance Evaluation of Wireless Network-on-Chips

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Arabi, Fatemeh (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    On-chip communication infrastructure in chip multiprocessors with large number of processing cores has to be scalable, consumes low power, and provides high bandwidth for hundrededs or even thousands of processing cores. In this project, to this end, the applicability of wireless network technology for on-chip communications in systems with hundreds or thousands of processing elements is investigated. We have combined wired networks (for communication between elements that are close) and wireless networks (for transmition of high volume data flows between cores that are far from each other); so different data flows achive the required bandwidth and point to point delay is reduced. Also, a... 

    A New Data Gathering Technique in Delay Tolarant Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zolghadr, Mahdi (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Delay Tolerant Networks are a variation of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, in which low density of nodes in the network area results in global disconnectivity among the nodes. In these networks, communication of data throughout the networks takes place by the means of mobility; nodes store data packets and carry them around the network and forward them to other nodes they encounter along the way. In these situations, a proper selection of data to be exchanged between nodes has a great impact on the quality of data distribution in the whole networks. There is a common assumption among most of the techniques presented in category of Delay Tolerant Networks. They assume the probability of more than two... 

    Segmented Reconfigurable Bus for SoCs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahidi, Narges (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Advance in VLSI integration level has realized multi-core system-on-chip. For inter-IP communication on-chip network is proposed as a substitute for simple interconnects such as bus fabrics and expensive point-to-point links. Although onchip networks have some superiorities over simple interconnects, but they need more of real estate resource. Although buses are not scalable, they are still popular for their simple communication mechanism. There are so many proposed mechanisms to make buses more scalable and more popular. Most of them try to change bus structure by segmenting and using reconfigurable methods. In this thesis, we explore buses delay by considering the number of component in a... 

    A Topology Configuration algorithm for a Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mehrvarzy, Pooyan (Author) ; Sarbazi-Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Project in brief: reconfiguring the network according to application which has been run on the network is one of the ways to improve using resources in the network-on-chip. There is a hierarchical cluster based NOC. In this network, nodes are going to partition into clusters. Every cluster’s node can have its own configuration and the configuration of inside of each cluster is unchangeable however the relationship between clusters is configurable. This ability is made by some switches which are located between clusters and they can change the way that clusters are related. The number of nodes which is inside the cluster are cluster size and the number of switches between two adjacent... 

    Exploring Emerging Memory Technologies and 3D Die-stacking for Power/Thermal-friendly Fast-memory Architectures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jalili, Majid (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    As feature size of transistors in deep sub-micron technologies decreases, serious problems emerge in term of scalability, power consumption and memory access latency. A new approach to mitigate these drawbacks is to use non-volatile memory as probable alternative. Among different alternatives, Phase Change Memories (PCMs) are more likely to be used in place of conventional memories. Since fabricating PCM with 2D fashion design is a high-cost process, 3D integration is known as a good candidate solution according to its fabrication process flexibility. In 3D ICs, the increase in power density leads to elevated on-chip temperature that results in large reduction of read and write power... 

    Application of Non-Volatile Memory Technogoies in Memory Hierarchy of CMPs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jadidi, Amin (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    In this paper, we propose a run-time strategy for managing writes onto last level cache in chip multiprocessors where STT-RAM memory is used as baseline technology. To this end, we assume that each cache set is decomposed into limited SRAM lines and large number of STT-RAM lines. SRAM lines are target of frequently-written data and rarely-written or read-only ones are pushed into STT-RAM. As a novel contribution, a low-overhead, fully-hardware technique is utilized to detect write-intensive data blocks of working set and place them into SRAM lines while the remaining data blocks are candidates to be remapped onto STT-RAM blocks during system operation. Therefore, the achieved cache... 

    Proposing a Combined BTB and Data Cache Architecture for Modern Processors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Baradaran, Morteza (Author) ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Modern pipelined processors use a memory array named Branch Target Buffer (BTB) to reduce the performance penalty due to conditional braches by predicting path of the branch and keeping useful history-based information for future accesses. Today BTB is a fixed size and small memory array located near the processor. By the way, BTB, in the best case, should be large enough to accommodate all conditional branches throughout the running program. Moreover, small size BTB presents much fast access and is practical on-chip storage for a system with limited power budget.
    Considering role in the memory hierarchy, on the other hand, the system performance is highly correlated to the L1 data cache... 

    A New Hybrid Structure for Peer to Peer Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sane’e, Hamed (Author) ; Sarbazi-Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Peer-to-Peer network has given a great deal of notice in last few years, and a large number of scientific conferences and publications have focused on this issue. Development of P2P networks has been rapidly done as a large fraction of the internet traffic is generated by P2P application in different fields such as content-distribution (iBBC), privacy protection (Tor), file sharing (bit-torrent), real- time communication (Skype), web-based search (YaCy), and so forth. So, the tremendous growth of P2P network escalates the importance of researching in this field. In this thesis, we tried to study different models over P2P networks and use hybrid approach in our design. In general [22],...