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    A Motivational Model for Building Virtual Auction

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sargazi Kousheh, Elham (Author) ; Amini Lari, Mansour (Supervisor) ; Beirjandi, Heshmat ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
    Construction is a large industry in Iran, it engages in a wide range of products. The raw materials which are used in making a building are fairly standard items: iron, cement, glass, and so on. Because the technologies for making a building are well-known, contractor can solicit bids from variety suppliers for raw materials without worrying about the possible disclosure of trade secrets. Unfortunately bidding processing in Iran becomes very slow and inefficient. Each transaction required to request the relevant telephone number to supplier that might be interested in bidding on the item, it would often take purchasing personnel more than one week to gather the information, send it to... 

    Identifying and Rating Indicators for Measuring Iranian Entrepreneurship Ecosystem based on OECD Framework’s Domains with ANDE Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Barati, Amir (Author) ; Yavari, Elham (Supervisor) ; Sharif, Hossein (Co-Advisor)
    “Entrepreneurship ecosystem” is defined as the elements – individuals, organizations or institutions – apart from the individual entrepreneur that are conducive to, or inhibitive of, the choice of a person to become an entrepreneur, or the probabilities of his or her success following launch. Entrepreneurial businesses operate locally or regionally and are therefore subject to local or regional contextual influence. Moreover particularly in larger countries there can exist significant variation in industry structure and economic base across regions, emphasizing the importance of regional focus. Adopting appropriate policies at the regional level need to have a deep and accurate... 

    A Method for Incremental Learning of Stream Data

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Kashani, Elham Sadat (Author) ; Bagheri Shouraki, Saeed (Supervisor)
    Today, the pace of information generation, fast processing and instant decision-making is increasing. In this regard, one of the main needs in the field of data management and processing is stream data processing. Today's world needs new methods to deal with and analyze these data. Two of the most challenging aspects of data streams are (i) concept drift, i.e. evolution of data stream over time, which requires the ability to make timely decisions against the high speed of receiving new data; (ii) limited memory storage and the impracticality of using memory due to the large amount of data. Clustering is one of the common methods for processing data streams, without having basic knowledge... 

    Steganalysis of JPEG Images Using Convolutional Neural Network

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sargazi Moghadam, Mohammad Hadi (Author) ; Ghaemmaghami, Shahrokh (Supervisor)
    Steganalysis is the process of discovering existence of hidden data in a file or image. Recent advances in steganographic methods result in their wide use in secure communications applications. Reports of using information hiding by criminals to send messages, and malwares to communicate to servers, emphasizes importance of steganalysis in real time applications. Due to wide use of JPEG images in social media and internet, steganalysis of JPEG images is a highly active research topic in information hiding. Number of steganographic tools available for steganography in JPEG domain, shows importance of steganalysis of this image format. Classic Steganalysis techniques combine feature... 

    New anti-ARM technique by using random phase and amplitude active decoys

    , Article Progress in Electromagnetics Research ; Volume 87 , 2008 , Pages 297-311 ; 10704698 (ISSN) Emadi, M ; Jafargholi, A ; Sargazi Moghadam, M. H ; Marvasti, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Electromagnetics Academy  2008
    This paper presents a new method to counter Anti Radiation Missile (ARM) threats, which is effective against advanced ARM. By using random phase and amplitude active decoys in the specified optimum positions and network implementation we show that ARM threats will be removed profoundly. Also, iterative methods are presented to cancel the internal interference effects in the proposed structure  

    Optimum supply and threshold voltages and transistor sizing effects on low power SOI circuit design

    , Article APCCAS 2006 - 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 4 December 2006 through 6 December 2006 ; 2006 , Pages 1394-1398 ; 1424403871 (ISBN); 9781424403875 (ISBN) Emadi, M ; Jafargholi, A ; Sargazi Moghadam, H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this work we introduce new model for energy-delay product and the performance of 80-nm SOI-CMOS circuits for the range of Vdd=0.1-1.5V and Vth=0-0.8V, are analyzed to find optimal Vdd and Vth BSIMSOI3.3 model (level 57) is used to verify the answers. We show that Energy-Delay Product (EDP) isn't appropriate metric for gate sizing problem. And a new design metric is introduced as a generalization of EDP. This metric is used to determine the transistor sizing for complex circuits based on the specified delay and energy constrains. In this case, unlike the conventional energy delay product metric, delay and energy can be considered with different emphasis. The complete design flowcharts and... 

    Applying Gamification in Corporate Entrepreneurship Culture, Specially Missionary Organizations; Through SafirFilm Case Study

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jafarian, Hamid Reza (Author) ; Yavari, Elham (Supervisor) ; Banki, Sara ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
    Although existing literature on organizational culture and its change process contains meaningful and rich theories but our studies show that there is no perfect and detailed framework on linking organizational culture change and corporate entrepreneurship culture. In addition to that, Gamification –defined as taking the game design elements into non-game contexts– is a fruitful and academically rich research area. Fortunately an idea proposed recently to explain a method for enhancements in organizational culture in general, and in corporate entrepreneurship culture in particularby Yavari and Jafarian based on using game mechanisms. In their paper "A Gamification-Based Method for Corporate... 

    Bistatic ambiguity function and DOA estimation for PCL radar

    , Article APCCAS 2006 - 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 4 December 2006 through 6 December 2006 ; 2006 , Pages 840-843 ; 1424403871 (ISBN); 9781424403875 (ISBN) Sargazi Moghadam, M. H ; Jafargholi, A ; Emadi, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    in this paper detection and the accuracy of measurement of range, velocity and DOA in PCL radar for optimized parameters is considered. It is shown that, in order to measure the bistatic characteristics of a target, we can process the monostatic ambiguity function and extract the bistatic factors by proposed Algorithm. ©2006 IEEE  

    Simulation and Evaluation of Dosimetric Parameters of 125I Thermobrachytherapy Source with Ferromagnetic Core

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Soleymanpoor, Mohammad (Author) ; Hosseini, Abolfazl (Supervisor) ; Sheibani, Shahab (Supervisor) ; Poorbaygi, Hossein (Co-Supervisor) ; Mohagheghpour, Elham (Co-Supervisor)
    In the method treatment of thermobrachytherapy, the method of this project, simultaneously use of two processes of thermotherapy and brachytherapy is considered, which can be a more effective treatment for the destruction of tumor tissue. In thermotherapy, the temperature of the tissue is artificially raised to a temperature that leads to cell dysfunction resulting in cell death. In brachytherapy, the destruction of defective tissue is done by placing a source in the tissue. In the present project, we supposed to consider both mechanisms simultaneously for treatment at the same time. In this project, radioactive material 125I is used as a source of radiation emission for brachytherapy. In...