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    Vectorial Gaussian beam expansion for high-frequency wave propagation

    , Article IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation ; Volume 4, Issue 12 , 2010 , Pages 2014-2023 ; 17518725 (ISSN) Shabani, M ; Shishegar, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Wide-waisted Gaussian beam (GB) expansion and point matching methods are discussed in this study as promising techniques for the expansion of electromagnetic waves into GBs. These methods combined with the GB tracing method provide an appropriate scheme for wave propagation analysis in large-scale problems. Details of the wide-waisted GB expansion and point matching methods are provided, and their accuracy and validity regions are discussed. A combination of the aforementioned expansion and tracing methods is utilised to analyse a simple outdoor high-frequency wave propagation problem. The results are compared to the results of the well-known ray tracing method, showing good agreement  

    Millimeter wave propagation in a short outdoor link using the vectorial Gaussian beam tracing method

    , Article 2006 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC, Yokohama, 12 December 2006 through 15 December 2006 ; Volume 3 , 2006 , Pages 1851-1854 ; 4902339102 (ISBN); 9784902339109 (ISBN) Shabani, M ; Shishegar, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2006
    The 3D vectorial Gaussian beam tracing method is used to model a short 62.4-GHz link in a simple urban environment. First the Gabor expansion method with a wide-waisted window function is utilized to expand the known far field pattern of the transmitter antenna into a set of Gaussian beams and then these beams are propagated in space until they impinge on a building wall or ground, on which a phase matching method is used to find the reflected Gaussian beams. We will also concisely introduce a new method to consider 3D GB diffraction when incident on a wedge. Overall coverage map shows the dominant effect of shadowing in the millimeter wave band. Received mean signal power in a line of sight... 

    A flat polymeric membrane sensor for carbon dioxide/nitrogen gas mixture

    , Article Chemical Engineering Communications ; Volume 204, Issue 4 , 2017 , Pages 445-452 ; 00986445 (ISSN) Shabani, E ; Mousavi, S. A ; Shojaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Ltd  2017
    A gas sensor was developed to measure the concentration of binary gas mixtures. This sensor works based on the permeability change of different gas mixtures across the polymeric membranes. Although high values of permeability and selectivity are needed for an ideal separation, the performance of this sensor mainly depends on the permeability factor. Polysulfone and silicone rubber were applied as the membrane base and coat, respectively. Moreover, in contrast to existing polymeric sensors that use hollow fibers, the present sensor is made of flat membranes. This new design is cheaper, smaller, and easier to use in comparison to the hollow fiber polymeric sensors. In order to test the sensor... 

    Vectorial Gaussian beam tracing method for millimeter wave propagation modelling in a large scale media

    , Article 2009 Mediterrannean Microwave Symposium, 15 November 2009 through 17 November 2009 ; 2009 ; 9781424446643 (ISBN) Alavi Rad, S ; Naqavi, A ; Shabani, M ; Shishegar, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    We use the 3D vectorial Gaussian beam tracing method to model millimeter wave propagation. We simulate the propagation of Gaussian beams in a large scale environment at 62.4 GHz. First, a known far field pattern of the transmitter antenna is expanded into a set of Gaussian beams. We chose Gabor expansion based method to expanding radiating field into Gaussian beams. Then, a Gaussian beam tracing model considering reflections and transmission is used to represent urban microcell propagation. We use a phase matching method to find reflected Gaussian beam The results of the Gaussian beam tracing simulations including line-of-sight (LOS) and non-Iine-of-sight (NLOS) propagation are compared with... 

    Data-driven approach for evaluation of formation damage during the injection process

    , Article Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology ; Volume 10, Issue 2 , 2020 , Pages 699-710 Shabani, A ; Jahangiri, H. R ; Shahrabadi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2020
    Waterflooding is among the most common oil recovery methods which is implemented in the most of oil-producing countries. The goal of a waterflooding operation is pushing the low-pressure remained oil of reservoir toward the producer wells to enhance the oil recovery factor. One of the important objects of a waterflooding operation management is understanding the quality of connection between the injectors and the producers of the reservoir. Capacitance resistance model (CRM) is a data-driven method which can estimate the production rate of each producer and the connectivity factor between each pair of wells, by history matching of the injection and production data. The estimated connectivity... 

    A coupled geochemical and fluid flow model to simulate permeability decline resulting from scale formation in porous media

    , Article Applied Geochemistry ; Volume 107 , 2019 , Pages 131-141 ; 08832927 (ISSN) Shabani, A ; Kalantariasl, A ; Abbasi, S ; Shahrabadi, A ; Aghaei, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2019
    Scale precipitation due to the mixing of incompatible injected water with formation brine and its subsequent deposition in porous media is an unpleasant phenomenon in water injection projects that can lead to severe injectivity and productivity decline. As a result of the complexity of geochemical reactions, modelling scale precipitation and deposition is a challenge. This paper presents a coupled geochemical and fluid flow model to simulate reactive flow in porous media which models pressure difference increase resulting from scale formation during water injection into porous media. To simulate chemical reactions during scale formation and subsequent rock permeability decline, PHREEQC... 

    Geochemical and hydrodynamic modeling of permeability impairment due to composite scale formation in porous media

    , Article Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering ; Volume 176 , 2019 , Pages 1071-1081 ; 09204105 (ISSN) Shabani, A ; Kalantariasl, A ; Parvazdavani, M ; Abbasi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2019
    Injectivity decline due to mineral scale deposition in near wellbore region of water injection wells is one of the main challenging issues and have been widely reported in the literature. One of the main mechanisms of injectivity loss is incompatibility between injected and formation waters that may result in inorganic scale precipitation and subsequent deposition in porous media. Reliable reactive flow models to predict type and amount of scale along with permeability decline estimation allow planning and risk management of water flood projects. In this paper, we present a coupled geochemical and hydrodynamic model to simulate the scale precipitation and deposition of mineral scales in... 

    Impact of rock mineralogy on reservoir souring: A geochemical modeling study

    , Article Chemical Geology ; Volume 555 , November , 2020 Li, H ; Zhang, L ; Liu, L ; Shabani, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B. V  2020
    The petroleum industry suffers from reservoir souring phenomena, which has negative impacts on production facilities, health, and environment. Injection of incompatible water into the reservoir (waterflooding), which is considered as an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method, is one of the most common causes of reservoir souring. In general, injected brine, especially seawater, contains high amounts of sulfate ion (SO42−). A high concentration of sulfate in the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) leads to the microbial reservoir souring. During this phenomenon, sulfide, specifically hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) appears in the producing fluid of the reservoir. In this paper, a coupled... 

    CO2 storage in carbonate rocks: An experimental and geochemical modeling study

    , Article Journal of Geochemical Exploration ; Volume 234 , 2022 ; 03756742 (ISSN) Wang, J ; Zhao, Y ; An, Z ; Shabani, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2022
    Carbon dioxide storage in geological formations is one of the mature strategies developed for controlling global warming. This paper represents a comprehensive experimental and geochemical modeling study to analyze CO2-brine-rock interactions in a carbonate rock containing calcite and dolomite minerals. PHREEQC geochemical package has been applied for modeling the geochemical reactions in the studied porous media. Firstly, dynamic experiments are performed to calibrate the geochemical model. Then, static experiments are conducted to study the geochemical reactions in the CO2-brine-rock interaction system. This study contributes to analyzing the precipitation-dissolution and ion exchange... 

    Diffusive Holling type-II predator-prey system with harvesting of prey

    , Article Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ; Vol. 410, issue. 1 , 2014 , pp. 469-482 ; ISSN: 0022247X Shabani, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    We study diffusive heterogeneous predator-prey system with Holling type-II functional response in the presence of harvesting in prey equation i.e.{-δu=λu-a(x)u2-buv1+mu-ch(x)in Ω,-δv=μv-v2+duv1+muin Ω,∂νu=∂νv=0on ∂Ω, where Ω is a smooth bounded region in RN and a(x) is a nonnegative continuous function on Ω, with Ω0 a region such that Ω⊂Ω and a(x)>0 on Ω\u03a90. We show that in the case of weak prey growth rate, i.e. λ less than the first eigenvalue of -δ in Ω0, the system has a positive solution for the values of μ in a bounded interval and c>0 sufficiently small. We also investigate the multiplicity of positive solutions in this case. When the prey growth rate is strong, we will show that... 

    Performance analysis and multi-objective optimization of an organic Rankine cycle with binary zeotropic working fluid employing modified artificial bee colony algorithm

    , Article Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ; 2018 ; 13886150 (ISSN) Sadeghi, S ; Maghsoudi, P ; Shabani, B ; Gorgani, H. H ; Shabani, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2018
    From a thermal point of view, zeotropic mixtures are likely to be more efficient than azeotropic fluids in low-temperature power cycles for reduction in exergy destruction occurring during heat absorption/rejection processes due to their suitable boiling characteristics. In this study, comprehensive energetic and exergetic analyses are mathematically performed for an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system employing a potential binary zeotropic working fluid, namely R717/water. For this purpose, initially mass, energy, and exergy balance equations are derived. With regard to the similarity in molar mass of R717 (17.03 g mol−1) and water (18.01 g mol−1), there is no need to alter the size of the... 

    Performance analysis and multi-objective optimization of an organic Rankine cycle with binary zeotropic working fluid employing modified artificial bee colony algorithm

    , Article Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ; Volume 136, Issue 4 , 2019 , Pages 1645-1665 ; 13886150 (ISSN) Sadeghi, S ; Maghsoudi, P ; Shabani, B ; Gorgani, H. H ; Shabani, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2019
    From a thermal point of view, zeotropic mixtures are likely to be more efficient than azeotropic fluids in low-temperature power cycles for reduction in exergy destruction occurring during heat absorption/rejection processes due to their suitable boiling characteristics. In this study, comprehensive energetic and exergetic analyses are mathematically performed for an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system employing a potential binary zeotropic working fluid, namely R717/water. For this purpose, initially mass, energy, and exergy balance equations are derived. With regard to the similarity in molar mass of R717 (17.03 g mol −1 ) and water (18.01 g mol −1 ), there is no need to alter the size of... 

    Effect of carbon nanotube incorporation in polyvinyl alcohol on structure and morphology of derived electrospun carbon nanofibers in presence of iodine and cadmium salt

    , Article Materials Chemistry and Physics ; April , 2014 ; SSN: 02540584 Azami Ghadikolaei, M ; Faghihi-Sani, M. A ; Shabani, K ; Baniasadi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    This research focused on fabrication of various carbon nanofibers (CNFs) from electrospun Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) by utilization of iodine (I2) and cadmium acetate dihydrate (Cd) as stabilizers. Moreover, the influence of carbon nanotube (CNT) incorporation on structure and morphology of CNFs was investigated. In this regard, PVA and PVA-Cd solutions were individually prepared and electrospun. The resulting nanofibers were treated in I2 vapor and then carbonized. In the case of CNT incorporation, oxidized CNTs were first scattered in PVA and PVA-Cd solutions and then electrospun, iodinated and carbonized in the same conditions as mentioned above. It was found that the I2, Cd and their... 

    The enhancement of wear properties of compo-cast A356 composites reinforced with Al2O3 nano particulates

    , Article Tribology in Industry ; Vol. 36, issue. 2 , 2014 , p. 220-227 Rahimipour, M. R ; Tofigh, A. A ; Shabani, M. O ; Davami, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    Aluminum matrix nano composites have become of great interest in the lightweight fields because of their high specific stiffness and high specific strength. Many processing techniques have been developed to manufacture metal matrix nano composites on the commercial scale. Compocasting is a relatively new technology for composite forming, different from the conventional composite shaping technologies that use either solid or liquid metals as the starting material. An investigation is carried out on the influence of applied load, sliding speed, wearing surface hardness, reinforcement fracture toughness and morphology as the critical parameters in relation to the wear regime. In general, EMS... 

    Refined microstructure of compo cast nanocomposites: the performance of combined neuro-computing, fuzzy logic and particle swarm techniques

    , Article Neural Computing and Applications ; 2014 ; ISSN: 09410643 Shabani, M. O ; Rahimipour, M. R ; Tofigh, A. A ; Davami, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    Aluminum metal matrix composites (MMCs) reinforced with nanoceramics are ideal materials for the manufacture of lightweight automotive and other commercial parts. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system combined with particle swarm optimization method is implemented in this research study in order to optimize the parameters in processing of aluminum MMCs. In order to solve the problems associated with poor wettability, agglomeration and gravity segregation of nanoparticles in the melt, a mixture of alumina and aluminum particles was used as the reinforcement instead of raw nanoalumina. Microstructural characterization shows dendritic microstructure for the sand cast and non-dendritic... 

    Solidification of A356 Al alloy: Experimental study and modeling

    , Article Kovove Materialy ; Volume 49, Issue 4 , 2011 , Pages 253-258 ; 0023432X (ISSN) Shabani, M. O ; Mazahery, A ; Bahmani, A ; Davami, P ; Varahram, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    While it is well recognized that microstructure controls the physical and mechanical properties of a material, the complexity of the microstructure often makes it difficult to be simulated by analytical or numerical techniques. In this paper we present a suitable approach to compute microstructures within a casting using the finite element technique. This technique allows implementing microstructure data from experiments and equations that describe microstructure as function of local solidification parameters. The comparison of this model's predictions with the ones in the literature and also experimental measurements of secondary dendrite arm spacing, average length and diameter of silicon... 

    Refined microstructure of compo cast nanocomposites: the performance of combined neuro-computing, fuzzy logic and particle swarm techniques

    , Article Neural Computing and Applications ; Volume 26, Issue 4 , May , 2015 , Pages 899-909 ; 09410643 (ISSN) Ostad Shabani, M ; Rahimipour, M. R ; Tofigh, A. A ; Davami, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer-Verlag London Ltd  2015
    Aluminum metal matrix composites (MMCs) reinforced with nanoceramics are ideal materials for the manufacture of lightweight automotive and other commercial parts. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system combined with particle swarm optimization method is implemented in this research study in order to optimize the parameters in processing of aluminum MMCs. In order to solve the problems associated with poor wettability, agglomeration and gravity segregation of nanoparticles in the melt, a mixture of alumina and aluminum particles was used as the reinforcement instead of raw nanoalumina. Microstructural characterization shows dendritic microstructure for the sand cast and non-dendritic... 

    An iterative scheme for Gaussian beam expansion of electromagnetic waves

    , Article IET Conference Publications, 3 November 2009 through 6 November 2009 ; Volume 2009, Issue 557 CP , 2009 , Pages 316-318 ; 9781849191401 (ISBN) Naqavi, A ; Alavi Rad, S. M ; Shabani, M ; Shishegar, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Point matching technique is applied to a pyramidal horn antenna to expand its aperture field in a wide angular range in terms of Gaussian beams using the Jacobi iterative method. The obtained far field pattern is compared with the results of Gabor's Gaussian beam expansion. Convergence, speed, the impact of initial condition and the selection of sample points is discussed. The implemented point matching scheme is almost as fast and accurate as the Gabor's expansion. It can even be faster and more accurate in some cases especially when the Gaussian beams are neither wide-waisted nor narrow-waisted  

    Tip tracking control of a micro-cantilever Timoshenko beam via piezoelectric actuator

    , Article JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control ; Vol. 19, issue. 10 , 2013 , pp. 1561-1574 ; ISSN: 10775463 Shirazi, M. J ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Shabani, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, the tip tracking control problem of a Timoshenko micro-cantilever beam is investigated. The beam is actuated by a piezoelectric layer laminated on one side of the beam. Dynamic equations of the beam and piezoelectric layer are found using the Hamilton principle. By employing the Galerkin projection method, state space representation of the system is derived. Then, a cascade control loop is used for tracking control of the beam's tip. The cascade control structure consists of an inner loop stabilizer and an outer loop proportional-integral-derivative controller. The stabilizer has a linear feedback form whose states are obtained through a linear observer which is based on the... 

    Tip tracking control of a micro-cantilever Timoshenko beam via piezoelectric actuator

    , Article JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control ; Volume 19, Issue 10 , 2013 , Pages 1561-1574 ; 10775463 (ISSN) Shirazi, M. J ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Shabani, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, the tip tracking control problem of a Timoshenko micro-cantilever beam is investigated. The beam is actuated by a piezoelectric layer laminated on one side of the beam. Dynamic equations of the beam and piezoelectric layer are found using the Hamilton principle. By employing the Galerkin projection method, state space representation of the system is derived. Then, a cascade control loop is used for tracking control of the beam's tip. The cascade control structure consists of an inner loop stabilizer and an outer loop proportional-integral-derivative controller. The stabilizer has a linear feedback form whose states are obtained through a linear observer which is based on the...