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    Estimating liquefaction-induced settlement of shallow foundations by numerical approach

    , Article Computers and Geotechnics ; Volume 37, Issue 3 , April , 2010 , Pages 267-279 ; 0266352X (ISSN) Shahir, H ; Pak, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Occurrence of liquefaction in saturated sand deposits underlying foundation of structure can cause a wide range of structural damages starting from minor settlement, and ending to general failure due to loss of bearing capacity. If the bearing capacity failure is not the problem, reliable estimation of the liquefaction-induced settlement will be of prime importance in assessment of the overall performance of the structure. Currently, there are few procedures with limited application in practice for estimation of settlement of foundations on liquefied ground. Therefore, development of a general relationship is important from the practical viewpoint. In this paper, the dynamic response of... 

    Numerical investigation of the effects of soil densification on the reduction of liquefaction-induced settlement of shallow foundations

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 16, Issue 4 A , 2009 , Pages 331-339 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Shahir, H ; Pak, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    The liquefaction phenomenon is usually accompanied by a large amount of settlement. Based on the observations made in past earthquakes, ground improvement by densification is one of the most useful approaches to reduce the liquefaction-induced settlement. Currently, there is no analytical solution for evaluation of the amount of settlement and tilting of footings that are constructed on densified ground surrounded by liquefiable soil. A number of factors, such as underlying soil properties, dimensions of the footing and earthquake loading characteristics, cause the problem to become complicated. In this paper, the dynamic response of shallow foundations on both liquefiable and... 

    Designing a Native Collaboration Environment Based on Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Managing Public Construction Projects in the Country

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahir, Hossein (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    The construction industry involves a wide variety of information and models, and has faced numerous challenges over the years, leading to disputes within the industry. In order to increase productivity on a construction project, collaboration and information exchange are crucial among various stakeholders, including owners, architects, engineers, estimators, surveyors, contractors, and others. This study focuses on the design and development of a native collaboration environment based on construction information modeling. The platform's requirements, specifications, and capabilities were scientifically determined through a literature review, examining collaboration environments in different... 

    Using Design Patterns for Transforming Real-World Models

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yaghoubi Shahir, Hamed (Author) ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
    Software modeling is one of the most important activities in the Software Engineering domain. Models provide an abstract view of the system, thereby facilitating their understandability and resolving the complexities and problems involved. Indeed, models can be considered as a roadmap for achieving the goal of producing software-intensive systems. The aim of real-world modeling is to identify real-world entities, their interactions, and the constituent activities. Real-World Models are tangible to all stakeholders and provide them with an overall view of the Problem Domain. Therefore, many software development methodologies are based on modeling the real world. In some of these... 

    A performance-based approach for design of ground densification to mitigate liquefaction

    , Article Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ; Volume 90 , 2016 , Pages 381-394 ; 02677261 (ISSN) Shahir, H ; Pak, A ; Ayoubi, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2016
    In performance-based geotechnical earthquake engineering, the required degree and spatial extent of ground densification for mitigation of liquefaction beneath a structure should be determined based on the acceptable levels of performance of foundation. Currently, there is no solution for evaluation of the amount of settlement and tilt of footings constructed on a densified ground which is surrounded by a liquefiable soil. This implies the need for numerical procedures for simulation of seismic behavior of shallow foundations supported on both liquefiable and densified subsoil. In this paper, the dynamic response of shallow foundations on a densified ground is studied using a 3D fully... 

    Numerical study of the coupled hydro-mechanical effects in dynamic compaction of saturated granular soils

    , Article Computers and Geotechnics ; Volume 37, Issue 1-2 , 2010 , Pages 10-24 ; 0266352X (ISSN) Ghassemi, A ; Pak, A ; Shahir, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Dynamic compaction is a widely used method for improvement of loose granular deposits. Its applicability in saturated layers generally considered to be less effective because of the fact that part of the applied energy is absorbed by pore water. Up to now the majority of numerical simulations have focused on the analysis of dynamic compaction in dry/moist soils. In this paper, a fully coupled hydro-mechanical finite element code has been developed and employed to evaluate the dynamic compaction effects on saturated granular soils. After verification of the results by comparing the numerical results with those measured in a real field case of DC treatment in a highway, some sensitivity... 

    Validity of menard relation in dynamic compaction operations

    , Article Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement ; Volume 162, Issue 1 , 2009 , Pages 37-45 ; 17550750 (ISSN) Ghassemi, A ; Pak, A ; Shahir, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Dynamic compaction (DC) is a common soil improvement technique, used extensively worldwide. DC treatment design is usually based upon empirical relations and past experience. The common problem with all empirical relations is oversimplification of the mechanisms, and the use of parameters that are highly dependent on engineering judgement. In this paper, a developed finite-element code is used for modelling the impact behaviour of dry and moist sandy soil. The code is verified against the results of centrifuge tests. Then the validity of the popular Menard empirical relation for determination of improvement depth in DC design is investigated. The effect of initial relative density, tamper... 

    A numerical tool for design of dynamic compaction treatment in dry and moist sands

    , Article Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B: Engineering ; Volume 33, Issue 4 , 2009 , Pages 313-326 ; 10286284 (ISSN) Ghassemi, A ; Pak, A ; Shahir, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Dynamic compaction (DC) is a popular soil improvement method that is extensively used worldwide. DC treatment design is usually carried out based on past experiences and empirical relations. To establish a rational design approach, all important factors affecting the DC process should be taken into account. In this paper, a finite element code is developed for modeling the impact behavior of dry and moist granular soils. The code is verified with the results of some centrifuge tests. Several analyses were conducted in order to study the effects of energy/momentum per drop, tamper base radius, and number of drops on compaction degree, compacted depth, and extension of the improved zone in the... 

    Evaluation of variable permeability model in simulation of seismic behavior of uniform level and gently sloping sand layers

    , Article Earth Sciences Research Journal ; Volume 24, Issue 3 , 2020 , Pages 328-336 Ghassemi, A ; Seyfi, S ; Shahir, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Universidad Nacional de Colombia  2020
    In this study, a fully coupled dynamic finite element model was employed for numerical simulation of the response of level to gently sloping saturated sand layers subjected to cyclic loading. This model utilized a critical state two-surface-plasticity constitutive model to simulate the cyclic behavior of sandy soil. Moreover, a recently proposed variable permeability function was implemented in the numerical model to reflect the effects of soil permeability variations during the liquefaction phenomenon. The numerical model was validated by simulating a number of well-documented geotechnical centrifuge tests with different relative density of sand, base acceleration time history, and surface... 

    Using design patterns for refactoring real-world models

    , Article Conference Proceedings of the EUROMICRO, 27 August 2009 through 29 August 2009 ; 2009 , Pages 436-441 ; 10896503 (ISSN) ; 9780769537849 (ISBN) Yaghoubi Shahir, H ; Kouroshfar, E ; Ramsin, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Many software development methodologies are based on modeling the real world. In some of these methodologies, real-world models are gradually transformed into software models, while in others, the real world is only considered as a preliminary source of insight into the physical business domain. Real-world modeling was pushed to the sidelines due to anomalies in real-world modeling approaches; however, with the advent of the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA), real-world conceptual modeling is likely to regain its importance. We propose a method for using Design Patterns in the context of model transformation, where real-world models are refactored through application of these patterns.... 

    Process patterns for component-based software development

    , Article 12th International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering, CBSE 2009, East Stroudsburg, PA, 24 June 2009 through 26 June 2009 ; Volume 5582 LNCS , 2009 , Pages 54-68 ; 03029743 (ISSN); 3642024130 (ISBN); 9783642024139 (ISBN) Kouroshfar, E ; Yaghoubi Shahir, H ; Ramsin, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Component-Based Development (CBD) has been broadly used in software development, as it enhances reusability and flexibility, and reduces the costs and risks involved in systems development. It has therefore spawned many widely-used approaches, such as Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) and software product lines. On the other hand, in order to gain a competitive edge, organizations need to define custom processes tailored to fit their specific development requirements. This has led to the emergence of process patterns and Method Engineering approaches. We propose a set of process patterns commonly encountered in component-based development methodologies. Seven prominent component-based... 

    Improvement strategies for Agile processes: A SWOT analysis approach

    , Article 6th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications, SERA 2008, Prague, 20 August 2008 through 22 August 2008 ; 2008 , Pages 221-228 ; 9780769533025 (ISBN) Yaghoubi Shahir, H ; Daneshpajouh, S ; Ramsin, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Agile software development methodologies have been greeted with enthusiasm by many software developers, yet their widespread adoption has also resulted in closer examination of their strengths and weaknesses. While analyses and evaluations abound, the need still remains for an objective and systematic appraisal of Agile processes specifically aimed at defining strategies for their improvement. We provide a review of the strengths and weaknesses identified in Agile processes, based on which a Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis of the processes is performed. We suggest this type of analysis as a useful tool for highlighting and addressing the problem issues in Agile... 

    Evaluation of variation of permeability in liquefiable soil under earthquake loading

    , Article Computers and Geotechnics ; Volume 40 , 2012 , Pages 74-88 ; 0266352X (ISSN) Shahir, H ; Pak, A ; Taiebat, M ; Jeremić, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Liquefaction phenomenon is usually accompanied by large amounts of settlement owing to disruption of soil structure. In addition to that, large settlement also occurs by a significant increase in soil permeability during seismic excitation. To properly simulate the post-liquefaction settlement, it is important to take the compressibility properties of the liquefied sand as well as the permeability increase into account. Using initial permeability coefficient in the course of simulation of liquefaction leads to underestimation of settlement. In addition to that, using unrealistic values for permeability may cause erroneous predictions of other aspects of soil behavior. Therefore, an accurate... 

    Advances in heuristic signal processing and applications

    , Book ; Chatterjee, Amitava ; Nobahari, Hadi ; Siarry, Patrick
    Springer  2013
    There have been significant developments in the design and application of algorithms for both one-dimensional signal processing and multidimensional signal processing, namely image and video processing, with the recent focus changing from a step-by-step procedure of designing the algorithm first and following up with in-depth analysis and performance improvement to instead applying heuristic-based methods to solve signal-processing problems. In this book the contributing authors demonstrate both general-purpose algorithms and those aimed at solving specialized application problems, with a special emphasis on heuristic iterative optimization methods employing modern evolutionary and swarm... 

    Assessment of Effectivness of Compaction Improvement for Liquefaction Mitigation of Saturated Sand Deposits Based on Performance Levels of Shallow Foundations

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Shahir, Hadi (Author) ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor) ; Ghannad, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    Settlement and tilt of structures due to liquefaction of subsoil layers is a major cause of damage during earthquake. One of the main approaches to reduce terrible effects of liquefaction on shallow foundations is ground improvement. Among the variety of ground improvement methods, the densification-based methods have been more paid attention for liquefaction mitigation. For liquefaction hazard mitigation using densification methods, three basic values should be determined i.e. depth, lateral extent, and degree of improvement (percent increase in Dr). In the current design practice, the need for ground improvement is usually decided based on the semi-empirical methods for assessment of... 

    Parallel Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization of a Guided Flying Vehicle

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Darabi, Davoud (Author) ; Nobahari, Hadi (Supervisor)
    Multi-disciplinary design optimization (MDO) of a surface to air flying vehicle has been done in this research, on the basis of flight simulation. The MDO problem have five disciplines consists of aerodynamic, propulsion, guidance, control, and fire control. Multiple campaign scenarios are defined. The MDO problem has 31 design variables and two objective functions. The objective functions are flying vehicle weight and miss distance. A new meta-heuristic algorithm has been designed to solve multi-objective optimization problems. The new algorithm has been called Multi-objective Adaptive Real-coded Memetic Algorithm (MARCOMA). The MARCOMA can solve large-scale and multi-objective problems and... 

    Synthesis and Characterization of PVDF Magnetic Nanocomposite

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hadi, Mina (Author) ; Forounchi, Massoud (Supervisor)
    PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) magnetic nanocomposite films were prepared by solution casting using two types of nanomagnetic particles: (i) magnetic nanoparticles synthesized by using an alkaline solution of mixed ferrous/ferric salts along with oleic acid as a coating agent at 70˚C; (ii) Fe3O4 nanoparticles prepared by hydrolysis of aqueous solution of ferrous/ferric salts with potassium hydroxide at room temprature. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the PVDF magnetic nanocomposite had a porous structure with Fe3O4 nanoparticles dispersed inside the porous polymer matrix. The presence of crystalline magnetite within the polymer matrix was confirmed by X-Ray diffraction method... 

    Optimal Design and Real-time Implementation of a Cooperative Guidance Algorithm against a Flying Vehicle

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Motie, Mahyar (Author) ; Nobahari, Hadi (Supervisor)
    A cooperative aerial system to defense a Ground Station (GS), against an Incoming aerial Targets (IT) is presented. GS is surrounded by given terrains and a group of homogenous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are employed using a novel online guidance algorithm in a decentralized manner. The proposed algorithm includes loiter, midcourse and terminal phases. During loiter; UAVs follow an optimal circular path. IT is supposed to approach GS along an optimal low altitude trajectory with respect to the terrains. UAVs are informed the initial position and velocity of IT and they are unaware of IT trajectory. Each UAV decides on whether to engage with IT or not, and shares its decision with other... 

    Development of an Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Surrogate Models to be used in Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization of a Flying Vehicle

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghoreishi, Mohaddeseh (Author) ; Nobahari, Hadi (Supervisor)
    In this research, multi-disciplinary design optimization (MDO) of a flying vehicle has been done based on the flight simulation. A meta-heuristic algorithm called Multi-objective Adaptive Real-coded Memetic Algorithm (MARCOMA) has been used for optimization. Since solving a MDO problem is a time consuming process, a RBF neural network has been used in the optimization algorithm as a surrogate model. The new algorithm, called MARCOMA+NN, has been tested with some standard benchmarks. MDO problem has six disciplines consists structure, aerodynamic, propulsion, guidance, control, and fire control. The MDO problem has 31 design variables and two objective functions. The objective functions are... 

    Cooperative Search and Localization of Aerial Targets, Using a Group of Fixed Wing UAVs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology pourhaji, Amir (Author) ; Nobahari, Hadi (Supervisor)
    Topic that is investigated in this article include identify and localization a number of aerial target penetrating into a protected by area by a swarm of UAVs is fixed wing. UAVs do not have any prior notice of positioning targets. In addition, it is assumed that lacks any radiation exploitable targets and thus use UAVs for Targets Detection from an active radar system. Obviously this article focus on developing a guidance algorithm UAVs to this particular issue and also as the targets participatory is localization algorithm. In addition, extraction type and performance characteristics radar system required and also performance characteristics of the class of UAVs, which is suitable to...