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    Sustainable-Resilient Supplier Selection Through Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approaches

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Varchandi, Sahar (Author) ; Akbari Jokar, Mohammad Resa (Supervisor) ; Memari, Ashkan (Co-Supervisor)
    Today, with the expansion of business relations at international levels, there are many organizations that operate in global supply chains. Activities at such levels face new types of challenges in various fields of "supply chain management" pillars, of which "supplier selection" is one of them. The possibility of unexpected events, the need to comply with environmental protection laws, as well as the need to take into account social considerations, are among the things that have increased by being in larger supply chains, making it challenging to provide the basic resources needed in such chains and forcing their managers to considering considerations other than what they have always... 

    Modification of Gd-DTPA Contrast Agent for Targeted Drug Delivery be Nano Delivery

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahmanesh, Ashkan (Author) ; Hamid Reza, Maddah Hosseini (Supervisor) ; Amo Abedini, Ghasem (Supervisor)
    One of the most useful method in medical imaging is Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Gadolinium base contrast agents used to improve images contrast made by MRI. There are some problems with using these drugs, such as toxicity and lack of targeting. In this research, Silicon nanoparticles were produced by a new fashion of removing template method. Particle size was scanned by Dynamic light scattering (DLS), mesoporous structure was investigated by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), and amine functionalization was recognized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR). Functionality was determined by evaluation of signal and relaxation of nanoparticles.T1 was defined by a 1.5 tesla power MRI device. The...