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    Conformational Substates of Wild Type and Mutant (V68N) Myoglobin-CO

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shams, Hengameh (Author) ; Ejtehadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    Folded protein experience several conformational substates. Each substate reperesents a minimum in the free energy surface of the system. Since Myoglobin is the smallest protein that can reversibly bind to gas molecules and, it can be used as prototype for more complex systems.IR pecrtum of CO inside of myolgobin shows that distinct conformational substates can occur. It was shown that Histidine residue inside heme pocket plays an essential rolle in structural properties of substates. In this study, we used molecular dynamice simulation together with umbrella sampling method to obtain free energy profile of MbCO system. The configuration of distal Histidine (His64), CO and Heme is studied... 

    Properties Evaluation of Self-Consolidating Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nourbakhsh, Ali (Author) ; Jahanshahi, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Shams, Mohammad Reza (Co-Advisor)
    The Self-Consolidating (Compacting) Concrete (SCC) is a high performance concrete. Due to preventing it from segregation, SCC is known by its need to higher dosage of super plasticizer and viscose modifying agents. This increases the cost and reduces the popularity of SCC in construction industry. In this thesis, the production of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) from a controlled burning process using a special designed furnace, and cement replacement feasibility in the concrete mixture by low cost RHA, as an active pozzulanic additive have been investigated. Finding an appropriate ratio of replacement with cement for RHA and further effects on mechanical properties of SCC have been evaluated. The... 

    Investigation and Simulation of near Wellbore Damage Effect on Reservoir Fluid Flow

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shams, Mosayeb (Author) ; Jamshidi, Saeed (Supervisor) ; Pishvaei, Mahmood Reza (Co-Advisor)
    Many petroleum engineering operations, such as drilling, well completions, and workover, may cause an alteration in the properties of hydrocarbon-bearing formations, including porosity and permeability. Solid and fluid influx into the reservoir in an overbalanced pressure condition can cause permeability reduction from formation damage in the invaded zone. While the solid invasion is limited to a few inches away from the wellbore, the fluids will invade significantly deeper into the formation. Therefore, the invasion of fluids may be considered as the primary mechanism that causes the near-wellbore damage. Correct quantification of the damage is an important component for predicting well... 

    Corrosion Resistance of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete Using Cellulose and Carbon Fiber Materials in Persian Gulf Water

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Gharaei, Pedram (Author) ; Zabihollah, Abolghasem (Supervisor) ; Shams, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    Corrosion study of the reinforced concrete is one of the most commonly investigation for the construction in civil engineering. The corrosion of embedded steel for the structures in the marine area like the Persian Gulf Sea Water needed considerable attentions. Presence of chlorides and decrease of pH in pores reinforcement depth of concrete is a serious problem. Research the corrosion rate in reinforced concrete system using fibers with a rebar is investigated. Cellulose and Carbon fiber materials are used as inhibitors. The addition of small quantities of these materials into the concrete mixture, will change the concrete permeability and the corrosion resistance rate. Tests demonstrate... 

    Seismic Design of Substation Structures with Consideration of IEEE-693

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shams, Mohammad (Author) ; Mofid, Massoud (Supervisor)
    The Reliability of substation structures with consideration of earthquake uncertainties is one of the most important subjects in structural analysis in recent years. In this project we first introduce IEEE-693-2005, which is the most effective and comprehensive seismic design code for electronic substations. Also in second chapter the rudimentary aspects of Reliability Theory and methods for evaluating the reliability of substation structures is introduced. Then with modeling the most common and most important electronic substation devices in Iran, with consideration of all seismic parameters and their uncertainties, the reliability of these structures evaluated. In this project for... 

    Scheduling on Parallel Machines with Preemption and Transportation Delays using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-Based Algorithm

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shams, Hesam (Author) ; Shadrokh, Shahram (Supervisor)
    This research deals with the problem of scheduling independent preemptive jobs on identical parallel machines, to minimize the total completion time (makespan). The transportation of an interrupted job from a machine to another machine requires considering a constant transportation delay i.e., Pm|prmp(delay)| Cmax. This delay is called transportation delay. We propose a Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation for the research problem in case of two machines i.e., P2|prmp(delay)| Cmax. Since the research problem is shown to be NP-hard, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is applied to solve the problem approximately. Based on the frequency of using local search procedure, three... 

    Speaker Adaptation in Eigen Voice Space for Statistical Parametric Speech Syntheis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shams, Boshra (Author) ; Sameti, Hossein (Supervisor)
    Recently various speaker adaptation methods in HMM-based speech synthesis are proposed. The importance of adaptation techniques is that we can design a system in which speech is generated with high quality and target speaker characteristics through limited adaptation data sets.
    In this research, we focus on adaptation based on clustering and develop a new and novel method using eigenvoices in order to adapt a new speaker. We employ this approach for the first time in HSMM-based speech synthesis systems and its goal is to reduce the parameters and adaptation data of the system. In our proposed method, first some speaker dependent models are trained. For each model we combine the... 

    Parallel machine scheduling problem with preemptive jobs and transportation delay

    , Article Computers and Operations Research ; Vol. 50, issue , Oct , 2014 , p. 14-23 Shams, H ; Salmasi, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this research the parallel machine scheduling problem with preemption by considering a constant transportation delay for migrated jobs and minimization of makespan as the criterion i.e., Pm|pmtn(delay)|Cmax is investigated. It is assumed that when a preempted job resumes on another machine, it is required a delay between the processing time of the job on these two machines. This delay is called transportation delay. We criticize an existing mathematical model for the research problem in the literature [Boudhar M, Haned A. Preemptive scheduling in the presence of transportation times. Computers & Operations Research 2009; 36(8):2387-93]. Then, we prove that there exists an optimal schedule... 

    A Simulation for Better Understanding of Integrin Clustering and Activation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shams, Shahab (Author) ; Motahhari, Abolfazl (Supervisor)
    Today, computer simulations are employed prevalently by researchers to understand biological processes. The tendency to use computational methods has been increased recently due to the high costs and errors of experimental methods. Integrins are membrane proteins that mechanically attach cells to the extra cellular matrix (ECM) and derive some behaviors such as cell migration. Moreover, integrins have biochemical functions. They transduce environment signals and trigger chemical pathways. As a result, integrins regulate cell shape, motility, etc. The investigation of integrin behavior in a real environment is very difficult due to the presence of many other proteins that interfere with the... 

    Experimental study of two-phase oil – Polymer flow in horizontal flow path

    , Article Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science ; Volume 100 , 2019 , Pages 62-75 ; 08941777 (ISSN) Shams, R ; Shad, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2019
    Two-phase flow inside the oil and gas wells and flow path lines is a usual occurrence in petroleum and petrochemical studies. Due to its complexity, flow transfer parameters such as hold up and pressure drop and their dependency on the flow regime maps are not well understood yet. This study is aimed at analyzing holdup for oil- water system and evaluation of this parameter by means of Image processing under different available flow regime conditions. In addition, different oil-polymer systems have been studied to evaluate the impact of polymer concentration on transport criteria. The experimental setup used for this study is consisted of a 12 m long Plexiglas pipe with an inner diameter of... 

    Experimental study of two-phase oil – Polymer flow in horizontal flow path

    , Article Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science ; Volume 100 , 2019 , Pages 62-75 ; 08941777 (ISSN) Shams, R ; Shad, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2019
    Two-phase flow inside the oil and gas wells and flow path lines is a usual occurrence in petroleum and petrochemical studies. Due to its complexity, flow transfer parameters such as hold up and pressure drop and their dependency on the flow regime maps are not well understood yet. This study is aimed at analyzing holdup for oil- water system and evaluation of this parameter by means of Image processing under different available flow regime conditions. In addition, different oil-polymer systems have been studied to evaluate the impact of polymer concentration on transport criteria. The experimental setup used for this study is consisted of a 12 m long Plexiglas pipe with an inner diameter of... 

    Experimental investigation of two phase flow in horizontal wells: Flow regime assessment and pressure drop analysis

    , Article Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science ; Volume 88 , 2017 , Pages 55-64 ; 08941777 (ISSN) Shams, R ; Tavakoli, A ; Shad, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2017
    Multiphase flow is fundamental to different fields of engineering and science including petroleum engineering. In oil and gas, flow of multiple phases inside wells is a common phenomenon. In such conditions, petroleum engineers deal with different design and operational difficulties due to complexities involved in flow of multiple phases inside a well. Unlike flow of gas and liquid inside a well, the liquid-liquid flow inside a horizontal well has received rather less attention. This study is aimed at experimentally investigating multiphase flow in a horizontal well by using a 12 m length and 30 mm diameter well made of Plexiglas. Despite the importance of defining pattern transition... 

    Holistic change management: importance and methodological challenges

    , Article 2017 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Conference, TEMSCON 2017, 8 June 2017 through 10 June 2017 ; 2017 , Pages 272-276 ; 9781509011148 (ISBN) Shams, A ; Sharif, H ; Kermanshah, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    various researchers and practitioners have identified a range of problems and deficiencies with existing change-related frameworks, while each framework can include unique valuable elements in its people/process/technology aspects and theoretical foundations. In such a setting, we have adopted a holistic approach through examining an armada of existing frameworks and methodologies. Several decades of combined intercontinental experience of the authors (and much more from their academic/practice network) in the field of change management is culminating in development of a novel overarching framework referred to as Total Change Management (TCM). In the three years course of establishment of... 

    Assessing the effect of inattention-related error and anger in driving on road accidents among Iranian heavy vehicle drivers

    , Article IATSS Research ; 2020 Shams, Z ; Naderi, H ; Nassiri, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2020
    Extensive studies have examined the effect of variables such as demographic characteristics, insomnia, and working conditions of drivers individually on inattention-related error as well as expression of anger in driving. Nevertheless, so far no study has tested the concurrent effect of these factors on crashes. This study has dealt with indirect investigation of the effect of variables including demographic characteristics, insomnia, and working conditions of drivers on inattention-related error and expression of anger in driving (as mediation model). Next, the effect of these two variables on the probability of incidence of road crashes has been assessed among truck drivers. For this... 

    Assessing the effect of inattention-related error and anger in driving on road accidents among Iranian heavy vehicle drivers

    , Article IATSS Research ; Volume 45, Issue 2 , 2021 , Pages 210-217 ; 03861112 (ISSN) Shams, Z ; Naderi, H ; Nassiri, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2021
    Extensive studies have examined the effect of variables such as demographic characteristics, insomnia, and working conditions of drivers individually on inattention-related error as well as expression of anger in driving. Nevertheless, so far no study has tested the concurrent effect of these factors on crashes. This study has dealt with indirect investigation of the effect of variables including demographic characteristics, insomnia, and working conditions of drivers on inattention-related error and expression of anger in driving (as mediation model). Next, the effect of these two variables on the probability of incidence of road crashes has been assessed among truck drivers. For this... 

    Numerical Study of Nonlinear Ship Rolling and Anti-Roll Tank Effect

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shams, Shahab (Author) ; Saif, Mohammad Saeed (Supervisor)
    This thesis investigates nonlinear rolling of ships and effect of anti-rolling tanks. For this purpose numerical method is used. For studying this phenomenon, a program was developed in Simulink module of commercial software, MATLAB and roll motion has been simulated. The program has been developed so it can be used for displacement commercial vessels with a typical hull form and the simulated tank is a U-shape type tank. Simulation is 1-DOF and for rolling in regular waves with different encounter angel except for head sea and following sea. Results are included of roll degree, angular velocity and acceleration of ship and tanks fluid roll, encounter wave moment on ship and moment imposed... 

    Supply Chain Optimization with Perishable Products Through Demand Forecasting by a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shams Shemirani, Sadaf (Author) ; Khedmati, Majid (Supervisor)
    Using an efficient method to manage inventory systems is always a challenging issue in supply chain optimization. In supply chains including perishable goods, it is possible to reduce waste and other costs by identifying uncertain demand patterns and managing inventory levels at different stages of the supply chain. Considering the uncertainty and complex conditions of supply chains in the real world, in order to create a suitable model to express these conditions, various uncertain factors must be considered, each of which affects the supply chain inventory level in some way. In this research, a multi-level perishable supply chain model with uncertain demand, lead time and deterioration... 

    The Present Status of Majorana Neutrin

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shams Es-hagh, Barmak (Author) ; Golshani, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    One of the most simple questions of particle physics, which is still unanswered, is whether neutrino and antineutrino are the same particles or not. The answer to this question has many implications for the physics beyond the Standard Model, supersymmetric theories and unified theories.
    In this thesis we first introduce Majorana fermion, the best candidate for which is neutrino. Then its implications for going beyond the standard Model have been discussed. At present time, the most important experiment which can prove this guess is neutrinoless double beta decay which has been studied in details in this thesis. The study of the theoretical and experimental aspects of neutrinoless double... 

    An efficient method for nonlinear aeroelasticy of slender wings

    , Article Nonlinear Dynamics ; Volume 67, Issue 1 , 2012 , Pages 659-681 ; 0924090X (ISSN) Shams, S ; Sadr, M. H ; Haddadpour, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper aims the nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of slender wings using a nonlinear structural model coupled with the linear unsteady aerodynamic model. High aspect ratio and flexibility are the specific characteristic of this type of wings. Wing flexibility, coupled with long wingspan can lead to large deflections during normal flight operation of an aircraft; therefore, a wing in vertical/forward-afterward/torsional motion using a third-order form of nonlinear general flexible Euler-Bernoulli beam equations is used for structural modeling. Unsteady linear aerodynamic strip theory based on the Wagner function is used for determination of aerodynamic loading on the wing. Combining these... 

    Simulation of rarefied gas flows in MEMS/NEMS using a molecular method

    , Article Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference 2009, FEDSM2009, 2 August 2009 through 6 August 2009 ; Volume 1, Issue PART B , 2009 , Pages 1039-1044 ; 9780791843727 (ISBN) Ghezel Sofloo, H ; Ebrahimi, R ; Shams, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this work, the development of a two-dimensional Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) Program for pressure boundaries using unstructured cells and its applications to typical micro-scale gas flows are described. For the molecular collision kinetics, variable hard sphere molecular model and no time counter collision sampling scheme have been used. Applications to micro-scale gas flows include micro-nozzel, nano channel and slider air bearing.The aim is to further test the treatment of pressure boundaries. For slider air bearing gas flows of the computer hard drive, the simulated gas pressures, at different rotating speeds, have a very good agreement with previous studies. The applicability...