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    Surface Treatment Effects on Fretting Fatigue Map of a Titanium Alloy

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shariati Nejad, Ali (Author) ; Adib Nazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
    In contacts, the presence of both variable loading and low-amplitude movements causes a kind of fatigue in these components called FRETTING FATIGUE. fretting fatigue has reduced the life of parts. Due to the high cost of replacing some parts in case of failure, it is necessary to take effective measures to delay this exhaustion. One of the effective solutions that can be applied is the use of coating and surface treatments in the contact areas. In this research, first, the fretting fatigue maps of Ti-6Al-4V alloy have been calculated and drawn according to the recommendations of the ASTM standard by using finite element methods. In the next step, by using experimental experiments, the damage... 

    Inhibitory effects of functionalized indium doped ZnO nanoparticles on algal growth for preservation of adobe mud and earthen-made artworks under humid conditions

    , Article International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation ; Volume 127 , Febraury , 2018 , Pages 209-216 ; 09648305 (ISSN) Shariati, M ; Mallakin, A ; Malekmohammady, F ; Khosravi Nejad, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2018
    In this article, indium doped ZnO nanoparticles (alloy nanoparticles) were investigated as inhibitors against algae growth on adobe mud and earthen artworks for surface preservation from destruction caused by micro-organisms under humid conditions, through surface modification and activation run off. Nanoparticles (NPs) were fabricated by physical vapor deposition (PVD) growth mechanism. The fabricated NPs were approximately 20 nm in size. The Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus quadricauda were tested by application of indium doped ZnO nanoparticles (In/ZnO NPs) as inhibitors. As concentrations of NPs increased, the negative impacts of NPs on the algal growth were enhanced and physical... 

    The highly crystalline tellurium doped ZnO nanowires photodetector

    , Article Journal of Crystal Growth ; Volume 522 , 2019 , Pages 214-220 ; 00220248 (ISSN) Khosravi Nejad, F ; Teimouri, M ; Jafari Marandi, S ; Shariati, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2019
    In this paper, the stable and reproducible tellurium doped ZnO nanowires (Te-ZnO NWs) photodetector with intensive responsively is presented. The Te-ZnO NWs were fabricated by physical vapor deposition (PVD) growth mechanism. Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) images showed that the fabricated nanowires were 50 nm in diameter and several microns in length. The high resolution transmission electron microscopy indicated that the synthesized nanowires were crystalline and their phase characterization was validated by the X-ray diffraction (XRD). The photoluminescence (PL) studies of these nanowires showed a strong photoluminescence (PL) emission peak in the green region. It was... 

    The highly sensitive impedimetric biosensor in label free approach for hepatitis B virus DNA detection based on tellurium doped ZnO nanowires

    , Article Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing ; Volume 125, Issue 9 , 2019 ; 09478396 (ISSN) Khosravi Nejad, F ; Teimouri, M ; Jafari Marandi, S ; Shariati, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2019
    The highly sensitive impedimetric biosensor in label free approach for hepatitis B virus DNA (HPV DNA) detection based on tellurium doped ZnO nanowires was fabricated. The NWs were grown by hybrid thin film oxidation in the physical vapor deposition (PVD) mechanism. The morphology characterization of the synthesized NWs was performed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and the images demonstrated that the diameter and the length of the materialized NWs were around 50 nm and several micrometers, respectively. The high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) image indicated that the fabricated NWs were crystalline and their phase characterization was validated by... 

    Designing a Robot Head for Studying Social Interaction with the Ability to Express Emotions Using a Projector

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mokhtari, Mohammad (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor) ; Shariati, Azadeh (Supervisor)
    The most crucial physical component in human-robot interaction is the head of the robot, which may have the potential to interact via representing facial expressions. There are several different types of robotic heads. This thesis presents the design process and realization of a retro-projected social robotic head, “Taban”. Taban is a cost-effective portable robot with a lifelike robotic face which can produce different facial expressions, different 3D face animation avatars (ranging from different ages, races, and gender) with the help of rear-projector in its head to projects animations onto a translucent 3D printout mask. It has a neck system with two degrees of freedom, a camera in the... 

    Intelligent control of an IPMC actuated manipulator using emotional learning-based controller

    , Article Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications, San Diego, CA, 10 August 2008 through 13 August 2008 ; Volume 7029 , 2008 ; 0277786X (ISSN) ; 9780819472496 (ISBN) Shariati, A ; Meghdari, A ; Shariati, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this research an intelligent emotional learning controller, Takagi- Sugeno- Kang (TSK) is applied to govern the dynamics of a novel Ionic-Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) actuated manipulator. Ionic-Polymer Metal Composites are active actuators that show very large deformation in existence of low applied voltage. In this research, a new IPMC actuator is considered and applied to a 2-dof miniature manipulator. This manipulator is designed for miniature tasks. The control system consists of a set of neurofuzzy controller whose parameters are adapted according to the emotional learning rules, and a critic with task to assess the present situation resulted from the applied control action in... 

    Empirical Research of Strategic Renewal using a Comprehensive Framework of Organizational Learning

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Askary nejad, Ali (Author) ; Mashayekhi, Ali Naghi (Supervisor)
    Study of "Strategic Renewal" by means of "Organizational Learning's processes" was the main intention of this research. At first, we reviewed strategic renewal and organizational learning literature to have better knowledge of relationships between them. 4i Model considered as a base for our research. Tehran Information Technology Organization (TITO) was selected as a case study environment because of many strategic changes, it had in recent years. We designed a qualitative research method for studying 4i model and relationships between strategic renewal and organizational learning, based on research method used previously for testing 4i model. Accordingly, some considerable outcomes... 

    Long Term Impacts of Electricity Pricing Methods on Multi-Carrier Energy Systems with High PHEV Penetration

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Davari Nejad, Ehsan (Author) ; Ranjbar, Ali Mohammad (Supervisor)
    As far as reliable supply and cost-effective methods of power delivery to end-users are concerned, new advancements in smart grids and, in particular, smart pricing are of high significance to grid operators. In the recent decade, there has been a considerable raise in penetration of renewable energy resources and also the number of hybrid electric vehicles which can act as a huge mobile storage in the network. Hence, finding a practical and cost-effective method of management of all these new resources and avoiding potential problems associated with them seems to be of high importance. In this study, first, the response of demand to pricing signals has been modeledAfterwards, the response... 

    Use of Bio-Cementation for Reducing Land Subsidence

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abed, Mahrooz (Author) ; Khosravi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor) ; Ghobadi Nejad, Zahra ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
    Land subsidence is a gradual settling or sudden sinking of the land surface from changes that take place underground. There are different causes of land subsidence; most notably, groundwater overdraft and severe weather conditions. Subsidence of the land surface due to ground water overdraft is caused by an increase in the intergranular pressure in unconsolidated aquifers, which results in a loss of buoyancy of solid particles in the zone dewatered by the falling water table and accordingly compaction of the aquifer. In this study, an experimental approach was developed to examine applicability of Microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) for land subsidence control under... 

    The ITO-capped WO3 nanowires biosensor based on field-effect transistor in label-free protein sensing

    , Article Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing ; Volume 123, Issue 5 , 2017 ; 09478396 (ISSN) Shariati, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2017
    The fabrication of ITO-capped WO3 nanowires associated with their bio-sensing properties in field-effect transistor diagnostics basis as a biosensor has been reported. The bio-sensing property for manipulated nanowires elucidated that the grown nanostructures were very sensitive to protein. The ITO-capped WO3 nanowires biosensor showed an intensive bio-sensing activity against reliable protein. Polylysine strongly charged bio-molecule was applied as model system to demonstrate the implementation of materialized biosensor. The employed sensing mechanism was ‘label-free’ and depended on bio-molecule’s intrinsic charge. For nanowires synthesis, the vapor–liquid–solid mechanism was used.... 

    The field effect transistor DNA biosensor based on ITO nanowires in label-free hepatitis B virus detecting compatible with CMOS technology

    , Article Biosensors and Bioelectronics ; Volume 105 , 15 May , 2018 , Pages 58-64 ; 09565663 (ISSN) Shariati, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2018
    In this paper the field-effect transistor DNA biosensor for detecting hepatitis B virus (HBV) based on indium tin oxide nanowires (ITO NWs) in label free approach has been fabricated. Because of ITO nanowires intensive conductance and functional modified surface, the probe immobilization and target hybridization were increased strongly. The high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) measurement showed that ITO nanowires were crystalline and less than 50 nm in diameter. The single-stranded hepatitis B virus DNA (SS-DNA) was immobilized as probe on the Au-modified nanowires. The DNA targets were measured in a linear concentration range from 1fM to 10 µM. The detection limit of... 

    Evaluation of seismic performance factors for tension-only braced frames

    , Article Steel and Composite Structures ; Volume 35, Issue 4 , 2020 , Pages 599-609 Shariati, M ; Lagzian, M ; Maleki, S ; Shariati, A ; Trung, N. T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Techno Press  2020
    The tension-only braced frames (TOBFs) are widely used as a lateral force resisting system (LFRS) in low-rise steel buildings due to their simplicity and economic advantage. However, the system has poor seismic energy dissipation capacity and pinched hysteresis behavior caused by early buckling of slender bracing members. The main concern in utilizing the TOBF system is the determination of appropriate performance factors for seismic design. A formalized approach to quantify the seismic performance factor (SPF) based on determining an acceptable margin of safety against collapse is introduced by FEMA P695. The methodology is applied in this paper to assess the SPFs of the TOBF systems. For... 

    Investigation of the Effects Of Microbially-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation on the Soil-Water Retention Curve and Changes of Small Strain Shear Modulus of Unsaturated Sand During Drying Path

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jahanbakhsh, Yashar (Author) ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor) ; Khosravi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Ghobadi Nejad, Zahra (Supervisor)
    Microbially-induced calcium carbonate precipitation is a low-cost, environmentally friendly, novel ground improvement technique that has received much attention in recent years. Most studies on biological soil stabilization have investigated the mechanical and hydraulic behavior of soils in dry and saturated conditions. However, the behavior of soils stabilized by this method in the unsaturated state should be of immense concern through the extent of unsaturated soils in nature. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of microbially-induced calcium carbonate precipitation on the soil-water retention curve and changes of small strain shear modulus of unsaturated cemented and... 

    Friction Power and Appropriate Lubrication System in Rotary (Wankel) Engines

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Gerami Kaviri Nejad, Alireza (Author) ; Mozafari, Ali Asghar (Supervisor)
    In this study an internal combustion rotary (Wankel) engine and its specifications is analyzed and the proper lubrication system is described. The acceleration acting on apex seals, and engine speed fluctuations together with the leading and trailing cells gas pressure forces are analyzed in the present work using the second Newton law. The research shows that cell gas pressure effects are important and inclusion of these effects will provide results which are more compatible with the reality and lead to a much more accurate analysis of the system. Theoretical calculations reveal that gas cell pressure forces represent about 78% of the overall calculated force and ignoring these pressure... 

    Intraday Stock Price and Insider Trading Pattern on the Tehran Stock Exchange

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Karimi, Amin (Author) ; Barakchian, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Ebrahim Nejad, Ali (Co-Supervisor)
    We study intraday patterns of trading volume, size, return, and volatility using the Tehran Stock Exchange high frequency data from 2008 to 2015. Intraday test results indicate that trade size and volume follow a J-shape behavior, whereas return and return volatility exhibit an L-shape pattern. To examine the behavior of informed traders as predicted by Barclay and Warner’s (1993), we examine midsize volume and find that it has a higher price impact compared to other trade sizes, which is consistent with the predictions of Barclay and Warner’s (1993) stealth-trading hypothesis. However, our findings do not support the intraday stealth trading pattern, as insiders prefer to trade in low and... 

    Selecting dryer type using fuzzy logic

    , Article CHISA 2006 - 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, 27 August 2006 through 31 August 2006 ; 2006 ; 8086059456 (ISBN); 9788086059457 (ISBN) Shariati, R. P ; Sharif University of Technology
    Due to variety of industrial dryers and also importance of selecting appropriate dryer to achieve the required quality of product as well as considering economical aspects, using methods and algorithms which take all effective factors into account and present the best selection is regarded by engineers and researchers. In this paper selection of dryer applying fuzzy logic is presented and the advantages of this method are investigated. For this a program is written using MATLAB programming software and its result compared with real cases. It has been found that there is a good agreement between the prepared program results and industrial experiences. Selection of dryer for a specific... 

    The Effect of Credit Constraints on Real Economy in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Heydari Nejad, Mohaddeseh (Author) ; Madanizadeh, Ali (Supervisor) ; Mahmoudzadeh, Amineh (Supervisor)
    In this paper we empirically explore the bank lending channel and firm borrowing channel in Iran. Using the Embezzlement Scandal of 2011 as an instrumental variable for change in banks’ lending behavior, we identify the effect of credit constraints on borrowers’ performance. We use the firm-bank level data of short term loans from 2007- 2014 to maintain the goal. Results show that the banks’ lending behavior changes as a result of embezzlement shock and the borrowers’ performance get affected respectively. We show that the troubled banks reduce their lending by about 2.35 percent as compared to non-troubled ones. The results suggest that 10 percent decrease in loan supply, reduces the firms’... 

    The laser-assisted field effect transistor gas sensor based on morphological zinc-excited tin-doped in2o3 nanowires

    , Article Surface Review and Letters ; Volume 24, Issue 8 , 2017 ; 0218625X (ISSN) Shariati, M ; Khosravinejad, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    The gas nanosensor of indium oxide nanowires in laser assisted approach, doped with tin and zinc for gas sensing and 1D growth purposes respectively, was reported. The nanowires were very sensitive to H2S gas in low concentration of 20 ppb gas at room temperature. The fast dynamic intensive and sensitive response to gas was in a few seconds with an on/off sensitivity ratio of around 10. The square cross-section indium oxide nanowires were fabricated through physical vapor deposition (PVD) mechanism and annealing approach. The field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) observations indicated that the annealing temperature was vital in nanostructures' morphology. The fabricated... 

    Improving self-care and health literacy in hemodialysis patients: Using software engineering

    , Article Proceedings - 2012 7th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCIT, ICEI and ICACT), ICCCT 2012, 3 December 2012 through 5 December 2012 ; December , 2012 , Pages 317-320 ; 9788994364216 (ISBN) Shahbazi, B ; Edalat-Nejad, M ; Edalat-Nejad, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    The use of Computer Science in order to categorize and store information, improve diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, patient education and the training of a skilled labor force, has taken important steps and there are constantly new developments in this area  

    Exergy analysis of waste heat recovery section in steam-natural gas reforming process

    , Article Energy and Fuels ; Volume 29, Issue 5 , April , 2015 , Pages 3322-3327 ; 08870624 (ISSN) Shariati, M. H ; Farhadi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Chemical Society  2015
    In this work, an exergy analysis is performed for the waste heat recovery section (WHRS) of the steam-natural gas reforming (SNGR) process as a major energy intensive process. Two alternate conditions are investigated to evaluate the required thermodynamic parameters: normal operating condition and increase of C2+ components in the process feed stream. At normal operating condition, the exergy efficiency of WHRS amounts to 0.58 while some 17.2 kJ energy is destructed for each mole of H2 produced. If heavier than methane components are increased in the feed up to 8.5 mole %, despite the increase of H2 production, the exergy efficiency decreases down to 0.54...