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    A new mechanism for wall climbing operation based on 4-bar linkage

    , Article 8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2006, Torino, 4 July 2006 through 7 July 2006 ; Volume 2006 , 2006 ; 0791837793 (ISBN); 9780791837795 (ISBN) Sharif Shourijeh, M ; Sayyaadi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Wall walking robots are designed for different purposes, rescue operations, wall inspections and jobs such as painting and cleaning and fire fighting for tall buildings. These are some cases that these types of robots are extensively used. This paper describes a design of a new serial mechanism for wall climbing job. In deed we are seeking to define a minimum degree of freedom mechanism to be applied in a robot moving vertically on a surface. This mechanism has 5 links, but at any point it works with its 4 links, actually in each cycle of motion the linkage will be interchanged. Copyright © 2006 by ASME  

    A divide-by-3 frequency divider for I/Q generation in a multi-band frequency synthesizer

    , Article APCCAS 2008 - 2008 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Macao, 30 November 2008 through 3 December 2008 ; 2008 , Pages 1383-1386 ; 9781424423422 (ISBN) Saeedi, S ; Atarodi, M ; Sharif Bakhtiar, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    A divide-by-3 frequency divider for Inphase and Quadrature (I/Q) LO signal generation in a multi-band frequency synthesizer is presented. Using divisor numbers other than powers of 2 (2n) for quadrature signal generation, reduces the required frequency range of the VCO in multi-band frequency synthesizers. The divide-by-3 circuit is designed in a 0.18um CMOS technology. © 2008 IEEE  

    A new architecture for rail-to-rail input constant-gm CMOS operational transconductance amplifiers

    , Article Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, (ISLPED'03), Seoul, 25 August 2003 through 27 August 2003 ; 2003 , Pages 353-358 ; 15334678 (ISSN) Ahmadi, M. M ; Lotfi, R ; Sharif Bakhtiar, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    A new architecture for constant-gm rail-to-rail(R-R) input stages is presented that has less than 5% deviation in gm over the entire range of the input common-mode voltage. Furthermore, a new structure for folded cascode amplifier based on the use of a floating current source is presented. Employing these techniques a low-power operational transconductance amplifier(OTA) with 100MHz unity-gain bandwidth, 106dB gain, 60° phase margin, 2.65V swing, and 6.4nVA/√Hz input-referred noise with R-R input common-mode range is realized in a 0.8μm CMOS technology. This amplifier dissipates 10mW from a 3V power supply  

    Robust airborne target recognition based on recurrence plot quantification of micro-Doppler radar signatures

    , Article Proceedings International Radar Symposium, 10 May 2016 through 12 May 2016 ; Volume 2016-June , 2016 ; 21555753 (ISSN) ; 9781509025183 (ISBN) Johari, M. M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2016
    A robust target recognition method proposed based on recurrence plot and recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) to generate robust features against noise, target velocity and aspect angle from micro-Doppler (m-D) signatures. The proposed method is tested on simulated data of three different targets using multiclass support vector machine (MSVM) and classification rate of about 95 % is achieved. Also, effect of noise and coherent processing time (CPT) on classification rate is investigated  

    Bonding, structural and thermodynamic analysis of dissociative adsorption of H3O+ ion onto calcite (10 1 ¯ 4) surface: CPMD and DFT calculations

    , Article Journal of Molecular Modeling ; Volume 23, Issue 12 , 2017 ; 16102940 (ISSN) Ghatee, M. H ; Koleini, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We used density functional theory (DFT) and Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD) simulation to investigate the adsorption and bond formation of hydronium ion (H3O+) onto a (10 1 ¯ 4) calcite surface. For surface coverage of 25% to 100%, the nature of H3O+ interaction was explored through electron density and energetics in the context of bond critical points. The adsorbate–adsorbent structure was studied by simulation of pair correlation function. The results revealed that dissociation into water molecule(s) and proton(s) complements H3O+ ion(s) adsorbtion. The H2O molecule adsorbs onto the surface via its O atom, and interacts with surface calcium in a closed-shell mode; the H+ ion makes... 

    Profit-based unit commitment of integrated CHP-thermal-heat only units in energy and spinning reserve markets with considerations for environmental CO2 emission cost and valve-point effects

    , Article Energy ; Volume 133 , 2017 , Pages 621-635 ; 03605442 (ISSN) Nazari, M. E ; Ardehali, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2017
    For the purposes of lowering environmental emission cost and increasing economic profit, energy efficient combined heat and power (CHP) units can be integrated with conventional separate heat and power production units to meet heat and power demands. The goal of this study is to develop and examine a novel heuristic and deterministic optimization algorithm for solving the profit-based unit commitment (PBUC) problem for a generation company with integrated CHP-thermal-heat only system for (i) satisfying demands for heat and power, (ii) selling spinning reserve for power, (iii) reducing environmental CO2 emission cost, and (iv) accounting for valve-point effects for steam turbines. For... 

    CFAR adaptive threshold for ESM receiver with logarithmic amplification

    , Article Signal Processing ; Volume 84, Issue 1 , 2004 , Pages 41-53 ; 01651684 (ISSN) Khalighi, M. A ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    An adaptive threshold with constant false alarm rate (CFAR) property is proposed to be used in a channelized electronic support measures (ESM) system with logarithmic video amplification. For this purpose, two CFAR processors are designed which are in fact modified excision (MEx) and adaptive MEx (AMEx) processors, previously presented by authors, but modified for the logarithmic amplification case. In the case of relatively small variations in the noise power, MEx-LOG/CFAR is proposed. This processor exhibits a good robustness against interfering pulses, which cause the major difficulty in the estimation of noise statistics. In the case of relatively large variations in the noise power,... 

    CFAR processor for ESM systems applications

    , Article IEE Proceedings: Radar, Sonar and Navigation, Stevenage, United Kingdom ; Volume 147, Issue 2 , 2000 , Pages 86-92 ; 13502395 (ISSN) Khalighi, M. A ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEE  2000
    The authors consider the design of a CFAR processor for the adaptive thresholding system of an ESM receiver. For this purpose, the important specifications of ESM systems are the reception of pulses with various widths and rates, and vulnerability to noise jammers. The major difficulty in determining the statistics of the background noise is the problem of interfering signals. In situations of tolerable variations in background noise power, an MEx-CFAR processor is proposed, which exhibits good robustness against interfering pulses. When large variations in noise power are possible, an AMEx-CFAR processor is proposed. The feedback loop used in the structure of the AMEx processor permits it... 

    Influence of monoethanolamine on thermal stability of starch in water based drilling fluid system

    , Article Petroleum Exploration and Development ; Volume 45, Issue 1 , February , 2018 , Pages 167-171 ; 18763804 (ISSN) Sharif Nik, M. A ; Ameri Shahrabi, M. J ; Heidari, H ; Valizadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2018
    To improve the thermal stability of starch in water-based drilling fluid, monoethanolamine (MEA) was added, and the effect was investigated by laboratory experiment. The experimental results show that the addition of monoethanolamine (MEA) increases the apparent viscosity, plastic viscosity, dynamic shear force, and static shear force of the drilling fluid, and reduces the filtration rate of drilling fluid and thickness of mud cake apparently. By creating hydrogen bonds with starch polymer, the monoethanolamine can prevent hydrolysis of starch at high temperature. Starch, as a natural polymer, is able to improve the rheological properties and reduce filtration of drilling fluid, but it works... 

    Probability of missed detection as a criterion for receiver placement in MIMO PCL

    , Article IEEE National Radar Conference - Proceedings, 7 May 2012 through 11 May 2012, Atlanta, GA ; 2012 , Pages 0924-0927 ; 10975659 (ISSN) ; 9781467306584 (ISBN) Majd, M. N ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Radmard, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE  2012
    Using multiple antennas at the transmit and receive sides of a passive radar brings both the benefits of MIMO radar and passive radar. However one of the obstacles arisen in such configuration is the receive antennas placement in proper positions so that the radar performance is improved. Here we just consider the case of positioning one receiver among multiple illuminators of opportunity. Indeed it is a start for the solution of optimizing the geometry of the multiple receivers in a passive radar  

    An efficient method for the ring opening of epoxides with aromatic amines by Sb(III) chloride under microwave irradiation

    , Article Journal of Chemical Research ; Issue 4 , 2008 , Pages 220-221 ; 03082342 (ISSN) Ghazanfari, D ; Hashemi, M. M ; Mottaghi, M. M ; Foroughi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    SbCl3 supported on montmorillonite K-10 is an efficient catalyst for the ring opening of epoxides with aromatic amines under solvent-free conditions and microwave irradiation to give the corresponding b-amino alcohols in high yields with high regioselectivity  

    Monomeric and dimeric oxido-peroxido tungsten(VI) complexes in catalytic and stoichiometric epoxidation

    , Article Coordination Chemistry Reviews ; Vol. 268, issue , 2014 , Pages 83-100 ; ISSN: 00108545 Amini, M ; Haghdoost, M. M ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Epoxides are important materials in the production of fine chemicals. Selective oxidation of alkenes to epoxides remains a challenge in synthetic chemistry. There has been considerable progress in tungsten-catalyzed epoxidation of alkenes in recent years. This review highlights the use of monomeric and dimeric oxido-peroxido tungsten(VI) complexes as catalysts or oxidants in homogeneous or heterogeneous catalytic systems for epoxidation of olefins  

    Improving the performance of the hough detector in search radars

    , Article IEICE Transactions on Communications ; Volume E94-B, Issue 1 , 2011 , Pages 273-281 ; 09168516 (ISSN) Moqiseh, A ; Hadavi, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, the inherent problem of the Hough transform when applied to search radars is considered. This problem makes the detection probability of a target depend on the length of the target line in the data space in addition to the received SNR from it. It is shown that this problem results in a non-uniform distribution of noise power in the parameter space. In other words, noise power in some regions of the parameter space is greater than in others. Therefore, the detection probability of the targets covered by these regions will decrease. Our solution is to modify the Hough detector to remove the problem. This modification uses non-uniform quantization in the parameter space based on... 

    Modeling of transient permeate flux decline during crossflow microfiltration of non-alcoholic beer with consideration of particle size distribution

    , Article Journal of Membrane Science ; Volume 411-412 , September , 2012 , Pages 13-21 ; 03767388 (ISSN) Kazemi, M. A ; Soltanieh, M ; Yazdanshenas, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Crossflow microfiltration of non-alcoholic beer is investigated numerically and it has been verified by experimental data. Due to the presence of particles with different sizes in feed suspension, a modified combination of three mechanisms of particle back-diffusion is developed to predict particle deposition and cake layer buildup during the process. The simulation results show that smaller particles (about 1μm) are the main contributor to the cake layer due to a minimum in back transport and are the main reason of the flux decline. On the other hand, larger particles (a p>20μm) are swept away along the membrane during the filtration process and move toward the membrane exit due to the... 

    Mathematical modeling of crossflow microfiltration of diluted malt extract suspension by tubular ceramic membranes

    , Article Journal of Food Engineering ; Volume 116, Issue 4 , 2013 , Pages 926-933 ; 02608774 (ISSN) Kazemi, M. A ; Soltanieh, M ; Yazdanshenas, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The practical application of microfiltration in brewing industry is hindered by severe membrane fouling and subsequent permeate flux decline. A theoretical and experimental study on the effect of operating parameters, which influence the crossflow microfiltration of beer and beer quality was performed. A mathematical model is developed to better understanding of the fouling layer characteristics. The experiments were conducted for different ranges of pressures, temperatures and shear rates. An optimum transmembrane pressure of 1.1 bar is suggested to maximize both the steady state and average permeate fluxes. The results of numerical simulation were in a good accordance with the experimental... 

    Study on optimized piled-raft foundations (PRF) performance with connected and non-connected piles- three case histories

    , Article International Journal of Civil Engineering ; Volume 10, Issue 2 , 2012 , Pages 100-111 ; 17350522 (ISSN) Eslami, A ; Veiskarami, M ; Eslami, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    It has been realized that the raft (mat) foundations are capable of bearing very large loads when they are assisted with a pile group. The contribution of both raft and piles to carry the surcharge loads is taken into account, considering the stiffness and strength of involved elements in the system, i.e. piles, raft and surrounding soil. The piles are usually required not to ensure the overall stability of the foundation but to act as settlement reducers. There is an alternative design in which, the piles are nonconnected from the raft to reduce the settlement, which are then known to be "settlement reducer non-connected piles" to increase the system stiffness. In this paper, two and three... 

    Oxido-peroxido molybdenum(VI) complexes in catalytic and stoichiometric oxidations

    , Article Coordination Chemistry Reviews ; Volume 257, Issue 7-8 , April , 2013 , Pages 1093-1121 ; 00108545 (ISSN) Amini, M ; Haghdoost, M. M ; Bagherzadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This review mainly discusses the application of oxido-peroxido Molybdenum(VI) complexes as catalysts or mediators in homogeneous or heterogeneous catalytic systems for oxidations of olefins, sulfides, alcohols, alkanes, and amines toward the synthesis of a variety of organic compounds, such as epoxides, sulfoxides, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, alcohols and nitroso compounds  

    Payload attribution via character dependent multi-bloom filters

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security ; Volume 8, Issue 5 , 2013 , Pages 705-716 ; 15566013 (ISSN) Haghighat, M. H ; Tavakoli, M ; Kharrazi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Network forensic analysts employ payload attribution systems (PAS) as an investigative tool, which enables them to store and summarize large amounts of network traffic, including full packet payload. Hence an investigator could query the system for a specific string and check whether any of the packets transmitted previously in the network contained that specific string. As a shortcoming, the previously proposed techniques are unable to support wildcard queries. Wildcards are an important type of query that allow the investigator to locate strings in the payload when only part of the string is known. In this paper, a new data structure for payload attribution, named Character Dependent... 

    The comparison of form drag and profile drag of a wind turbine blade section in pitching oscillation

    , Article World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology ; Volume 40 , 2009 , Pages 294-301 ; 2010376X (ISSN) Soltani, M. R ; Seddighi, M ; Mahmoudi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Extensive wind tunnel tests have been conducted to investigate the unsteady flow field over and behind a 2D model of a 660 kW wind turbine blade section in pitching motion. The surface pressure and wake dynamic pressure variation at a distance of 1.5 chord length from trailing edge were measured by pressure transducers during several oscillating cycles at 3 reduced frequencies and oscillating amplitudes. Moreover, form drag and linear momentum deficit are extracted and compared at various conditions. The results show that the wake velocity field and surface pressure of the model have similar behavior before and after the airfoil beyond the static stall angle of attack. In addition, the... 

    Inter-symbol-interference reduction in indoor infrared systems by effective sampling

    , Article Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, ICFCC 2009, 3 April 2009 through 5 April 2009, Kuala Lumpar ; 2009 , Pages 42-46 ; 9780769535913 (ISBN) Hassanzadeh, M. R ; Mansouri Rad, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    A new and simple receiver structure for reducing the multipath inter-symbole interference (ISI) effect is proposed for infrared diffuse links. In this new method, bit-error rate (BER) performance of the system will be improved significantly without any essential change in the receiver structure. In our analysis, all major noise sources such as ambient light, signal shotnoise, dark current and thermal noise of the receiver are considered. © 2009 IEEE