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    The effects of intra-abdominal pressure on the stability and unloading of the spine

    , Article Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology ; Volume 12, Issue 1 , 2012 ; 02195194 (ISSN) Mokhtarzadeh, H ; Farahmand, F ; Shirazi Adl, A ; Arjmand, N ; Malekipour, F ; Parnianpour, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In spite of earlier experimental and modeling studies, the relative role of the intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) in spine mechanics has remained controversial. This study employs simple analytical and finite element (FE) models of the spine and its surrounding structures to investigate the contribution of IAP to spinal loading and stability. The analytical model includes the abdominal cavity surrounded by muscles, lumbar spine, rib cage and pelvic ring. The intra-abdominal cavity and its surrounding muscles are represented by a thin deformable cylindrical membrane. Muscle activation levels are simulated by changing the Young's modulus of the membrane in the direction of muscle fibers, yielding... 

    Mathematical and finite element modelling of spine to investigate the effects of intra-abdominal pressure and activation of muscles around abdomin on the spinal stability

    , Article 8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2006, Torino, 4 July 2006 through 7 July 2006 ; Volume 2006 , 2006 ; 0791837793 (ISBN); 9780791837795 (ISBN) Mokhtarzadeh, H ; Farahmand, F ; Parninapour, M ; Malekipour, F ; Shirazi Adl, A ; Arjmand, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    In spite of the several experimental and modeling studies on the biomechanical characteristics of the human spine, the role and significance of the intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) in spine mechanics has remained controversial. This study represents a simple analytical and a 3-D finite element model of spine and its surrounding structures to investigate the contribution of IAP to spinal stability. The mathematical model included the lumbar spine column, the abdominal cavity and a muscular layer around it, the rib cage and the pelvic ring. The lumbar spine column was modeled as a beam and the rib cage and pelvis as rigid bodies. The intra-abdominal cavity and the surrounding muscular layer were... 

    Improvements in audio classification based on sinusoidal modeling

    , Article 2008 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2008, Hannover, 23 June 2008 through 26 June 2008 ; 2008 , Pages 1485-1488 ; 9781424425716 (ISBN) Shirazi, J ; Ghaemmaghami, S ; Razzazi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, a set of features is presented and evaluated based on sinusoidal modeling of audio signals. Amplitude, frequency, and phase parameters of the sinusoidal model are used and compared as input features into an audio classifier system. The performance of sinusoidal model features is evaluated for classification of audio into speech and music classes using both the Gaussian and the GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) classifiers. Experimental results show superiority of the amplitude parameters of the sinusoidal model, which could be used for the first time for such an audio classification, as compared to the popular cepstral features. By using a set of 40 sinusoidal features, we achieved... 

    Reliability test of a knee arthrometer

    , Article 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Vail, CO, 22 June 2005 through 26 June 2005 ; Volume 2005 , 2005 , Pages 1618-1619 ; 0974249211 (ISBN); 9780974249216 (ISBN) Soudbakhsh, D ; Parnianpour, M ; Shirazi, R ; Farahmand, F ; Khamsei, J ; Tahmasebi, M. N ; Sharif University of Technology

    A novel stability and kinematics-driven trunk biomechanical model to estimate muscle and spinal forces

    , Article Medical Engineering and Physics ; Vol. 36, issue. 10 , 2014 , p. 1296-1304 Hajihosseinali, M ; Arjmand, N ; Shirazi-Adl, A ; Farahmand, F ; Ghiasi, M. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    An anatomically detailed eighteen-rotational-degrees-of-freedom model of the human spine using optimization constrained to equilibrium and stability requirements is developed and used to simulate several symmetric tasks in upright and flexed standing postures. Predictions of this stability and kinematics-driven (S. +. KD) model for trunk muscle forces and spine compressive/shear loads are compared to those of our existing kinematics-driven (KD) model where both translational and rotational degrees-of-freedom are included but redundancy is resolved using equilibrium conditions alone. Unlike the KD model, the S. +. KD model predicted abdominal co-contractions that, in agreement with... 

    Effects of eight different ligament property datasets on biomechanics of a lumbar L4-L5 finite element model

    , Article Journal of Biomechanics ; Volume 70 , 2018 , Pages 33-42 ; 00219290 (ISSN) Naserkhaki, S ; Arjmand, N ; Shirazi Adl, A ; Farahmand, F ; El Rich, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2018
    Ligaments assist trunk muscles in balancing external moments and providing spinal stability. In absence of the personalized material properties for ligaments, finite element (FE) models use dispersed data from the literature. This study aims to investigate the relative effects of eight different ligament property datasets on FE model responses. Eight L4-L5 models distinct only in ligament properties were constructed and loaded under moment (15 N m) alone or combined with a compressive follower load (FL). Range of motions (RoM) of the disc-alone model matched well in vitro data. Ligament properties significantly affected only sagittal RoMs (∼3.0–7.1° in flexion and ∼3.8–5.8° in extension at... 

    Effects of eight different ligament property datasets on biomechanics of a lumbar L4-L5 finite element model

    , Article Journal of Biomechanics ; 2017 ; 00219290 (ISSN) Naserkhaki, S ; Arjmand, N ; Shirazi Adl, A ; Farahmand, F ; El Rich, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Ligaments assist trunk muscles in balancing external moments and providing spinal stability. In absence of the personalized material properties for ligaments, finite element (FE) models use dispersed data from the literature. This study aims to investigate the relative effects of eight different ligament property datasets on FE model responses. Eight L4-L5 models distinct only in ligament properties were constructed and loaded under moment (15. N. m) alone or combined with a compressive follower load (FL). Range of motions (RoM) of the disc-alone model matched well in vitro data. Ligament properties significantly affected only sagittal RoMs (∼3.0-7.1° in flexion and ∼3.8-5.8° in extension at... 

    Cross-sectional area of human trunk paraspinal muscles before and after posterior lumbar surgery using magnetic resonance imaging

    , Article European Spine Journal ; Volume 25, Issue 3 , 2016 , Pages 774-782 ; 09406719 (ISSN) Ghiasi, M. S ; Arjmand, N ; Shirazi Adl, A ; Farahmand, F ; Hashemi, H ; Bagheri, S ; Valizadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2016
    Atrogenic injuries to paraspinal muscles during the posterior lumbar surgery (PLS) cause a reduction in their cross-sectional areas (CSAs) and contractile densities over time post-surgery. This study aims to quantify such alterations. Method: Pre- and postoperative CSAs (~6 months interval) of all paraspinal muscles were measured in six patients undergoing PLS using a 3-T magnetic resonance (MR) scanner to quantify the alterations in geometrical and tissue effective contractile (non-fatty) CSAs of these muscles at all lumbar levels. To examine the presence of any confounding effects on recorded changes within ~7-month period, measurements were also carried out on ten healthy volunteers.... 

    Evaluation of trunk muscle forces and internal loads using kinematics-based modeling

    , Article Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Salzburg, 25 June 2003 through 27 June 2003 ; 2003 , Pages 114-119 ; 0889863539 (ISBN) Shirazi Adl, A ; El-Rich, M ; Parnianpour, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Trunk muscle forces and internal loads are computed under simulated standing postures while carrying a load using a nonlinear finite element model of the T1-S1 spine with realistic nonlinear load-displacement properties. A novel kinematics-based algorithm is applied that exploits a set of a priori known spinal sagittal rotations to solve the redundant active-passive system. The loads consist of upper body gravity distributed along the spine plus 200 N held in hands either in front or on sides. Predictions are in good agreement with reported measurements of posture, muscle EMG and intradiscal pressure. Minimal changes in posture (posterior pelvic tilt and lumbar flattening) substantially... 

    Subject-specific 2D/3D image registration and kinematics-driven musculoskeletal model of the spine

    , Article Journal of Biomechanics ; Volume 57 , 2017 , Pages 18-26 ; 00219290 (ISSN) Eskandari, A. H ; Arjmand, N ; Shirazi Adl, A ; Farahmand, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    An essential input to the musculoskeletal (MS) trunk models that estimate muscle and spine forces is kinematics of the thorax, pelvis, and lumbar vertebrae. While thorax and pelvis kinematics are usually measured via skin motion capture devices (with inherent errors on the proper identification of the underlying bony landmarks and the relative skin-sensor-bone movements), those of the intervening lumbar vertebrae are commonly approximated at fixed proportions based on the thorax-pelvis kinematics. This study proposes an image-based kinematics measurement approach to drive subject-specific (musculature, geometry, mass, and center of masses) MS models. Kinematics of the thorax, pelvis, and... 

    Online path planning for Surena III humanoid robot using model predictive control scheme

    , Article 4th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, ICRoM 2016, 26 October 2016 through 28 October 2016 ; 2017 , Pages 416-421 ; 9781509032228 (ISBN) Mirjalili, R ; Yousefi Koma, A ; Shirazi, F. A ; Mansouri, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2017
    In this paper, two online path planning methods are presented for SURENA III humanoid robot by using model predictive control scheme. The methods are general control schemes which can generate the online motions for walking of a humanoid robot. For lowering computational costs a three dimensional linear inverted pendulum model is used instead of the full dynamical model of the robot. The generated trajectories are then used for computing the zero-moment point (ZMP) of the robot and the joint torques. The resulted joint torques of the two methods are compared to torques obtained from Genetic Algorithm (GA) path planning method presented for SURENA III humanoid robot in previous studies. The... 

    Hypersensitivity of trunk biomechanical model predictions to errors in image-based kinematics when using fully displacement-control techniques

    , Article Journal of Biomechanics ; Volume 84 , 2019 , Pages 161-171 ; 00219290 (ISSN) Eskandari, A. H ; Arjmand, N ; Shirazi Adl, A ; Farahmand, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2019
    Recent advances in medical imaging techniques have allowed pure displacement-control trunk models to estimate spinal loads with no need to calculate muscle forces. Sensitivity of these models to the errors in post-imaging evaluation of displacements (reported to be ∼0.4–0.9° and 0.2–0.3 mm in vertebral displacements) has not yet been investigated. A Monte Carlo analysis was therefore used to assess the sensitivity of results in both musculoskeletal (MS) and passive finite element (FE) spine models to errors in measured displacements. Six static activities in upright standing, flexed, and extended postures were initially simulated using a force-control hybrid MS-FE model. Computed vertebral... 

    Characterization of polymeric membranes for membrane distillation using atomic force microscopy

    , Article Desalination and Water Treatment ; Volume 51, Issue 31-33 , 2013 , Pages 6003-6008 ; 19443994 (ISSN) Shirazi, M. M ; Bastani, D ; Kargari, A ; Tabatabaei, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Inc  2013
    As membrane distillation (MD) is an under-developed separation process, specific membranes for MD applications are not yet commercially available. Therefore, microporous polymeric membranes made of hydrophobic materials fabricated for microfiltration purposes are usually used for MD applications. Characterization of such kind of membranes is important in order to achieve a better in-depth understanding of their performance and to fabricate specific membranes for MD process. One of the emerging characterization methods is atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis. AFM is a newly developed high-resolution method that is useful for studying the surface topography of various types of membranes, and... 

    Control of different FEM based musculoskeletal models of human lumbar spine under different loading conditions using optimization method

    , Article 8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2006, Torino, 4 July 2006 through 7 July 2006 ; Volume 2006 , 2006 ; 0791837793 (ISBN); 9780791837795 (ISBN) Kiapour, A ; Parnianpour, M ; Shirazi Adl, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers  2006
    In this study the effects of using different musculoskeletal models on load-displacement behavior of FE models of the human lumbar spine under external loads and moments have been analyzed in terms of equilibrium and clinical stability. A simplified and a complex architecture of muscles have been integrated to FE based models of lumbar spine and were loaded to simulate the load carrying behavior of human lumbar spine in flexion, extension and lateral bending. The displacement values as well as muscle forces have been computed and compared in both cases using optimization methods with different cost functions. The models showed similar kinematics in pure flexion but the simplified model... 

    Preparation and characterization of self-electrical stimuli conductive gellan based nano scaffold for nerve regeneration containing chopped short spun nanofibers of PVDF/MCM41 and polyaniline/graphene nanoparticles: Physical, mechanical and morphological studies

    , Article International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ; 2020 Mohseni, M ; Ramazani S., A ; H Shirazi, F ; Hassanzadeh Nemati, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2020
    Conductive self -electrical stimuli bioactive scaffolds could be used the potential for peripheral nerve regeneration with the maximum efficiency. To produce such conductive self-electrical stimuli bioactive scaffolds, chopped spun piezoelectric nanofibers of polyvinylidene fluoride/mesoporous silica nanoparticle (PVDF/MCM41) are prepared and incorporated in gellan/polyaniline/graphene (gellan/PAG) nanocomposites which have been previously prepared by incorporation of polyaniline/graphene (PAG) nanoparticles in gellan gel at 80 °C. Highly conductive binary doped polyaniline/graphene nanoparticles are prepared by chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline monomer using in-suite... 

    Photocatalytic degradation of anthracene using titanium dioxide-nps doped with iron in the presence of uv radiation from the aqueous solution: By-products determination

    , Article Desalination and Water Treatment ; Volume 220 , 2021 , Pages 287-296 ; 19443994 (ISSN) Saloot, M. K ; Borghei, S. M ; Shirazi, R. H. S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Desalination Publications  2021
    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the photocatalytic degradation of anthracene using Fe-doped TiO2 nanoparticles in the presence of UV. The structure and morphology of Fe-doped TiO2 nanoparticles were studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The applied nanoparticles were synthesized by the sol–gel method. The effect of influential parameters on the degradation of anthracene, including pH, time, nanopar-ticles dosage, and the concentration of anthracene was studied. Using the UV/Fe-doped TiO2 system, the optimum experimental values were obtained to be as follows: pH = 7, contact time = 60 min, anthracene concentration =... 

    Production of drinking water from seawater using membrane distillation (MD) alternative: Direct contact MD and sweeping gas MD approaches

    , Article Desalination and Water Treatment ; Vol. 52, issue. 13-15 , Apr , 2014 , p. 2372-2381 Shirazi, M. M. A ; Kargari, A ; Bastani, D ; Fatehi, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this work, two-membrane distillation (MD) modes, direct contact MD, and sweeping gas MD were investigated for synthesized and real (Persian Gulf) seawater desalination. A commercial PTFE membrane with 0.22 μm pore size was characterized (using atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy) and was used for experiments. A multipurpose plate and frame MD module was used for desalination experiments. The effects of various operating conditions and MD module design, as well as feed type on the permeation flux have been studied. The feed temperature was found to be the most effective operating parameter. The flow rate in both sides of the MD module was found to be effective;... 

    Computation of trunk muscle forces and internal spinal loads in standing postures

    , Article ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings ; 2002 , Pages 379-380 ; 0791836509 (ISBN); 9780791836507 (ISBN) Shirazi-Adl, A ; El-Rich, M ; Pop, D ; Parnianpour, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)  2002

    Analyzing fault effects in the 32-bit OpenRISC 1200 microprocessor

    , Article ARES 2008 - 3rd International Conference on Availability, Security, and Reliability, Proceedings, 4 March 2008 through 7 March 2008, Barcelona ; 2008 , Pages 648-652 ; 0769531024 (ISBN); 9780769531021 (ISBN) Mehdizadeh, N ; Shokrolah Shirazi, M ; Miremadi, S. G ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper presents an analysis of the effects and propagation of faults in the open-core 32-bit OpenRISC 1200 microprocessor. The analysis is based on a total of 13,000 transient faults injected into 65 parts of the CPU module in the OpenRISC 1200 core described at the RTL model. A comparison of the effects of faults on the various parts of the CPU including the pipeline's registers, the CPU component such as the register file, the control unit, and the ALU, and the data and address buses is done. It is shown that about 30%, 40% and 27% of injected faults terminated in address, data, and control errors respectively. About 28% of all injected faults resulted in failures. © 2008 IEEE  

    Impact of temperature and etching methods on surface roughness, topography, and composition of glass micromodels

    , Article Energy and Fuels ; Volume 36, Issue 23 , 2022 , Pages 14066-14078 ; 08870624 (ISSN) Shirazi, M ; Masihi, M ; Mahani, H ; Tamsilian, Y ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Chemical Society  2022
    Fluid flow in porous media is affected by surface characteristics such as roughness and topography. In this work, to simulate the surface of natural porous structures in transparent interconnected media like micromodels, various degrees of roughness have been artificially created on flat glass substrates via different methods of laser ablation, cream etching, combination of laser ablation and cream etching, and hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching. The obtained surfaces by each method were characterized in detail via field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX/EDS), and surface profilometry. The impact of high...