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Preparation and Characterization of HA/ZrO2 Biocomposite Coating on 316 Stainless Steel Fabricated by Electrodeposition
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
In this research, role of zirconia nanoparticles as a biocompatible material which has great mechanical properties, was investigated on corrosion behavior and bonding strength of HA coating. HA- ZrO2 composite prepared by a 2-step pulse electrodeposition method. Effect of pH (3.5, 4.5), bath temperature (60, 80 ͦC), current density (0.5, 1, 2 mA/cm2) and zirconia concentration (5, 10, 15 g/L) on coating characteristics were studied. X-ray diffraction was employed for phase analysis. Morphology and microstructure of samples observed utilizing scanning electron microscope (SEM) and elemental analysis was done by EDS. In order to corrosion studies electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)...
Effects of zirconia content on characteristics and corrosion behavior of hydroxyapatite/ZrO2 biocomposite coatings codeposited by electrodeposition
, Article Surface and Coatings Technology ; Volume 262 , January , 2015 , Pages 166-172 ; 02578972 (ISSN) ; Afshar, A ; Sharif University of Technology
HAp and HAp/ZrO2 composite coatings were successfully electrodepesited on 316L stainless steel substrates in the solutions containing ZrO2 particles at different concentrations. The effects of ZrO2 content on characteristics of the coatings were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectra (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and bonding strength test. Polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements were carried out in order to evaluate corrosion behavior of the coatings. In-vitro test in SBF and further SEM observations were performed to examine bioactivity of the coatings. HAp/ZrO2 composite coatings showed better...
Deep Zero-shot Learning
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Soleymani, Mahdieh (Supervisor)
In some of object recognition problems, labeled data may not be available for all categories. Zero-shot learning utilizes auxiliary information (also called signatures) describing each category in order to find a classifier that can recognize samples from categories with no labeled instance. On the other hand, with recent advances made by deep neural networks in computer vision, a rich representation can be obtained from images that discriminates different categorizes and therefore obtaining a unsupervised information from images is made possible. However, in the previous works, little attention has been paid to using such unsupervised information for the task of zero-shot learning. In this...
A Realistic Urban Mobility Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Network
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Manzuri, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
A Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) is a set of wireless mobile nodes that form a self configured network. MANETs do not have infrastructure and are not currently deployed on large scales. So research in this area is simulation based. Mobility model in a mobile ad hoc network explains the movement pattern of mobile users and is designed to describe the change of their location, velocity and acceleration over time. One of the challenges in this field is the definition of a common mobility model that provides an accurate and realistic movement description of mobile nodes. In this thesis we want to study the mobility pattern of vehicles on Kish Island and compare it with different kinds of...
Performance Ehancement of Congestion Control Algorithm Through Traffic Flow Istinction
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jahangir, Amir Hossein (Supervisor)
Congestion is an important issue in the network environment. To keep stable the perfor-mance of the network, congestion control algorithms have been extensively studied. Queue management method employed by the routers is one of the important issues in the congestion control study. Active Queue Management (AQM) has been proposed for early detection of congestion inside the network. AQM mechanisms control the queue length in a router by dropping arriving packets. The Random Early Detection (RED) is the most popular AQM mechanism used in routers on the Intenet to allow network users to simultaneously achieve high throughput and low average delay. The RED algorithm may cause heavy oscillation of...
Direct Multi-search for Multiobjective Optimization
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahdavi Amiri, Nezameddin (Supervisor)
Multi-objective optimization is an important branch of optimization. One of the most common methods to solve multi-objective problems is to find the Pareto efficient points. In practical applications, there are many instances in which there are no analytical formula for the function and only approximate values at some points are available. Derivative-free optimization is one approach to solve these problems.Here, we consider one of the multi-objective derivative-free optimization techniques called direct multisearch (DMS), recently proposed in the literature. In this method, a commonly used single objective optimization method is generalized to the multiobjective case. A popular category of...
Calculating Runoff Coefficient of Urmia Lake Basin by Empirical Models and Remot Sensing (RS) Technology
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Tajrishy, Masoud (Supervisor) ; Arasteh, Peyman (Co-Advisor)
Estimation of runoff in the ungauged basins is a challenge for hydrologists. The main objective of this research is to produce runoff coefficient map using SCS-CN (1972) and Kennessey (1930) as empirical models to for Urmia Lake basin between for 2006-2011.Both SCS-CN and Kennessey methods use slope, land use, and soil permeability data to estimate surface runoff. Accuracy of each model is tested along with the observed runoff using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).Urmia Lake basin includes about 400,000 hectares irrigated land, which constitutes around 10 percent of the entire basin area. To exclude the anthropological activities from the estimations, methods were applied only for 28...
Persian Causative/Inchoative Alternation from an LFG Perspective
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khosravizadeh, Parvaneh (Supervisor) ; Shojaee, Razieh (Supervisor)
This study attempts to describe and analyze Persian speakers’ linguistic knowledge of different types of causative and inchoative constructions within the framework of Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG). In order to do so, different studies on Persian causative alternations within theories other than LFG as well as causative alternations in other languages within LFG are reviewed. Next, different types of causative constructions are categorized conceptually and structurally after they are extracted from Bijankhan corpus (2005). Then they are analyzed syntactically and semantically. In this regard, we represent syntactic and semantic structures based on LFG as a monostratal theory. After that,...
Energy and contingency reserves markets under restructured electricity environment
, Article 2006 IEEE GCC Conference, GCC 2006, Manama, 20 March 2006 through 22 March 2006 ; 2006 ; 9780780395909 (ISBN) ; Gharaveisi, A. A ; Fotuhi Firoozabad, M ; Shojaee, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Electricity industry is ongoing towards reregulation worldwide. Some new market issues that experienced in other commodities markets are suggested to be exercised in electricity markets. Electricity and ancillary services pricing under different schemes are such issues. Pricing mechanism can be applied via several sequential markets. A day-ahead market associated with joint energy and ancillary services dispatch is used as a benchmark for contingency reserves option pricing. This paper proposed a new methodology aimed to derive the option pricing for contingency reserves as a major part of ancillary services in restructured power systems
Hydrodynamic Interactions of Artificial Reef using a Laboratory Model
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Borghei, Mahmoud
Aghtouman, Peyman
Resources management is essential duo to sustainable development and marine resources limitations. There are several ways to restore coastal damaged ecosystems, one of the best and most cost effective solution is establishment of artificial reefs. A popular type of artificial reef is named Reef ball, a hollow hemisphere. In some regions these habitats has also been used as submerged breakwater. These structures recover and protect endangered species ecosystem although they provide aesthetic view to a beach. Main application of these structures is to provide a safe environment for marine creature. In this study initially Transmission coefficient variation in two-dimensional model experiments...
kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of a 7 DOF Motorcycle and Derivation and Solution of its Equation of Motion using Newton and Lagrange Methods
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; sohrabpour, saeed (Supervisor) ; zohoor, hassan (Co-Advisor)
Motorcycle has one of the most complicated geometries and mechanisms and its kinematic, according to the articles surveyed, has always been expressed with approximation and simplification in the degrees of freedom and especially in the magnitude of the angles. Analyzing the dynamic model of bodies, using methods like Kane, Lagrange, Boltzmann-Hamel, Gibbs-Apple, Newton, Hamilton and Ross, lead to mechanism’s equations of motion. While the equations of motions, obtained from alternative methods, lead to the same result, but the number of differential equations and sometimes their order, are different in different methods, and therefore their numerical solving time for the body’s motion, are...
MDL-CW: A multimodal deep learning framework with cross weights
, Article 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 26 June 2016 through 1 July 2016 ; Volume 2016-January , 2016 , Pages 2601-2609 ; 10636919 (ISSN) ; 9781467388511 (ISBN) ; Soleymani Baghshah, M ; Rabiee, H. R ; Shojaee, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
IEEE Computer Society
Deep learning has received much attention as of the most powerful approaches for multimodal representation learning in recent years. An ideal model for multimodal data can reason about missing modalities using the available ones, and usually provides more information when multiple modalities are being considered. All the previous deep models contain separate modality-specific networks and find a shared representation on top of those networks. Therefore, they only consider high level interactions between modalities to find a joint representation for them. In this paper, we propose a multimodal deep learning framework (MDLCW) that exploits the cross weights between representation of...
Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-photocatalytic Metal Oxide / Graphene Using arc Discharge in Liquid
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Iraji Zad, Azam (Supervisor) ; Ahadian, Mohammad Mahdi (Supervisor)
In this thesis, graphene/titanium oxide and graphene/tungsten oxide composites were synthesized using arc discharge in liquid and their photocatalytic behavior was studied. Based on physical principles of the arc discharge in liquid, geometry of point-point was used for metallic Ti and W electrodes. TiO2 and WO3 nanoparticles and their nanocomposites with graphene and graphene oxide (GO) were studies using DLS, UV-vis, PL, ICP, FTIR, XRD, Raman and TEM characterization. The concentration of aqueous solution of Rhodamine B mixed with graphene/WO3 and GO/WO3 composites and WO3 nanoparticles under ultraviolet light was measured versus time and reached to 0.1, 0.6 and 0.6 of the initial value...
Scattering Correction in PET Device using Deep Learning
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosoghi, Naser (Supervisor) ; Ghaffarian, Pardis (Co-Supervisor) ; Sheikhzadeh, Peyman (Co-Supervisor)
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging is a modern sectional imaging technique widely used due to its advantages in visualizing the physiological functions of body tissues. In this method, a radiotracer is injected into the body, concentrating in the area of interest. As the positron-emitting radionuclide decays, positron annihilation occurs, resulting in the emission of two gamma rays in opposite directions. The PET scanner detects these gamma rays; however, scattering may occur during their journey from the patient’s body to the detector, which can introduce errors in tumor localization. To reconstruct images and correct for these scatter effects, various techniques such as iterative...
Microstructural and electrical properties of varistors prepared from coated ZnO nanopowders
, Article Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics ; Volume 21, Issue 6 , June , 2010 , Pages 571-577 ; 09574522 (ISSN) ; Maleki Shahraki, M ; Faghihi Sani, M. A ; Nemati, A ; Yousefi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper describes a solution-based technique for fabrication of varistor grade composite nanopowders. The method consists of coating major varistor dopants on the surface of the ZnO nanoparticles. As a result, a homogenous mixture of dopants and ZnO nanoparticles will be achieved. TEM results indicated that a composite layer of dopants with the average particle size of 9 nm on the surface of ZnO nanoparticles has been successfully prepared. Sintering of the coated powders was performed in temperatures as low as 850 °C and final specimens with average particle size of 900 nm and density of 98.5% were achieved. In comparison to conventional mixing, varistors prepared from coated nanopowders...
Findings of DTI-p maps in comparison with T 2 /T 2 -FLAIR to assess postoperative hyper-signal abnormal regions in patients with glioblastoma 08 Information and Computing Sciences 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
, Article Cancer Imaging ; Volume 18, Issue 1 , 2018 ; 14707330 (ISSN) ; Safari, M ; Ameri, A ; Shojaee Moghadam, M ; Arbabi, A ; Tabatabaeefar, M ; Salighehrad, H ; Sharif University of Technology
BioMed Central Ltd
Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) isotropic map (p-map) with current radiographically (T 2/T 2 -FLAIR) methods based on abnormal hyper-signal size and location of glioblastoma tumor using a semi-automatic approach. Materials and methods: Twenty-five patients with biopsy-proved diagnosis of glioblastoma participated in this study. T 2, T 2 -FLAIR images and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) were acquired 1 week before radiotherapy. Hyper-signal regions on T 2, T 2 -FLAIR and DTI p-map were segmented by means of semi-automated segmentation. Manual segmentation was used as ground truth. Dice Scores (DS) were calculated for validation of semiautomatic...
Quantitative changes in gait parameters after cycling among multiple sclerosis patients with ataxia:a pilot study
, Article Journal of Modern Rehabilitation ; Volume 16, Issue 4 , 2022 , Pages 355-363 ; 2538385X (ISSN) ; Emami Razavi, S. Z ; Naser Moghadasi, A ; Azadvari, M ; Shojaee Fard, M ; Rahimi Dehgolan, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: Cerebellar ataxia is a common symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS), particularly in progressive forms, where gait and balance problems are the most debilitating symptoms. Exercise training is a critical component of rehabilitation in managing equilibrium dysfunction, and stationary bicycling is a safe, feasible, and effective method to reduce the symptom. Clinical walking performance tests are typically used to assess gait in these patients. However, gait analysis technologies are more sensitive and accurate at detecting subtle and subclinical changes. The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in gait parameters in MS patients with ataxic gait after using a...
Synthesis and Application of Carbon Hollow Nanospheres Containing Active Film Forming Agents for Fabrication of Self-Healing Epoxy Resin
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Ramazani, Ahmad (Supervisor) ; Mahdavian, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Taheri, Peyman (Co-Supervisor) ; Mol, Arian (Co-Supervisor)
Nowadays, self-healing process, repairing minor damages automatically without the need for detection or any type of manual intervention, becomes a hot topic of general interest. In this research, the effect of addition of carbon nanocontainers doped with film forming epoxy and polyamine agents in various contents on the self-healing properties of epoxy resin was investigated. Carbon nanocontainers were synthesized via the silica templating method and carbonization of polysaccharide shells at the high temperature. Loading of the film forming agents into carbon nanocontainers was performed using vacuum jar method in the presence of epoxy/acetone and polyamine/acetone dilute solutions....