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Harmonic Source Detection and Determination of Customer and Utility Harmonic Contributions at the PCC
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mokhtari, Hossein (Supervisor)
Harmonics are of the most important issues associated with electric power quality. Non-linear loads such as power electronic converters are harmonic-producing devices in a network. Due to negative impacts of harmonics such as increased losses and reduced life of network equipment, harmonic analysis of a polluted network, is an essential task. Furthermore, harmonic source identification in order to trace harmonics in a network and adequate implementation of harmonic mitigation techniques is also important. Harmonic contribution determination of a customer at a point of common coupling (PCC) is subjected to difficulties such as harmonic voltage and current interactions, unknown customer and...
A method for determination of harmonics responsibilities at the point of common coupling using data correlation analysis
, Article IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution ; Volume 8, Issue 1 , 2014 , Pages 142-150 ; ISSN: 17518687 ; Mokhtari, H ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, a new method is proposed to evaluate the utility harmonic impedance and the harmonics responsibilities at the point of common coupling. The former task is accomplished by involving the harmonic phase angles in the data correlation method, and the latter one is done using an approach based on the fluctuation of the background harmonic voltage. An important advantage of the method is to take the load harmonic impedance into account in appropriate manner. The performance of the proposed method is verified using simulation studies for different cases and also field measurements. Long-term measurement data are used to determine the harmonic contribution of the industrial customers...
Controllable single-mode random laser using stimulated Raman gain
, Article Optics Letters ; Vol. 39, issue. 15 , August , 2014 , pp. 4537-4540 ; ISSN: 01469592 ; Mirzaei, A ; Bahrampour, A ; Sharif University of Technology
The present study demonstrates numerically a novel approach to perform a controllable single-mode random laser, using stimulated Raman gain. Due to the narrow linewidth of the Raman line shape, only one of the modes of the passive random system can lase. The robust control on the emission spectrum was achieved through the selection of any desired quasi-modes, by adjusting the pump wavelength in order to place the center of Raman line shape on desired quasi-modes. This approach was proved using a developed nonlinear transfer matrix method for a 1D Raman random system. The proposed method includes the Raman gain saturation and the frequency-dependent index of refraction
The Role of Surface Functionalization of Nanodiamond on the Vulcanization Kinetics and Network Structure of SBR
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shojaie, Akbar (Supervisor)
Elastomers are flexible polymers with various uses in different industries. But this materials dont havevalid usages without correct fillers. Today Nano technology has a main role in the industry. one of the important reasons is rubber quality improvement with adding just a little amount of this clays, opposite to Carbon Black. To achieve a high quality polymer composite, it is necessary to learn about physical and mechanical properties of nano clays and the interaction between Nano clays and matrix. Because of the effect of nano clays on vulcanization, this issue is noticeable . Nano diamond is a nanoclay used to improve rubber quality. But this method is new because of the complicated...
Two-axis dielectric laser acceleration using two orthogonal laser pulses in a dual-grating base structure
, Article Applied Optics ; Volume 59, Issue 7 , 2020 , Pages 2135-2140 ; Madanipour, K ; Bahrampour, A ; Sharif University of Technology
OSA - The Optical Society
In this paper, two-axis dielectric laser acceleration is proposed by introducing a dual-grating base laser accelerator structure excited with two orthogonal propagating ultrashort laser pulses. A 2D periodic structure is designed that provides phase synchronicity between the relativistic particle beam and orthogonal propagating laser pulses. In this way, the particle beam can gain energy from both laser pulses simultaneously. It is numerically demonstrated that utilizing this method increases both the acceleration gradient and acceleration factor up to90%in comparison with dual-grating dielectric laser acceleration. Also, deflecting force elimination, particle beam quality, and bunch...
Periodic structure of different dielectric layers for dielectric laser accelerators
, Article Applied Optics ; Volume 60, Issue 13 , 2021 , Pages 3747-3752 ; 1559128X (ISSN) ; Madanipour, K ; Bahrampour, A ; Sharif University of Technology
The Optical Society
In this paper, a periodic structure of different dielectric layers is proposed and investigated for relativistic electron acceleration. The periodic dielectric structure provides an accelerating electric field inside the structure. Results show that the electron beam can experience a strong electric force in one direction during propagation in the structure, leading to the acceleration gradient increasing by more than double in comparison with dual-grating structures. Acceleration gradient enhancement occurs without increasing the electric field much inside the structure; therefore, the maximum achievable acceleration gradient and acceleration factor are increased by more than 100%, reaching...
A new proof of FDR control based on forward filtration
, Article Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society ; Volume 19, Issue 1 , 2020 , Pages 59-68 ; Alishahi, K ; Shojaie, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Iranian Statistical Society
For multiple testing problems, Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) proposed the false discovery rate (FDR) as an alternative to the family-wise error rate (FWER). Since then, researchers have provided many proofs to control the FDR under dierent assumptions. Storey et al. (2004) showed that the rejection threshold of a BH step-up procedure is a stopping time with respect to the reverse filtration generated by the pvalues and proposed a new proof based on the martingale theory. Following this work, martingale methods have been widely used to establish FDR control in various settings, but have been primarily applied to reverse filtration only. However, forward filtration can be more amenable for...
Design and Preparation of a Persian Semantic Corpus Using Abstract Meaning Representation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bahrani, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Shojaie, Razieh (Supervisor)
To keep in line with the day to day advancements in the fields of computational linguistics and natural language processing, and the growing attention of researchers to semantic processing, this thesis presents the design and preparation of a Persian semantic corpus using Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR). This semantic representation pairs each sentence with a single rooted, acyclic, directed graph, which is human and computer readable. Moreover, this representation paves the way for the creation of large semantic corpora. In order to bring such benefits to Persian, in this thesis we present solutions for representing Persian sentences in the framework of AMR. Moreover, a corpus of 150...
A new look on the automation of medium voltage substations in power distribution systems
, Article 2012 Proceedings of 17th Conference on Electrical Power Distribution, EPDC 2012 ; 2012 ; 9781467314183 (ISBN) ; Moghaddam, V.R ; Kazemi, A.A.R ; Dehghanian, P ; Karami, G ; Sharif University of Technology
With the expansion of electricity networks, increasing operational complexities, improved knowledge of the system operators, all with the subsidies elimination in some countries such as Iran and experiencing the real price of electricity by then, it necessitates a more reliable power to be delivered to the system customers. Power system automation is regarded as an efficient solution and the effective key to this problem. However, the great number of substations in power distribution systems has led to the fact that it is neither feasible nor economic to automate all of them. This calls for a comprehensive scheme on the placement of the distribution substations to be automated. In this...
Persian Compound Verb Database with the Verbal Element: “Shodan”
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khosravizadeh, Parvaneh (Supervisor) ; Shojaie, Razieh (Supervisor)
Compound verbs (CVs) and its components, have been widely discussed in previous linguistics' researches as one of the most important and fundamental constructions of Persian language. Nevertheless most of the arguments and assumptions in those researches align with each other and studying CVs from another aspect with a different viewpoint has not been considered very much in order to solve nodes and issues in this area. We have endeavored in this thesis to review and criticize the portrayed definitions of the CVs, reconsider this construction and the syntactical and semantical roles of verbal and non-verbal elements in this combination from another point of view, and revise the previous...
Probability of missed detection as a criterion for receiver placement in MIMO PCL
, Article IEEE National Radar Conference - Proceedings, 7 May 2012 through 11 May 2012, Atlanta, GA ; 2012 , Pages 0924-0927 ; 10975659 (ISSN) ; 9781467306584 (ISBN) ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Radmard, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Using multiple antennas at the transmit and receive sides of a passive radar brings both the benefits of MIMO radar and passive radar. However one of the obstacles arisen in such configuration is the receive antennas placement in proper positions so that the radar performance is improved. Here we just consider the case of positioning one receiver among multiple illuminators of opportunity. Indeed it is a start for the solution of optimizing the geometry of the multiple receivers in a passive radar
An efficient method for the ring opening of epoxides with aromatic amines by Sb(III) chloride under microwave irradiation
, Article Journal of Chemical Research ; Issue 4 , 2008 , Pages 220-221 ; 03082342 (ISSN) ; Hashemi, M. M ; Mottaghi, M. M ; Foroughi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
SbCl3 supported on montmorillonite K-10 is an efficient catalyst for the ring opening of epoxides with aromatic amines under solvent-free conditions and microwave irradiation to give the corresponding b-amino alcohols in high yields with high regioselectivity
MIMO radar signal design to improve the MIMO ambiguity function via maximizing its peak
, Article Signal Processing ; Volume 118 , 2016 , Pages 139-152 ; 01651684 (ISSN) ; Radmard, M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Karbasi, S. M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
One of the important obstacles in MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) radars is the issue of designing proper transmit signals. Indeed, the capability of signal design is a significant advantage in MIMO radars, through which, the system can achieve much better performance. Many different aspects of this performance improvement have been considered yet, and the transmit signals have been designed to attain such goal, e.g., getting higher SNR or better detector's performance at the receiver. However, an important tool for evaluating the radar's performance is its ambiguity function. In this paper, we consider the problem of transmit signal design, in order to optimize the ambiguity function...
Detection-localization tradeoff in MIMO radars
, Article Radioengineering ; Volume 26, Issue 2 , 2017 , Pages 581-587 ; 12102512 (ISSN) ; Radmard, M ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Bastani, M. H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Two gains play key roles in recently developed MIMO wireless communication systems: "spatial diversity" gain and "spatial multiplexing" gain. The diversity gain refers to the capability to decrease the error rate of the MIMO channel, while the multiplexing gain implicitly refers to the amount of increase in the capacity of the MIMO channel. It has been shown that there is a fundamental tradeoff between these two types of gains, meaning interplay between increasing reliability (via an increase in the diversity gain) and increasing data rate (via an increase in the multiplexing gain). On the other hand, recently, MIMO radars have attracted much attention for their superior ability to enhance...
Antenna placement and power allocation optimization in MIMO detection
, Article IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ; Vol. 50, Issue 2 , April , 2014 , pp. 1468-1478 ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Majd, M. N ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
It is a well known fact that using multiple antennas at transmit and receive sides improves the detection performance. However, in such multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) configuration, proper positioning of transmitters and receivers is a big challenge that can have significant influence on the performance of the overall system. In addition, determining the power of each transmitter under a total power constraint is a problem that should be solved in order to enhance the performance and coverage of such a system. In this paper, we design the Neyman-Pearson detector under the Rayleigh scatter model and use it to introduce a criterion for the antenna placement at both transmit and receive...
Ambiguity function of MIMO radar with widely separated antennas
, Article Proceedings International Radar Symposium ; 16 -18 June , 2014 ; ISSN: 21555753 ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
There has been much interest, recently, towards exploiting the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technique in radar. It is shown that using multiple antennas at transmit and receive sides can improve the performance of the system. However, in order to analyze the system's performance, its ambiguity function, i.e. the ambiguity function of a MIMO radar, is needed to be defined. In this paper, beginning from the information theoretic definitions, we derive such function, specifically for a MIMO radar with widely separated antennas
Choosing the position of the receiver in a MISO passive radar system
, Article European Microwave Week 2012: "Space for Microwaves", EuMW 2012, Conference Proceedings - 9th European Radar Conference, EuRAD 2012 ; 2012 , Pages 318-321 ; 9782874870293 (ISBN) ; Majd, M. N ; Radmard, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
By combining the two ideas of MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and PCL (Passive Coherent Location) in radar, one can achieve the advantages of both recently developed techniques simultaneously. While using multiple antennas at the receive side provides a spatial diversity of the object to be detected, using multiple illuminators of opportunity, most importantly, makes the radar covert to the interceptors. One obstacle in such MIMO configuration is choosing the positions of the receive antennas. In this paper, after analyzing the Neyman-Pearson detector for the DVB-T based PCL, we introduce the probability of missed detection as a criterion to place the receive antenna. Here, we only...
Adaptive filtering techniques in passive radar
, Article Proceedings International Radar Symposium, Dresden ; Volume 2 , June , 2013 , Pages 1067-1078 ; 21555753 (ISSN) ; 9783954042234 (ISBN) ; Radmard, M ; Majd, M. N ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
One of the most important obstacles in passive radar applications is removing the direct signal from the target channel. Otherwise, week echoes from the targets in the target channel would be ignored due to the limited dynamic range of the system. One of the most effective techniques in this field is using adaptive filters. In this paper various adaptive filters are introduced and their performances are shown and compared
Ambiguity function based receiver placement in multi-site radar
, Article 2016 CIE International Conference on Radar, RADAR 2016, 10 October 2016 through 13 October 2016 ; 2017 ; 9781509048281 (ISBN) ; Chitgarha, M. M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
It has been shown that using multiple antennas in a radar system improves the performance considerably, since multiple target echoes are received from different aspect angles of the target. In this way, the target detection is improved. However, when using multiple antennas, some problems, such as designing the transmit signals, synchronization, etc. emerge that should be solved. One of such problems is the receiver placement. Receiver placement deals with choosing a proper position for the receive antenna in order to optimize the whole system's performance. In this paper, a receiver placement procedure based on improving the radar ambiguity function is proposed for the case of a multisite...
Improving MIMO radar's performance through receivers' positioning
, Article IET Signal Processing ; Volume 11, Issue 5 , 2017 , Pages 622-630 ; 17519675 (ISSN) ; Radmard, M ; Nazari Majd, M ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Institution of Engineering and Technology
By employing the MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) technology in radar, some new problems emerged, that, in order to benefit the MIMO gains in radar, it was necessary to solve them suitably. One of such obstacles is determining the positions of receive antennas in a MIMO radar system with widely separated antennas (WS MIMO radar), since it is shown that the antennas' positions affect the whole system's performance considerably. In this study, a proper receivers' positioning procedure is proposed. To do this end, four criteria are developed based on the proposed MIMO detector and the MIMO ambiguity function. The simulations verify that the proposed positioning procedure improves the...