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A lab-scale set up for thermal radiation experiments with cold junction compensation
, Article Education for Chemical Engineers ; Volume 7, Issue 4 , 2012 , Pages e203-e209 ; 17497728 (ISSN) ; Farhadi, F ; Fallahpour, N ; Sharif University of Technology
The concepts of thermal radiation heat transfer are not tangible for many students. Experiments relied on various parameters can clarify the concepts of this mode of heat transfer.A lab-scale set up is described to study the thermal radiation heat transfer experiments. An electrical circuit of the thermopile sensor is designed and manufactured to provide experimental data.The validity of Inverse Square, Stefan-Boltzmann, and Kirchhoff Laws are investigated experimentally in the setup. Results indicate that, it is necessary to consider temperature shifts in the thermopile cold junction which is a potential source of error. Therefore, the output voltage, corresponding to the sensor...
Experimental Studies on Petroleum Hydrocarbons Biodegradation in a Microbial Fuel Cell
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kariminia, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
Environmental issues are more and more considered because of increasing environmental pollution along the industrial growth. In recent years Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) have attracted attention of many researchers as a renewable source of clean energy. In this research, wastewaters of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) plant and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plant were examined in MFC.
Voltage generation in the PTA MFC cycle indicated two steady phases. Produced power was 31.8 mW/m2 (normalized per cathode area) and calculated Coulombic efficiency was 2.05 % for COD removal of 74% during 21 days. Concentration changes of each pollutant indicated that acetic acid (AA) and benzoic acid...
Voltage generation in the PTA MFC cycle indicated two steady phases. Produced power was 31.8 mW/m2 (normalized per cathode area) and calculated Coulombic efficiency was 2.05 % for COD removal of 74% during 21 days. Concentration changes of each pollutant indicated that acetic acid (AA) and benzoic acid...
Throughput Analysis of a Cognitive Multi-hop Wireless Network Overlaid on a Cellular Network
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ashtiani, Farid (Supervisor)
In this thesis, we evaluate the maximum stable throughput of a cognitive multi-hop IEEE 802.11-based WLAN overlaid on a cellular network. In the considered scenario, the secondary users operate in the downlink or uplink frequency band of primary network and transmit their data in free primary channels using OFDM technique. The activity of primary nodes is modeled independently by ON-OFF alternating states. To model the scenario, each secondary user is modeled with an open queueing network. The queueing network can model the transmission of data as well as the effect of primary users. By writing the traffic equations of the queueing network and applying the stability conditions, we are able...
Analysis of the Effect of Frame Aggregation in IEEE 802.11 Standard
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ashtiyani, Farid (Supervisor)
In this thesis the effect of frame aggregation mechanism in maximizing throughput in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) have been investigated. Frame aggregation has become a part of the IEEE 802.11 standard as the amendment IEEE 802.11n. First, we have a quick review on access control layer in IEEE 802.11 standard then illustrate the necessity of frame aggregation. Afterwards, we propose an analytical model for the analysis of an IEEE 802.11n network comprised of an Access Point (AP) and several conventional nodes, all in the coverage area of each other. This analytical model focuses on downlink throughput; therefore only AP uses frame aggregation and the other nodes use basic IEEE 802.11...
Throughput analysis of a cognitive multi-hop IEEE 802.11-based WLAN overlaid on a cellular network
, Article 2011 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2011, 15 September 2011 through 17 September 2011, Split, Hvar, Dubrovnik ; 2011 , Pages 307-311 ; 9789532900262 (ISBN) ; Ashtiani, F ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, we focus on a cognitive network scenario, comprised of a multi-hop IEEE 802.11-based WLAN overlaid on a cellular network. In this scenario, the wireless nodes in a WLAN, i.e., cognitive nodes, use the downlink frequency channels of the cellular network opportunistically, such that at each packet transmission all idle channels have been exploited. In order to evaluate the capability of the considered cognitive network scenario, we propose an open queueing network model such that different packet transmission phases are mapped onto different queueing nodes. We also map different types of collisions, i.e., collision on control signals as well as collision on data transmission due...
Deep Learning For Recommender Systems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Soleimani, Mahdieh (Supervisor)
Collaborative fltering (CF) is one of the best and widely employed approaches in Recommender systems (RS). This approach tries to fnd some latent features for users and items so it would predict user rates with these features. Early CF methods used matrix factorization to learn users and items latent features. But these methods face cold start as well as sparsity problem. Recent years methods employ side information along with rating matrix to learn users and items latent features. On the other hand, deep learning models show great potential for learning effective representations especially when auxiliary information is sparse. Due to this feature of deep learning, we use deep learning to...
Synergistic strengthening by severe plastic deformation and post-heat treatment of a low-carbon steel
, Article Steel Research International ; Volume 89, Issue 6 , 2018 ; 16113683 (ISSN) ; Kazeminezhad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Wiley-VCH Verlag
Low-carbon steel sheets are severely plastic deformed to strains of up to ≈3.48 and subsequently heat treated by conventional annealing followed by water-quenching. Four temperatures are chosen for the annealing below and over the Ac1 and Ac3 transformation lines. The effects of post-deformation heat treatment are investigated by evaluating the microstructure and mechanical properties, including strength, ductility, work hardening capability, and hardness. A maximum increase of 86% in the strength is obtained through intercritical annealing and quenching of the samples subjected to strain of 1.16. It is interesting that both the elongation and ultimate tensile strength values are higher...
A Mathematical Model for Pricing and Container Repositioning in a Competitive Transportation Network
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Najafi, Mehdi (Supervisor)
The transportation is one of the important components in the economies of different countries. In the maritime transportation network, the demand is usually not balanced in different routes, and this imbalance results to accumulation of containers in a node. In order to sustain the problem, firms have to reposition empty equipment from a surplus location to a shortage location, which causes the problem of “Empty Repositioning Problem”. In this study, pricing strategies in one transportation market with two locations are considered; while there is ERP problem in issue. The problem is solved by Bertrand game method. The research is divided into two parts of the monopoly network and the duopoly...
Development of Cascade Fuzzy Filters in Integrated INS-DVL-GPS Navigation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salarieh, Hassan (Supervisor)
Navigation is the science of determining the velocity and attitude of a moving object in every given moment. There have been many methods for navigation. Nowadays with the advancement of technology, advanced navigation systems have been developed. Although each of these navigation systems have their pros and cons, in order to improve the overall performance of the system and to solve their problems, these systems are integrated.The goal of this project is to present an integrated cascade method to decrease error and also decrease dependence on GPS. In this project, INS, DVL & GPS are integrated with the cascade method.To achieve this, INS-GPS and INS-DVL integration are first performed. The...
Multi-agent programming to enhance resiliency of earthquake-prone old metropolitan areas by transit-oriented development under public-private partnership
, Article European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research ; Volume 21, Issue 1 , 2021 , Pages 19-52 ; 15677141 (ISSN) ; Poorzahedy, H ; Sharif University of Technology
TU Delft
Deteriorated urban areas in large cities have poor living standards, are inaccessible and small-sized, and have unstable building structures. Earthquake hazards may turn such situations into human disasters. In most cases, neither the governments nor the owners of these properties have enough budgets for renovating them. The purpose of this paper is to take advantage of Transit Oriented Development concepts to simultaneously solve two major urban area problems: (a) renovation of deteriorated urban areas and prevention of urban sprawl, and (b) design of transit network and promotion of transit-oriented development to reduce traffic congestion, pollution, and other unwanted outcomes of the...
Application of survival model to reveal influential objective and subjective variables to educate old metropolitan area residents in trading lands for housings: case of Tehran
, Article Journal of Housing and the Built Environment ; 2022 ; 15664910 (ISSN) ; Poorzahedy, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Science and Business Media B.V
Deteriorated land-uses constitute vast portions of the metropolitan areas, being small lots of land, hardly accessible, structurally unstable, and extremely vulnerable to moderate earthquakes. We present the results of a stated preference survey done to support the viability of administering a novel tri-lateral Public–Private Partnership of Build-Operate-Transfer type proposal of Government (G)-Residents (R)-Private Sector Investors (P). In this proposal, the (low income) R in a zone trade their lands for an equivalent value of safe housing built by P next to a newly constructed Bus Rapid Transit line built by G in the same zone, thus a Transit-Oriented Development. P, in return, receives...
Microstructure Modification and Electrical Conductivity Development in PA6/PS Blend using PANI Coated CNT
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bagheri, Reza (Supervisor)
In this research, a nanocomposite blend of polyamide 6/polystyrene containing polyaniline-coated carbon nanotubes was fabricated via melt blending method, aiming to achieve electrical conductivity in the range of static dissipation. The effect of weight percentage of nanofillers and surface modification of carbon nanotubes with polyaniline on the electrical properties and microstructure of the nanocomposite was investigated. To promote compatibility between the immiscible polyamide 6 and polystyrene polymers, PS-g-MA compatibilizer was utilized, and its effect on the morphology of the nanocomposite blend was examined. Additionally, the influence of weight percentage of nanofillers and the...
Assessment of Vulnerability and Resilience to Land Degradation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moghim, Sanaz (Supervisor)
In recent decades, especially with the increase of greenhouse gases and global warming, land degradation has become one of the important global environmental issues. Land degradation has significant impacts on soil performance, vegetation cover, crops, and even the dispersion of dust particles. Land degradation is a complex phenomenon that is affected by multiple factors. Thus, it is necessary to identify these factors and then assess the degree of vulnerability and resilience to it globally. Proper indicators can clarify the integration and effective linkage between related parameters. This study aims to develop a Land Degradation Vulnerability Index (LDVI) using parameters such as...
Meteorological Drought Forecasting Using Conjunctive Model Of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System And Wavelet Transforms (Case Study: Urmia Lake Watershed
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Abrishamchi, Ahmad
Drought is a common phenomena which has a lot of unwanted conse-quences on human being life and environment. Drought forecasting plays a significant role in water resources and environmental systems. Considering IRAN inappropriate location which is on the arid and semi-arid area of the earth and Widespread damages which are related to drought during recent years in iran; importance of developing an accurate model by using new technologies becomes quite inevitable. In the last decay Neural Networks have appeared very useful in non-Stationary and non-linear time Series forecasting and modeling.
This study is about to use conjunctive model of adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system and...
This study is about to use conjunctive model of adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system and...
Unsupervised domain adaptation via representation learning and adaptive classifier learning
, Article Neurocomputing ; Volume 165 , 2015 , Pages 300-311 ; 09252312 (ISSN) ; Baghshah Soleimani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
The existing learning methods usually assume that training data and test data follow the same distribution, while this is not always true. Thus, in many cases the performance of these methods on the test data will be severely degraded. In this paper, we study the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation, where no labeled data in the target domain is available. The proposed method first finds a new representation for both the source and the target domain and then learns a prediction function for the classifier by optimizing an objective function which simultaneously tries to minimize the loss function on the source domain while also maximizes the consistency of manifold (which is based on...
A Transit-Oriented Development Model for Renovation of Deteriorated Metropolitan Areas
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Poorzahedy, Hossein (Supervisor)
Deteriorated old urban neighborhoods usually have no access to appropriate municipal services, and have small-sized buildings, densely populated areas, and earthquake-prone structures. Residents in these areas do not have the will and financial ability to renovate their aged properties. A questionnaire survey of the citizens living in the deteriorated areas of the City of Tehran showed that 80% of households do not have a positive monthly financial balance and cannot afford the cost of reconstructing their properties. Serious drawbacks of previous attempts to renovate deteriorated areas, including lack of adequate government funding, and adding to the dependence of local citizens on...
Biologically inspired spiking neurons: Piecewise linear models and digital implementation
, Article IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers ; Volume 59, Issue 12 , 2012 , Pages 2991-3004 ; 15498328 (ISSN) ; Ahmadi, A ; Bavandpour, M ; Sharif University of Technology
There has been a strong push recently to examine biological scale simulations of neuromorphic algorithms to achieve stronger inference capabilities. This paper presents a set of piecewise linear spiking neuron models, which can reproduce different behaviors, similar to the biological neuron, both for a single neuron as well as a network of neurons. The proposed models are investigated, in terms of digital implementation feasibility and costs, targeting large scale hardware implementation. Hardware synthesis and physical implementations on FPGA show that the proposed models can produce precise neural behaviors with higher performance and considerably lower implementation costs compared with...
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Base-isolated Structures Equipped With Shape Memory Alloys
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khalu, Alireza (Supervisor)
Design methods and technologies for the implementation of earthquake-resistant buildings in recent years has made remarkable progress. The control and energy dissipation systems such as seismic isolation systems in buildings, according to their history hands-on experience in the world, have shown good performance against seismic hazards, hence they have been considered by scientists and engineers. Most of the energy dissipation systems have limitations such as service life,durability, maintenance , need to change and modifying the structure geometry after the earthquake. In recent years the use of shape memory alloys to improve the behavior of base isolation is considered. Shape memory...
Minimization Of of Environmental Impacts Of of Educational Buildings Using Life Cycle Analysis . A a Case Study: Building Of of Energy Engineering Faculty
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Avami, Akram (Supervisor)
Today, building sectors account for 34% of total energy consumption in Iran. Increasing demand of the comfort level along with population growth necessitates much more attention about energy requirements in the country. Such phenomenon has already raised concerns about the heavy environmental impacts. The present research studies minimization of global warming potential effect for an educational building by developing life cycle optimization model. The Department of Engineering of Sharif University of Technology is selected as the case study and optimal solutions has been achieved for this building. Results state that implementing cogeneration and renewable energies can reduce20 -25% of the...
Harmonic Analysis of Brushless Doubly-Fed Machines
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Oraee, Hashem (Supervisor)
The Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) is a machine which incorporates the robustness of the squirrel cage induction machine and the speed and power factor control of a synchronous machine. All of these advantages are obtainable from a relatively low rating power electronic converter (e.g. 30 % of the machine’s rating). The stator of a BDFM is furnished with two balanced three phase windings of conventional design (power and control winding). These windings differ in pole number and are often excited at different frequencies. Hence, there is no direct magnetic coupling between them. The power winding is connected to a constant-voltage, constant-frequency source and the control winding is...