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Feyerabend’s Point of View on Scientific Progress
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Feyarabend’s philosophy of science is against method and rule such that he believes that “anything goes”. However, he sometimes applies the term “progress”. Reviewing his publications shows that from his point of view, progress is qualitative and relative. So, unlike other philosophers of science Feyarabend ignores the clarification of the concept; subsequently, his applications of the term “progress” are somewhat ambiguous. However, by studying his philosophy, one may realize what should be done to achieve progress in any sense. The affirmative aspect of Feyerabend’s philosophy, while highlights the social and ethical elements, considering his humanitarian outlook as well as his special...
The concept of Social Ethics and Its Relation to the Politics from Hobbes Point of View
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
In this thesis, I study the concept of social ethics from a modern point of view. What I call modernity, is the fundamental philosophical revolution happened in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe, this period is called “Enlightenment”, what I assume is from Machiavelli to Kant. One of the most important philosophers belongs to this enlightenment period is Thomas Hobbes, a Scottish philosopher whose main book “Leviathan” is well-known as the basis of the modern politics. Modern politics makes sense against classical one, founded by Aristotle in a book mentioned under the same title. What Hobbes describes as society based on public interests etc. is in a different point of view...
On Feenberg’s Alternative Thinking About Virtual Space Technologies
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Cultural and social problems in the modern age have motivated many thinkers to analyze modernity. Some of them have tried to solve these problems and, if possible, prevent their occurrence in the future. Proposed solutions are mostly dystopian, i.e. by being disappointed, they think the only possible way to overcome these problems is to annihilate modern civilization, or they pursue a passive approach; i.e. they have accepted the problems of modernity but only seek a way to mitigate its challenges. Among these, solutions which try to make use of the capacities of the modern civilization, especially emerging technologies, are really scarce. These approaches seek to realize (and make...
Has "The Work and Technology Course" in the Elementary School and Guidance School Paid Enough Attention to Improve Technological Thinking?
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
It has been five years since the new education system was started, according to which fundamental changes have been applied to school text books. The mentioned changes in the text books are based on “the fundamental transformation document” and “Iran’s national educational curriculum”. In “Iran’s national educational curriculum”, eleven fields concerning pedagogy and learning are explicitly mentioned; one of these eleven fields is “training and learning work and technology”. One of the merits which has been stressed in this field, is “technological thinking”. Nowadays, methods of extending and reinforcing the technological thinking have come to be the subject of investigations in many...
Religious Science: Comparison of Golshani's and Javadi Amoli's Views
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Religious science, its nature, possibility, and the mechanism of achievement have come to the fore in recent years. In this thesis, Javadi Amoli’s and Golshani’s theories are compared in this respect. Javadi Amoli begins by situating the reason, and certain knowledge as its product, in the architecture of religious knowledge. Since this kind of knowledge unveils divine action, Amoli counts it as already divine in nature. Therefore, there would be no conflict between science and religion in principle, unless atheist scientists insist on drawing non-empirical conclusions from sciences. Other conflicts too are superficial and resolvable. Amoli sees the fault of current sciences, which should be...
Explaining the Concept of Civilization by using Theory of Constructive Perceptions with Emphasis on Knowledge and Technology as Components of Civilization
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
The purpose of writing this thesis is to arrive at the concept of civilization. And in this process, using the constructive perception. My approach in constructive perception is different with approach of Allameh tabatabaei in constructive perception. In first chapter defining constructive perception as the perception that mind by analogy between two consepts makes the non-real relations and attributes it deliberated to the reality (the parties). Meanwhile, should have been constructive perception is the intermediary that stimulation our sense abut reality. These feelings can be tenderness or hatred or fear and hope and ... . In the second chapter we will show that the use of technology...
Examination and Critique of Susan George’s Ideas Concerning the Relation of Religion and Technology
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
This article investigate about Susan George’s ideas concerning the relation of religion and technology and examine her point of view. George, searches synergy between religion and technology and tries to develop basis of artificial intelligence by religion. She provide answers to some philosophical concerns about technology through religion and tries to prove that technological morality needs religion. We show that some of her Assumptions is not through her conclusions. George, notices to the help of technology to religion for providing a new expression. We examine her clams about relation between technology and Islam
A Critical Assessment of Verbeek's Theory of Moralizing Technology
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)Nano Ethics: Reviewing and Criticizing the Approaches to Solve the Ethical Problems in Nanotechnology
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Nanotechnology is an emerging field in technology that exploits the chemical and physical properties created by careful manipulation of materials at atomic and molecular levels. These properties lead to abilities created by this technology, which many scientists regard as the next industrial revolution. Although Nanotechnology promises bright future, today, researchers having learned from the history of technology are trying to predict its unwanted aspects and negative effects to decrease its potential issues. Researchers of Nano-ethics are trying to enable us to encounter Nanotechnology’s achievements in a reasonable way, by studying its ethical and social obligations. Since in our country,...
A Critical Reading of Russel on Causation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Causation is one of the most old and difficult problems of Metaphysics which is also important in Science and Philosophy of Science. There are three different views in the Ontology of Causation—Eliminativism, Fundamentalism and Reductionism. Also we know that the Ontology of Causation can be equated with the question of the difference between Causal and Non-Causal series of events, such that the answers to this question are correspondent to the mentioned views: 1)Eliminativism: There is not any difference between those two series and the concept of Causation does not have any objective or external being. 2)Primitivism: There is a difference between them but it can not be explained in any...
Philosophy of Chemistry: Its Autonomy and Major Problems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Philosophy of Chemistry: The missed piece of Philosophy of Science’s tower. This thesis is intended to bring in this recently emerged branch of Philosophy of science. In section 1, some trends of Philosophizing in chemistry by some scientist and philosopher have been investigated. Why Philosophy of Chemistry had been turned off until recently? Section 2 deals with this question. In section 3 some problems in Philosophy of Chemistry have been introduced
Analysis of Bruno Latour’s Metaphysics and Realism
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Bruno Latour is one of the well-known contemporary philosophers in the field of science and technology studies. He is specially famouse for his work in laboratory studies and also for rejecting the dualities of modernity. By rejecting subject/object division, Latour opens new perpectives in Ontology. Ontology is one of the most important contributions of Latour to philosophy. He is also one of the primary developers of actor-network theory.In this research, I elaborate on ontological ideas of Latour. First, I will clarify his position in regard to modernity and show how he withdraws from dualities of modernity. Then I will explain his ontological pluralism. Based on this approach, I will...
Comparative Study of Ideal Scientific Community in Viewpoints of Nasr and Feyerabend
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Today, several centuries after the time when science began to flourish of science, everybody is familiar with destroying consequences of modern science and technology, in addition to its achievments. Besides, domination and exclusive position of science in educational system and government organizations have marginalized alternative knowledge. Thus, some people found this trend dangerous for humankind’s fate and tried to change this situation. Nasr and Feyerabend are two philosophers that despite their different work area both criticise modern science and try to establish their own ideal scientific community.Nasr’s approach is regeneration of traditional science which was prevalent before...
Heidegger on Science and Tool (Emphasized on "Being and Time")
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Sefidkhosh, Meisam
Taghavi, Mostafa
This thesis is going to investigate the ontological foundation of Science and Tool. To this aim, it refers to Heidegger’s works especially the Being and time. Heidegger gets involve in analyzing Science in the Being and Time. He emphasizes on importance of establishment of a fundamental knowledge which should ontologically recognize basic concepts and methods of Sciences, to cause a real progress in sciences. Heidegger also asserts that the Mathematical interpretation of the world is not a fundamental, and it must be replaced with phenomenological interpretation, which clarifies the ontological foundation of the theoretical view, and regards to all aspects of world’s existence. In this...
Explaining Moral Role of Artifacts With Regards to Value Laden Theory of Technology
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sefidkhosh, Meysam (Supervisor) ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
In this thesis we review different approaches to the theory of value laden technology and realize that there are at least two major ideas about this. Some philosophers believe that technology is not a mere instrument and has a value laden nature. In contrast some others count technology as something neutral which contains no social or moral value. After explaining this ideas, in the second chapter we examine different models which explain the relation between technology and moral and social values and show how this values can contribute in design and use of technologies. In chapter three we talk about different methods used to steer technology in a desirable way which is in accordance with...
Argument Against Germ-line Genetic Enhancement
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
In this dissertation, we will attempt a discussion of some ethical implications of genetic enhancement and present an argument against certain group of enhancements. We will demonstrate that this discussion requires a distinction between therapy and enhancement, therefore the arguments for and againt this distinction will be examined but it will be adopted in the end based on its merits. We will also show how genetic enhancement is a real possibility that will be available for consumers in the near future; and how probing the ethical issues surrounding the technology is quite necessary. We will then turn our focus to different theories of normative ethics and an examination of their merits...
Evaluating the Sadr's Theory of Induction in Solving the Problems of Induction
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nabavi, Lotfollah (Supervisor) ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Since the beginning of philosophy in ancient Greek, making use of the partial induction has been a challenging issue. The diversity of the challenges, from the fallibility of induction to the peculiar consequences brought about by using inductive inference, has raised seemingly impassable blockages in the way of rational using of inductive inference. But philosophers who are optimistic about induction, always seek novel solutions which can overcome the existing problems of the rational utilization of induction. Mohammad Baqer Sadr is one of these philosophers who, in his book Logical Foundations of Induction, has done a delicate and creative work to overcome these barriers. In this thesis,...
Critique of Kuhns Histirical Perspective from Gadamerian Perspective
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moeinzadeh, Mahdi (Supervisor) ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Truth and Method is one of the two or three most important works of this century on the philosophy of humanistic studies. The book is powerful, exciting, but undeniably difficult. Published when Gadamer was sixty, it gathers the ripe fruit of a lifetime's reading, teaching, and thinking. Because it is immersed in German philosophy and scholarship, the book is even more challenging for an American reader. An emerging body of commentary in English as well as the many shorter essays Gadamer has, happily, lived to write and which are increasingly available in translation provide additional means of access to his thought. Truth and Method, however, remains his magnum opus, the comprehensive and...
Solving the P-Center Problem under Uncertainty
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shavandi, Hassan (Supervisor)
Facility location decisions play a prominent role in strategic planning of many firms, companies and governmental organizations. Since in many real-world facility location problems, the data are subject to uncertainty, in this thesis, we consider the P-center problem under uncertainty of demand nodes. Using Bertsimas and Sim approach, we modeled the problem as a linear optimization model. Furthermore, we develop a tabu search algorithm to solve the problem. Finally we designed some experiments to adjust the parameters of tabu search algorithm. We presented the numerical result accordingly
APIS’ Evolution Comprehension Via Analyzing the Q&As in the Stack Overflow Website
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Heydarnoori, Abbas (Supervisor)
Client applications are often developed with the help of software frameworks in order to reduce the development costs and to increase the software quality. However, frameworks may evolve to add new features or to fix bugs, and thus, their APIs may change at the same time. Nevertheless, these API changes can cause the client applications to not work properly. New frameworks typically use the deprecation mechanism to reduce this effect, but their documents often do not provide sufficient information. Consequently, deprecated APIs usages remain unresolved in client applications. To tackle this issue, we introduce ARFES (Automated Recommender of Framework Evolution Solutions) that provides...