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    Examining the Relationship Between Post-choice Attitude Change and Framing Effects

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tahamtan, Amir Mohammad (Author) ; Fatemi, Farshad (Supervisor) ; Bahrami, Bahador (Supervisor)
    In economics, choice or behavior is considered as a result of utility optimization. However, there’s much theoretical and experimental evidence that shows human beings suffer from decision-making and judgment errors. This research aiming at examining the relationship between post-choice attitude changes and framing effects as the two instances of those errors designed and implemented a 2 by 2 between-subject lab experiment. The subjects were randomly assigned to one of these four groups. The two treatment groups made their decision after they rated the objects one time and the two control groups did this after they evaluated the objects two times. Another intervention was to manipulate... 

    Driving Behavior Estimation with Smartphone Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammad Beygi, Mohammad Sadegh (Author) ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor)
    Identifying driving behaviors and building an efficient and accurate driving behavior recognition model is of paramount importance for improving driving safety. Nowadays, with the ubiquity of smartphone sensors, many researchers are using smartphone sensory data to create models which forecast driving behaviors. This research introduces a logit model that predicts nine types of driving events using accelerometer and gyroscope sensors with an accuracy of 76 percent  

    Thermal Simulation of Sponge Iron Production by Höganäs Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Akbarian, Amir Hassan (Author) ; Halali, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Sponge Iron production is conducted in various methods that one of them is using coal as a reduction agent. Hoganas process is a different coal-based method that has not been investigated in details. Therefore, the heat transfer method in the system is one of the basic steps to a better recognition of this process (with special Hoganas charging). The present paper investigates the temperature distribution method in the Hoganas cylinder through a numerical model using finite elements. The effects of different parameters, namely preheating and porosity were studied on ceramic crucible made from silicon carbide and it was observed that the consumption energy decreases with the increase of... 

    Consequence Modelling and Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Oil Spills in the Marine Waters

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Amir Heidari, Payam (Author) ; Raie, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Different causes in the exploration, production and transport of oil in the marine environment result in oil spill events. Since elimination of the probability of occurrence of spills is not possible, it is important to have a plan to control the risk of oil spills by optimal response. In this research, a general stucture is presented for the DSS required for oil spill response planning. This system can be used for evaluation of the effectiveness of response drills, and risk-based ranking of receptor areas and spill sources. Ranking based on risk is realized through probabilistic or stochastic risk assessment. The applicability of the proposed system is examined in differnet case studies in... 

    Investigating Effects of Urban Freight Companies' Scale on their Transport Efficiency and Developing a Tool for Integration of Freight Companies

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dashti, Mohammad Mahdi (Author) ; Samimi, Amir (Supervisor) ; Kermanshah, Amir Hassan (Supervisor)
    In this research, a dashboard has been developed to support decision-making in the integration of freight companies. Freight companies usually consist of a limited number of vehicles due to the high cost of vehicles, while the fixed costs of a freight company constitute a significant part of that company's total cost. Therefore, if these companies are merged, their total cost will be substantially decreased. Moreover, under particular demand levels, the integration of freight companies reduces the mileage, travel time, and the number of required cars. Therefore, the integration of freight companies not only reduces fixed costs but also reduces other costs including greenhouse gas costs by... 

    Who is watching me? Disentangling audience and interpersonal closeness effects in a Pay-What-You-Want context

    , Article Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics ; Volume 90 , February , 2021 ; 22148043 (ISSN) Hofmann, E ; Fiagbenu, M. E ; Özgümüs, A ; Tahamtan, A. M ; Regner, T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2021
    We disentangle by means of a laboratory experiment two relevant drivers of voluntary payments in Pay-What-You-Want settings: the effects of interpersonal closeness and an audience. Our 2×2 between-subjects design varies the interpersonal closeness of buyers and the observability of their payments by other buyers. This allows us to enrich the research on both drivers and identify whether the presence of close others (closeness effect), payment observability (audience effect), or the combination of both affects voluntary payments. We find that both effects separately are sufficient to increase voluntary payments. Payments are, on average, higher if they are observed by an audience and if... 

    Data-Oriented Verification of Programs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Vakili, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Ardeshir, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The verification of programs is one of the most important subjects in Computer Science. In this thesis, after reviewing preliminary subjects, While-Programming computational model is presented and its semantics is discussed. Next, the axiomatic method of Hoare is presented, which is a deduction system for verification of programs. With the help of Hoare method, the idea of Data-Oriented verification of programs is developed  

    Numerical Study of Ignition Transient in Solid Fuel Ramjets

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tahsini, Amir Mahdi (Author) ; Farshchi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Solid fuel ignition transient in dump combustor geometry is numerically studied. The objective of this work is to gain insight into the ignition of the fuel and its controlling parameters in back-step turbulent flow. The system of governing equations is solved with a finite volume approach using a structured grid in which the AUSM+ scheme is used to calculate the gas phase convective fluxes. The Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is used in these simulations. First, the auto-ignition of solid fuel subject to an inlet oxidizer flow at elevated temperatures is considered and distinct intervals in ignition delay time are studied. We have demonstrated that for inlet oxidizer streams with high... 

    Climatic Map of Atmospheric Corrosion of Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Amir Ahmadi, Sam (Author) ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Atmospheric corrosion as one of the most principal factors of destruction is not Climatic map of atmospheric corrosion is closely related to air and atmospheric factors among which we can point out to different types of atmospheric pollutions such as NOX, SOX gases and pendant materials as well as the rate of humidity and rain and even the rate of sun radiation. The effects of these factors beside each other cause the speed of corrosion from a climate to another climate to be changed, which is presentable in form of a map. There is a 2 method to provide this map. First build up a station to measure the corrosion data and collect them in a long period of time. This method are time consuming... 

    Regularization from the Machine Learning Point of View

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghaemi, Mohammad Sajjad (Author) ; Daneshgar, Amir (Supervisor)
    In traditional machine learning approaches to classification, one uses only a labeled set to train the classifier. Labeled instances however are often difficult, expensive, or time consuming to obtain, as they require the efforts of experienced human annotators. Meanwhile unlabeled data may be relatively easy to collect, but there has been few ways to use them. Semi-supervised learning addresses this problem by using large amount of unlabeled data, together with the labeled data, to build better classifiers. Because semi-supervised learning requires less human effort and gives higher accuracy.Formally, this intuition corresponds to estimating a label function f on the graph so that it... 

    On the Density Matrix of Graphs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kazemi, Mohammad Reza (Author) ; Daneshgar, Amir (Supervisor)
    Density matrix of graphs as defined -for the first time- in [S. Braunstein and et al. The laplacian of a graph as a density matrix, Annals of Combinatorics, (2006)], is obtained through dividing the Laplacian matrix by the degree sum. This matrix is also semi-positive and trace one. Therefore one may talk about the Von Neumann entropy of this matrix. In [F. Passerini, S. Severini. Quantifying complexity in networks: The Von Neumann entropy. IJATS, (2009)], authors have claimed that this quantity can be consisered as a measure of regularity. Here, using a geometric interpretation of Von Neumann entropy, expresed in [G. Mitchison, R. Jozsa, Towards a geometrical interpretation of quantum... 

    Reconfigurable Architecture For Cryptanalysis Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Noshadravan, Mohammad Reza (Author) ; Jahangir, Amir Hossein (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, the significance of securing data and information is undeniable. Cryptography is being used to provide data security. In addition, cryptanalysis is required to evaluate the effectiveness of cryptography methods, and hence, it is an essential concept for securing data. In general, the cryptography functions shall be designed in a way to impose a high load of time-intensive operations to prevent an adversary from accessing the main data from the encrypted data. As a result, cryptography and cryptanalysis algorithms need high performance computations. So far, a number of methods have been proposed to support the required performance. These methods include: distributed computing and... 

    Optimization of Leaching of Platinum Group Metals from Spent Car Catalytic Converters

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ziari, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Halali, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The catalytic converter converts 95 to 99 percent of the vehicle exhaust gases into environmentally friendly gases, which are installed between the engine and the vehicle's exhaust cistern. The catalyst contained in the converters includes a ceramic structure commonly used as an alumina, coated with metal catalyst of expensive metals of the platinum group (platinum, palladium and rhodium). The purpose of this project is to optimize the recovery of platinum group metals from automotive catalytic converters by hydrometallurgy by hydrochloric acid and oxygenated water as an additive using Design Expert software. In this project, using the factorial design, the effect of parameters of... 

    Investigation of EDC Turbulent Combustion Model for Flameless Combustion Regime in a Certain Combustion Chamber

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hadian, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Farshchi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Reducing carbon emissions emanated from combustion of fossil fuels is a challenging problem and consumes huge amount of money that is put into research every year. Nitrogen oxides are among the most important pollutants which have been at the center of attention of industries and international environment protection organizations, especially due to their increased production by commercial aircrafts at higher altitudes of the atmosphere. Flameless is a combustion regime that has been independently discovered by different research teams while working on reducing nitrogen oxides from burning fossil fuels in the early 1990s, and afterwards has been studied for its exclusive characteristics in... 

    Numerical Study of Film Cooling in a Space Thruster

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Madani, Mohammad Reza (Author) ; Mardani, Amir (Supervisor)
    In high-performance liquid fuel motors and space thrusters, the combustion chamber and nozzle walls are in contact with the gases caused by high temperature and pressure combustion, making severe thermal loads on the walls. Therefore, these systems require cooling mechanisms. The most common way of cooling in space thrusters is film cooling. This study is a numerical simulation of film cooling in the liquid fuel space thrusters. Numerical and empirical studies have been reviewed in this area and evaluated while conducting studies and results to select an appropriate model for ongoing project studies. Along this path, various fuel and oxidizing thrusters, including oxygen and hydrogen,... 

    An Experimental-Theoretical Study on Batch (Static) Sublimation and Derivation of a Correlation for its Heat Transfer Coefficient

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mottafegh, Amir Reza (Author) ; Otukesh, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The major features of batch sublimation were investigated in an experimental-theoretical study. An experimental setup with real-time displays, sublimated dry ice blocks of different sizes, with circular or rectangular geometries. When temperature of hotplate was changed from -30 to 200 oC, heat transfer coefficient “hsub” decreased from 126 to 70 W/m2K, while thermal flux increased, linearly. Weight and area of the block had a positive/negative effects on “hsub”, respectively. In theoretical part, at first, two “linear-gradient” and “cubic” models were developed by a combined mass-momentum-energy balance. The latter used Von Karman temperature profile, and in cases of circular and... 

    Design and Implementation of Wearable Device for Stress Level Measurement

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi, Amir Mohammad (Author) ; Fakharzadeh, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    An inseparable problem from human daily life is stress that causes problems such as heart disease and depression, so stress management and control is essential for the health of the individual and society. This thesis explores the possibility of stress detection using vital signs and machine learning algorithms. First, by examining the potential of unsupervised learning algorithms for stress detection, a general method is developed and the accuracy of the algorithm is evaluated with the ECG signals of a smart wristband made in Sharif University of Technology Biosen group as well as WESAD data set. The self-organizing map structure is created based on stress-related features and final result... 

    Design and Analysis of Microwave Frequency-Reconfigurable Antennas Based on Handedness Preserving Metasurfaces

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Motalebi, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Memarian, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In the last two decades, reconfigurable antennas have attracted significant research attention. Utilization of such antennas can lead to decrease in cost and power consumption in modern communication systems. The main focus of efforts is on frequency reconfigurability using different mechanisms while maintaining desirable antenna characteristics over the tuning range. In this thesis, our goal is to design, analyze and fabricate a reconfigurable antenna based on the concept of polarization standing wave (PSW) in the X band using only a simple physical tuning mechanism. Two anisotropic handedness preserving mirrors (AHPM) are placed at both ends of a cylindrical cavity resonator, thus... 

    Fair and Efficient Cake Cutting

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mirfakhar, Amir Mahdi (Author) ; Ghodsi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Cake Cutting is an old problem that studies how to allocate a resource among a number of agents to achieve fairness or maximize the revenue by selling the chunks fairly. The primary assumption in the conventional methods of studying Cake Cutting was that the allocator knows everything about the agents and their valuation functions for the different cuts of the cake, which could be impossible in real life. Here we addressed a new setting for an online Cake Cutting problem with unconnected pieces and studied four different objectives upon the setting. There we studied fair and efficient Online Cake Cutting by means of linear fairness and envy freeness. We also added a payment rule to study the... 

    Effects of Shoe with Flexible Sole on Kinematics and Dynamics of Vertebral Column During Drop Vertical Jump

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi, Mohammad Mahdi (Author) ; Nourani, Amir (Supervisor)
    Disorders of the lumbar spine are prevalent within the realm of musculoskeletal issues, emphasizing the importance of investigating contributing factors. This research focuses on assessing how flexible footwear influences the kinematics and dynamics of the vertebral column during drop vertical jump. The study involves mechanical tests on various footwear types, including simple, flexible and re entrant shoes with differing levels of rigidity. Bending tests were performed on simple and flexible shoes with hardness of 50 Asker C and flexible shoes with hardness of 40 Asker C. Additionally, compression tests were carried out on all soles at two different angles. The Bending tests revealed that,...