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Bio-inspired nanostructured sensor for the detection of ultralow concentrations of explosives [electronic resource]
, Article Journal of Angewandte Chemie International Edition ; 29 May 2012, Volume 51, Issue 22, P.5334-5338 ; Simchi, A. (Abdolreza) ; Tamjid Shabestary, Elnaz ; Hartwig, Thomas ; Sharif University of Technology
TNT: Silicon microcantilevers modified with a three-dimensional layer of vertical titanium dioxide nanotubes can be used in micromechanical sensors with optical signal detection to detect low levels of explosives such as 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) in the gas phase, even in the presence of other volatile impurities such as n-heptane and ethanol
Surface Modification of Bacterial Cellulose-Reinforced Keratin Nanofibers using Pluronic/Gum Tragacanth Hydrogel Nanoparticles Produced by Concurrent gel Electrospray/Polymer Electrospinning Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Simchi, Abdolreza (Supervisor) ; Tamjid, Elnaz (Supervisor)
In this work, wool keratin/polyethylene oxide (PEO) nanofibrous scaffolds were fabricated by electrospinning method. Bacterial cellulose nanofibrils (BCNFs) were embedded in the electrospun keratin/PEO nanofibers. Incorporation of BCNFs into the nanofibers enhances their hydrophilicity, mechanical properties and cell viability, adhesion and proliferation. Water contact angle of the nanofibers decreased from 126˚ to 83˚by addition of 1 wt % BCNFs. A thermogelling hydrogel based on carboxylated pluronic (Pl-COOH) and gum tragacanth (GT) was fabricated and polymer conjugation was confirmed by FTIR and H-NMR spectroscopy. Morphological and viscoelastic properties of GT-grafted Pl-COOH hydrogels...
Tissue growth into three‐dimensional composite scaffolds with controlled micro‐features and nanotopographical surfaces [electronic resource]
, Article Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A ; October 2013, Vol. 101, Issue 10, Pages 2796-2807 ; Simchi, A. (Abdolreza) ; Dunlop, John W. C ; Fratzl, Peter ; Bagheri, R ; Vossoughi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Controlling topographic features at all length scales is of great importance for the interaction of cells with tissue regenerative materials. We utilized an indirect three-dimensional printing method to fabricate polymeric scaffolds with pre-defined and controlled external and internal architecture that had an interconnected structure with macro- (400-500 μm) and micro- (∼25 μm) porosity. Polycaprolactone (PCL) was used as model system to study the kinetics of tissue growth within porous scaffolds. The surface of the scaffolds was decorated with TiO2 and bioactive glass (BG) nanoparticles to the better match to nanoarchitecture of extracellular matrix (ECM). Micrometric BG particles were...
Fabrication of 3D Graphene/Gold Porous Electrode for Biosensing Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Simchi, AbdolReza (Supervisor) ; Tamjid Shabestari, Elnaz (Supervisor)
Today, the use of carbon nanostructures hybridized with noble metals has attracted considerable attention for the fabrication of bio-electrochemical sensors. Since the specific surface area has an immense effect on the sensing response, three-dimensional structures of graphene have a great capability to utilize in these sensors. In this research, three-dimensional graphene was provided on the porous nickel foam by chemical vapor deposition technique. By evaluation of raman spectroscopy, the time period of 20 minutes for solving of the carbon atoms into the nickel foam was selected as the main parameter of optimized conditions for the synthesis of graphene. Afterward, production of few-layer...
Sensitive Detection and Quantification of Nitrite Ions by Metal-organic Frameworks/Gold Nanocomposites
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Simchi, Abdoolreza (Supervisor) ; Tamjid Shabestari, Elnaz (Supervisor)
Nitrite (〖NO〗_2^-) anions are ubiquitous within the physiological, industrial, environmental, and food industries. The potential toxicity risk of these inorganic compounds has well been recognized; thus, the precise detection of these ions by developing reliable and high-throughput analytical methods is crucial for health and environment security. In this study, we present a reagentless electrochemical biosensor using cobalt-based metal-organic frameworks (ZIF-67) and gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) for determination of nitrite ions. The developed biosensor provides the advantages of MOF properties including high surface area, hierarchical porosity, and tunable functionalities along with high...
Synthesis and in Vitro/in Vivo Evaluation of Bioprinted and Core-Shell Systems Containing Proteoglycan Nanoparticle and Growth Factor for Skin Tissue Regeneration
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Simchi, Abdolreza (Supervisor) ; Shokrgozar, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor) ; Tamjid, Elnaz (Co-Supervisor)
Tissue engineering has the potential to revolutionize our health care system. Conceptually, lost or malfunctioning tissues will be replaced by man-made biological substitutes to restore, maintain, or improve function. Tissue engineering has already shown great promise to contribute to treatments of a myriad of diseases including osteoarthritis, cancer, diabetes, skin burns, cardiovascular conditions and various traumatic injuries. Tissue engineering is a highly multidisciplinary discipline that demands integration of knowledge, tools and skills from biology, chemistry, engineering and medicine. Integrating nano- and microtechnologies into clinically sized implants represents a major...
3D Bioprinting of Amniotic Membrane-Based Nanocomposite for Tissue Engineering Applications: Evaluation of Rheological, Mechanical and Biological Properties
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Simchi, Abdolreza (Supervisor) ; Tamjid, Elnaz (Supervisor) ; Niknejad, Hassan (Co-Supervisor)
3D bioprinting is an additive manufacturing method that facilitates the deposition of the desired cells and biomaterials at any pre-defined location. This technique also enables control over the internal structure and external dimensions of printed constructs. Among various biomaterials used as bioinks, the bioinks derived from decellularized extracellular matrixes (dECMs) have attracted significant attention due to their bioactivity and being a rich source of biochemical cues. Here in this study, the decellularized amnion membrane (dAM) has been selected as the main component of the bioink formulation because of its biocompatibility, low immunogenicity, antibacterial property, abundance,...
Design and Fabrication of Biodegradable Polymeric Scaffold with nano-Bioglass for Osteoblast cell Growth
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vossoughi, Manouchehr (Supervisor) ; Alemzadeh, Iran (Supervisor) ; Tamjid Shabesteri, Elnaz (Co-Advisor)
Treatment of critical-size bone defects caused by sport injuries, accidents, trauma, infection, and osteoporosis remains a major clinical challenge. In order to repair or regenerate large bone defects, bioactive three-dimensional scaffolds play a key role due to their multilevel porous structure, high surface area, enhanced mass transport and diffusion. Many studies reported that macropore diameters greater than 500 µm can lead to vascularized bone tissue. In this study, a hierarchically porous composite scaffold was prepared. Hierarchically porous silk fibroin- bioactive glass composite and fibroin scaffold were fabricated with controlled architecture and interconnected structure with...
Recent progress in inorganic and composite coatings with bactericidal capability for orthopaedic applications [electronic resource]
, Article Nanomedicine-nanotechnology Biology and Medicine - NaoMed- NanoTechnol- Biol Med ; 2011, Vol. 7, No. 1, PP. 22-39 ; Tamjid, E ; Pishbin, F ; Boccaccini, A. R ; Sharif University of Technology
This review covers the most recent developments of inorganic and organic-inorganic composite coatings for orthopedic implants, providing the interface with living tissue and with potential for drug delivery to combat infections. Conventional systemic delivery of drugs is an inefficient procedure that may cause toxicity and may require a patient's hospitalization for monitoring. Local delivery of antibiotics and other bioactive molecules maximizes their effect where they are required, reduces potential systemic toxicity and increases timeliness and cost efficiency. In addition, local delivery has broad applications in combating infection-related diseases. Polymeric coatings may present some...
Dual-sensitive hydrogel nanoparticles based on conjugated thermoresponsive copolymers and protein filaments for triggerable drug delivery
, Article ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces ; Volume 10, Issue 23 , 17 May , 2018 , Pages 19336-19346 ; 19448244 (ISSN) ; Eslahi, N ; Tamjid, E ; Simchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
American Chemical Society
In this study, novel hydrogel nanoparticles with dual triggerable release properties based on fibrous structural proteins (keratin) and thermoresponsive copolymers (Pluronic) are introduced. Nanoparticles were used for curcumin delivery as effective and safe anticancer agents, the hydrophobicity of which has limited their clinical applications. A drug was loaded into hydrogel nanoparticles by a single-step nanoprecipitation method. The drug-loaded nanoparticles had an average diameter of 165 and 66 nm at 25 and 37 °C, respectively. It was shown that the drug loading efficiency could be enhanced through crosslinking of the disulfide bonds in keratin. Crosslinking provided a targeted release...
Effect of particle size on the in vitro bioactivity, hydrophilicity and mechanical properties of bioactive glass-reinforced polycaprolactone composites [electronic resource]
, Article Journal of Materials Science and Engineering: C ; 10 October 2011, Volume 31, Issue 7, Pages 1526–1533 ; Bagheri, R ; Vossoughi, M ; Simchi, A. (Abdolreza) ; Sharif University of Technology
Polycaprolactone (PCL) composite films containing 5 wt.% bioactive glass (BG) particles of different sizes (6 μm, 250 nm, < 100 nm) were prepared by solvent casting methods. The ultra-fine BG particles were prepared by high-energy mechanical milling of commercial 45S5 Bioglass® particles. The characteristics of bioactive glass particles were studied by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. In vitro bioactivity of the PCL/BG composite films was evaluated through immersion in the simulated body fluid (SBF). The films were analyzed by FE-SEM, energy dispersive...
Pressureless sintering of 3Y-TZP/stainless-steel composite layers
, Article Journal of the American Ceramic Society ; Volume 91, Issue 11 , 2008 , Pages 3493-3503 ; 00027820 (ISSN) ; Simchi, A ; Tamjid Shabestary, E ; Hartwig, T ; Sharif University of Technology
A pressureless sintering method was utilized to fabricate metal/ceramic joints out of yttria-stabilized zirconia (3Y-TZP) and stainless steels (SS). Ultrafine (150 nm) and nanoscale (75 nm) 3Y-TZP particles and micrometric 17-4PH, 316L, and 420 SS (<31 μm) powders were tested. Isothermal and nonisothermal sintering behaviors of the powders and composite layers in hydrogen, argon, and vacuum atmospheres were examined. It was found that the mismatch strain between the zirconia ceramic and SS during cosintering is significant, which leads to bond cracking and joint failure. Nevertheless, interlayer diffusion of Zr, Fe, and Cr and the formation of a reaction zone, particularly during vacuum...
Nanodiamonds for surface engineering of orthopedic implants: Enhanced biocompatibility in human osteosarcoma cell culture [electronic resource]
, Article Diamond and Related Materials ; Volume 40, 2013, Pages 107-114 ; Shokrgozar, M. A ; Mehrjoo, M ; Tamjid, E ; Simchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Recently, nanodiamonds have attracted interest in biomedical applications such as drug delivery, targeted cancer therapies, fabrication of tissue scaffolds, and biosensors. We incorporated diamond nanoparticles in alginate–bioactive glass films by electrophoretic process to prepare functional coatings for biomedical implants. Turbidity examination by time-resolved laser transmittance measurement revealed that a stable multi-component aqueous suspension of alginate, bioactive glass and diamond particles could be obtained at concentrations of 0.6, 1.3, and 0.65 g/l, respectively. Uniform films with ~ 5 μm thickness were deposited on 316 stainless steel foils by employing constant field...
Nanomedicine applications in orthopedic medicine: State of the art
, Article International Journal of Nanomedicine ; Volume 10 , 2015 , Pages 6039-6054 ; 11769114 (ISSN) ; Eslahi, N ; Ordikhani, F ; Tamjid, E ; Simchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Dove Medical Press Ltd
The technological and clinical need for orthopedic replacement materials has led to significant advances in the field of nanomedicine, which embraces the breadth of nanotechnology from pharmacological agents and surface modification through to regulation and toxicology. A variety of nanostructures with unique chemical, physical, and biological properties have been engineered to improve the functionality and reliability of implantable medical devices. However, mimicking living bone tissue is still a challenge. The scope of this review is to highlight the most recent accomplishments and trends in designing nanomaterials and their applications in orthopedics with an outline on future directions...
Characterization and antibacterial performance of electrodeposited chitosan–vancomycin composite coatings for prevention of implant-associated infections [electronic resource]
, Article Journal of Materials Science and Engineering: C ; 1 August 2014, Volume 41, Pages 240–248 ; Tamjid, E ; Simchi, A. (Abdolreza) ; Sharif University of Technology
Orthopaedic implant-associated infections are one of the most serious complications in orthopaedic surgery and a major cause of implant failure. In the present work, drug-eluting coatings based on chitosan containing various amounts of vancomycin were prepared by a cathodic electrophoretic deposition process on titanium foils. A three-step release mechanism of the antibiotic from the films in a phosphate-buffered saline solution was noticed. At the early stage, physical encapsulation of the drug in the hydrogel network controlled the release rate. At the late stage, however, in vitro degradation/deattachment of chitosan was responsible for the controlled release. Cytotoxicity evaluation of...
Nanodiamonds for surface engineering of orthopedic implants: Enhanced biocompatibility in human osteosarcoma cell culture
, Article Diamond and Related Materials ; Volume: 40 , 2013 , Pages: 107-114 ; 09259635 (ISSN) ; Shokrgozar, M. A ; Mehrjoo, M ; Tamjid, E ; Simchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Recently, nanodiamonds have attracted interest in biomedical applications such as drug delivery, targeted cancer therapies, fabrication of tissue scaffolds, and biosensors. We incorporated diamond nanoparticles in alginate-bioactive glass films by electrophoretic process to prepare functional coatings for biomedical implants. Turbidity examination by time-resolved laser transmittance measurement revealed that a stable multi-component aqueous suspension of alginate, bioactive glass and diamond particles could be obtained at concentrations of 0.6, 1.3, and 0.65 g/l, respectively. Uniform films with ~ 5 μm thickness were deposited on 316 stainless steel foils by employing constant field...
Physicochemical and biological properties of electrodeposited graphene oxide/chitosan films with drug-eluting capacity
, Article Carbon ; Volume 84, Issue C , April , 2015 , Pages 91-102 ; 00086223 (ISSN) ; Ramezani Farani, M ; Dehghani, M ; Tamjid, E ; Simchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
In this study, novel graphene oxide/chitosan nanocomposite coatings with long term drugeluting potential are presented. The coatings are fabricated by the facile and reproducible electrophoretic deposition technique. Analysis of the prepared films shows that the graphene oxide nanosheets are exfoliated in the chitosan matrix. Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry reveals polymer attachment to the carboxylic bonds of graphene oxide, providing a strong interaction and exfoliation of the nanolayers. In vitro viability assay by human osteosarcoma cells (MG-63) demonstrates that the nanocomposite films are highly biocompatible up to 30 wt% graphene oxide, but at higher concentrations a slight...
Fabrication of hierarchically porous silk fibroin-bioactive glass composite scaffold via indirect 3D printing: Effect of particle size on physico-mechanical properties and in vitro cellular behavior
, Article Materials Science and Engineering C ; Volume 103 , 2019 ; 09284931 (ISSN) ; Alemzadeh, I ; Tamjid, E ; Khafaji, M ; Vossoughi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
In order to regenerate bone defects, bioactive hierarchically scaffolds play a key role due to their multilevel porous structure, high surface area, enhanced nutrient transport and diffusion. In this study, novel hierarchically porous silk fibroin (SF) and silk fibroin-bioactive glass (SF-BG) composite were fabricated with controlled architecture and interconnected structure, by combining indirect three-dimensional (3D) inkjet printing and freeze-drying methods. Further, the effect of 45S5 Bioactive glass particles of different sizes (<100 nm and 6 μm) on mechanical strength and cell behavior was investigated. The results demonstrated that the hierarchical structure in this scaffold was...
Core-sheath gelatin based electrospun nanofibers for dual delivery release of biomolecules and therapeutics
, Article Materials Science and Engineering C ; Volume 108 , 2020 ; Lotfi, R ; Tamjid, E ; Shokrgozar, M. A ; Simchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Coaxial electrospinning with the ability to use simultaneously two separate solvents provides a promising strategy for drug delivery. Nevertheless, controlled release of hydrophilic and sensitive therapeutics from slow biodegradable polymers is still challenging. To address this gap, we fabricated core-sheath fibers for dual delivery of lysozyme, as a model protein, and phenytoin sodium as a small therapeutic molecule. The sheath was processed by a gelatin solution while the core fibers were fabricated from an aqueous gelatin/PVA solution. Microstructural studies by transmission and scanning electron microscopy reveal the formation of homogeneous core-sheath nanofibers with an outer and...
Biomimetic proteoglycan nanoparticles for growth factor immobilization and delivery
, Article Biomaterials Science ; Volume 8, Issue 4 , 2020 , Pages 1127-1136 ; Mostafavi, E ; Shokrgozar, M. A ; Tamjid, E ; Webster, T. J ; Annabi, N ; Simchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Royal Society of Chemistry
The delivery of growth factors is often challenging due to their short half-life, low stability, and rapid deactivation. In native tissues, the sulfated residual of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) polymer chains of proteoglycans immobilizes growth factors through the proteoglycans'/proteins' complexation with nanoscale organization. These biological assemblies can influence growth factor-cell surface receptor interactions, cell differentiation, cell-cell signaling, and mechanical properties of the tissues. Here, we introduce a facile procedure to prepare novel biomimetic proteoglycan nanocarriers, based on naturally derived polymers, for the immobilization and controlled release of growth factors....