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    Optimal Design of Parting Line in the Shape Casting Processes

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pourfathi, Ali (Author) ; Tavakkoli, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
    More than 70 weight percentage of using parts in diverse industries (such as military, civil, automobile productions and etc.) are produceed by the casting processes. For each one of the casting procceses, mold cavity is requisite for arrived molten metal in the mold cavity to get eventuated as a solidified part. Based on mold ilk, if the mold is permanent, the cast part must be capable to be remoeved from the the mold inside. For the non-permanent mold (asssuming multi-piece and non-monolithic), if the model requires to be removed from the mold inside after molding and before casting, only model (no cast part) has to be moldable (why for removing the solidified cast part from the... 

    Production of Sn Base Composite Solder Reinforced by Nanoparticles Via Melt-spinning Technique

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadyari, Saeid (Author) ; Tavakkoli, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
    Lead-containing solder alloys in particular Sn-37Pb is the most common alloy used in electronics industry, this alloy has the good mechanical properties and excellent wetting properties and low prices. Recently, increasing environmental and health concerns over the toxicity of lead combined with strict legislation to ban the use of lead-based solders have provided an inevitable driving force for the development of lead-free solder alloys. A group of these lead-free solders are nanocomposite solders that because of having the reinforcement nano particles exhibit lots of unique properties, such as good mechanical and thermal properties. The aim of this research produce a new tin base... 

    Numerical Simulation of Residual Stress Formation During Selective Laser Melting Process

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Maleki, Pedram (Author) ; Tavakoli, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
    One of the major challenges in Additive Manufacturing is the creation of residual stresses due to the high temperature gradient in the solidification zone. This will cause problems such as cracks in the structure, metallurgical defects as well as deformation and dimensional accuracy reduction in the finished product. The purpose of this study is to perform mathematical modeling and computer simulation of the selective laser melting process (SLM) to predict these stresses as well as identify the effective parameters on this phenomenon. The conditions were adjusted in this model with the actual coefficients of the device. Additionally, the powder used in this project is Ti6Al4V material. By... 

    Synthesis of Double Network Hydrogels Based on Chitosan, Alginate, and Poly (Vinyl Alchohol) with High Mechanical Properties and Investigation of Their Biocompatibility

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tavakkoli, Elham (Author) ; Pourjavadi, Ali (Supervisor)
    Double network (DN) hydrogels are a new interpenetrate polymer network (IPN) that are usually contain about 60-90 % water. Despite of this amount of water, they are though and strong. DN hydrogels comprise of two networks, the first one as the brittle gel, is generally high density crosslinked and the second one, the loose and stretchable network, is loosely crosslinked or even without crosslinking. Therefore, we used cationic polymer, chitosan, and anionic polymer, alginate, as the first networks, therefore, we used sodium phosphate for physical crosslinking of chitosan, and calcium chloride as the physical crosslinking agents for alginate network. Also, poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA), as the... 

    Synthesis and swelling behavior of a new superabsorbent hydrogel network based on polyacrylamide grafted onto salep [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Applied Polymer Science ; Volume 112, Issue 5, pages 2625–2633, 5 June 2009 Pourdjavadi, A. (Ali) ; Rezanejad Barajee, Ghasem ; Soleyman, Rouhollah ; Sharif University of Technology
    Synthesis and swelling behavior of a new superabsorbent hydrogel based on natural salep grafted with polyacrylamide is described. The new superabsorbent hydrogel biopolymer was synthesized via radical crosslinking and graft copolymerization of acrylamide monomer onto salep backbones. Regarding to the water absorption of hydrogel, the best synthesis condition is reported. FTIR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were used to confirm the structure of the final product and a mechanism for superabsorbent hydrogel formation was also suggested. After preparing the desired hydrogels based on optimum condition, several factors affecting the swelling behavior of hydrogel including pH of... 

    Phase Field Simulation of Microstructure Ternary Eutectic Solidification

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dalvand, Mehdi (Author) ; Tavakoli, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
    Physical and mechanical properties of cast alloys is partly a function of the morphology and volume fraction of phases from freezing. The microstructure of the eutectic solidification is function of physical properties (especially mobility and surface tension) and the volume fraction of phases involved in the evolution. The prediction of solidification microstructures will be very helpful for improving the mechanical properties of casting alloys and designing of new families of alloys. The theoretical study of the formation of eutectic microstructures is very difficult and almost impossible in general cases and empirical studies are expensive. The purpose of this study is to predict the... 

    A Phase-Field Model for Inhomogeneous Multiferroic Materials

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jafari, Bahram (Author) ; Tavakoli, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, by deliberately embedding “emplacements” in the system to locally break the inversion and the time reversal symmetries, the manifold of all possible microstructures is navigated in pursuit of the one that can give rise to maximal magnetoelectric effect mediated by elastic energy of piezoelectric-piezomagnetic phases via their interface --- needless to mention the low intensity of such an effect in single-phase multiferroics. The configuration with the maximal coupling is sought within the context of phase-field modeling. In order to numerically track the conserved dissipative dynamics of the interface (namely, the Cahn-Hilliard equation) --- that is nonlocal by the nature of... 

    Effect of Remelting Processes on Microstructure and Segregation in Inconel-100 Superalloys Produced by VIM

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ahmadabadi, Morteza (Author) ; Tavakkoli, Ruhollah (Supervisor)
    In the present work, the effect of different methods of melting, remelting and solidification conditions on the microstructural evolution of IN100 superalloy was investigated. For this purpose, the superalloy was solidified within steel and ceramic molds to provide different cooling rates. Furthermore, the re-melting processes using ESR in the water circulated copper mold and ceramic molds, VAR and combined ESR and VAR were considered. The microstructure of alloy under different casting and remelting conditions were studied by means of optical and SEM microscopy and ESD analysis. According to our results, the ingot which was cast in the ceramic molds, due to lower cooling rate during... 

    Simulation of the Effect of Cooling Rate and Chemical Composition on the Atomic Structure of Bulk Metallic Glass Iron-Phosphorus and Nickel-Phosphorus

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseinzadeh, Danial (Author) ; Tavakoli, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
    bulk metallic glass Unlike metal materials that have a crystalline structure, amorphous glass is an amorphous material with an irregular atomic structure that simultaneously has the same physical properties as metals. Due to the absence of crystal defects such as dislocation and grain boundaries, these materials show unique mechanical properties such as high strength and elastic strain, abrasion resistance and proper corrosion. However, their plastic deformation is heterogeneous, concentrated, and accompanied by sudden failure. Unlike metals, these materials do not have a long-range crystalline order, and their atomic structure includes short-range and mid-range order. The short-range order... 

    Hardy Inequalities

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tavakkoli, Mohsen (Author) ; Ranjbar Motlagh, Alireza (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, it has been introduced Hardy inequality and it’s extends. The fractional Hardy inequality for Ω ⊆ Rn and f ∈ C ∞ (Ω) is:1f (x) − f ( y)2∫α +n2dx dy ≥ kn,α ∫f (x)dx( )αΩ×Ωx − yΩ M α x In this thesis we are going to introduce the fractional and derivative forms of Hardy inequality then the Hardy inequality will be proved to fractional form on Euclidean and Hyperbolic domains, and finally we will get right into Hardy inequality with remainder.

    Implementation of Virtual Structure Approach in Multiple Spacecraft Formation Flight Using Visual Sensors

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Saberi Tavakkoli, Mohammad (Author) ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
    In this research, it has been trying to implement Virtual Structure method for formation flight of multiple spacecraft. In this method, a virtual solid frame with virtual center of mass is considered and agents are arranged in a formation with respect to the virtual center. In this work, a formation keeping control system is implemented in which a feedback from formation to virtual structure and vice versa is considered. The method is implemented firstly in a nongradient field and then developed into a circular orbit in order to investigate the in-orbital effects. An algorithm for collision avoidance, based on relative distances and relative velocities, was also developed. The algorithm was... 

    An Investigation of Brittle Fracture of Composite Pressure Vessels with Metal Liner Using a Numerical Approach Based on XFEM

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tavakkoli, Arash (Author) ; Hosseini Kordkhili, Ali (Supervisor)
    A metal cylinder tank with composite coating is a pressure vessel which is made of a thin metal layer and a composite layer; like Graphite, and most of the loading is carried by the composite layer. In this study the penny-shaped cracks in cylindrical pressure vessels with composite coating is studied. These kinds of cracks are mostly initiated in manufacturing processes and they have crucial rule in fatigue life and load carrying of the structure. Although there are numerous analytical and numerical methods, they have shortcomings in the case of penny-shaped cracks problems. The strain discontinuity in the interfaces of materials along with discontinuity and singularity due to the crack are... 

    Model Predictive Orbit Control of a LEO Satellite Using Gauss’s Variational Equations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tavakkoli, Mohammad Mahdi (Author) ; Asadian, Nima (Supervisor)
    In comparison to attitude control of a satellite which is widely used in practical missions, orbit control (espescialy autonomous orbit control) has been only recently paid attention. Autonomous, on-board orbit control, also called autonomous stationkeeping, means the automatic maintenance of all of orbital elements by the satellite itself. In this thesis, an autonomous absolute orbit control strategy for a single Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite is presented. When the satellite violates the control trigger error limits, then the controller is activated and calculates a sequence of orbital maneuvers that move the satellite towards its desired states. The absolute orbit control of the... 

    Ultrasound dosimetery using microbubbles

    , Article IFMBE Proceedings, 20 June 2011 through 23 June 2011 ; Volume 35 IFMBE , June , 2011 , Pages 359-362 ; 16800737 (ISSN) ; 9783642217289 (ISBN) Rezayat, E ; Zahedi, E ; Tavakkoli, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, a new technique based on nonlinear resonance of microbubbles is investigated in order to estimate the amplitude of an ultrasound wave pressure field. First, the existing theoretical model is reviewed. Then, an experimental setup consisting of a bubble generator and transmitting/receiving ultrasound transducers operating in the 1 MHz frequency range is described. The effect of background noise is also taken into account. Results show that the second harmonic oscillations are detectable, paving the way to develop a quantitative method for in vivo calibration of ultrasound waves  

    Effect of molybdenum on grain boundary segregation in Incoloy 901 superalloy

    , Article Materials and Design ; Volume 46 , 2013 , Pages 573-578 ; 02641275 (ISSN) Tavakkoli, M. M ; Abbasi, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, the effect of molybdenum on the grain boundary segregation of other elements was studied in Incoloy 901 superalloy. Initially, five alloys were prepared with different percentages of Mo by using a vacuum induction furnace. Then, these alloys were remelted by Electro-slag remelting (ESR) process and after homogenizing at 1160 °C for 2. h followed by air cooling, were rolled. The effect of Mo on segregation of elements was evaluated with Scanning Electron Microscopy, Linear Analysis, and the mechanical tests. The results showed that the grain boundary segregations of elements in Incoloy 901 superalloy were decreased by increasing of molybdenum content up to 6.7% and the... 

    Improving Answers in the Stack Overflow Q & A Website

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tavakkoli, Mohammad Reza (Author) ; Heydarnoori, Abbas (Supervisor)
    In recent years, most of the programmer’s problems are solved using Q&A websites, e.g. Stack Overflow. Since the number of users, questions and answers in these websites are rapidly increasing, manually moderating and enhancing the quality of the posts (specially the answers) seems to be impossible. Despite the various studies on issues with Q&A websites and facilitating their use, there has been no studies on the field of improving the quality of answers. In this study, we intend to provide an appropriate solution to enhance the problem of low-quality answers. In order to demonstrate the proposed approach, we recommend a tool called StImp, which is a plugin for Eclipse. Using this plugin,... 

    Design and evaluation of a TNA explosive-detection system to screen carry-on luggage

    , Article Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry ; Volume 248, Issue 3 , 2001 , Pages 695-697 ; 02365731 (ISSN) Tavakkoli Farsoni, A ; Mireshghi, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Thermal neutron analysis (TNA) technology has been used for the non-destructive detection of explosives. The system uses a relatively weak 252Cf neutron source (1.03.107 n/s) and two 3″3×″ NaI(Tl) detectors. The presence of explosives is confirmed via detection of the 10.83 MeV prompt gamma-ray associated with nitrogen decay. The MCNP4A code was used to simulate the neutron and gamma transport through the system. The thermal neutron flux in the activation position was measured using gold and indium foils. The measured thermal neutron flux was lower, by not more than 9.5%, than that of simulation. In this report the results of the preliminary tests on the system are described  

    Vibration and Buckling Analysis of Thick FGM Conical Shells Under Variable Thermal and Pressure Distributions, Considering Initial Geometric Imperfections Using a Higher Order TheoryVibration and Buckling Analysis of Thick FGM Conical Shells Under Variable Thermal and Pressure Distributions, Considering Initial Geometric Imperfections Using a Higher Order Theory

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahmanian, Mohammad (Author) ; Dehghani Firoozabadi, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
    The current study is dedicated to free vibration and buckling analysis of thick FGM conical shells conveying hot flows with the consideration of initial geometric imperfections. To this end, the higher order governing equations of motion and the corresponding boundary conditions are derived using Hamiltonian formulations. Due to the solution procedure of Frobenius series expansion, the differential form of equations is obtained by applying by part integration to the integral form of equations of motion. Radial and longitudinal temperature distributions are considered while pressure distribution and geometric imperfection variations are found to be in longitudinal direction, only. The final... 

    On the Stability of Rotating Cylinder Conveying Flow in an External Fluid Medium

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hojjati, Mohammad (Author) ; Dehghani Firoozabadi, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
    The present study aims at investigating the stability of flexible spinning cylinders conveying flow in an external fluid Medium. Using the linearized Navier-Stokes equations for the flow, a two-dimensional model is developed governing the fluid motion. The resultant force exerted on the flexible cylinder wall due to the fluid interactions is calculated as a function of the lateral acceleration. Applying the Hamilton principle, the governing equations of flexural vibration of the rotary flexible cylinder mounted on simply supported axles are derived. Having the forces due to the conveying fluid calculated and substituting into the governing equations, a coupled field governing equations of... 

    Thermal Optimization of Plain-Carbon Steel Continuous Casting Process

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khosroabadi, Mohammad Reza (Author) ; Tavakoli, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
    Continuous casting is one of the ingot production methods in which the product has uniform chemical structure, low defects and high production rates. These days, carbon steel and nonferrous alloys are mainly produced by this special method. The design of continuous casting process includes a lot of difficulties due to its technological complexity. One of the most important aspects of this process is the heat transfer during solidification. In the present study, a new mathematical model and its corresponding numerical solution method have been introduced to establish the condition of directional solidification along the major ingot’s axis. The controlling parameters used in the model are...