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    Operation Planning in Restructured Power System Integrating Wind /Solar Energy

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Siahkali, Hassan (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    In power system operation, the term "operation planning" carries a wide range of meaning. For some utilities, operation planning denotes primarily short-term planning tasks (up to several days), such as load forecasting, unit commitment, hydro-thermal coordination, transaction pricing, fuel allocation, and security analysis while for other companies operational planning is interpreted in a wider context, and include mid-term planning activities (up to several months), such as maintenance planning, fuel budgeting, rate forecasting, network planning, relay coordination, etc. The mid-term planning provides the link between the long-term and short-term planning programs. The duration of this... 

    Modeling of HV Substation Automation Systems and Evaluating of Operation Failure

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Falahati, Bamdad (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    In two past decades, a revolution has occurred by emerging of substation automation system in field of substation control and protection system. The traditional control system has changed to the modern automation systems which are based on computer networks. The development of this project become possible by having experience in and being familiar with automation systems, studying equipment specifications, tasks, and criteria and analyzing operation of various systems. The main target of this thesis is evaluating the automation system precisely and exhaustively and developing a model based on mathematical relations. This model is founded based on the application and analysis of the networks.... 

    Evaluation of Electromagnetic Forces on three-phase Core-Type Power Transformer Windings during Inrush Current by FEM

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eslami, Ali (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Inrush Current is a form of over-current that occurs during energization of a transformer. For power transformers, the magnitude of the first peak of inrush current is initially several times the rated load current but slowly decreases until it finally reaches the normal exciting current value. This process typically takes several minutes. Time-variant axial and radial electromagnetic forces under inrush current and short-circuit current are calculated (by finite element method; FEM), and compared. An analytic method is presented for computation of inrush current in transformer. The simulation results obtained by this proposed method are compared with the measured values. A compact... 

    Reconfiguration and Capcitor Placement in Distribution Systems for Loss Reduction and Reliability Enhancement

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rezaei, Pooya (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Capacitor setting and reconfiguration are of main means of loss reduction and voltage profile improvement in distribution system operation. Cooperation between these two strategies can effectively minimize power losses in distribution system automation. Also, from the medium and long term viewpoint, capacitor placement and reconfiguration can be used for loss reduction and reliability enhancement. In this section, the sum of losses cost, capacitor investment cost and reliability cost should be minimized. Regarding the need to solve two non-linear combinatorial optimization problems simultaneously, metaheuristic algorithms are used in this thesis. Specifically, Elitist Genetic Algorithm,... 

    Optimal Placement of fault Indicator and Switch in Distribution Network Simultaneously

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Salehi, Saber (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    The price that customers pay for electric energy is determined by cost of generation, transmission and distribution parts. In Practice all customer have main concern about reliability of electric energy, because of it’s major effect on different aspect of life. Although customers are interested to have fully reliable service, but power companies are aware that it is impossible to achieve this goal from technical and economical aspect. The utilities and customer benefits can be achieved through minimization of the total investment cost of network, while improving the reliability and quality of electric service. This also requires to minimize the customers service interruption time. To meet... 

    Design of a Modern Compact Transmission Line for Electrical Energy Transmission in Long Distances at 400 kV

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Karami, Marzie (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    With new progresses in technology, a growing need to power energy has emerged. In Iran most of power plants are far from cities and therefore expansion of power network will cause long transmission lines with high capacities which connect power plants to cities. There are three solutions for these kinds of lines: 1) two-circuit transmission lines 2) higher voltages 3) new forms of transmission lines (HVDC and compact). In this thesis some of these suggestions have been analyzed to find the best solution for a 560 Km transmission line in Iran.
    Designing transmission lines has a lot of steps which all are related to each other. In this project a comprehensive algorithm has been utilized to... 

    A Novel Islanding Detection Method For Micro Grids

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohiti, Maryam (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    There is an increasing trend nowadays toward Distributed Generation (DGs). DG poses positive and negative side effects for both utility and customers. Reduction of system expansion costs, decreasing power loss and reliability enhancement are some benefits of DGs. Connecting DGs to the distribution system can lead to some troublesome issues. Anti-islanding protection is one of these issues. Islanding is the situation in which a distribution system becomes electrically isolated from the remainder of the power system, yet continues to be energized by DG connected to it. Traditionally, a distribution system doesn’t have any active power generating source in it and it doesn’t get power in case... 

    Modeling and Data Mining of Partial Discharge in Power Transformer Solid Insulation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jahangir, Hamid (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Transformers are one of the most important equipments in transmission and distribution networks. Transformer unplanned outages have severe impacts on the continuity of power system operation. To improve the reliability of transformers and to achieve an optimum operation cost, online condition monitoring of transformers is inevitable. Information about the quality of the transformers insulation system is known as the best parameter to be monitored in a transformer. Since partial discharge signals are initiated long before the beginning of a severe damage, partial discharge monitoring and its evaluation canbe employed to warn the operator.Data mining on the partial discharge signals extracts... 

    Designing an Automated and Smart Electric Power Distribution System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ameli, Amir (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Feeder reconfiguration is one of the most prominent tasks for loss reduction, reliability improvement and also congestion alleviation in distribution networks. Besides improving abovementioned operational issues, during a long period of time, proper switching in appropriate times can causes a lot of economic savings. Furthermore, it can be intensified when capacitors are implemented and controlled in the network. To reach this purpose, most of the previous literature focuses merely on the power grid reconfiguration. Few of these researches have considered this problem as a dynamic one and studied that in a period of time, e.g. one day, considering fixed level of loads despite the others that... 

    Identification of Conductive Particles in Transformer Oil Model using Partial Discharge Signal

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Firuzi, Keyvan (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Transformer are one of the most important equipment in transmission and distribution network. Transformer unplanned outage have severe impacts on the continuity of power system operation and is also an irreparable economic harm to power network operators. To improve the reliability of transformers and to achieve an optimum operation cost, online condition monitoring is inevitbale. Information about the quality of the transformer insulation system is known as the best parameter to be monitored in transformer. Since partiale discharge (PD) signals are initiated long before the beginning of a severe damage, monitoring and its evaluation can be employed to warn the operator. Data mining on the... 

    Development a Numerical Algorithm for Differential Relay for Transformer Protection

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Gholami, Mohammad (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    The goal of this master thesis is to develop a new accurate numerical algorithm for digital differential relay to protect a power transformer. This work employs specially developed software to simplify its input signal processing task which helps to quickly and accurately detect and clear the transformer internal faults. The available commercial transformer digital differential relays lack the required sensitivity to detect turn to turn faults when a few numbers of turns (less than 10% of the winding) are involved. This work presents a new equivalent circuit for transformer when a turn to turn fault occurs on either winding. This equivalent circuit helped to develop an accurate algorithm for... 

    Design of a SF6 Load Breaker Switch for Compact Distribution Substation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Akbari, Mohammad (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Electrical energy customer and load growth on the one hand and the problems of allocation of land for the development of the power networks on the other hand, make the tendency to use less space in the electrical industries. One of the solutions used in power distribution networks, especially in crowded areas is compact substation which requires less space than ordinary substations and also the prefabricated types of this substation can be used in the distribution system. In a compact distribution substation, all components must be designed with a minimum size. Therefore, the insulation system of the compact substation should be designed based on these requirements.
    In the distribution... 

    Short Circuit Force Evaluation in 3D Core Distribution Transformers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moradnouri, Ahmad (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    The work starts with comparison of 3D-wound core transformers against the conventional transformers using the published research results. The past works on transformer short circuit force calculation are reviewed. An algorithm is developed to design 3D-wound core distribution transformers. To determine the maximum short circuit forces, currents in different type of short circuits have been calculated. The worst case in different core configurations and different type of winding connections is determined. Different analytical methods are investigated for transformer short circuit force calculation. Two-dimensional and three-dimensioal finite element methods (using Comsol software) employed to... 

    Instant of Protective CT Saturation and its Compensation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Borzooy, Amir (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    The purpose of carrying out this Master thesis is to detect occurrence of CT saturation which leads to consecutive failures in operation of protective current transformers, as a major component in protection of power systems. The protective relay installed in the secondary side of the protective CT fails to act properly under occurrence of this phenomenon, and it doesn’t reflect proportionally the high value of fault currents passing through CT’s primary winding. As a consequence, faults become undetectable. Meanwhile, the proposed methods for detection of CT saturation must be reliable under a noisy condition, realizing that power systems have some inherent noises always available in the... 

    Online Monitoring of Multi-source PD Signals in a Single-phase Transformer Model with IEC 60270 and RF Methods

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Firuzi, Keyvan (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Transformers are the key component in power system transmission and distribution networks. Condition based maintenance will increase their expected life and online monitoring is essential to ensure operation reliability. In this work a new approach to transformer online monitoring is provided based on partial discharge (PD) measurement.Multi-source PD signal separated using time-frequency S transform (ST) that is applied to the PD signal waveforms. The resultant ST matrix is then converted to gray scale image from which high level features are extracted using Bag of Words (BoW). Gaussian mixture model (GMM) clustering is used to discover clusters in the feature space. For recognition of... 

    Hardening Strategies for Enhancing the Resilience of Electrical Distribution Networks against Earthquake

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ahmadi, Mehdi (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    During natural disasters, especially an earthquake the distribution systems operation is severely affected and interrupted by facing many failures. More than 80% of these outages are due to failures in distribution Systems. Therefore, it is crucial to enhance the resilience of the distribution systems (DSs) against these disasters. However, nowadays, due to limitation of resources for investment in these networks, only the most efficient measures should be implemented. In this work, studying the recent earthquakes in different countries, we have tried to identify the fundamental causes of failure of important network equipment, including distribution substations equipment and network... 

    Partial Discharge, Heat Transfer, and Windings Mechanical Strength against Short-Circuit Forces Assessment for a 63/20 kV, 30 MVA VPDT Sub-transmission Transformer

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kazemiun, Mahdi (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Dry-type transformers, specially under subtransmission voltage level, have gained a great importance and popularity in electrical energy systems infrastructure. This is due to their superior environmentally-friendliness, safety and reliability. However, the design process of a dry-type transformer often introduces serious challenges in terms of ensuring the compliance of a design with partial discharge requirements, lightning wave withstand ability and thermal obligations. These challenges which are stemmed from poor dielectric strength and heat transfer ability of ambient air compared to oil, have limited the production of dry-type transformers in sub-transmission voltage class. The current... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mardiha, Milad (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Fardmanesh, Mehdi (Supervisor)

    Design and Fabrication of Inductive High Temperature Superconducting Fault Current Limiter

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Hekmati, Arsalan (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Fardmanesh, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    The continuous rise in electricity demand and the ever growing power generation in different power networks over the world have caused the short circuit level in the power systems to exceed the operational rating of the installed power devices (including cables, circuit breakers and buses). Replacing these devices with new higher rating devices is an expensive solution. From this point of view, utilizing fault current limiters is an economical solution. Superconducting fault current limiters form an efficient category of current limiters. This type is expected to be studied and used widely in future due to their advantages. In this thesis, the first chapter reviews the superconductivity... 

    Electro-Magnetic Core Design in Efficient Distribution Transformers with FEM

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hajipour, Ehsan (Author) ; Vakilian, Mehdi (Supervisor)

    Estimation of power transformer no-load loss is a critical issue in the design of distribution transformers. Any deviation in estimation of the core losses during the design stage can lead to a financial penalty for the transformer manufacturer. In this project an effective method is proposed to determine all components of the iron core losses applying a combination of the empirical and numerical techniques. In this method at the first stage all computable components of the core losses are calculated, using Finite Element Method (FEM) for modeling and analysis of the transformer iron core magnetic problem. This method takes into account magnetic sheets anisotropy, joint losses and...