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    The Study on Dynamic and Mechanical Properties of Carbon and Polyamide Fiber Reinforced Isolators

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jafari, Mohammad Hosein (Author) ; Bakhshi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Valadoost Tabrizi, Vahid (Supervisor)
    For the sake of decrease in energy and force of earthquake, seismic isolators are used. Regular seismic isolators are too heavy and damaged by chemical materials, therefore in this research a new approach is used that steel shim plates replaced by carbon and polyamide fibers. The aim of this research is to obtain the dynamic and mechanical properties of carbon and polyamide fiber reinforced isolators in comparison with steel reinforced isolators. In this approach, firstly some specimens have been designed and manufactured, then compresional and cyclic shear tests were carried out on them. All three type isolators are cylindrical and have identical diameter and height. The steel, carbon fiber... 

    A Review on Structure Formation Via f(R) Gravity Models

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khajeh Tabrizi, Zahra (Author) ; Rahvar, Sohrab (Supervisor)
    It has been about a decade that cosmological datas have shown the universe is accelerating. To describe this acceleration, cosmologosts use cosmological constant as the easiest way to describe,or the modified gravity models or smooth dark energy models as other ways. In this thesis we solved a specific structure formation problem, density contrast, for linear structures, in two different methods. the first method was LCDM model and the second method was a specific f (R) gravity model. We shpwed that these two solutions are about the same.

    Analysis of entropy generation and convective heat transfer of Al 2O 3 nanofluid flow in a tangential micro heat sink

    , Article International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ; Volume 55, Issue 15-16 , July , 2012 , Pages 4366-4375 ; 00179310 (ISSN) Shalchi Tabrizi, A ; Seyf, H. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Effect of using Al 2O 3-water nanofluids with different volume fractions and particle diameters on generated entropy, hydrodynamic performance and heat transfer characteristics of a tangential micro-heat sink (TMHS) was numerically investigated in this research. Results indicated that considerable heat transfer enhancement is possible when using Al 2O 3-water nanofluids as coolant and clearly the enhancement improves with increasing particles concentration and decreasing particles size. However, using nanofluid has also induced drastic effects on the pumping power that increases with particles volume fraction and Reynolds number. Finally, it was found that generated total entropy decreases... 

    Robustness of A biped robot controller developed by human expertise extraction against changes in terrain

    , Article Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (as part of the 22nd IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, 16 February 2004 through 18 February 2004 ; 2004 , Pages 68-73 ; 088986375X (ISBN); 9780889863750 (ISBN) Tabrizi, S. S ; Bagheri, S ; IASTED ; Sharif University of Technology
    Controlling dynamic biped robots is a complex challenge. Almost all researches in this field assume that the internal structure and dynamics of the robot is known to the controller. But in real-world problems we don't have exact model of the robot or this model is very complicated and is not useful in real-time control. As a matter of fact, we use many devices without any knowledge about their internal structure or analytical models. Some researchers used learning algorithms to control bipeds, but their performance is not comparable to human's learning. Fuzzy controllers can control the bipeds with lower cost, but they need sufficient rules. In the previous works we proposed a linguistic... 

    The effect of endurance training with cinnamon supplementation on plasma concentrations of liver enzymes (ALT,AST) in women with type II diabetes

    , Article Tehran University Medical Journal ; Volume 74, Issue 6 , 2016 , Pages 433-441 ; 16831764 (ISSN) Torabi, S ; Asad, M. R ; Tabrizi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Tehran University of Medical Sciences  2016
    Background: Diabetes is associated with many pathological changes and one of the most important consequences of the diabetes is hepatic injury. The present study was performed to investigate the effect of eight weeks endurance training with consumption of cinnamon supplementation on plasma concentrations of liver enzymes,alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in women with type II diabetes. Methods: In this quasi-experimental study,36 female volunteers with type II diabetes (age 52.72±2.64 years and body mass index 29.28±2.94 Kg/m2) were participated. The subjects were homogenized regarding their body mass index and then were divided randomly into four groups... 

    Evaluation of web Applications According to Intelligence Parameters

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tabatabaei Tabrizi, Alireza (Author) ; Sadighi Moshkenani, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    In the modern world of software engineering, software evaluation has earned a special position. The presence of consultation companies in evaluating the software will confirm this specialty. Web technology, as a new trend in computer science, has attracted the attention of many researchers and practitioners. As known nowadays, most of the software solutions are Web-based. Such software is technically called Web application. The methods of evaluating Web application include the use of traditional metrics in software engineering. The intelligence of the Web in computer science has been the core of much research.
    This study is intended to use intelligence, as one of the new features of the... 

    Study on dynamic and mechanical characteristics of carbon fiber- and polyamide fiber-reinforced seismic isolators

    , Article Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions ; Volume 47, Issue 3 , March , 2014 , Pages 447-457 ; ISSN: 13595997 Bakhshi, A ; Jafari, M. H ; Valadoust Tabrizi, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Seismic isolators are used to decrease the energy and forces of earthquakes. The weight of conventional steel-reinforced elastomeric isolators (SREIs) is high, mostly due to the use of multiple steel shim plates. On the contrary, the damping ratio of SREIs is relatively low. Accordingly, this research utilizes a new approach in which the steel shim plates are replaced by carbon and polyamide fibers. This study attempts to obtain the dynamic and mechanical properties of such carbon fiber- and polyamide fiber-reinforced elastomeric isolators, in comparison with SREIs. In this work, a number of specimens were initially designed and manufactured. Afterwards, compression and cyclic shear tests... 

    Size-dependent generalized thermoelasticity model for Timoshenko microbeams

    , Article Acta Mechanica ; Vol. 225, issue. 7 , 2014 , p. 1823-1842 Taati, E ; Molaei Najafabadi, M ; Basirat Tabrizi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    A size-dependent, explicit formulation for coupled thermoelasticity addressing a Timoshenko microbeam is derived in this study. This novel model combines modified couple stresses and non-Fourier heat conduction to capture size effects in the microscale. To this purpose, a length-scale parameter as square root of the ratio of curvature modulus to shear modulus and a thermal relaxation time as the phase lag of heat flux vector are considered for predicting the thermomechanical behavior in a microscale device accurately. Governing equations and boundary conditions of motion are obtained simultaneously through variational formulation based on Hamilton's principle. As for case study, the model is... 

    Optimization of functionally graded materials in the slab symmetrically surface heated using transient analytical solution

    , Article Journal of Thermal Stresses ; Vol. 37, issue. 2 , February , 2014 , pp. 137-159 ; ISSN: 01495739 Najafabadi, M. M ; Taati, E ; Tabrizi, H. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Functionally graded materials (FGMs) have been introduced to significantly reduce the temperature and thermal stresses on structures at severe thermal loading. Design and development of FGMs as the heat treatable and energy-absorbing materials for high-temperature and thermal protection systems requires understanding of exact temperature and thermal stress distribution, in order to optimize their resistance to failure. In this study, transient temperature and associated thermal stresses in a functionally graded slab symmetrically heated on both sides are determined by separation of the variables scheme. This method is applied to the heat conduction equation in terms of heat flux for... 

    Image Processing for Medical Assist

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Turkan Tabrizi, Masoud (Author) ; Bagheri Shouraki, Saeed (Supervisor)
    A survey on the methods of detecting a human body inside surrounding captured images of a machine, optimizing one of these methods and finding an injured person in a captured picture is our target. Using neural networks for better detection and making RBFN network, make it possible to use high altitude captured pictures with lower resolution and light changes. Modifying RBFN to MRBFN network for an optimized processing with effect of living signs seems to be an applicable approach. These methods can extended from detecting an injured person in a captured picture, to analyze the medical images like detecting a special pattern in MRI picture. Of course it’s a start for many future... 

    Experimental investigation on effects of elastomer components on dynamic and mechanical properties in seismic isolator compounds

    , Article Construction and Building Materials ; Volume 135 , 2017 , Pages 267-278 ; 09500618 (ISSN) Abedi Koupai, S ; Bakhshi, A ; Valadoust Tabrizi, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2017
    Elastomeric bearings are becoming a preferred device for isolating bridges, buildings, and sensitive equipment structures. The technical specifications used to procure these isolators are considered as important factors for the consumers. Lack of communication between structural engineers and rubber technologists, causes structural engineers have slight understanding of rubber properties. In the present study, a number of compounds were initially designed and manufactured, based on a previously studied and manufactured isolator compound. The outcome of the experiments indicated the physical and mechanical properties. Afterwards, the targeted improvement led to modification of the compounds... 

    Role of endurance training in preventing pathological hypertrophy via large tumor suppressor (LATS) changes

    , Article Iranian Heart Journal ; Volume 20, Issue 3 , 2019 , Pages 52-59 ; 17357306 (ISSN) Tabrizi, A ; Soori, R ; Choobineh, S ; Gholipour, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Iranian Heart Association  2019
    Background: One of the negative effects of cardiac sympathetic hyperactivity is pathologic hypertrophy. Recent studies have indicated that large tumor suppressor (LATS) is one of the molecules which play a critical role in cardiomyocyte apoptosis. Considering the preventive role of exercise training, we evaluated the effects of endurance training on LATS gene expression and its upstream pathway in the present study. Methods: Eighteen male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 2 groups: Endurance and control. Endurance training was performed for 8 weeks, 1 hour per day, and 6 days per week on the treadmill at a 15° inclination. Pathologic hypertrophy was induced with the injection of 3... 

    Comparative analysis of the boundary transfer method with other near-wall treatments based on the k-ε turbulence model

    , Article European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids ; Vol. 44, issue , 2014 , pp. 22-31 ; ISSN: 09977546 Nazif, H. R ; Basirat Tabrizi, H ; Farhadpour, F. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Accurate description of wall-bounded turbulent flows requires a fine grid near walls to fully resolve the boundary layers. We consider a locally simplified transport model using an assumed near-wall viscosity profile to project the wall boundary conditions using the boundary transfer method. Related coefficients are obtained numerically. By choosing a near-wall viscosity profile, we derive an analytic wall function, which significantly reduces the CPU costs. The performance of this wall function is compared to other near-wall treatments proposed in the literature for two frequently used benchmark cases: near-equilibrium channel flow and flow over a backward-facing step with separation and... 

    Thermodynamic analysis of combustion processes and pollutants emission using nonlinear optimization approach

    , Article Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering ; Volume 7, Issue 1 , AUG , 2012 , Pages 80-85 ; 19322135 (ISSN) Farshchi Tabrizi, F ; Zolfaghari Sharak, A ; Zolfaghari Shahrak, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Mathematical formulation and modeling of combustion processes is an important tool in the understanding of this phenomenon. Determination of equilibrium temperature and composition is often the first stage in calculation of combustion characteristics. There are number of different techniques for simulation of combustion process. In this study a basic model has been developed based on the minimization of Gibb's free energy to simulate the combustion processes. A nonlinear mathematical optimization has been developed based on Lagrange multipliers and solved using Quasi-Newton method written in MathCAD environment. The effect of various parameters such as initial temperature, pressure, and... 

    Geometry effects in Eulerian/Granular simulation of a turbulent FCC riser with a (kg-g)-KTGF model

    , Article International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering ; Volume 8 , 2010 ; 15426580 (ISSN) Nazif, H. R ; Basirat Tabrizi, H ; Farhadpour, F. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Three-dimensional, transient turbulent particulate flow in an FCC riser is modeled using an Eulerian/Granular approach. The turbulence in the gas phase is described by a modified realizable (kg-g) closure model and the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) is employed for the particulate phase. Separate simulations are conducted for a rectangular and a cylindrical riser with similar dimensions. The model predictions are validated against experimental data of Sommerfeld et al (2002) and also compared with the previously reported LES-KTGF simulations of Hansen et al (2003) for the rectangular riser. The (kg-g)-KTGF model does not perform as well as the LES-KTGF model for the riser with a... 

    Studying the Behaviour and Performance of an Innovative Floating Offshore Platform

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moradkhan, Esmaeil (Author) ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    The objective of this project is to study the behaviour and performance of an innotative floating offshore platform. Such Platform not only can be used for exploring oil from offshore fields, but for creating artificial islands, where land is in short supply. Due to its specific and, at the same time, simple geometry (symmetric), its fabrication does ont involve much complexity. Studies carried out on this platform include the investigation into its structural behaviour under gravitational (including self weight) and bouyancy forces. Studied cases include a number of platforms with different (geometrical) sizes and under 3 various bouyancy conditions (percentage), namely 1) 50% of the height... 

    The Study of The Behaviour of Steel Structures with Semi-Rigid Connections Subject to Fire

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alanchari, Ehsan (Author) ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Fire is one the events which threatens the very existence of every building, residential, office, industrial or else. However, this threat is more serious with regard to buildings with steel structures. Steel, despite its many advantages over other structural materials, such as having high strength to weight ratio, ductility, toughness and resilience, has the disadvantage of rapidly losing its strength at elevated temperatures, i.e. in fire. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the designer to make the serious decision of whether to use steel, concrete, timber, or other materials for the structure of the building to be designed. Observations made during full-scale fire tests as well as... 

    Study of the P-^ Effects on the Behavior of Split-Level Steel Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yarahmadi, Arash (Author) ; Khansari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Due to unusual response of structures of buildings with irregularity in their architecture to dynamic excitations, to have a comprehensive knowledge of their behavior during earthquakes is of utmost importance. Building irregularities are in general divided into two major categories, namely Irregularity in Plane and Irregularity in Elevation, and one of the forms of the latter is where there is a split in the levels of the building. In this work, through a series of case studies, the effects of P- phenomenon on the behavior of steel split-level building structures were studied. 5, 10 and 15 story buildings with 5 and 6 bays, and level splitting of 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 cm were studied. All... 

    Three Dimensional Simulation of Morphology of Nanodroplets Near and on Structured Substrates

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Vahid, Afshin (Author) ; Moosavi, Ali (Supervisor)
    Mesoscopic hydrodynamic equations are solved employing a VOF based method to investigate the equilibrium shape of nanodroplets positioned over various topographic geometries of the supporting substrate for three-dimensional systems. By taking into account liquid-liquid and liquid-solid interactions a complex distribution for inter-molecular forces over the substrates (the disjoining pressure) is observed. In this research we show that motion of nanodroplets not only caused by contact angle difference in drplets two sides, but also depend on disjoining pressure parameters.Geometries with increasing complexities, from wedges to three dimensional edges and wedges, were explored with the main... 

    Investigating the Seismic Behaviour of Split-Level Building Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abdoli, Masoud (Author) ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Observations made after previous earthquakes have shown the crucial role of irregularities in initiating damage in buildings with irregularity, either in Plan or in Elevation. Since in existing Building Codes, there is no provision for the distribution of the Equivalent Static Loads for such buildings, designers have no option but to resort to Dynamic Analysis. In this work, the seismic behaviour of a group of two-dimensional steel building structures with irregularity in elevation, namely Split-Level buildings, was studied. The studied structures consist of a series of 5- and 15-storey frames having two parts with splitting distance of 150 cm. Both, moment-resisting and braced frames were...