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The second strain gradient theory-based Timoshenko beam model
, Article JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control ; Volume 23, Issue 13 , 2017 , Pages 2155-2166 ; 10775463 (ISSN) ; Momeni, S. A ; Vatankhah, R ; Sharif University of Technology
SAGE Publications Inc
The governing equations of motion, together with the associated boundary conditions, are derived for the second strain gradient Timoshenko micro- and nano-beams. The second strain gradient theory is a highly powerful nonclassical continuum theory, capable of capturing the size effects in micro- and nano-scale structures. In case studies, the static and free-vibration behaviors of a hinged-hinged beam are investigated utilizing the presented second strain gradient theory-based Timoshenko beam model. The obtained results are compared with those of the available models in the literature, which are based on the (first) strain gradient theory, the modified couple stress theory, and the classical...
Subcutaneous insulin administration by deep reinforcement learning for blood glucose level control of type-2 diabetic patients
, Article Computers in Biology and Medicine ; Volume 148 , 2022 ; 00104825 (ISSN) ; Niazmand, V. R ; Eqra, N ; Vatankhah, R ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Background: Type-2 diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion in the human body. Many endeavors have been made in terms of controlling and reducing blood glucose via the medium of automated controlling tools to increase precision and efficiency and reduce human error. Recently, reinforcement learning algorithms are proved to be powerful in the field of intelligent control, which was the motivation for the current study. Methods: For the first time, a reinforcement algorithm called normalized advantage function (NAF) algorithm has been applied as a model-free reinforcement learning method to regulate the blood glucose level of type-2 diabetic...
A geometrically nonlinear beam model based on the second strain gradient theory
, Article International Journal of Engineering Science ; Volume 91 , June , 2015 , Pages 63-75 ; 00207225 (ISSN) ; Asghari, M ; Vatankhah, R ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
The geometrically nonlinear governing differential equation of motion and corresponding boundary conditions of small-scale Euler-Bernoulli beams are achieved using the second strain gradient theory. This theory is a non-classical continuum theory capable of capturing the size effects. The appearance of many higher-order material constants in the formulation can certify that it appropriately assesses the behavior of extremely small-scale structures. A hinged-hinged beam is chosen as an example to lay out the nonlinear size-dependent static bending and free vibration behaviors of the derived formulation. The results of the new model are compared with the previously obtained results based on...
Vibration boundary control of micro-cantilever timoshenko beam using piezoelectric actuators
, Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 25, Issue 2B , 2018 , Pages 711-720 ; 10263098 (ISSN) ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Vatankhah, R ; Sharif University of Technology
Sharif University of Technology
One of the methods of force/moment exertion on micro beams is utilizing piezoelectric actuators. In this paper, considering the effects of the piezoelectric actuator on asymptotic stability achievement, the boundary control problem for the vibration of a clamped-free micro-cantilever Timoshenko beam is addressed. To achieve this purpose, the dynamic equations of the beam actuated by a piezoelectric layer laminated on one side of the beam are extracted. The control law was implemented so that vibrations of the beam could be decayed. This control law was achieved based on feedback of time derivatives of boundary states of the beam. The obtained control was applied in the form of piezoelectric...
Boundary control of anti-symmetric vibration of satellite with flexible appendages in planar motion with exponential stability
, Article Acta Astronautica ; Volume 147 , 2018 , Pages 219-230 ; 00945765 (ISSN) ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Vatankhah, R ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
In this research, we have investigated the planar maneuver of a flexible satellite with appendages anti-symmetric vibration. The hybrid governing equations are comprised of coupled partial and ordinary differential equations which are derived by employing Hamilton's principle. In this paper, control goals are the tracking desired pitch angle along with the flexible appendages vibration suppression simultaneously by using only one control torque which is applied to the central hub. The boundary control is proposed to fulfill these control aims; furthermore, this boundary control ensures that spillover instability phenomenon is eliminated, and in-domain sensors and actuators implement are...
Boundary control of flexible satellite vibration in planar motion
, Article Journal of Sound and Vibration ; Volume 432 , 2018 , Pages 549-568 ; 0022460X (ISSN) ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Vatankhah, R ; Sharif University of Technology
Academic Press
In this paper, the planar maneuver of a flexible satellite with regard to its flexible appendages vibration has been studied. The flexible satellite translates and rotates in a plane; in addition, the flexible appendages can also vibrate in that plane. The system governing equations, which are coupled partial and ordinary differential equations, are obtained based on Hamilton's principle. Then the original system converts to three equivalent subsystems, two of which contains one partial differential equation and one ordinary differential equation along with four boundary conditions, by using change of variables. Employing control forces and one control torque which are applied to the central...
Boundary stabilization of a cosserat elastic body
, Article Asian Journal of Control ; Volume 19, Issue 6 , 2017 , Pages 2219-2225 ; 15618625 (ISSN) ; Alasty, A ; Vatankhah, R ; Eghtesad, M ; Daneshmand, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Boundary stabilization of vibrating three-dimensional Cosserat elastic solids are studied using mathematical tools, such as operator theory and semigroup techniques. The advantages of the boundary control laws for both boundary stabilization problems are investigated. The boundary stabilization problems are studied using a Lyapunov stability method and LaSalle's invariant set theorem. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness and performance of the designed control scheme. © 2017 Chinese Automatic Control Society and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Active leading through obstacles using ant-colony algorithm
, Article Neurocomputing ; Volume 88 , 2012 , Pages 67-77 ; 09252312 (ISSN) ; Etemadi, S ; Alasty, A ; Vossoughi, G. R ; Boroushaki, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In presence of obstacles, inter-agent pulling actions must be bounded. In this case, to remain connected to the group, the leader-agent (LA) must perform an active leading strategy. In this paper, an active leading algorithm is proposed which monitors the neighborhood of the LA and adjusts its velocity. The algorithm is based on the ant colony optimization (ACO) technique. As a real time optimization package, the ACO algorithm maximizes influence of the LA on the group, leading to fast flocking. Comparison with another optimization method is provided as well. Simulations show that the algorithm is successful and cost effective
Design and Simulation of a Passive Microfluidic Device for Particle Separation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shamloo, Amir (Supervisor)
Nowadays, separation and filtration of particles has many industrial applications in biology and medicine. In this thesis, passive microfluidics are designed and simulated which are able to separate and filter particles. Although particles aer generally expected to follow laminar flow streamlines in the absence of external forces, inertial forxes van cause particles to migrate across mictochannels in an accurate and predictable manner. The effect of these forces is invedtigated, and by using previous research, a model is developed to predict these forces. First design is a microchannel with Archimedean spiral which utilizes both inertial forces and Dean flow to separate particles in the...
Parametric study on mixing process in an in-plane spiral micromixer utilizing chaotic advection
, Article Analytica Chimica Acta ; Volume 1022 , 2018 , Pages 96-105 ; 00032670 (ISSN) ; Shamloo, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Recent advances in the field of microfabrication have made the application of high-throughput microfluidics feasible. Mixing which is an essential part of any miniaturized standalone system remains the key challenge. This paper proposes a geometrically simple micromixer for efficient mixing for high-throughput microfluidic devices. The proposed micromixer utilizes a curved microchannel (spiral microchannel) to induce chaotic advection and enhance the mixing process. It is shown that the spiral microchannel is more efficient in comparison to a straight microchannel, mixing wise. The pressure drop in the spiral microchannel is only slightly higher than that in the straight microchannel. It is...
Control and Optimization of Robotic Swarm Flocking Using Naturally Inspired Methods
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
The idea of using groups of simple autonomous robots instead of one or limited number of very sophisticated robots is inspired by flocking behaviors of animals. Distributed control structures and artificial swarming have attracted lots of studies in robotics. There are many applications for robotic swarms in which members are very simple robots with low communication capabilities. These robots communicate only within very limited distances. In this thesis, a homogenous robotic swarm with at least two robots is assumed. Swarm robots are considered to be dimensionless with no time delay, which is a normal assumption in this field of studies. Robots move in planar space and their behaviors are...
Vibration Control of Nonclassical Microbeams Using Boundary Control Theory of Partial Differential Equations
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
Nowadays, continuous systems such as strings, bars, beams and plates have become widespread in science and engineering applications. To achieve the control purposes of continuous systems, most of engineers use discretization techniques to reduce the governing partial differential equation (PDE) into a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). From practical point of view, this model reduction can cause many problems such as in-domain measurement and actuation and control spillover. This thesis attempts to investigate the problem of vibration control of nonclassical microscale beams using the partial differential equation control theory which eliminates spillover instabilities. To this...
Online velocity optimization of robotic swarm flocking using particle swarm optimization (PSO) method
, Article 2009 6th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, ISMA 2009, Sharjah, 23 March 2009 through 26 March 2009 ; 2009 ; 9781424434817 (ISBN) ; Etemadi, S ; Honarvar, M ; Alasty, A ; Boroushaki, M ; Vossoughi, G. R ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, the agent velocity in robotic swarm was determined by using particle swarm optimization (PSO) to maximize the robotic swarm coordination velocity. A swarm as supposed here is homogenous and includes at least two members. Motion and behavior of swarm members are mostly result of two different phenomena: interactive mutual forces and influence of the agent. Interactive mutual forces comprise both attraction and repulsion. To be more realistic the field of the swarm members' view is not infinity. So influence of the coordinator agent on the robotic swarm would be local. The objective here is to guide the robotic swarm with maximum possible velocity. According to equation motion...
Observer-based vibration control of non-classical microcantilevers using extended Kalman filters
, Article Applied Mathematical Modelling ; January , 2015 ; 0307904X (ISSN) ; Karami, F ; Salarieh, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Inc
In non-classical micro-beams, the strain energy of the system is determined by the non-classical continuum mechanics. In this study, we consider a closed-loop control methodology for suppressing the vibration of non-classical microscale Euler-Bernoulli beams with nonlinear electrostatic actuation. The non-dimensional form of the governing nonlinear partial differential equation of the system is introduced and converted into a set of ordinary differential equations using the Galerkin projection method. In addition, we prove the observability of the system and we design a state estimation system using the extended Kalman filter algorithm. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed...
Observer-based vibration control of non-classical microcantilevers using extended Kalman filters
, Article Applied Mathematical Modelling ; Volume 39, Issue 19 , 2015 , Pages 5986-5996 ; 0307904X (ISSN) ; Karami, F ; Salarieh, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Inc
In non-classical micro-beams, the strain energy of the system is determined by the non-classical continuum mechanics. In this study, we consider a closed-loop control methodology for suppressing the vibration of non-classical microscale Euler-Bernoulli beams with nonlinear electrostatic actuation. The non-dimensional form of the governing nonlinear partial differential equation of the system is introduced and converted into a set of ordinary differential equations using the Galerkin projection method. In addition, we prove the observability of the system and we design a state estimation system using the extended Kalman filter algorithm. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed...
Numerical simulation of heat transfer in mixed electroosmotic pressure-driven flow in straight microchannels
, Article Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications ; Volume 8, Issue 2 , 2016 ; 19485085 (ISSN) ; Merdasi, A ; Vatankhah, P ; Sharif University of Technology
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
This paper investigates two-dimensional, time-independent elecroosmotic pressuredriven flow generated by a direct current electric potential with asymmetrical and symmetrical zeta potential distributions along the microchannel walls. Fluid flow through the horizontal microchannel is simulated using a numerical method. Two different cases are proposed to study the effect of electric potential on the flow field. First, negative electric potential is applied on the microchannel walls. In this case, large segments with negative electric potential are initially placed on the first half of the microchannel walls with two different arrangements. Afterward, smaller segments with negative electric...
Vibration control of vehicle suspension system using adaptive critic-based neurofuzzy controller
, Article 2009 6th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, ISMA 2009, Sharjah, 23 March 2009 through 26 March 2009 ; 2009 ; 9781424434817 (ISBN) ; Rahaeifard, M ; Alasty, A ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper presents an active suspension system for passenger cars, using adaptive critic-based neurofuzzy controller. The model is described by a system with seven degrees of freedom. The car is subjected to excitation from a rode surface and wheel unbalance. The main superiority of the proposed controller over previous analogous fuzzy logic controller designed approaches, e.g., genetic fuzzy logic controller, is its online tuning characteristic and remarkable reduced amount of computations used for parameter adaptation, which makes it desirable for real time applications. Considering the simplicity of this controller and its independence from the system model, this control method has the...
Performance of RC Shear Walls Strengthened by Vertical Strips of Steel Plates under Seismic Loading
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khaloo, Alireza (Supervisor)
Even though a considerable amount of research has been conducted on composite wall system during past years, very limited research has been reported on shear walls strengthened by steel plates. In 2008, the composite shear wall, which consisted of reinforced concrete wall, retrofitted by steel plates, attached to both sides of RC walls using mechanical connectors in form of shear studs, bolts or lateral ties tested under axial load and lateral force. In this research, seismic behavior of RC shear walls strengthened by vertical strips of steel plates is going to be studied. The result will be compared with RC shear wall which fully covered by steel plates. The behavior of RC shear wall will...
Exact boundary controllability of vibrating non-classical Euler-Bernoulli micro-scale beams
, Article Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ; Vol. 418, issue. 2 , 2014 , pp. 985-997 ; ISSN: 0022247X ; Najafi, A ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Sharif University of Technology
This study investigates the exact controllability problem for a vibrating non-classical Euler-Bernoulli micro-beam whose governing partial differential equation (PDE) of motion is derived based on the non-classical continuum mechanics. In this paper, it is proved that via boundary controls, it is possible to obtain exact controllability which consists of driving the vibrating system to rest in finite time. This control objective is achieved based on the PDE model of the system which causes that spillover instabilities do not occur
Boundary stabilization of non-classical micro-scale beams
, Article Applied Mathematical Modelling ; Volume 37, Issue 20-21 , 2013 , Pages 8709-8724 ; 0307904X (ISSN) ; Najafi, A ; Salarieh, H ; Alasty, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, the problem of boundary stabilization of a vibrating non-classical micro-scale Euler-Bernoulli beam is considered. In non-classical micro-beams, the governing Partial Differential Equation (PDE) of motion is obtained based on the non-classical continuum mechanics which introduces material length scale parameters. In this research, linear boundary control laws are constructed to stabilize the free vibration of non-classical micro-beams which its governing PDE is derived based on the modified strain gradient theory as one of the most inclusive non-classical continuum theories. Well-posedness and asymptotic stabilization of the closed loop system are investigated for both cases...