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Corrosion Detection by Non-destructive Tests
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosughi, Nasser (Supervisor) ; Movafeghi, Amir (Co-Advisor)
Non-destructive Testing (NDT) methodsare among the most important ways that are used for inspection of industrial products. It can measure non-visible properties of material such as defect size and inclusions that is inside of the object.NDT is included several tests such as visual examination, eddy current testing, ultrasonic testing and radiographic testing.Radiography is one of the most common NDT methods that are used to detect the defects in objects by registering an image of the object on the radiography film. Corrosion is one of the most important defects in pipelines, where the most important concern is measuring the remaining thickness in corroded zone.
In this study, some...
In this study, some...
Simulation and Acceleration of Image Reconstruction for a Typical PET Imaging System Using GPU
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vossoughi, Nasser (Supervisor) ; Vosughi Vahdat, Bijan (Supervisor)
Positron Emmision Tomography is one of the most important methods in molecular imaging field. One of the challenges over PET imaging is the resolution of reconstructed images. To overcome this problem, one can use more exact image reconstruction methods called, iterative methods. It has been showed that Iterative methods like MLEM have advantages over Analytical ones. Main drawback of iterative methods is time consuming computation. Then you should reduce the image reconstruction’s time for clinical time constraints. Using Graphic Proccessing Unit for accelerating computational works, raised in recent years. In this work, we used GPU for accelerating pet image reconstruction and simulation...
Acceleration of Image Reconstruction on the Magnetic Resonance Imaging System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vossoughi, Nasser (Supervisor) ; Vosughi Vahdat, Bijan (Supervisor) ; Zamani, Pooria ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging ,MRI, although as one of the most advanced medical imaging equipment is well known but compared to other medical imaging systems needs more time to imaging, so it has caused the patient dissatisfaction. According to the recently researches, filling the image data in a space of information that called ‘k-space’, in the process of image reconstruction, is the main reason of slow MRI. Image reconstruction methods for accelerating like half scan based on image reconstruction by using only a part of k-space is used in MRI systems today, but this method is associated with lower SNR image. Recent research on the theory of compressed sensing has been opened a new approach...
Hybrid control and motion planning of dynamical legged locomotion
, Book ; Sadati, Nasser
This book provides a comprehensive presentation of issues and challenges faced by researchers and practicing engineers in motion planning and hybrid control of dynamical legged locomotion. The major features range from offline and online motion planning algorithms to generate desired feasible periodic walking and running motions and tow-level control schemes, including within-stride feedback laws, continuous time update laws and event-based update laws, to asymptotically stabilize the generated desired periodic orbits. This book describes the current state of the art and future directions across all domains of dynamical legged locomotion so that readers can extend proposed motion planning...
A Learning Method Inspired by the Human Motor Learning
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosughi Vahdat, Bijan (Supervisor)
Recently, the computational algorithms underlying in the nervous system of vertebrates have been attracting scientists and engineers. Therefore, a number of artificial learning methods are proposed for mathematical interpretation of these algorithms. In this thesis, by investigating the latest findings about the nervous system, and the motor system in particular, a novel machine learning scheme inspired by human motor learning is proposed. Basic theoretical aspects of this method in conjunction with some of state-of-theart artificial learning methods are discussed. Finally, this method is evaluated in a variety of engineering problems ranging from curve fitting and function approximation to...
Modeling of Human Decision Making in Problem Solving Based on Physiological Models of Neuron
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosughi Vahdat, Bijan (Supervisor)
How the human nervous system works is one of the most important topics in science and in this topic providing a model of it is scientists' main concern. The human brain that has been formed from a large number of nerve cells lets it do complex computations. The structure of cognition, memorizing and processing which are some of human features are being studied in many fields of science named "brain and cognitive science".
In this study, we will point to modeling of one of the human cognitive phenomena (decision making in problem solving). In this modeling, we aim to connect the microscopic and macroscopic levels of the nervous system to each other.
First, we will give an introduction...
In this study, we will point to modeling of one of the human cognitive phenomena (decision making in problem solving). In this modeling, we aim to connect the microscopic and macroscopic levels of the nervous system to each other.
First, we will give an introduction...
Speed Optimization In Hardware Implementation Of JPEG2000
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosughi Vahdat, Bijan (Supervisor)
According to needs for high quality pictures with high compression, in variety of applications such as Satellite communications, in this thesis some parts of JPEG2000 standard with computation and time complexity, have been implemented on FPGA. This parts are:
1- Two dimensional Discrete wavelet transform (2D-DWT)
2- Bit Plan Coding
3- Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (MQ-Coder)
Each of these parts is implemented on basis of the best architectures in papers with some improvement on its hardware; and the results are compared with other similar works. Other parts, such as “Packet Creation” that are intrinsically software-based, are not implemented and it is...
1- Two dimensional Discrete wavelet transform (2D-DWT)
2- Bit Plan Coding
3- Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (MQ-Coder)
Each of these parts is implemented on basis of the best architectures in papers with some improvement on its hardware; and the results are compared with other similar works. Other parts, such as “Packet Creation” that are intrinsically software-based, are not implemented and it is...
A Two Criteria Objective Function Flexible Flowshop Scheduling Problem With Machine Eligibility Constraint
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salmasi, Nasser (Supervisor)
This study strives to minimize a two-criterion objective function of a flexible flow shop scheduling problem with receipt and delivery of jobs in groups and processing them individually. Every group of jobs has a release time, which means that all jobs are not available at the beginning of the planning horizon. Moreover, due to the special characteristics of every job in a group, only a subset of machines at each stage are eligible to process that job. This problem has many applications in production and service industries, such as restaurants and ceramic tile manufacturing companies. The objective function is determined based on the practical applications of the problem. It deals with...
Minimizing the Number of Tardy Jobs in Flow Shop Sequence Dependent Setup Times Scheduling Problem
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salmasi, Nasser (Supervisor)
This research investigates permutation flow shop scheduling problems with sequence-dependent setup times with minimizing the number of tardy jobs as criterion (Fm|prmu, Sijk|ΣUj). A mixed integer linear programming model has been developed for the research problem. As the problem is shown to be NP-hard, several meta-heuristic algorithms based on tabu search (TS) and imperialist competitive algorithm are developed to heuristically solve the problem. In order to find the best meta-heuristic algorithm, random test problems, ranging in size from small, medium, to large are created and solved by the meta-heuristic algorithms. Then, a detailed statistical experiment, based on split-plot design is...
Upper and Lower Bounding Methods for Flowshop and Flexible Flowshop Group Scheduling Problems
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Salmasi, Nasser (Supervisor)
In this research sequence-dependent flowshop and flexible flowshop group scheduling problems are investigated. Several upper and lower bounding methods are proposed for the research problems. Permutation flowshop sequence-dependent group scheduling problem with minimization of total completion time is considered. Since the problem is shown to be strongly NP-hard, a Memetic algorithm (MA) is proposed. A lower bounding method base on the Branch-and-Price algrithm is also proposed. A statistical comparison shows that both the proposed MA and the proposed lower bounding method have better performance than the other methods from the literature with an average 5.96% percentage gap. Flexible...
Simulation of Coolant Temperature Variation in VVER-1000 Reactor Using Temperature Noise Analysis
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vossoughi, Nasser (Supervisor)
Temperature noise phenomenon in nuclear reactors results to the vital information about the system. This phenomenon may originate from coolant inlet temperature fluctuations, coolant fluid velocity fluctuations or the reactor power fluctuations in PWR reactors. Diagnosis of such temperature noise sources shall improve the reactor control and protection.The present research aims to develop a software to model the temperature noise in the axial direction of a single channel comprises of fuel rod and the associated coolant to recognize the type of temperature noise sources. In this regard, research stages are as follows: first the temperature noise caused by three conventional noise sources in...
Adaptive-Robust Control of Dynamic Systems Using Orthonormal Filters
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; sadati, Nasser (Supervisor)
In this research, using orthonormal filters, an adaptive-robust controller is designed for a class of SISO dynamic systems for which the input and output datas are available. First, Laguerre filters are combined with orthonormal Chebyshev functions to increase the capability of Laguerre filters in identification of systems with unknown dynamics. Then, the resulted Lagueree-Chebyshev structure is used for closed loop identification of the system and controller is designed. Moreover, RBF neural networks are used to approximate some nonlinear terms appearing in the controller design process.
Finally, in order to minimize the control effort, a new approach is proposed that leads to a set...
Finally, in order to minimize the control effort, a new approach is proposed that leads to a set...
Neutronic Simulation of Pebble Bed Reactors
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vossoughi, Nasser (Supervisor)
The Very-High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) design is one of the six candidates for the Generation IV nuclear reactors. The reactor core type of the VHTR design is either prismatic or pebble-bed. In pebble bed reactors, the core is filled of thousands of graphite and fuel pebbles. Fuel pebbles in these reactors consist of TRISO particles, which are embedded in a graphite matrix stochastically. The reactor core is also stochastically filled up of fuel and dummy pebbles with an unequal ratio. These two stochastic geometries are the so-called double heterogeneous of this type of reactors. In the current study, a...
Application of Data Mining in Healtcare
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salmasi, Nasser (Supervisor)
Data mining is the one of top ten developing knowledge in the world. This study followed three fold objectives; Firstly, An efficient model based on data mining algorithms is proposed to predict the duration of hospitalization time for patients of digestive system disease that need short term care. Duration of hospitalization is an important criterion to be used for predicting the hospital resources. In order to, a combined model based on CHAID and C.5 decision trees and a neural network is suggested. The suggested model predict the duration of hospitalization with 82% accuracy. The second object of this study is to propose an algorithm based on likelihood ratio. The suggested algorithm...
Olympic Games Scheduling
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salmasi, Nasser (Supervisor)
In the present work, the problem of Olympic Games scheduling is investigated. Due to the high number of matches and limited number of resources, scheduling of the Olympic Games is a difficult and time consuming job. Also a balanced distribution of medals on the days of Olympic Games keep each day attractive for the people and prevent sudden changes in the medal ranking of countries. So, in regard to the limitations of the problem and to balance the distribution of medals, the Olympic Games are scheduled. In order to do that, at first, two mathematical models are presented. One of them is for obtaining the feasible and optimum solution in a specified period of time. The other model presents a...
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosoughi, Nasser (Supervisor)
High purity Germanium (HPGe) detector is a sub branch of semiconductor detectors which has very good resolution, very little dead time, able tobuild in large dimensions and suitable for any condition that it is using in vast fields from space investigation to radiation therapy. this detector is usually used to detecting gamma radiations furthermore the best resolution can be attained with decreasing leakage current. for analyzing about operation of the HPGe detector, it needs to initiate a model of this detector. in this studing has been used modelGEM-15190,POP-TOP which is built by ortec company. for initiating, it was used liquid nitrogen and accessory equipments like high voltage supply,...
Reconstruction of Noise Sources in VVER-1000 Reactors by Using Wavelet Analysis
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vossoughi, Nasser (Supervisor)
Noise phenomena, which is considered as a nuisance factor, always acts as a barrier to achieve optimal performance in all systems. In Nuclear power reactors, noise can occur due to mechanical problems such as fluctuation in control rods, failure in placing Fuel assembly in their locations properly or other factors such as creation of small bubbles in moderator. Regardless of its cause, noise leaves its impact on cross section area of material within the reactor core. Change in material cross section area shows its effect in neutron flux. Although noise is a small disturbance and may not have much impact on the reactor momentarily performance itself, in case of continuity, it can leave...
Identification and Self Tuning Control of Dynamic Systems using Fractional Orthonormal Laguerre Filters
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadati, Nasser (Supervisor)
Fractional Order Transfer Functions (FOTF) in comparison to Integer Order Transfer Functions, have higher degree of freedom and as a result they can behave more dynamically. Many methods for approximation of these transfer functions have been developed in recent years allowing to implement and simulate their time-domain and frequency-domain characteristics.
Fractional order orthonormal Laguerre filters are a generalization of conventional orthonormal Laguerre filters in fractional order transfer functions domain. Orthonormal Laguerre filters have applications in signal processing and system identification. In this thesis, we investigate the application of fractional order laguerre...
Fractional order orthonormal Laguerre filters are a generalization of conventional orthonormal Laguerre filters in fractional order transfer functions domain. Orthonormal Laguerre filters have applications in signal processing and system identification. In this thesis, we investigate the application of fractional order laguerre...
Parallel Machines with Batch Processing
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salmasi, Nasser (Supervisor)
Due to the undeniable importance and applicability of both "batch processing" and "parallel machines" in service and industry, this survey strives to solve a real-world problem in which some identical parallel machine, capable of processing jobs in batches, are available. In batch processing the process of jobs starts and ends simultaneously. In real world the processing time of the batch is a function of some characteristics of the jobs in the batch. in this survey, for simplicity (as calculating the mentioned function is so difficult), we assume that the processing time of a batch equals the sum of the processing time of the jobs in the batch. we also have assumed that the capacity of a...
Factors Affecting the Brand of Family Companies in Iran
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Karami, Nasser (Supervisor)
Although management literature about branding and family companies is very productive and rich separately, but branding is a subject in family enterprises that have been discussed in less literature. Depending on the different nature they have, family firms face different needs and challenges and else. On the other hand, demand different responses for similar needs with other companies. It seems that branding in family companies is one of the common needs in family firms which have a different response from non - family firms. In order to answer the question, what are the specific factors of family firms that affect the brand of family companies, the present research has been done. According...