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Polygonal Finite Element Modeling of Fracture Mechanism and Crack Propagation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khoei, Amir Reza (Supervisor)
Fracture is one of the most important engineering problems, and the lack of knowledge about this phenomenon will result in loss of life and property. Before the computer age, fracture mechanics has been studied by many analytical mechanics researchers; and after that, lots of attempts have been done to accurately model this phenomenon.
Finite element method, one of the best methods in Computational Mechanics, is common in computational fracture mechanics. Polygonal finite element is a new concept which has been recently applied in finite element analysis. This research utilized this concept in com-putational fracture mechanics. In another word, the crack discontinuity and crack tip...
Finite element method, one of the best methods in Computational Mechanics, is common in computational fracture mechanics. Polygonal finite element is a new concept which has been recently applied in finite element analysis. This research utilized this concept in com-putational fracture mechanics. In another word, the crack discontinuity and crack tip...
Multiscale Modeling of Crack Propagation under Thermal Fatigue in Nano-Structured Materials
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Khoei, Amir Reza (Supervisor)
In this research, various molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out and sensitivity of the crack propagation process to the simulation parameters including the load pattern, maximum applied strain, temperature, loading frequency, and percentage of defects is investigated. Moreover, the crack propagation in poly-crystalline structure is studied using a larger model consisting of several atomic crystals and the effect of the presence of crystals on crack growth is investigated. In the next step, a novel coupling technique is developed in the continuum–atomistic multi-scale analysis of temperature field problems. In this manner, a new thermostat is introduced based on the single-atom...
Micro-structural aspects of fatigue crack propagation in atomistic-scale via the molecular dynamics analysis
, Article Engineering Fracture Mechanics ; Volume 226 , 2020 ; Khoei, A. R ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
In this paper, the fatigue crack propagation is modeled using the Molecular Dynamics (MD) analysis based on the Embedded Atom Method (EAM). The crack growth simulation is performed for the single-crystal and poly-crystalline specimens subjected to cyclic loading/unloading conditions, and the crack growth rate is investigated at the atomistic level. The MD simulations are carried out under different model parameters, including the load pattern, maximum applied strain, temperature, loading frequency, and percentage of defects by employing more than 4000 molecular dynamics analyses to study the sensitivity of crack propagation process to the simulation parameters. The threshold values of...
A continuum–atomistic multi-scale analysis of temperature field problems and its application in phononic nano-structures
, Article Finite Elements in Analysis and Design ; Volume 198 , 2022 ; 0168874X (ISSN) ; Khoei, A. R ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
In this paper, a novel coupling technique is developed in continuum–atomistic multi-scale analysis of temperature field problems. In this manner, a new thermostat is introduced based on the single-atom sub-system, where its capability to control the temperature and produce the canonical ensemble is investigated. Moreover, the performance of proposed thermostat is verified by comparing the distribution of velocities to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. The single-atom sub-system thermostat is then incorporated into the concurrent multi-scale model to relate the temperature field between the continuum and atomistic domains with complex lattice thermal fields. In order to illustrate the...
A misbehavior‐tolerant multipath routing protocol for wireless Ad hoc networks [electronic resource]
, Article International Journal of Research in Wireless Systems (IJRWS) ; Vol. 2, Issue 9, pp. , Sep. 2013 ; Pakravan, Mohammad Reza ; Aref, Mohammad Reza ; Sharif University of Technology
Secure routing is a major key to service maintenance in ad hoc networks. Ad hoc nature exposes the network to several types of node misbehavior or attacks. As a result of the resource limitations in such networks nodes may have a tendency to behave selfishly. Selfish behavior can have drastic impacts on network performance. We have proposed a Misbehavior-Tolerant Multipath Routing protocol (MTMR) which detects and punishes all types of misbehavior such as selfish behavior, wormhole, sinkhole and grey-hole attacks. The protocol utilizes a proactive approach to enforce cooperation. In addition, it uses a novel data redirection method to mitigate the impact of node misbehavior on network...
Analysis and data-based reconstruction of complex nonlinear dynamical systems : using the methods of stochastic processes
, Book
Springer International Publishing
This book focuses on a central question in the field of complex systems: Given a fluctuating (in time or space), uni- or multi-variant sequentially measured set of experimental data (even noisy data), how should one analyse non-parametrically the data, assess underlying trends, uncover characteristics of the fluctuations (including diffusion and jump contributions), and construct a stochastic evolution equation?
Here, the term "non-parametrically" exemplifies that all the functions and parameters of the constructed stochastic evolution equation can be determined directly from the measured data.
The book provides an overview of methods that have been developed for the analysis of...
Here, the term "non-parametrically" exemplifies that all the functions and parameters of the constructed stochastic evolution equation can be determined directly from the measured data.
The book provides an overview of methods that have been developed for the analysis of...
Fabrication and Study of Mechanical Behavior of in Situ Microfibrillar- Reinforced Composites of Polypropylene/Recycled Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate)Toughened with Rubber Particles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bagheri, Reza (Supervisor) ; Alizadeh, Reza (Supervisor)
The use of polymers is increasing day by day due to low density, reasonable price and ability to produce different products. On the other hand, the accumulation of polymer wastes in nature is one of the environmental concerns in today's world, which is mainly due to the widespread use of polymers in the packaging industry and disposable applications. In order to solve this problem, recycling is recommended as the most appropriate and economical solution. Because in addition to consuming polymer waste, it also saves energy and reduces carbon footprint.Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is one of the polymeric materials which; It has a special place in the packaging industry and is widely used...
Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites with Spherical Inhomogeneities
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Naghdabadi, Reza (Supervisor) ; Bagheri, Reza (Supervisor)
The improved properties of nanocomposites are not achievable with conventional composites. Scale effect is one the most important parameters in the physical and mechanical properties of polymeric nanocomposites. One of the physical phenomena, which can be related to the scale effect, is the very large interface between the nanoparticles and the polymeric matrices. Motional behavior and conformation of polymeric chains change near the nanoparticles surfaces. Due to high interface of the nanoparticles with the polymeric matrices the amount of these types of changes in the polymeric chains are so large that can change the physical and mechanical properties of polymeric nanocomposites. In this...
Synthesis of Antibiotic-eluting Chitosan-based Composite Coating by Electrophoretic Deposition for Bone Implants
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Simchi, Abdol Reza (Supervisor) ; Bagheri, Reza (Supervisor)
Drug-eluting bone implant coatings is a new era that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. In this matter, drug is loaded in the coating and local and targeted release of the drug results in preventing the side effects of implantation and increasing the healing process of the patient. The aim of this project was to synthesis the antibiotic eluting chitosan-based composite using electrophoretic deposition for bone implant coating. By using electrophoretic deposition chitosan and chitosan-bioglass composite coatings were synthesized. Then the probability of loading of drug into coating by using electrophoretic deposition was evaluated and by using this process chitosan and...
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Sweep Wing on the Boundary Layer of 2D Wing
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Soltani, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Davari, Ali Reza (Co-Advisor)
The behavior of boundary layer under the effect of the sweep angle is considered. The measurements were performed by a pitot tube rake. Three models with various sweep angels at angles of attack -2, 0 and 2 degree were tested. Both tip and root of all wings were closed by flat plates in order to prevent the flow to roll-up. However the flow field on the wing was still three-dimensional because of the sweep angle. The velocity on the wing has two components; longitudinal and lateral. The cross flow emerges due to the non-equilibrium of pressure and centrifugal forces. The velocity profiles showed that the magnitude of cross flow was stronger near the leading edge of the wing. The cross flow...
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nano-Diamond Synthesis by Shock Wave
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Naghdabadi, Reza (Supervisor) ; Movahhedy, Mohammad Reza (Co-Advisor)
In the field of high-pressure material science, diverse carbon systems under pressure have been intensively studied with interest in synthesizing new phases. A variety of these synthetic phases which have met various applications in today technology are called the amorphous diamond. The pressure-induced structural transition of carbonaceous material to amorphous diamond is realized by shock compression and rapid quenching. The shock compression and rapid quenching generate the high pressure (several GPa) and the temperature (several hundred K) in a fraction of a microsecond.Since the mechanical and electrical properties of the synthetic diamond are severely sensitive to the atomic structure,...
On small uniquely vertex-colourable graphs and Xu's conjecture [electronic resource]
, Article Discrete Mathematics ; Volume 223, Issues 1–3, 28 August 2000, Pages 93–108 ; Naserasr, Reza ; Sharif University of Technology
Consider the parameter Λ(G) = |E(G)| - |V(G)|(k - 1) + (k2) for a k-chromatic graph G, on the set of vertices V(G) and with the set of edges E(G). It is known that Λ(G)≥0 for any k-chromatic uniquely vertex-colourable graph G (k-UCG), and, S.J. Xu has conjectured that for any k-UCG, G, Λ(G) = 0 implies that cl(G) = k; in which cl(G) is the clique number of G. In this paper, first, we introduce the concept of the core of a k-UCG as an induced subgraph without any colour-class of size one, and without any vertex of degree k - 1. Considering (k, n)-cores as k-UCGs on n vertices, we show that edge-minimal (k, 2k)-cores do not exist when k ≥ 3, which shows that for any edge-minimal k-UCG on 2k...
Solving High-Dimensional Differential Equations Using Machine Learning
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Razvan, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Moghadasi, Reza (Co-Supervisor)
The numerical solution of differential equations in high dimensions has always been a challenge and has been associated with various computational difficulties. These equations appear naturally in a variety of problems such as financial mathematics, control, and physics, and their optimal solution with high accuracy and speed can open new windows on new applications. Conventional methods such as Finite element and finite difference method in high dimensions lose their efficiency, which is a barrier to fast and accurate calculation of these equations. In this dissertation first, we review some theoretical and practical aspects of deep neural networks and then we try to examine the recent...
Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation of DNA Nanomechanics
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Ejtehadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Khoei, Amir Reza (Co-Advisor)
DNA is the most important biological molecule which contains all the genetic information of living organisms. The mechanical behavior of this molecule has a significant role on its functions. In this study, we introduce a model to for DNA nanomechanics. This model is called rigid base-pair chain in which every base pair is considered as a rigid object. The base-pairs only interact with their nearest neighbors via a harmonic potential. We have used this model to study the nanomechanical behavior of the DNA such as its bending, twisting, and stretching elasticity. Also the model was successful to predict the structure of DNA minicircles with extra amount of twist. After that we used the model...
Topological Defects in Confined Nematics by Planar Anchoring
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ejtehadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Mozaffari, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
Confining nematic liquid crystal between two curved boundary conditions while the nematic molecules have a degenerate planar anchoring leads to complex and beautiful textures of molecular disparagement(defect) in the bulk and on the surfaces. Such the liquid crystal shells are made with double-emulsion techniques in microfluidic devices have provided applications for micro-scale colloidal linkers.In this work, we have numerically minimized the elastic energy in one-constant approximation in present of Fournier’s degenerate surface potential with finite element method. The nematic shell is confined between two spherical surfaces that we have studied the final energies and their related...
In Situ Synthesis of Nanorod Hydroxyapatite Reinforced Polycaprolactone Nanocomposite for Bone Tissue Engineering Application
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Simchi, Abdol Reza (Supervisor)
Hydroxyapatite is the most substantial inorganic constituent of bone tissue which displays splendid biocompability and bioactivity. Nevertheless, its mechanical properties is not utmost appropriate for a bone substitutes. Therefore, it is used to improve the mechanical properties of polymer matrix composite scaffolds. In the present work polycaprolactone as a polymeric matrix was employed to fabricate hydroxyapatite-polycaprolactone biocomposite scaffolds via in situ route. Solvothermal method was employed to synthesize in situ hydroxyapatite in polymer matrix. Porous scaffolds were fabricated via freeze-drying/porogen leaching. Physical, mechanical (compressive module and compressive...
Investigations on the Effect of Biosurfactants on the Wettability of Carbonate Rocks via Interactions with Rock and Fluid in Ex-Sito MEOR
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Roosta Azad, Reza (Supervisor) ; Kamali, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Shadizadeh, Reza (Co-Advisor)
The effects of biosurfactants on sandstone rocks are known in the literature. However, there are few examples of experimental works in Iranian carbonate reservoirs dealing with the effects of biosurfactants under reservoir conditions. This thesis discusses the effect of an efficient biosurfactant produced from Pseudomonas aeroginosa MRo1, a bacterial strain isolated from oil excavation areas in southern Iran, on the recovery of residual oil trapped within carbonate rocks was investigated. The MRO1 could reduce surface tension from 72 to 28 dyne/cm. It also could reduce Interfacial tension from 18.382 to 5.646 dyne/cm.
In a core holder set-up bearing four limestone- and...
In a core holder set-up bearing four limestone- and...
Photocatalytic mechanism of action of apatite-coated Ag=AgBr=TiO 2 on phenol and Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis bacteria under various conditions
, Article Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism ; Vol. 1 , Vol.36 (1) , 2011 , pp.38-52 ; Gholami, M. R. (Mohammad Reza) ; Rahimnejad, S. (Sara) ; Pourbaba, R. (Reza) ; Haghighi, S.(Saeed) ; Sharif University Of Technology
Multi-component photocatalysts based on apatite-coated Ag/AgBr/TiO(2) were prepared by the deposition method. The effects of various kinds of apatites, with hydroxyl and fluoro substituents, on photocatalytic activity were investigated. The antibacterial processes in the dark, and under visible light, on two types of bacteria indicate that the multi-composites can inhibit the growth of bacteria by two different mechanisms. TEM images and optical microscopic data demonstrate that by attaching the nanosize catalyst to the outer membrane of the cell, the bacteria could not derive nourishment from surrounding media, i.e. this component acts as bacteria-static. The mechanism for deactivation of...
Solvatochromic Probes Absorbance Behavior in Mixtures of 2-Hydroxy ethyl ammonium formate with methanol, ethylene glycol and glycerol
, Article Journal of Solution Chemistry ; Volume 39, Issue 10 , October , 2010 , pp 1509-1519 ; Harifi-Mood, A. R. (Ali Reza) ; Elahifard, M. R. (Mohammad Reza) ; Gholami, M. R. (Mohammad Reza) ; Sharif University of Technology
Solute-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions were investigated for binary mixtures of an ionic liquid (IL) 2-hydroxy ethylammonium formate as with methanol, ethylene glycol and glycerol. The physicochemical properties of the solvent mixtures at 25 °C, over the whole range of mole fractions, were determined using solvatochromic probes. High normal polarity ( ENT ) in the alcohol-rich region confirms solute-solvent interactions in this medium. Dipolarity/polarizability (π ∗) show a different trend to ENT with a positive deviation from ideal behavior in IL-glycerol mixtures. However, these deviations for other solvent mixtures are insignificant. Contrary to what is observed for ENT and π ∗,...
Improvement of Routing Security in Ad Hoc Networks Against Several Attacks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Aref, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Pakravan, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
Secure routing is a major key to service maintenance in wireless ad hoc networks. Ad hoc nature exposes the network to several types of node misbehavior or attacks. Wormhole attack is one of the most severe active attacks to mobile ad hoc networks. Noting the resource limitations in such networks, nodes may have a tendency to behave selfishly. Selfish behavior can have drastic impacts on network performance. We have proposed a Misbehavior-Tolerant Multipath Routing protocol (MTMR) which detects and punishes all types of misbehavior such as selfish behavior, wormhole, sinkhole and grey-hole attacks. The protocol utilizes a proactive approach to enforce cooperation. In addition, it uses a...