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    The Course of Martin Heidegger’s Notion of Science in His Early Thought,Based on Works Preceding Being and Time

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Heshmati, Ata (Author) ; Sefidkhosh, Meysam (Supervisor)
    In this research, first of all, the main question of Heidegger and his epoch is investigated. If we read Heidegger along the tradition of German philosophy, then it is perceived that the problem of science is the most central subject matter standing against Heidegger. My question is this: how Heidegger reaches to this existential phenomenological view about science. Regarding that, by giving a coherent narration about a crucial problem called 'the crisis of science', in the first chapter I gave a short view to philosophies preceding Heidegger, some important of which is Dilthey's philosophy of life, phenomenology of Husserl, and south-west school of neo-Kantianism. The second chapter... 

    Experimental Study on Two-Phase Flow Characteristics in Micro-Channels

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yavari, Hadi (Author) ; Nouri, Ali (Supervisor)
    The present study provids an experimental investigation on two-pase flow characteristics in microchannels. Experiment were conducted with a mixture of air and water in horizontal circular pyrex channel with 400µm inner diameter. The pressure drop and flow rates of the liquid and gas were measured using new method and images of the flow patterns recorded by high shutter speed camera. The gas and liquid superficial velocity ranges were 0.025-12.5m/s and 0.016-3.6m/s, respectively. The flow pattern map is developed from the observed flow patterns based on phases superficial velocity as wel as We numbers of liquid and gas phases. The flow pattern map is compared with those of larger channels.... 

    Dynamic NMR Study of Ethyle-4-Morpholine-Carbotiate

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yavari, Shadi (Author) ; Tafazzoli, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    In this project rotational barrier around the C-N bond in 4-ethyle-morpholine- carboxylate has been studied using DNMR spectroscopy. Spectra were taken at variable temperature, and then with simulation of bandshape broadening pattern at coalescence region, rate constants of exchange were obtained for all temperatures. For simulation of line-shape broadening Spinworks software was used, that with two interfaces made possible simulation with two bandshape simulator programs, DNMR and MEXICO. The rate constants obtained from simulations, were used for calculation of thermodynamic activation parameters (∆G#, ∆H#, ∆S# and Ea). ∆G# 298 value of 13.66 Kcal/mol for 4-ethyle-morpholine- carboxylate... 

    Model enrichment: Concept, measurement, and application

    , Article Journal of Simulation ; Volume 6, Issue 2 , 2012 , Pages 125-140 ; 17477778 (ISSN) Yavari, E ; Roeder, T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Simplicity and validity are recognized as important attributes of an effective simulation model. However, some disagreement exists both on the definitions of these concepts and on quantitative measures for them. This paper introduces Enrichment Level (EL) for (simulation) models. The EL is a quantitative measure to compare the effectiveness of alternative models when used in a particular project. While there is no conceptual restriction on expanding the EL, it currently captures the bias, speed, variance, and scope of a model as the main contributing enrichment factors. This paper explores these factors and suggests a utility-based method to combine them according to the relative importance... 

    Estimating terminal velocity of rough cracks in the framework of discrete fractal fracture mechanics

    , Article Engineering Fracture Mechanics ; Volume 77, Issue 10 , 2010 , Pages 1516-1526 ; 00137944 (ISSN) Yavari, A ; Khezrzadeh, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper we first obtain the order of stress singularity for a dynamically propagating self-affine fractal crack. We then show that there is always an upper bound to roughness, i.e. a propagating fractal crack reaches a terminal roughness. We then study the phenomenon of reaching a terminal velocity. Assuming that propagation of a fractal crack is discrete, we predict its terminal velocity using an asymptotic energy balance argument. In particular, we show that the limiting crack speed is a material-dependent fraction of the corresponding Rayleigh wave speed  

    Explaining Moral Role of Artifacts With Regards to Value Laden Theory of Technology

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseinpour, Hesam (Author) ; Sefidkhosh, Meysam (Supervisor) ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    In this thesis we review different approaches to the theory of value laden technology and realize that there are at least two major ideas about this. Some philosophers believe that technology is not a mere instrument and has a value laden nature. In contrast some others count technology as something neutral which contains no social or moral value. After explaining this ideas, in the second chapter we examine different models which explain the relation between technology and moral and social values and show how this values can contribute in design and use of technologies. In chapter three we talk about different methods used to steer technology in a desirable way which is in accordance with... 

    The Zerodivisor Graph of a Qoset

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yavari, Ehsan (Author) ; Pournaki, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    We study colorings of quasiordered sets (qosets) with a least element 0. To any qoset Q with 0 we assign a graph (called a zerodivisor graph) whose vertices are labelled by the elements of Q with two vertices x; y adjacent if the only elements lying below x and y are those lying below 0. We prove that for such graphs, the chromatic number and the clique number coincide  

    On the Topological Entropy of Geodesic Flows

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Reshadat, Zahra (Author) ; Razvan, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Nassiri, Meysam (Supervisor)
    Let M be a connected, compact, Riemannian manifold. Geodesic flow is a flow on the unit tangent bundle of M . This flow can be studied in dynamics prespective. for example entropy or complexity of the geodesic flow. in this thesis we will follow methods of entropy estimation or computing for geodesic flow. we will follow the method of anthony manning and Ricardo Mañe for proving such result. Maning present two results linking the topological entropy of the geodesic flow on M. we expalin how he find exponential growth rate volume of balls in universal cover as a lower bound for topologycal entropy. another theorem , Mañe represent the equlity between exponential growth rate of avrage of... 

    Classification of Partial Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tahuri Turki, Ata (Author) ; Safdari, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Nassiri, Meysam (Supervisor)
    In this dissertation, we will study partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. First, we are going to introduce partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms and construct some examples. One of the important questions in the study of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms is their classification problem, which provides a deeper understanding of manifolds and also of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms themselves. We will go through this problem by examining Hammerlindl, Potrie’s [1]’s work. They have proved that a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism on a 3-manifold with a virtually solvable fundamental group, that has no periodic torus tangent to contraction-center or expansion-center, is dynamically... 

    Ambient Vibrations Effect on Sensitive Equipment Using Passive and Active Control Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yavari Foroushani , Ali (Author) ; Bakhshi, Ali (Supervisor)
    Today, with improvements in industries such as the sensitive equipment’ industries and the optics industries which need great precision for their optimum performance, the need for a vibration-free environment is felt more than ever. The main objective in this thesis is the effective reduction of the effects of ambient vibrations on points on an optical concrete table using active control. In this research, other than separating the table with the passive method, the reduction of vibrations with active control and the LQR algorithm is investigated. In order to study the dynamic characteristics of the table and to observe the active control process better and more carefully, finite element... 

    Impact of Practical Beam Shapes on the Performance of Free Space Optical

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yavari Manesh, Mohammad (Author) ; Marvasti, Farokh (Supervisor)
    Free-Space Optical (FSO) communication has received an increasing attention in recent years with its ability to achieve ultra-high data rates (at the order of multiple gigabits per second) over unlicensed optical spectrum. A major degrading factor, particulary in long links is the stmospheric turbulence induced fading. In this thesis, we use spatial diversity and use and make several contributions to the performance analysis of MIMO (Mutli Input-Multi Output) FSO systems. We use MRC(Maximum Ratio Combining),EGC(Equal Gain Combinig),SC(Selection Combinig) and yield significant performance improvments. Finally we import the charectristic of different beamshapes and yields performance... 

    A rigorous finite volume model to simulate subaerial and submarine landslide-generated waves

    , Article Landslides ; 2015 , Pages 1-19 ; 1612510X (ISSN) Yavari Ramshe, S ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2015
    This paper presents a new landslide-generated wave (LGW) model based on incompressible Euler equations with Savage-Hutter assumptions. A two-layer model is developed including a layer of granular-type flow beneath a layer of an inviscid fluid. Landslide is modeled as a two-phase Coulomb mixture. A well-balanced second-order finite volume formulation is applied to solve the model equations. Wet/dry transitions are treated properly using a modified non-linear method. The numerical model is validated using two sets of experimental data on subaerial and submarine LGWs. Impulsive wave characteristics and landslide deformations are estimated with a computational error less than 5 %. Then, the... 

    Numerical modeling of subaerial and submarine landslide-generated tsunami waves—recent advances and future challenges

    , Article Landslides ; Volume 13, Issue 6 , 2016 , Pages 1325-1368 ; 1612510X (ISSN) Yavari Ramshe, S ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of University
    Springer Verlag  2016
    Landslide-generated waves (LGWs) are among natural hazards that have stimulated attentions and concerns of engineers and researchers during the past decades. At the same period, the application of numerical modeling has been progressively increased to assess, control, and manage the risks of such hazards. This paper represents an overview of numerical studies on LGWs to explore associated recent advances and future challenges. In this review, the main landslide events followed by an LGW hazard are scrutinized. The uncertainty regarding landslide characteristics and the lack of data concerning generated tsunami properties highlights the necessity of probabilistic analysis and numerical... 

    Simulation of wave generated by landslides in Maku dam reservoir

    , Article Prediction and Simulation Methods for Geohazard Mitigation - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Prediction and Simulation Methods for Geohazard Mitigation, IS-KYOTO 2009, 25 May 2009 through 27 May 2009 ; 2009 , Pages 91-96 ; 9780415804820 (ISBN) Yavari Ramshe, S ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this work, impulsive wave generation and propagation generated by landslides are studied numerically for a real case. Maku dam reservoir, in the northwestern of Iran is considered as the case study. Generated wave heights, wave run-up, maximum wave height above the dam crest and the probable overtopping volume have been evaluated, using a two-dimensional numerical model (LS3D). This model is validated using available three-dimensional experimental data for simulating impulsive wave caused by sub-aerial landslides. Based on the results, the generated wave height for first and second scenarios are 12 m and 18 m respectively. The wave height of 8 m is observed close to dam body. Because of... 

    On the effects of landslide deformability and initial submergence on landslide-generated waves

    , Article Landslides ; 2018 ; 1612510X (ISSN) Yavari Ramshe, S ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2018
    This paper represents a numerical study on the effects of landslide initial submergence and its geotechnical and rheological properties on the characteristics of landslide-generated waves (LGWs) and landslide deformation. A number of 117 numerical experiments are performed using a two-layer Coulomb Mixture Flow (2LCMFlow) model on a real-sized numerical flume as a simplified cross section of the Maku dam reservoir, located in the Northwest of Iran. Three different initial locations are considered for landslide representing a subaerial (SAL), a semi-submerged (SSL), and a submarine (SML) landslide. Based on the numerical results, the majority of SMLs and in some cases SSLs generate tsunami... 

    A rigorous finite volume model to simulate subaerial and submarine landslide-generated waves

    , Article Landslides ; Volume 14, Issue 1 , 2017 , Pages 203-221 ; 1612510X (ISSN) Yavari Ramshe, S ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2017
    This paper presents a new landslide-generated wave (LGW) model based on incompressible Euler equations with Savage-Hutter assumptions. A two-layer model is developed including a layer of granular-type flow beneath a layer of an inviscid fluid. Landslide is modeled as a two-phase Coulomb mixture. A well-balanced second-order finite volume formulation is applied to solve the model equations. Wet/dry transitions are treated properly using a modified non-linear method. The numerical model is validated using two sets of experimental data on subaerial and submarine LGWs. Impulsive wave characteristics and landslide deformations are estimated with a computational error less than 5 %. Then, the... 

    On the effects of landslide deformability and initial submergence on landslide-generated waves

    , Article Landslides ; Volume 16, Issue 1 , 2019 , Pages 37-53 ; 1612510X (ISSN) Yavari Ramshe, S ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2019
    This paper represents a numerical study on the effects of landslide initial submergence and its geotechnical and rheological properties on the characteristics of landslide-generated waves (LGWs) and landslide deformation. A number of 117 numerical experiments are performed using a two-layer Coulomb Mixture Flow (2LCMFlow) model on a real-sized numerical flume as a simplified cross section of the Maku dam reservoir, located in the Northwest of Iran. Three different initial locations are considered for landslide representing a subaerial (SAL), a semi-submerged (SSL), and a submarine (SML) landslide. Based on the numerical results, the majority of SMLs and in some cases SSLs generate tsunami... 

    Strictly Toral Dynamics

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Talebi, Amin Sadat (Author) ; Esfahanizadeh, Mostafa (Supervisor) ; Nassiri, Meysam (Supervisor)
    This dissertation deals with nonwandering (e.g. area-preserving) homeomorphisms of the torus which are homotopic to the identity and strictly toral, in the sense that they exhibit dynamical properties that are not present in homeomorphisms of the annulus or the plane. This includes all homeomorphisms which have a rotation set with nonempty interior. There are two types of points: inessential and essential. It is known that the set of inessential points Ine(f ) is a disjoint union of periodic topological disks ("elliptic islands"), while the set of essential points Ess(f ) is an essential continuum, with typically rich dynamics ("the chaotic region"). One of the key results in this context is... 

    Hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of combined electroosmotic and pressure driven flow in a microannulus

    , Article Journal of Heat Transfer ; Volume 134, Issue 10 , 2012 ; 00221481 (ISSN) Yavari, H ; Sadeghi, A ; Saidi, M. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    ASME  2012
    The present study considers both the hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of combined electroosmotic and pressure driven flow in a microannulus. Analytical solutions are presented using the Debye-Hückel linearization along with the uniform Joule heating and negligible viscous dissipation assumptions, whereas exact results are achieved numerically. Here, the range of validity for the Debye-Hückel linearization is found to be about two times of that for a parallel plate microchannel. Accordingly, this linearization may successfully be used to evaluate the potential and velocity distributions up to the zeta potentials of 100 mV, provided that the dimensionless Debye-Hückel parameter is... 

    Influence of material ductility and crack surface roughness on fracture instability

    , Article Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics ; Volume 44, Issue 39 , 2011 ; 00223727 (ISSN) Khezrzadeh, H ; Wnuk, M. P ; Yavari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper presents a stability analysis for fractal cracks. First, the Westergaard stress functions are proposed for semi-infinite and finite smooth cracks embedded in the stress fields associated with the corresponding self-affine fractal cracks. These new stress functions satisfy all the required boundary conditions and according to Wnuk and Yavari's (2003 Eng. Fract. Mech. 70 1659-74) embedded crack model they are used to derive the stress and displacement fields generated around a fractal crack. These results are then used in conjunction with the final stretch criterion to study the quasi-static stable crack extension, which in ductile materials precedes the global failure. The material...