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MIMO Radars Waveform Design
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Behnia, F (Supervisor)
MIMO radar is a next generation radar which transmits arbitrary waveforms at each one of its apertures. It has been shown that design of waveforms for MIMO radars in order to synthesize a desired spatial beampattern, is mapped into a waveform correlation matrix (R) design in the narrowband case. Therefore, waveform design in MIMO radar for beamforming could be broken into two steps, namely correlation matrix design and waveform synthesis for achieving given R. As of now, given a desired beampattern or estimated location information of targets, calculating R has been modeled as an optimization problem like SDP. Also, in some special cases like rectangular beampattern, close form solutions for...
MIMO radar beamforming using orthogonal decomposition of correlation matrix
, Article Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing ; Volume 32, Issue 4 , 2013 , Pages 1791-1809 ; 0278081X (ISSN) ; Behnia, F ; Sharif University of Technology
MIMO radar is the next generation radar which transmits arbitrary waveforms at each one of its apertures. It has been shown that the design of waveforms for MIMO radars in order to synthesize a desired spatial beampattern is mapped into a waveform correlation matrix R design in the narrowband case. As of now, given a desired beampattern or estimated locations information of targets, calculating R has been modeled as an optimization problem like semi-definite programming. Also, in some special cases like rectangular beampattern, closed-form solutions for R has been proposed. In this paper, we introduce a fast algorithm which is capable of designing R in order to achieve more arbitrary...
Transmit beampattern synthesis using eigenvalue decomposition in MIMO radar
, Article ICICS 2011 - 8th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, 13 December 2011 through 16 December 2011 ; December , 2011 , Page(s): 1 - 5 ; 9781457700309 (ISBN) ; Behnia, F ; Sharif University of Technology
MIMO radar is the next generation radar which transmits arbitrary waveforms at each one of its apertures. It has been shown that design of waveforms for MIMO radars in order to synthesize a desired spatial beampattern is mapped into a waveform correlation matrix (R) design in the narrowband case. Searching for desired R has been modeled as a convex optimization problem which demands considerable processing power. There are also some close form solutions for special cases like rectangular beampatterns. Here we deal with the problem from a matrix eigenvalue theory perspective and show how close form solutions can be found for more general cases relaxing high computational power demand. Our...
Fixed-Mix Rules in an Evolutionary Market Using a Factor Model for Dividends
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Zamani, Shiva (Supervisor)
In this thesis, we simulate the competition between some investment strategies based on dividends with each other and with mean-variance strategy (Markowitz) in an evolutionary finance framework. We perform simulations by two different approaches. In the first one, we use real dividend data and, in the second one we use dividends that are generated according to a dividend factor model. The dividend factor model which relates the dividends to the macro-economic factors is estimated from data using principal component analysis. Our simulations show that in this competition, the evolutionary portfolio rule will eventually hold the total market wealth. According to this simple rule the portfolio...
Extract Non-Line-of-Sight state of base stations and error mitigation technique for wireless localization in micro-cell networks
, Article Computer Communications ; Volume 35, Issue 7 , 2012 , Pages 885-893 ; 01403664 (ISSN) ; Golmohammadi, S ; Shadi, K ; Sharif University of Technology
Non Line of Sight (NLOS) propagation is a challenging issue which the performance of network based wireless localization is limited by errors primarily caused by NLOS corruption. NLOS is inherently a dominant source of errors in metropolitan area wireless networks, like cellular one, so in this paper we discuss our proposed algorithm within cellular network terminology. This paper contributes two novel algorithms. The first one is to extract the NLOS state of base station (BS) and the second one is a correction algorithm to enhance the measurements accuracy. Our proposed algorithm discuses a novel localization technique to estimate true mobile terminal (MT) location from a set of possibly...
Well-conditioned sensor placement for range-only localization
, Article 2011 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2011 - Proceedings, 7 February 2011 through 10 February 2011 ; February , 2011 , Page(s): 1 - 5 ; ISSN : 21574952 ; 9781424487042 (ISBN) ; Dehghani, H. L ; Gholampour, I ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper addresses the optimality of Network topology for localization purposes when measurements are range-only. Localization procedures based on TOA and TDOA range measurements are considered in this paper. As of now, the optimal placement of fixed terminals to locate mobile terminals has been studied based on Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB). CRLB is a universal bound on the variance of a general unbiased estimator and therefore is not dependent to the estimator and methods of localization. Here we introduce another algorithm dependent criterion, based on perturbation theory of linear equations. Different optimal topologies are presented using the new criterion. These optimal topologies,...
Inverse design of compact power divider with arbitrary outputs for 5G applications
, Article Scientific Reports ; Volume 12, Issue 1 , 2022 ; 20452322 (ISSN) ; Tavakol, M. R ; Atlasbaf, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
Nature Research
Since the recent on-demand applications need more sophisticated circuits and subsystems, components with configurable capabilities attract attention more than before in commercial systems, specifically the fifth generation (5G). Power dividers play a crucial role in 5G phased array systems, and their role becomes more significant if the output powers ratio is adjustable. Here, we suggest a design methodology by which planar power splitters with arbitrary output power levels can be designed in light of very simple perturbations, i.e., vias. Through our design procedure, we find an optimized pattern for hybrid vias-some of them are made of PEC, and others are dielectric, e.g., air,...
Experimental Study on Two-Phase Flow Characteristics in Micro-Channels
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nouri, Ali (Supervisor)
The present study provids an experimental investigation on two-pase flow characteristics in microchannels. Experiment were conducted with a mixture of air and water in horizontal circular pyrex channel with 400µm inner diameter. The pressure drop and flow rates of the liquid and gas were measured using new method and images of the flow patterns recorded by high shutter speed camera. The gas and liquid superficial velocity ranges were 0.025-12.5m/s and 0.016-3.6m/s, respectively. The flow pattern map is developed from the observed flow patterns based on phases superficial velocity as wel as We numbers of liquid and gas phases. The flow pattern map is compared with those of larger channels....
Dynamic NMR Study of Ethyle-4-Morpholine-Carbotiate
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Tafazzoli, Mohsen (Supervisor)
In this project rotational barrier around the C-N bond in 4-ethyle-morpholine- carboxylate has been studied using DNMR spectroscopy. Spectra were taken at variable temperature, and then with simulation of bandshape broadening pattern at coalescence region, rate constants of exchange were obtained for all temperatures. For simulation of line-shape broadening Spinworks software was used, that with two interfaces made possible simulation with two bandshape simulator programs, DNMR and MEXICO. The rate constants obtained from simulations, were used for calculation of thermodynamic activation parameters (∆G#, ∆H#, ∆S# and Ea). ∆G# 298 value of 13.66 Kcal/mol for 4-ethyle-morpholine- carboxylate...
Model enrichment: Concept, measurement, and application
, Article Journal of Simulation ; Volume 6, Issue 2 , 2012 , Pages 125-140 ; 17477778 (ISSN) ; Roeder, T ; Sharif University of Technology
Simplicity and validity are recognized as important attributes of an effective simulation model. However, some disagreement exists both on the definitions of these concepts and on quantitative measures for them. This paper introduces Enrichment Level (EL) for (simulation) models. The EL is a quantitative measure to compare the effectiveness of alternative models when used in a particular project. While there is no conceptual restriction on expanding the EL, it currently captures the bias, speed, variance, and scope of a model as the main contributing enrichment factors. This paper explores these factors and suggests a utility-based method to combine them according to the relative importance...
Estimating terminal velocity of rough cracks in the framework of discrete fractal fracture mechanics
, Article Engineering Fracture Mechanics ; Volume 77, Issue 10 , 2010 , Pages 1516-1526 ; 00137944 (ISSN) ; Khezrzadeh, H ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper we first obtain the order of stress singularity for a dynamically propagating self-affine fractal crack. We then show that there is always an upper bound to roughness, i.e. a propagating fractal crack reaches a terminal roughness. We then study the phenomenon of reaching a terminal velocity. Assuming that propagation of a fractal crack is discrete, we predict its terminal velocity using an asymptotic energy balance argument. In particular, we show that the limiting crack speed is a material-dependent fraction of the corresponding Rayleigh wave speed
Studying the Effect of Applying Different Refrigerants in Ground Source Heat Exchangers
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hakkaki-Fard, Ali (Supervisor)
Economical strategy of developed countries imposes to improve energy efficiency and a rational renewable energies usage in the buildings. Ground source heat pumps are one of the most important tools in the way moving toward this goal. This study focuses on studying the effect of applying different refrigerants in the direct expansion ground source heat exchangers. In order to compare the performance of the ground source heat pumps using different refrigerants, a specific methodology is presented and implemented. First on this study, the thermal performance of a geothermal borehole filled with both CO2 and a zeotropic mixture of CO2 and R32 (20/80) is studied and the quality, temperature, and...
The Zerodivisor Graph of a Qoset
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pournaki, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
We study colorings of quasiordered sets (qosets) with a least element 0. To any qoset Q with 0 we assign a graph (called a zerodivisor graph) whose vertices are labelled by the elements of Q with two vertices x; y adjacent if the only elements lying below x and y are those lying below 0. We prove that for such graphs, the chromatic number and the clique number coincide
Ambient Vibrations Effect on Sensitive Equipment Using Passive and Active Control Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bakhshi, Ali (Supervisor)
Today, with improvements in industries such as the sensitive equipment’ industries and the optics industries which need great precision for their optimum performance, the need for a vibration-free environment is felt more than ever. The main objective in this thesis is the effective reduction of the effects of ambient vibrations on points on an optical concrete table using active control. In this research, other than separating the table with the passive method, the reduction of vibrations with active control and the LQR algorithm is investigated. In order to study the dynamic characteristics of the table and to observe the active control process better and more carefully, finite element...
Impact of Practical Beam Shapes on the Performance of Free Space Optical
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Marvasti, Farokh (Supervisor)
Free-Space Optical (FSO) communication has received an increasing attention in recent years with its ability to achieve ultra-high data rates (at the order of multiple gigabits per second) over unlicensed optical spectrum. A major degrading factor, particulary in long links is the stmospheric turbulence induced fading. In this thesis, we use spatial diversity and use and make several contributions to the performance analysis of MIMO (Mutli Input-Multi Output) FSO systems. We use MRC(Maximum Ratio Combining),EGC(Equal Gain Combinig),SC(Selection Combinig) and yield significant performance improvments. Finally we import the charectristic of different beamshapes and yields performance...
A rigorous finite volume model to simulate subaerial and submarine landslide-generated waves
, Article Landslides ; 2015 , Pages 1-19 ; 1612510X (ISSN) ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Verlag
This paper presents a new landslide-generated wave (LGW) model based on incompressible Euler equations with Savage-Hutter assumptions. A two-layer model is developed including a layer of granular-type flow beneath a layer of an inviscid fluid. Landslide is modeled as a two-phase Coulomb mixture. A well-balanced second-order finite volume formulation is applied to solve the model equations. Wet/dry transitions are treated properly using a modified non-linear method. The numerical model is validated using two sets of experimental data on subaerial and submarine LGWs. Impulsive wave characteristics and landslide deformations are estimated with a computational error less than 5 %. Then, the...
Numerical modeling of subaerial and submarine landslide-generated tsunami waves—recent advances and future challenges
, Article Landslides ; Volume 13, Issue 6 , 2016 , Pages 1325-1368 ; 1612510X (ISSN) ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of University
Springer Verlag
Landslide-generated waves (LGWs) are among natural hazards that have stimulated attentions and concerns of engineers and researchers during the past decades. At the same period, the application of numerical modeling has been progressively increased to assess, control, and manage the risks of such hazards. This paper represents an overview of numerical studies on LGWs to explore associated recent advances and future challenges. In this review, the main landslide events followed by an LGW hazard are scrutinized. The uncertainty regarding landslide characteristics and the lack of data concerning generated tsunami properties highlights the necessity of probabilistic analysis and numerical...
Simulation of wave generated by landslides in Maku dam reservoir
, Article Prediction and Simulation Methods for Geohazard Mitigation - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Prediction and Simulation Methods for Geohazard Mitigation, IS-KYOTO 2009, 25 May 2009 through 27 May 2009 ; 2009 , Pages 91-96 ; 9780415804820 (ISBN) ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
In this work, impulsive wave generation and propagation generated by landslides are studied numerically for a real case. Maku dam reservoir, in the northwestern of Iran is considered as the case study. Generated wave heights, wave run-up, maximum wave height above the dam crest and the probable overtopping volume have been evaluated, using a two-dimensional numerical model (LS3D). This model is validated using available three-dimensional experimental data for simulating impulsive wave caused by sub-aerial landslides. Based on the results, the generated wave height for first and second scenarios are 12 m and 18 m respectively. The wave height of 8 m is observed close to dam body. Because of...
On the effects of landslide deformability and initial submergence on landslide-generated waves
, Article Landslides ; 2018 ; 1612510X (ISSN) ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Verlag
This paper represents a numerical study on the effects of landslide initial submergence and its geotechnical and rheological properties on the characteristics of landslide-generated waves (LGWs) and landslide deformation. A number of 117 numerical experiments are performed using a two-layer Coulomb Mixture Flow (2LCMFlow) model on a real-sized numerical flume as a simplified cross section of the Maku dam reservoir, located in the Northwest of Iran. Three different initial locations are considered for landslide representing a subaerial (SAL), a semi-submerged (SSL), and a submarine (SML) landslide. Based on the numerical results, the majority of SMLs and in some cases SSLs generate tsunami...
A rigorous finite volume model to simulate subaerial and submarine landslide-generated waves
, Article Landslides ; Volume 14, Issue 1 , 2017 , Pages 203-221 ; 1612510X (ISSN) ; Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Verlag
This paper presents a new landslide-generated wave (LGW) model based on incompressible Euler equations with Savage-Hutter assumptions. A two-layer model is developed including a layer of granular-type flow beneath a layer of an inviscid fluid. Landslide is modeled as a two-phase Coulomb mixture. A well-balanced second-order finite volume formulation is applied to solve the model equations. Wet/dry transitions are treated properly using a modified non-linear method. The numerical model is validated using two sets of experimental data on subaerial and submarine LGWs. Impulsive wave characteristics and landslide deformations are estimated with a computational error less than 5 %. Then, the...