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    Analysis of Vibrations and Buckling of Conical Shell Homogeneous Orthotropic

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zafari, Danial (Author) ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this thesis parametric study the natural frequencies and the criti-cal buckling multilayer composites truncated cone with the effect of lateral shear deformation. For this purpose five-bending tensile deformation equation of motion of the truncated cone shell in a suitable coordinate system have been studied. Then solve the five-coordinate movement for power series-are consid-ered. The natural frequencies and critical buckling force for the various truncat-ed cones with four different boundary conditions are calculated and the results with the results of similar conical shells with the same boundary conditions, tak-ing into account the effect of lateral shear deformation and...