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Efficient Observer-Dependent Simplification in Polygonal Domains
, Article Algorithmica (New York) ; April , 2011 , Pages 1-21 ; 01784617 (ISSN) ; Ghodsi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, we consider a special version of the well-known line-simplification problem for simplifying the boundary of a region illuminated by a point light source q, or its visibility polygon VP(q). In this simplification approach, we should take the position of q as an essential factor into account to determine the quality of the resulting simplification. For this purpose, we redefine the known distance- and area-distortion error criteria as the main simplification criteria to take into account the distance between the observer q and the boundary of VP(q). Based on this, we propose algorithms for simplifying VP(q). More precisely, we propose simplification algorithms of O(n2) and...
Permeability modeling using ANN and collocated cokriging
, Article 72nd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2010: A New Spring for Geoscience. Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010 ; Volume 5 , 2010 , Pages 3939-3943 ; 9781617386671 (ISBN) ; Masihi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Obtaining a reliable reservoir permeability map that is consistent with all available data is of great important for reservoir engineers. However, there is not enough core from existing wells to estimate the reservoir permeability directly but Well log data are more widely available. This study aims to model permeability within the reservoir while there is no enough data. In particular, we use artificial neural networks to estimate permeability using four input logs of sonic, gravity, porosity and neutron logs in six existing wells. In order to eliminate the correlated data, we have done Principal Component Analysis on selected input logs. Collocated cokriging is considered as a valuable...
A practical approach for planar visibility maintenance
, Article Journal for Geometry and Graphics ; Volume 13, Issue 1 , 2009 , Pages 75-90 ; 14338157 (ISSN) ; Ghodsi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, we propose a method for maintaining the region visible from a moving point observer inside a planar scene. In this method, we check the observer position in discrete time-stamps to detect and apply changes to the visible or illuminated region of a moving point observer q, or VP(q). We efficiently maintain a list C(q) of edges in VP(q) which are subject to change during the motion. In each time-stamp that VP(q) is to be updated, we only refine and redraw the view against the edges of C(q) that indicate the positions of the visibility changes. We build an enriched representation of the visibility graph in a preprocessing step to apply the required updates on C(q) efficiently and...
Query point visibility computation in polygons with holes
, Article Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications ; Volume 39, Issue 2 , 2008 , Pages 78-90 ; 09257721 (ISSN) ; Ghodsi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, we consider the problem of computing the visibility of a query point inside polygons with holes. The goal is to perform this computation efficiently per query considering the cost of the preprocessing phase. Our algorithm is based on solutions in [A.L.P. Bose, J.I. Munro, Efficient visibility queries in simple polygons, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 23 (3) (2002) 313-335] and [M.T.B. Aronov, L. Guibas, L. Zhang, Visibility queries and maintenance in simple polygons, Discrete and Computational Geometry 27 (4) (2002) 461-483] proposed for simple polygons. In our solution, the preprocessing is done in time O( n3logn) to construct a data structure of size O( n3)....
Efficient computation of query point visibility in polygons with holes
, Article 21st Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, SCG'05, Pisa, 6 June 2005 through 8 June 2005 ; 2005 , Pages 314-320 ; Ghodsi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, we consider the problem of computing the visibility of a query point inside polygons with holes. The goal is to perform this computation efficiently per query with more cost in the preprocessing phase. Our algorithm is based on solutions in [13] and [2] proposed for simple polygons. In our solution, the preprocessing is done in time O(n3 log(n)) to construct a data structure of size O(n3). It is then possible to report the visibility polygon of any query point q in time O((1 + h′) log n + |V(q)|), in which n and h are the number of the vertices and holes of the polygon respectively, |V(q)| is the size of the visibility polygon of q, and h′ is an output and preprocessing...
Simultaneous triple joint movement fuzzy control in FES-assisted rowing exercise
, Article 2012 19th Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering, ICBME 2012, 20 December 2012 through 21 December 2012 ; December , 2012 , Pages 66-70 ; 9781467331302 (ISBN) ; Jahed, M ; Mehravar, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Fuzzy Control of rowing exercise using Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) concerns ankle, knee and hip joints. Muscular Modeling for each joint may contain two groups of muscles, namely extension and flexion. In the proposed method, joint controllers provide electrical stimulation pulses to the appropriate muscle group based on the trajectory error and according to a prescribed pattern designed for rowing exercise. Results indicate that the simulated Fuzzy control of desired angles closely match the experimental values for prescribed joints. Moreover, the robustness of the controller in presence of external disturbance is examined and the results show that the tracking of each joint...
A comprehensive digital protection scheme for low-voltage microgrids with inverter-based and conventional distributed generations
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery ; Volume 32, Issue 1 , 2017 , Pages 441-452 ; 08858977 (ISSN) ; Parniani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
Microgrid (MG) protection is one of the main challenges in proliferation of microgrids. Due to limited fault current feeding of inverter-based distributed generations (DGs), in islanded operation of MG, protection problems become more complicated; and, therefore, conventional protection strategies cannot be applied. Hence, new protection methods that are applicable in islanded and grid-connected modes of operation are necessary. In this paper, a comprehensive digital-relay based protection is introduced for the protection of MGs. The proposed method includes protection of lines, distributed generations, and the point of common coupling. The structure and graphical schematic of the proposed...
Introducing a comprehensive framework to measure spike-LFP coupling
, Article Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience ; Volume 12 , 2018 ; 16625188 (ISSN) ; Jahed, M ; Daliri, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
Frontiers Media S.A
Measuring the coupling of single neuron's spiking activities to the local field potentials (LFPs) is a method to investigate neuronal synchronization. The most important synchronization measures are phase locking value (PLV), spike field coherence (SFC), pairwise phase consistency (PPC), and spike-triggered correlation matrix synchronization (SCMS). Synchronization is generally quantified using the PLV and SFC. PLV and SFC methods are either biased on the spike rates or the number of trials. To resolve these problems the PPC measure has been introduced. However, there are some shortcomings associated with the PPC measure which is unbiased only for very high spike rates. However evaluating...
A Novel, eco-friendly combined solar cooling and heating system, powered by hybrid Photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collector for domestic application
, Article Energy Conversion and Management ; Volume 222 , 2020 ; Liravi, M ; Babaie Rabiee, M ; Ghodrat, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Solar heating and cooling technologies can have a vital role to play in understanding the targets in energy security, economic development, and mitigating climate change. This study aimed to investigate the performance of the combined solar cooling/heating system using a Photovoltaic Thermal collector (PVT) for residential applications. The main advantage of using PVT is the conversion of the maximum amount of solar energy into electricity and thermal energy. In this work, water is used to cool the panel and, consequently, increase the efficiency. The cooling cycle comprises a hybrid ejector-compression refrigeration cycle with two evaporator temperatures. To reduce the effect of the global...
Comparison of different univariate and multivariate geostatistical methods by porosity modeling of an iranian oil field
, Article Petroleum Science and Technology ; Volume 29, Issue 19 , 2011 , Pages 2061-2076 ; 10916466 (ISSN) ; Masihi, M ; Salahshoor, K ; Sharif University of Technology
Geostatistical methods are grouped in two main divisions: univariate and multivariate. When there is adequate amount of primary data, univariate methods such as kriging and SGS give a good representation of property distribution in the reservoir, but practical difficulties appear when there is no sufficient data. In such a case it is necessary to choose multivariate geostatistical methods in which some covariables are contributed to model the primary variable. Multivariate geostatistics is a broad term that encompasses all geostatistical methods that utilize more than one variable to predict some physical property of the earth. Bivariate geostatistics is obviously the simplest subset of the...
Computing polygonal path simplification under area measures
, Article Graphical Models ; Volume 74, Issue 5 , September , 2012 , Pages 283-289 ; 15240703 (ISSN) ; Ghodsi, M ; Zarei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, we consider the restricted version of the well-known 2D line simplification problem under area measures and for restricted version. We first propose a unified definition for both of sum-area and difference-area measures that can be used on a general path of n vertices. The optimal simplification runs in O(n 3) under both of these measures. Under sum-area measure and for a realistic input path, we propose an approximation algorithm of O n2 time complexity to find a simplification of the input path, where is the absolute error of this algorithm compared to the optimal solution. Furthermore, for difference-area measure, we present an algorithm that finds the optimal...
Modification of unscented kalman filter using a set of scaling parameters
, Article IET Signal Processing ; Volume 12, Issue 4 , 2018 , Pages 471-480 ; 17519675 (ISSN) ; Malaek, M. B ; Sharif University of Technology
Institution of Engineering and Technology
This work, based on the standard unscented Kalman filter (UKF), proposes a modified UKF for highly non-linear stochastic systems, assuming that the associated probability distributions are normal. In the standard UKF with 2n + 1 sample points, the estimated mean and covariance match the true mean and covariance up to the third order, besides, there exists a scaling parameter that plays a crucial role in minimising the fourth-order errors. The proposed method consists of a computationally efficient formulation of the unscented transform that incorporates N - 1, N ≥ 2, constant parameters to scale 2n(N - 1) + 1 sample points such that the 2Nth order errors are minimised. The scaling parameters...
Recognizing visibility graphs of triangulated irregular networks
, Article Fundamenta Informaticae ; Volume 179, Issue 4 , 2021 , Pages 345-360 ; 01692968 (ISSN) ; Ostovari, M ; Zarei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
IOS Press BV
A Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) is a data structure that is usually used for representing and storing monotone geographic surfaces, approximately. In this representation, the surface is approximated by a set of triangular faces whose projection on the XY-plane is a triangulation. The visibility graph of a TIN is a graph whose vertices correspond to the vertices of the TIN and there is an edge between two vertices if their corresponding vertices on TIN see each other, i.e. the segment that connects these vertices completely lies above the TIN. Computing the visibility graph of a TIN and its properties have been considered thoroughly in the literature. In this paper, we consider this...
What drives mergers and acquisitions waves in developing countries? Evidences from Iranian banking industry
, Article Iranian Economic Review ; Volume 19, Issue 2 , 2015 , Pages 123-137 ; 10266542 (ISSN) ; Alambeigi, A ; Karimi, P ; Zarei, B ; Sharif University of Technology
Many Middle-East countries, like Iran, have dynamic banking industries and have observed merger and acquisitions (M&A) waves. M&A waves are usually defined in the developed world context and some of their main drivers were identified as: market timing, environment's shocks, merger manias, government regulation and regulatory, and technological changes. It has been discussed that merger waves and their reasons are among the ten most important unsolved mysteries in the field of finance (Brealey and Myers, 1991, p. 923), and as a result of this, it was not possible to completely clarify the reasons behind emerging M&A waves, especially in developing countries; for this reason in these...
The effects of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on bank performance and entrepreneurial orientation (EO)
, Article Iranian Entrepreneurship: Deciphering the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Iran and in the Iranian Diaspora ; 2017 , Pages 361-375 ; 9783319506395 (ISBN); 9783319506388 (ISBN) ; Alambeigi, A ; Zarei, B ; Karimi, P ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer International Publishing
This chapter aims at pointing out that how mergers and acquisitions (M&As) as popular strategies which they are based on external growth approach have affected the performance of banks and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in the context of Iranian financial sector. In this regard, it has been tried to investigate in what way EO moderates the relationships between the performance of banks in one hand, and M&As on the other hand. For this goal, 114 participants including the top and middle managers of the Iranian banks were chosen to be closely considered. The research is an applied research and a cross-correlation methodology has been used to spotlight on the probable relationships between EO...
Visibility testing and counting
, Article Information Processing Letters ; Volume 115, Issue 9 , September , 2015 , Pages 649-654 ; 00200190 (ISSN) ; Ghodsi, M ; Zarei, A ; Pourreza, M ; Sharif University of Technology
For a set of n disjoint line segments S in R2, the visibility testing problem (VTP) is to test whether the query point p sees a query segment s∈S. For this configuration, the visibility counting problem (VCP) is to preprocess S such that the number of visible segments in S from any query point p can be computed quickly. In this paper, we solve VTP in expected logarithmic query time using quadratic preprocessing time and space. Moreover, we propose a (1+δ)-approximation algorithm for VCP using at most quadratic preprocessing time and space. The query time of this method is Oε (1/δ 2√n) where Oε (f(n))=O(f(n)nε) and ε>0 is an arbitrary constant number
Sensory representation of visual stimuli in the coupling of low-frequency phase to spike times
, Article Brain Structure and Function ; Volume 227, Issue 5 , 2022 , Pages 1641-1654 ; 18632653 (ISSN) ; Jahed, M ; Dezfouli, M. P ; Daliri, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Neural synchronization has been engaged in several brain mechanisms. Previous studies have shown that the interaction between the time of spiking activity and phase of local field potentials (LFPs) plays a key role in many cognitive functions. However, the potential role of this spike–LFP phase coupling (SPC) in neural coding is not fully understood. Here, we sought to investigate the role of this SPC for encoding the sensory properties of visual stimuli. To this end, we measured SPC strength in the preferred and anti-preferred motion directions of stimulus presented inside the receptive field of middle temporal (MT) neurons. We found a selective response in terms of SPC strength for...
Kinetic pie delaunay graph and its applications
, Article Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) ; Volume 7357 LNCS , 2012 , Pages 48-58 ; 03029743 (ISSN) ; 9783642311543 (ISBN) ; Rahmati, Z ; Zarei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
We construct a new proximity graph, called the Pie Delaunay graph, on a set of n points which is a super graph of Yao graph and Euclidean minimum spanning tree (EMST). We efficiently maintain the Pie Delaunay graph where the points are moving in the plane. We use the kinetic Pie Delaunay graph to create a kinetic data structure (KDS) for maintenance of the Yao graph and the EMST on a set of n moving points in 2-dimensional space. Assuming x and y coordinates of the points are defined by algebraic functions of at most degree s, the structure uses O(n) space, O(nlogn) preprocessing time, and processes O(n 2 λ 2s∈+∈2(n)β s + 2(n)) events for the Yao graph and O(n 2 λ 2s + 2(n)) events for the...
Risk assessment of vapor cloud explosions in a hydrogen production facility with consequence modeling
, Article Journal of Research in Health Sciences ; Volume 13, Issue 2 , 2013 , Pages 181-187 ; 16822765 (ISSN) ; Jafari, M. J ; Badri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
Background: New technologies using hazardous materials usually have certain risks. It is more serious when the technology is supposed to be applied in a large scale and become widely used by many people. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the risk of vapor cloud explosion in a hydrogen production process. Methods: Potential hazards were identified using the conventional hazard identification method (HAZID). The frequency of the proposed scenarios was estimated from statistical data and existing records. The PHAST professional software was applied for consequence modeling. Both individual and societal risks were evaluated. This cross-sectional study was conducted from June 2010 to...
Practical method to predict an upper bound for minimum variance track-to-track fusion
, Article IET Signal Processing ; Volume 11, Issue 8 , 2017 , Pages 961-968 ; 17519675 (ISSN) ; Malaek, S. M. B ; Sharif University of Technology
This study deals with the problem of track-to-track fusion in a sensor network when the correlation terms between the estimates of the agents are unknown. The proposed method offers an upper bound for the optimal minimum variance fusion rule through construction of the correlation terms according to an optimisation scheme. In general, the upper bound filter provides an estimate that is more conservative than the optimal estimate generated by the minimum variance fusion rule, while at the same time is less conservative than one obtained by the widely used covariance intersection method. From the geometrical viewpoint, the upper bound filter results in the inscribed largest volume ellipsoid...