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    Investigation of the Effect of Particulate Emissions From Steel Complex on Adjacent Urban Areas Using Source and Receptor Modeling Approaches

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Shervin (Author) ; Torkian, Ayoob (Supervisor)
    Expansion of city boundaries as a result of increased population has reduced the distance from industrial complexes and health effects of industrial air pollution have been intensified. As such, studies are needed to determine appropriate methodologies for quantifying the effect of these industries on the concentration of air pollutants in urban areas. In this study, particulate emissions from a steel mill complex was modeled using ADMS4 and the predicted results were compared with actual measurements made in the adjacent urban area. A receptor model (CMB8.2) was also used to quantify the share of the steel mill on the heavy metals' concentrations in the city by considering other sources... 

    Risk Assessment of Probable Domino Scenarios Between Two Petrochemical Units

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Nassim (Author) ; Rashtchian, Davood (Supervisor)
    Hazard analysis and risk assessment are the two significant methods of controlling and reducing risk caused by industrial units. To achieve the required safety needed in either new or operating plants, risk assessments are being used for some specific hazards such as fire, explosion and toxic release. Increasing industrial developments and occurrence of several catastrophic accidents in chemical processing plants have contributed to striking disasters and have obliged experts to use analytical solutions to evaluate frequencies and consequences of such events. Congested plants in industrial areas like Mahshahr and Asalouyeh in Iran and other places in the world are the reason why it has... 

    Text-Independent Speaker Identification in Large Population Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Hossein (Author) ; Sameti, Hossein (Supervisor)
    The human speech conveys much information such as semantic contents, emotion and even speaker identity. Our goal in this thesis is the task of text-independent speaker identification (SI) in large population applications. Identification (test) time has become one of the most important issues in recent real time systems. Identification time depends on the cost of likelihood computation between test features and registered speaker models. For real time application of SI, system must identify an unknown speaker quickly. Hence the conventional SI methods cannot be used. The main goal in this thesis is to propose several methods that reduced identification time without any loss of identification... 

    Controller Design for A Nonlinear System in the Absence of Full State Measurements

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Sahar (Author) ; Shahrokhi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In this study design of controller for a nonlinear system in the presence of state observer was investigated. First, nonlinear observers including non-adaptive and adaptive versions and their design procedures were studied. Then nonlinear adaptive controllers, based on sliding mode, feedback linearization and back-stepping techniques were implemented in the presence of observer dynamics. Two versions of adaptive law were proposed for unknown parameters identification in feedback linearization and sliding mode techniques. A new adaptive law was proposed to relax the restrictive condition that is used in adaptive observer design. The closed loop stability of back stepping technique was studied... 

    A Superhydrophobic Melamine Formaldehyde Sorbent for Micro Extraction of Pollutants from Aquatic Media

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Shakiba (Author) ; Bagheri, Habib (Supervisor)
    In this project, melamine formaldehyde was chosen as initial substrate for its high porosity. Then for having superhydrophobic surface, surface functional groups were silanized and deactivated as a result. It was assumed that high porosity of prepared sorbent and its nonpolar nature, can increase extraction efficiency. To study extraction efficiency of the prepared sorbent, it was filled inside a needle and used for needle-trap head-space extraction of BTEX (abbreviation for Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes). Needle packed with sorbent was held on headspace of sample containing BTEX and head- space was pumped with a peristaltic pump. Pumping introduces fresh sample to sorbent... 

    Improving Robustness of Speaker Verification Systems Against Non-Identity Information

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Hossein (Author) ; Sameti, Hossein (Supervisor)
    Speaker verification as a kind of biometric methods aims to verify the identity of a person from characteristics of their voice. This method faces many challenges such as voice imitation (spoofing), use of recorded voice, high sensitivity to convolutive distortions resulted by channel, and a large performance degradation for short-duration utterances. The aim of this thesis is to propose different methods for reducing the effects of non-identity information,especially the channel, and also solving the problem of new methods for text-dependent speaker verification with very short utterances. i-vector has been the best speaker modeling method in recent years but it doesn’t result in good... 

    Hodge Structure on Fundamental Groups

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Nima (Author) ; Jafari, Amir (Supervisor)
    Deligne Proved that cohomology groups of algebraic varieties over C have mixed Hodge structures.It is also proved that homotopy groups of these varieties have mixed Hodge structures in a proper sense.In this thesis using iterated integrals that introduced by Chen,we explain Hain’s approach for defining Hodge structures on truncated first homotopy groups(fundamental groups). Note that there is another approach for defining Hodge structures on homotopy groups by Morgan,that uses minimal models of Sullivan.For explaining Hain’s approach,some basic results on Hodge structures are also explained  

    Modified Polystyrene Based Sorbents for Extraction of Trace Organic Pollutants with a Wide Range of Polarity

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Shakiba (Author) ; Bagheri, Habib (Supervisor)
    The main focus of this thesis is based on surface modification of polystyrene in order to prepare extractive phases appropriate for extraction of analytes with a wide polarity range. This goal was achieved by increasing surface polarity. In fact, improved wettability and the possibility of interaction with polar analytes after addition of functional groups on polystyrene surface were the main reason for increased extraction capacity. In the first research, different functional groups including amine, nitro, carboxyl and acetyl were added on polystyrene particles by chemical bonding and to investigate their influence on extraction process, 22 analytes with a wide polarity range (LogP=-2 to... 

    Adaptive control strategy for treatment of hepatitis C infection

    , Article Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research ; Volume 58, Issue 33 , 2019 , Pages 15262-15270 ; 08885885 (ISSN) Zeinali, S ; Shahrokhi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Chemical Society  2019
    In this work, an efficient treatment strategy for hepatitis C disease using interferon (IFN) has been proposed on the basis of the back-stepping control technique. The basic model of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been considered for controller design. To tackle the problem of model parameter variations, the adaptive version of the back-stepping method has been utilized. For applying the proposed treatment, all states should be available while only the viral load is measured. To solve this problem, a nonlinear Luenberger-like observer has been designed to estimate the unmeasured states. In the proposed treatment, limitation of the drug efficacy has been taken into account. Asymptotical... 

    Observer-based singularity free nonlinear controller for uncertain systems subject to input saturation

    , Article European Journal of Control ; Volume 52 , 2020 , Pages 49-58 Zeinali, S ; Shahrokhi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2020
    In this work, design of an observer-based nonlinear controller for a class of single input-single output (SISO) systems in the general strict feedback form subject to input saturation based on the back-stepping technique has been addressed. A full order adaptive observer is constructed to estimate the unknown states and system parameters simultaneously. The proposed control scheme is singularity free and can handle the input nonlinearity. Asymptotical stability of the closed-loop system in the presence of observer dynamics and input saturation has been established by the Lyapunov stability theorem. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is illustrated by applying the proposed scheme to... 

    Proposing a Stable Treatment Strategy for Hepatitis C

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Sahar (Author) ; Shahrokhi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this study is to propose a stable treatment strategy for hepatitis C infection by considering several practical limitations of the treatment and using control theories. First, hepatitis C disease and its transmission, diagnosis, and treatment methods have been introduced. Then, the mathematical models of hepatitis C dynamics in the body have been presented, and their ability in predicting the observed clinical behaviors of the patients has been studied. Thereafter, the extended versions of these models by considering pharmacokinetics/dynamics equations of the drugs have been proposed to have a more realistic mathematical model. After that, the practical features of the disease... 

    Finite Element Modeling of Impact Problems with Friction and Large Deformations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Mostafa (Author) ; Khoei, Amir Reza (Supervisor)
    One of the most important problems that challenge the researchers in modeling physical phenomena is the Impact Problem. The complexity of impact problems is due to the fact that this problem consists of various sub-problems, each of which of high complexity and in order to have a clear understanding and correct modeling of the problem, one needs to address each and every one of these problems with great effort, severity and punctuality.Impact problems often involve one or more dynamic systems that can also be subjected to dynamic loading. This loading could be a result of external agents or dynamic interaction of the two bodies with each other. In cases where the problem involves interaction... 

    A fast Speaker Identification method using nearest neighbor distance

    , Article International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP ; Volume 3 , 2012 , Pages 2159-2162 ; 9781467321945 (ISBN) Zeinali, H ; Sameti, H ; Babaali, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    By increasing the number of registered speakers in Speaker Identification (SI) systems, computation time for identifying an unknown speaker is significantly increased. This problem arises from the simple design of conventional methods. Due to this limitation, we cannot use conventional SI methods in real time applications. In this paper, we propose a two-step method to overcome this limitation. We use different identification methods for each step. In the first step we reduce the search space using Nearest Neighbor method. In the second step we identify the target speaker using the conventional GMM-based SI method. The experimental results show 3.4× speed-ups without any accuracy loss using... 

    Comparative analysis of hydrate formation pressure applying cubic equations of state (eos), artificial neural network (ann) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (anfis)

    , Article International Journal of Thermodynamics ; Volume 15, Issue 2 , 2012 , Pages 91-101 ; 13019724 (ISSN) Zeinali, N ; Saber, M ; Ameri, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    The objective of this work is making comparison between thermodynamic models and data-driven techniques accuracy in prediction of hydrate formation pressure as a function of temperature and composition of gas mixtures. The Peng-Robinson (PR) and Patel-Teja (PT) equations of state are used for thermodynamic modeling and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) are used as data-driven models. The capability of each method is evaluated by comparison with the experimental data collected from literature. It is shown that there is a good agreement between thermodynamic modeling and the experimental data in most of the cases; however, the prediction... 

    Speaker models reduction for optimized telephony text-prompted speaker verification

    , Article Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 3 May 2015 through 6 May 2015 ; Volume 2015-June, Issue June , May , 2015 , Pages 1470-1474 ; 08407789 (ISSN) Kalantari, E ; Sameti, H ; Zeinali, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    In this article a new scheme is proposed to use mean supervector in text-prompted speaker verification system. In this scheme, for each month name a subsystem is constructed and a final score based on passphrase is computed by the combination of the scores of these subsystems. Results from the telephony dataset of Persian month names show that the proposed method significantly reduces EER in comparison with the-State-of-the-art State-GMM-MAP method. Furthermore, it is shown that based on training set and testing set we can use 12 models per speaker instead of 220. Therefore, this scheme reduces EER and computational burden. In addition, the use of HMM instead of GMM as words' model improves... 

    Localized discriminative Gaussian process latent variable model for text-dependent speaker verification

    , Article 24th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, ESANN 2016, 27 April 2016 through 29 April 2016 ; 2016 , Pages 183-188 ; 9782875870278 (ISBN) Maghsoodi, N ; Sameti, H ; Zeinali, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    i6doc.com publication  2016
    The duration of utterances is one of the effective factors on the performance of speaker verification systems. Text dependent speaker verification suffers from both short duration and unmatched content between enrollment and test segments. In this paper, we use Discriminative Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model (DGPLVM) to deal with the uncertainty caused by short duration. This is the first attempt to utilize Gaussian Process for speaker verification. Also, to manage the unmatched content between enrollment and test segments we proposed the localized-DGPLVM that trains DGPLVM for each phrase in dataset. Experiments show the relative improvement of 27.4% in EER on RSR2015  

    HMM-based phrase-independent i-vector extractor for text-dependent speaker verification

    , Article IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing ; Volume 25, Issue 7 , 2017 , Pages 1421-1435 ; 23299290 (ISSN) Zeinali, H ; Sameti, H ; Burget, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2017
    The low-dimensional i-vector representation of speech segments is used in the state-of-the-art text-independent speaker verification systems. However, i-vectors were deemed unsuitable for the text-dependent task, where simpler and older speaker recognition approaches were found more effective. In this work, we propose a straightforward hidden Markov model (HMM) based extension of the i-vector approach, which allows i-vectors to be successfully applied to text-dependent speaker verification. In our approach, the Universal Background Model (UBM) for training phrase-independent i-vector extractor is based on a set of monophone HMMs instead of the standard Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). To... 

    Amine modified magnetic polystyrene for extraction of drugs from urine samples

    , Article Journal of Chromatography A ; Volume 1602 , 2019 , Pages 107-116 ; 00219673 (ISSN) Zeinali, S ; Maleki, M ; Bagheri, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2019
    Polystyrene is one of the best candidates as the extracting medium due to its high stability in different media and acceptable extraction capability. However, the hydrophobic nature and low wettability of polystyrene limits its application to non–polar analytes. To resolve this limitation, in this project, amine groups were chemically attached to the surface of magnetic polystyrene. The resulting hydrophilic magnetic particles were expected to be capable of extracting both polar and non–polar analytes. Non–steroidal anti–inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were chosen for testing the applicability of modified magnetic polystyrene according to the importance of their analysis and also their wide... 

    Generic extraction medium: From highly polar to non-polar simultaneous determination

    , Article Analytica Chimica Acta ; Volume 1066 , 2019 , Pages 1-12 ; 00032670 (ISSN) Zeinali, S ; Khalilzadeh, M ; Bagheri, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2019
    Sample preparation for non-target analysis is challenging due to the difficulty in the extraction of polar and non-polar analytes simultaneously. Most commercial solid sorbents lack the proper comprehensiveness for extraction of analytes with different physiochemical properties. A possible key is the combination of hydrophobic polymer and hydrophilic surface functional groups in solid based extraction methods in order to generate the susceptibility for retaining both polar and non-polar analytes. To pursue this goal, in this study, four polar groups including [sbnd]NH 2 , [sbnd]NO 2 , [sbnd]COOH, and [sbnd]COCH 3 were chemically bound to Amberlite XAD-4 substrate in order to prepare a... 

    Heart Disease Diagnosis Based on Heart Sounds Using Signal Processing and Machine Learning Algorithms

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zeinali, Yasser (Author) ; Akhavan Niaki, Taghi (Supervisor)
    The research in this study aims to analyze data in healthcare, especially the diagnosis of several diseases caused by heart failure. Analyzing and analyzing this data can lead to the discovery of relationships and patterns that can play an important role in the decision-making process of relevant officials in any field. Today, medical data around the world is stored in large volumes for future research. Various infrastructures and software have been set up in many health centers and research centers affiliated with those organizations.In this research, the general process of work is such that the data related to the heart sounds, which are in the four broad categories of S1 to S4, are...