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    Exploring of Influence of Boron on Acidity of Organic Functional Groups by DFT Calculation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mehrpajouh, Sima (Author) ; Fattahi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Acidity values of some compound (e.g., alkanes, alcohols, carboxylic acids and amines) with or without boron substitute have been studied theoretically to evaluate the influence of boron on acidity of organic functional groups. We have derived the unoccupied reactive orbital that show the maximum localization on the boron pπ atomic orbital overlapping with the lone-pair orbital of an electron donor. Localization of unoccupied reactive orbital on the boron pπ atomic and the polarizability of the boron center are two factors which affect acidity values of functional groups. Conformational searching was performed using MM (Molecular Mechanics). The most important conformations were optimized at... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Eiravani, Hossaen (Author) ; Fattahi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    It is believed that intramolecular hydrogen bonding and also conjugation can affect the acidity power of organic molecules. But simultaneous effects of intramolecular hydrogen bonding and conjugation have not investigated systematically yet. In this project, we choose Ascorbic acid as a basic structure. Then we have changed its structure conveniently, and have explored the roles of hydrogen bonding and conjugation on the acidity of this molecule by using B3LYP functional with the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. After that we similarly investigate these effects on the acidity of three different systems, including enols, enamines and alcohols. In this project we probe the effect of different hydrogen... 

    Exploring of Hydrogen Bond Effect on Acidity Value for Multifunctional Alcohols in Gas Phase & Nonaqueous Solvent via DFT Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abedin Maghanaki, Azar Dokht (Author) ; Fattahi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Hydrogen bond is a type of molecular bonds which occurs between hydrogen and a highly electronegative atom( usually F, N and O) and results to special properties. Polyols and multihydroxyl compounds are among substances which have special properties such as acidity due to the existence of hydrogen bond in their molecular structure. Acidity in these compounds is a result of having stable anions due to intramolecular hydrogen bands. The existence of an electronegative group in addition to hydroxyl groups leads to increase the acidity in these substances. In this project acidities of some polyols and multihydroxyl compounds were calculated in both gas phase and solution phase( DMSO,... 

    Synthesis of Metallophthalocyanine Nanoparticls and Its Application in the Oxidation of Organic Compounds,and Investigation of Hydrogen Bonding Effect on the Basicity of Amines and Orbital Interactions on Acidity Enhacment of Alcohols

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Kheirjou, Somayyeh (Author) ; Mahmoodi Hashemi, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Fattahi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    This thesis is divided into two parts: In part I, which is theoretical part, we were looking for a computational method which is extensively comparable with experimental results to determine pKa of wide variety of organic compounds. The pKa is an important property in many sciences such as chemistry, biology, and material science, since inclination of a compound to donate or accept a proton is fundamental to understanding many chemical and biochemical processes. Experimentally determined pKa values are not always available from literature sources and often estimated values are employed in their place. It is useful, therefore, to have reliable and accurate means of calculating relative and/or... 

    Theoretical Investigation of Hydrogen Bonding Effects on Acidity Enhancement of Alkyl sulfonic Acids and Hydroxy Alkyl Sulfonic Acids in Gas and Solution Phase

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Najdian, Atena (Author) ; Fattahi, Ali Reza (Supervisor) ; Hormozi-Nezhad, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    Hydrogen bonding is an important weak interaction encountered in gas, liquid, as well as solid phases. The hydrogen bond plays a very vital role in many life processes and is one of the most frequently used terms in chemistry and biology.
    Polyols or polyhydric alcohols are, strictly speaking, simply organic chemicals containing more than two hydroxyl groups. Each hydroxyl is attached to separate carbon atoms of an aliphatic skeleton.They may also contain ester, ether, amide, acrylic, metal, metalloid and other functionalities; along with hydroxyl groups. Polyols are obtained from many plant and animal sources and are synthesized by a variety of methods. Among important properties of... 

    Theoretical Investigation of Hydrogen Bonding Effects on Acidity Enhancement of Cyclic Amides and Barbiturates in Gas and Solution Phase

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Daneshfar, Maryam (Author) ; Fattahi, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Mahmoodi Hashemi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Hydrogen bonding is an important weak interaction encountered in gas, liquid, as well as solid phase. The hydrogen bond plays a very vital role in many life processes and is one of the most frequently used terms in chemistry and biology. Amides have several applications as drugs, antibacterials and antifungals. Different substituents can affect the acidity of amides. Investigation have shown that hydroxyl function group can increase the acidity of many organic molecules through interamolecular hydrogen bonding. The goal of this project is to investigate the acidity of cyclic amides and barbiturates by adding hydroxyl group in the gas and solution phase. All the gas phase optimizations and... 

    Theoretical Investigation of Hydrogen Bonding Effects on Acidity Enhancement of Beta Diketones in Gas and Solution Phase

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahimi, Mona (Author) ; Fattahi, Alireza (Supervisor) ; Mahmoodi Hashemi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Hydrogen bonding is an important weak interaction encountered in gas and liquid, as well as solid phase. The hydrogen bond plays a very vital role in many life processes and is one of the most frequently used terms in chemistry and biology. Beta diketones have several applications in organic, inorganic and analytical chemistry. Different substituents can affect the acidity of beta diketones. Investigation have shown that hydroxyl function group can increase the acidity of many organic molecules through interamolecular hydrogen bonding. The goal of this project is to investigate the acidity of hydroxyl containing beta diketones in the gas and solution phase. All the gas phase optimizations... 

    Study of Change of Thermochemical Properties of DNA bases in the Presence of Neutral, Anionic, and Radical Species

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mottaghizadeh, Ayda (Author) ; Fattahi, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Since we are exposed to many air pollutants such as different gases daily, this project has attempted to investigate how these gases affect nucleobases, which are the main constituent of the DNA chain. The gases used in this study are sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NO). Each of these gases was studied separately along with the most stable nucleobase in the neutral, anionic and cationic states. The AT and GC base pairs were also exposed to each of these gases and changes (for exampl, the acidity, proton affinity) created in the AT and GC base pairs were examined.The most important properties studied during this project include gas-nucleobase interactions, proton...