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    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Hydrogen Diffusion into Brine: Implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kalati, Saba (Author) ; Ayatollahi, Shahaboddin (Supervisor) ; Mahani, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Pourkhiabani, Nahid (Co-Supervisor) ; Esmaeilbeig, Mohammad Amin (Co-Supervisor)
    The high consumption of worldwide fossil energy and its detrimental effects on the environment and climate have prompted a transition toward renewable energy sources. The availability of renewable energy sources depends on weather and seasonal changes; therefore, an imbalance between supply and demand would be unavoidable. Hydrogen storage as an energy carrier, can fulfill this energy mismatch. Storing hydrogen in underground formations, such as aquifers, has been the subject of extensive research recently. In these storage reservoirs, hydrogen contacts the resident brine which will be lost through the dissolution-diffusion mechanism. Therefore, successful design of these storages requires...