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Effect of Fluorine Addition on Properties of Electrodeposited Fluorine-doped Hydroxyapatite Coating on AZ31 alloy
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
Magnesium and its alloys are potentialy biodegradable implant materials due to their attractive biological properties. But their poor corrosion resistance may result in sudden failure of the implants. Recently, many researchers have focused on applications of fluorine-doped hydroxyapatiteCa10(PO4)6(OH)2−xFx (FHA, x is the degree of fluoridation) as a bioactive coating to provide early stability and long-term performance. In comparison with pure HA coating,FHA coating could provide significant dissolution-resistant property, better apatite-like layer deposition, better protein adsorption, better cell attachment and improved alkaline phosphatase activity in cell culture. In this...
Preparation and Characterization of HA/ZrO2 Biocomposite Coating on 316 Stainless Steel Fabricated by Electrodeposition
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
In this research, role of zirconia nanoparticles as a biocompatible material which has great mechanical properties, was investigated on corrosion behavior and bonding strength of HA coating. HA- ZrO2 composite prepared by a 2-step pulse electrodeposition method. Effect of pH (3.5, 4.5), bath temperature (60, 80 ͦC), current density (0.5, 1, 2 mA/cm2) and zirconia concentration (5, 10, 15 g/L) on coating characteristics were studied. X-ray diffraction was employed for phase analysis. Morphology and microstructure of samples observed utilizing scanning electron microscope (SEM) and elemental analysis was done by EDS. In order to corrosion studies electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)...
Preparation and Characterisation of Titania-hydroxyapatite-carbon
Nanotube Nanostructured Bioceramics by Sol-gel Process
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza
Hydroxyapatite (HA) is an attractive biomaterial due to its close chemical composition to bone and teeth. However, HA is brittle and has low strength under bearing loads, resulting in limition for orthopedic and dental applications. Two creative approaches have been developed to overcome this problem, using bioactive HA as coatings on metallic implants or as ceramic/metal composites. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) possess excellent mechanical properties to play the role as reinforcement for imparting strength and toughness to brittle hydroxyapatite (HA) bioceramic coating. Moreover, The addition of TiO2 to HA coatings has attracted considerable attention, since TiO2 is capable of increasing the...