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Optimization of Operating Conditions of Immobilized Penicillin G Acylase (PGA) Enzyme for Amoxicillin Synthesis
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roosta Azad, Reza (Supervisor) ; Aalemzadeh, Iran (Supervisor)
Penicillin G Acylase is the key enzyme in producing semi-synthetic antibiotics such as Ampicillin and Amoxicillin. In this study, we used E.coli ATCC 11105 in order to produce it. This enzyme was an intracellular one which was produced under suitable conditions. Crude enzyme was released after cell disruption by ultrasonic waves (sonication method) and was partially purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation. Immobilization is investigated at different pHs around the iso-electric pH of Penicillin G Asylase enzyme. Therefore, optimum pH and optimum concentration of ammonium sulphate cuts were determined. Also immobilization process of this enzyme was studied on chitosan polymer, activated by...
Electrochemical Determination of Piroxicam at thin Carbon
Nanoparticle Composite And Investigation of the Electrochemical Behavior and Synthesis of Catechols in the Presence of Mercapto Methyl Tetrazol as a Nucleophile
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Shahrokhian, Saeed
The electrochemical oxidation behavior of the anti-inflammatory drug piroxicam was investigated. A carbon nanoparticle (CNP)-chitosan (CS) film-coated graphite electrode (PGE) was fabricated and the electrochemical behaviors of piroxicam on its surface was investigated by the means of cyclic voltammetry (CV), linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). In comparison to the bare PGE, at the surface of the CNP-CS film modified electrode, the oxidation peak current of piroxicam increased significantly and the peak potential shifted negatively. Consequently, a simple and sensitive electroanalytical method was developed for the determination of piroxicam. The...
Production Study of Protease Enzyme by Immobilized Cells
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Yaghmaei, Soheila
Kazemi, Akhtarelmolook
Microbial proteases are among the most important hydrolytic enzymes and havebeen studied extensively since the advent of enzymology. They are essentialconstituents of all forms of life on earth, including prokaryotes, fungi, plants andanimals.In recent years there has been a phenomenal increase in the use of alkaline protease asindustrial catalysts. Alkaline proteases (EC.3.4.21–24, 99) are defined as thoseproteases which are active in a neutral to alkaline pH range. Cell immobilization is a technique that restricts the free movements of microorganisms in the process and it has a lot of advantages including this fact that biotechnologists’ dream for using continuous system in fermentation...
Electrophoretic Deposition of Chitosan- Hydroxyapatite- Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composite Coatings
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
At the first stage, chitosan-hydroxyapatite-multiwalled carbon nanotube (CH-HA-MWCNT) composite coatings were synthesized by electrophoretic deposition technique (EPD) on Ti6Al4V and 316L stainless steel substrates at different levels of pH and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, FTIR and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). A smooth distribution of HA and MWCNT particles in a chitosan matrix with strong interfacial bonding was obtained. At the second stage, effect of pH and MWCNT content of the suspension on corrosion behavior and mechanism of deposition were studied. Potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)...
Synthesis of Antibiotic-eluting Chitosan-based Composite Coating by Electrophoretic Deposition for Bone Implants
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Simchi, Abdol Reza (Supervisor) ; Bagheri, Reza (Supervisor)
Drug-eluting bone implant coatings is a new era that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. In this matter, drug is loaded in the coating and local and targeted release of the drug results in preventing the side effects of implantation and increasing the healing process of the patient. The aim of this project was to synthesis the antibiotic eluting chitosan-based composite using electrophoretic deposition for bone implant coating. By using electrophoretic deposition chitosan and chitosan-bioglass composite coatings were synthesized. Then the probability of loading of drug into coating by using electrophoretic deposition was evaluated and by using this process chitosan and...
Preparation and Evaluation of Nanopolysaccharides- & Polysaccharides-Anticancer Drugs Conjugates
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Pourjavadi, Ali (Supervisor)
In recent years, cancer is the second leading cause of human death. Cancer treatment is based on surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Choice of treatment method depends on the degree of progression and type of cancer. However, the goal is destruction of cancer cells and minimal harmful side effects on healthy cells. In this thesis two types of polysaccharide-anticancer drug conjugate were prepared and evaluated for radiation therapy and chemotherapy; chitosan- and DTPA modified chitosan – Gallium 66 conjugates for radiation therapy and nano diacid starch –cisplatin conjugate for chemotherapy. Chitosan –gallium 66 conjugate was prepared in radiochemical purity higher than 99% at...
Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of a Biocompatible Chitosan-Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite for Tissue Engineering
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Simchi, Abdolreza (Supervisor) ; Akhavan, Omid (Co-Advisor)
Chitosan (CS) is a natural polysaccharide, which is widely used for various biomedical applications due to its excellent properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, bioadhesivity, and bactericidal capacity. Nevertheless, the poor mechanical strength and the loss of structural integrity limit the applications of chitosan. Graphene oxide (GO) has been recognized as an ideal filler for reinforcement of a polymer matrix and its excellent water solubility makes it as a promising candidate for biopolymers. In this work, biocompatible chitosan-graphene oxide nanocomposites were synthesized. First, graphene oxide was prepared using modified Hummer’s method from graphite powder. Solvent...
Investigating the Optimum Conditions for Cell Growth and Behavior on Hydrogel Surfaces
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mashayekhan, Shohre (Supervisor) ; Maghsudi, Vida (Supervisor)
Generally, the concept of producing ‘spare parts’ of the body for replacement of damaged or lost organs lies at the core of the varied biotechnological practices referred as tissue engineering. Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary field that incorporates principles of engineering with the life sciences. Tissue engineering is based on three principle; cells, scaffolds for cells expansion, attachment as an environment like ECM and growth factors. These things together can help tissue engineers to provide microenvironments which are suitable for special cells. The most important thing in this kind of works is the ability to simulate environment for cells the same as body. According to the...
Membrane Preparation For Organic Compounds Dehydration
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Musavi, Abbas (Supervisor) ; Ramazani, Ahmad (Co-Advisor)
Isopropanol purifying denotes dehydration of it to utilize in industries become important these days. Conventional process like distillation could not produce this product in high purity. Using membrane-based process, pervaporation, to dehydrate Isopropanol and other organic compound has been noticed in the last years. Among all type of membranes to dehydrate alcohols, poly (vinyl alcohol) is more effective due to its high hydrophilic characteristic. But it swallows in aqueous solutions and decrease its selectivity. To enhance structural and separation properties Chitosan, TiO2 and glurataldehyde added to polymeric membranes. Nine membranes have been made in this study that can be grouped in...
Preparation of Biodegradeble Nanocomposite with Appropriate Physical and Mechanical Properties for Bread Packaging
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ramezani Saadat, Ahmad (Supervisor) ; Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
Platelet nanoparticles could dramatically decrease permeability of polymeric film where increase considerably its physical -mechanical properties. Bio based (Biodegradable) polymeric materials such as starch based polymeric films show very weak mechanical and high oxygen and water vapor permeability. Graphene oxide (GO) could increase mechanical properties of starch based polymer where decrease its permeability dramatically. Addition of chitosan also could increase antibacterial and antifungal of films and decrease permeability of films considerably. In this research nanocomposite of Starch/Chitosan/GO films have been prepared by solution method and its morphology, permeability, physical...
Fabrication and Chracatization of Novel Electrospun Chitosan Fibers Reinforced with Bacterial Cellulose and Nanodiamond for Wound Dressing Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Simchi, Abdolreza (Supervisor)
Chronic wounds are among the serious injuries which have called the attention of scientists to invest in an effort to fabricate temporary skin grafts and wound dressing materials. One of the widely acceptable solutions to this obstacle is to design a bioactive scaffold capable of regenerating tissue as well as delivering active agents to the site specific area. To this end, natural biopolymers are considered as suitable candidates to be employed in regenerative medicine due to their excellent biocompatibility. In addition, nanoparticles possess special properties such as the ability in sequestering the drug release which make them promising candidates in the fabrication of the...
Fabrication of Dental Implant from Ti-6Al-4V With Nanostructured Hydroxyapatite Coating
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
The use of dental implants has grown considerably in recent years in Iran but this piece is the industrial imported parts that are not yet produced in Iran. So the main purpose of this research was to fabricate a dental implant from Ti-6Al-4V alloy by CNC machining techniques. On the other hand, the poor bonding strength of bioactive coatings and low cell growth on the surface of uncoated implants are the common problems in the use of dental implants. So another aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Nanoscale surface topography and nanostructured coatings on the surface modification of titanium implant in order to improve Osseointegration and the bonding strength of bioactive...
Dosign and Construction of Natural Polymers-based Hydrogels for Cartilage Tissue Engineering
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mashayekhan, Shohreh (Supervisor) ; Hajebrahimi, Zahra (Supervisor)
Once damaged, articular cartilage has very little capacity for spontaneous healing because of the avascular nature of the tissue. Although many repair techniques have been proposed over the past decades, none has successfully regenerated long-lasting tissue to replace damaged cartilage. Tissue engineering have recently demonstrated tremendous approaches for regeneration of cartilage tissue lesions. Tissue engineering is based on three principles: cells, scaffolds for cell adhesion and growth factors. Three-dimensional biodegradable scaffolds play an important role in tissue engineering. In this study, novel cross-linked hybrid chitosan/ECM scaffolds were prepared for articular cartilage...
Evaluation of Controlled Drug Release Chitosan-based Coatings on Titanium Implants: Microstructure, Bioactivity and Biocompatibility
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Simchi, Abdolreza (Supervisor)
Implant-associated infections are one of the most serious complications in orthopaedic and trauma surgery as it may result in poor functional outcome, implant failure, chronic osteomyelitis or even death. Great concerns have been taken to reduce implant-associated infections through progressing in operating standards, minimizing the possibility of contamination during surgery, reducing the establishment of infection by perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis, and confining of pathogenic strains by patient isolation. In spite of these preventions, the percentage of postoperative infections is still rising. Composite coatings with bone-bioactivity and drug-eluting capacity are considered as...
Design and Fabrication of Nanocamposite Scaffold for Neural Tissue Engineering
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ramazani Saadat Abadi , Ahmad (Supervisor) ; Neamati, ZiaratAli (Supervisor)
Nervous system plays an intricate biological process of man body.Damage of nervous system has serious consequences and is hard to recover, as well as the other parts of the body may not work properly. Many strategies have been used to repair spinal cord injuries in which the main objective is to improve the regeneration of axons and functional recovery. The purpose of this research is introducing neural tissue engineering concepts (e.g. scaffolds, stimulation and etc.) and also design and fabrication suitable for neural tissue engineering. For this purpose the combination of biodegradable polymers (chitosan),conductive polymer (poly-aniline) and carbon nanosheets (graphene) was chosen as the...
Construction of Micro Carriers Composed of Accelular heart Matrix for Heart Tissue Engineering Application
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mashayekhan, Shohreh (Supervisor)
The heart stoke which happens due to an obstruction in the coronary artery can result in the presence of a dead part on the heart muscle called Myocardial Infarction (MI). MI can lead to next heart strokes and even the death of the patient. So far, a great number of biomaterials consisting of natural and synthetic polymers and Extra Cellular Matrix (ECM) of human body have been recommended for being used in tissue engineering approaches aiming to rehabilitate the infarcted site. The use of ECM is recommended for mimicking the microenvironment of the body as much as possible which can be very helpful in proliferation of the cultured cells. In this project, we fabricated a composite...
Optimization of Cell Proliferation on Polymeric Carriers Composed of Accelular Heart Matrix
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mashayekhan, Shohreh (Supervisor) ; Abd Khodaei, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
Following heart coronary artery occlusion, heart stroke (HS) happens which leads to the creation of a dead zone on heart tissue named Myocardial Infarction (MI), the presence of which on a patient’s heart will result in succeeding HSs and the death of the patient. In this study, porous microcarriers capable of being utilized in cardiovascular tissue engineering is fabricated using a mixture of myocardium ectracellular matrix (ECM) and Chitosan (Cs). Results of Elasticity tests, SEM images, swelling behavior, biodegradability test, and cell proliferation assay showed that the scaffold consisting of 3.5% (w/w) Chitosan and 0.66% (w/w) ECM has the best potential in providing cardiovascular...
Chitosan/Gelatin/Mg Substituted Hydroxyapatite Nano Composite Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Fathi, Mohammad Hossein (Co-Advisor)
The present study is work on fabrication and characterization of a chitosan/ gelatin/ Mg substituted hydroxyapatite nano composite scaffold for bone tissue engineering. At the first step pure and Mg-substituted hydroxyapatite (HA) (Ca10-xMgx(PO4) 6OH2) nano-hexagonal rods with 14–45 nmdiameter.for this, calcium nitrate, magnesium phosphate hydrate and potassium dihydrogenphosphate were used as precursors for Ca, Mg, and P, respectively. Calculated amounts of magnesium ions (Mg+2) especially from 0 to 8% (molar ratio) were incorporated as substituted into the calcium sol solution. Deionized water was used as a diluting media for HA sol preparation and ammonia was used to adjust the pH= 9....
Design and Fabrication of Scaffold Composed of Acellular Cartilage Matrix and Chitosan
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mashayekhan, Shohreh (Supervisor) ; Hasanzadeh, Zabihollah (Supervisor)
Cartilage is an avascular tissue, having limited ability to repair itself. Since the methods for treatment of cartilage defects have been not effective, in recent years, new therapies based on tissue engineering are considered.This paper reports on the development of porous microcarriers composed of acellular matrix of cartilage and natural polymer chitosan. Microcarriers were prepared by electrospray method. Results of mechanical tests, SEM imaging, water uptake behaviour, biodegradation test, and MTT assay demonstrated that the microcarriers composed of 2% (wt) chitosan and 1% (wt) ECM has the best potential for growth and proliferation of primary chondrocyte cells. These results...
Characterisation and Preparation of Chitosan-nano Diamond Nanocomposite
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shojaei, Akbar (Supervisor)
Chitosan is a biocompatible and biopolymer with unique characteristics. Nanodiamonds that are basically carbon based nanoparticle have excellent mechanical, thermal stability biocompatibility bahviors. Combination of these two materials helps to the advantage of all the desirable features of both material and compensate low mechanical properties and strength of chitosan. In this study, we examine the composition of different percentages of nanodiamonds in chitosan and effect of modification on properties of the nanocomposites. The thermal behaviour, swelling behaviour and water contact angle of different nanocomposites were analyzed. Finally, to determine the distribution of the...