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Modeling and Optimization of Solar Cooler for Domestic Usage
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roshandel, Ramin (Supervisor)
In this thesis a general model for simulation of solar cooler for domestic usage is developed. The model consists of 2 main parts: thermo-dynamical and economical calculations. The thermodynamic part consists of 4 sub models: a model for calculation of incoming solar radiation, cooling load demand calculation, the refrigeration cycle and the solar cycle with heat storage.As for hourly calculation of system performance part of the model produces the hourly received radiation data based on geographical position and orientation of the receiving surface. Base on results of the cooling load calculation for a 9 m2 studying room located in western part of Tehran, 1 TBR (3.516 kW) is chosen as...
In this thesis a general model for simulation of solar cooler for domestic usage is developed. The model consists of 2 main parts: thermo-dynamical and economical calculations. The thermodynamic part consists of 4 sub models: a model for calculation of incoming solar radiation, cooling load demand calculation, the refrigeration cycle and the solar cycle with heat storage.As for hourly calculation of system performance part of the model produces the hourly received radiation data based on geographical position and orientation of the receiving surface. Base on results of the cooling load calculation for a 9 m2 studying room located in western part of Tehran, 1 TBR (3.516 kW) is chosen as...
Experimental Investigation of a Multi-Purpose Energy System Composed of Pulsating Heat Pipe, Solar Collector and PCM
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Saeedi, Mohammad Hassan (Supervisor)
In solar systems, the required space and cost, the impossibility of continuous access to energy, energy storage and optimal use of the received energy are the basic parameters and issues. Therefore, with the knowledge of these cases, proposing ideas and approaches to study the possibility of reducing the above mentioned issues are of the main objectives of this research. In solar thermal systems and solar electrical systems, the collector and photovoltaic panels are the main components, respectively. However, the studies show that there are issues regarding the existing collectors and photovoltaic panels, e.g. the flat-plate type which is most used in solar systems, and the basis is not...
Enhanced Solar Still Condensation Using a Radiative Cooling System with Phase Change Materials
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shafii, Mohammad Behshad (Supervisor)
Desalination of seawater is one of the best solutions for freshwater supply. Solar desalination is an appropriate way to desalinate seawater. The main disadvantage of solar desalination systems is low daily production. Considering the free radiative cooling potential, the purpose of this project is the increment of the daily yield of solar still by enhancement of condensation process. For transferring cooling potential of radiative cooling from nighttime to the daytime, phase change materials (PCMs) are used. Two types of condensers are fabricated in this project. One of them uses ambient air as a thermal sink and the other one uses radiative cooling which is saved in PCM. Describing...