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Review and Simulation Process of Deposition in Fluidize Bed(Focus on Heat Transfer)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roosta Azad, Reza (Supervisor) ; Yaghmaei, Soheyla (Co-Advisor)
This project related to gas purification according to difference in the deposition point in the fludized bed.The main reason for choosing fluidized bed is increasing overall heat transfer coefficient compare in to other heat exchangers. Separation process, by cooling the wall causes the self- deposition gas phase shifts to solid phase. Solid formed on the wall, act as an insulating layer and greatly reduces the heat transfer. To solve this problem, the fluidized bed system is offered because fluid particles in addition to remove the insulating layer, improving convection heat transfer coefficient . Laboratory tests show the feasibility of preventing the formation of insulating layer by...
Simulation of Deposition of Gas in Fluidized Bed
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Roostaazad, Reza (Supervisor)
This project related to gas purification according to difference in the deposition point in the fludized bed.The reason for choosing fluidized bed is increasing erosion on wall of bed & increasing on heat transfer compared to other heat exchangers.Separation process, by cooling the wall causes the self- deposition gas phase shifts to solid phase. Solid formed on the wall, act as an insulating layer and greatly reduces the heat transfer therefore part of vessel not used. To solve this problem, the fluidized bed system is offered because the fluid particles can remove the insulating layer beside improving convection heat transfer coefficient. In this work we studied the quantative of erosion...
Effect of the Fluctuations of Quantum Chromodynamics Topological Charge on the Dispersion Relation of NJL Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadooghi, Neda (Supervisor)
One of the long-lived problems in the theory of quantum chromo dynamics is the violation of parity (P) and charge-parity (CP) symmetries in strong interactions. The existence of gluon configurations sourcing from topology leads to degeneracy in the vacuum structure of the theory. This phenomenon is realized by the addition of an extra term proportional to the parameter to QCD Lagrangian. Experimental estimates of neutron electric dipole, predicts a very small value for this parameter. There is no verified justification for this discrepancy. Recently at the relativistic heavy ion collider laboratory (RHIC) some experimental evidence has been found which indicates local CP violation in...
Network and Storage-energy Aware VM Migration in Cloud Computing
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Goudarzi, Maziar (Supervisor)
Rapid growth and proliferation of cloud computing services around the world has increased the necessity and significance of improving the energy efficiency of could implementations. Virtual machines (VM) comprise the backend of most, if not all, cloud computing services. Several VMs are often consolidated on a physical machine to better utilize its resources. We take into account the network structure of the data center hosting the physical machines when consolidating the VMs so that fewer racks and routers are employed, without compromising the service-level agreements, so that unused routing and cooling equipment can be turned off to reduce energy consumption. Our experimental results,...
Feasibilty Study of Using Condensation in Increasing Diameter of Airborne Particulate Matter to Enhance Control Efficiency
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Arhami, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Particles with aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 μm can effectively pass through respiratory system and deposit on pulmonary areas wich cause adverse health effects. These particles are divided in to coarse particles (diameter: 2.5 to 10 μm) and fine particles (diameter < 2.5 μm). Fine particles can be more harmful for human’s health and harder to remove by air pollution control machines compare to coarse particle so it is crucial to find methods to enlarge the size of these particles. In this regards common methods such as utilizing electricity are costly and not efficient enough. Hence other economical and efficient methods such as using condensation are eamined. In this study the...
Numerical Investigation of Formation and Growth of Steam Condensing Droplets on Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Surface Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moosavi, Ali (Supervisor)
Condensation is one of the main processes in environment and engineering systems, including thermal power plants, desalination systems and air conditioners. Thus, improvement of its performance can lead to decrease of energy consumption and the resulting air pollutions. Recently, using nanotechnology and new coating methods, there have been great researches on stable superhydrophobic surfaces and using theme as condensing surfaces which because of jumping droplet phenomena can increase condensation performance. Because of the great influence of wetting and structure properties of surfaces on condensation, in this study nucleation and growth of condensing droplets on smooth and structured...
Design and Simulation of Xenon Gas Collection System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Otukesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Karimi Sabet, Javad ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
In this thesis, desublimation (deposition) of xenon gas has been studied. Through the past decades, desublimation, became one of the important methods of separation. High purity products and applicability when common methods of separation, as distillation, are not applicable, make desublimation more efficient. Heat transfer phenomenological study of direct phase change of gas to solid (desublimation), evaluation of variation of different parameters during the phase change and finally comparison of experimental results of desublimation and mathematical modeling data are the main considerations in present thesis. Because of low cost and accessibility and heat transfer phenomenological study...
Fabrication and Thermal Analysis of Superhydrophobic Nano-textured Condensation Substrates
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mousavi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Asghari, Mohsen (Supervisor)
This thesis is a research corresponding to Super-Hydrophobic condensation substrates with Nanometer texture. In this study, the foresaid surfaces are fabricated by two methods that are Nano-composite paint and Electrophoretic coating. As a summary for the first method (the Super-Hydrophobic Nano-composite paint), the hybrid coating contains two mineral and organic phases; The organic phase is a two-part clear-coat polyurethane and plays the role as a polymer matrix in Nano-composite structure. Silica Nano-particles are the mineral phase and the two phases of Nano-composite have made connection with silane compounds. Also, surface-modification in Nano-particles for giving hydrophobicity...
Investigation of Dropwise Condensation on Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Surfaces using Molecular Dynamics Simulation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Moosavi, Ali (Supervisor)
Phase change processes have been used in heat transfer industries for decades. However, the heat transfer rate enhancement of the surfaces is still a challenging issue for the researchers. In this path, emerging nanostructured surfaces have shown great potentials. We demonstrate that using nanostructured surfaces in the condensation processes enhances the heat transfer behaviour of the fluid through interfacial contact area increase. In the present study molecular dynamics simulation have been employed to monitor the atomic behaviour of the system components at nanoscale. The argon liquid is considered as the working fluid and the copper surfaces as the phase change site. The effect of...
Study of the Failure Mechanisms of Mount Polley Tailings Dam Using Numerical Simulations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor)
Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility (MP-TSF) failed on its perimeter embankment on August 4, 2014, when its 9th construction stage has just been completed. The failure releasedmillions of m3 of toxic tailings, supernatant water and construction materials todownstream. Up to this point, some research studies have been conducted into the causes of the failure. These studies have considered the stability of the TSF in different stages of its construction as well as in the last stage. The aim of the present study is to investigate the causes of the very failure, using numerical methods by the aid of the finite element based software, PLAXIS 2D. In the present study, the results of the...
Numerical Modeling of Sedimentation and Non-Linear Consolidation of Wet Iron Ore Mine Tailings
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor)
Management and reservation of mine tailings are among the most important problems in today’s engineering. Among the different kinds of mine tailings, wet tailings are of the most critical ones due to their slurry shape. In addition to their different form of settlement than normal kinds of soil, they can easily transfer the pollutants through their base to the adjacent areas. Therefore, investigation of their sedimentation and consolidation processes is necessary. In this thesis, it has been tried to program a code according to the literature, in order to simulate the sedimentation and consolidation process of wet tailings. The mathematical method that has been used in the thesis for solving...
Fabrication and Investigation of Condensation Performance of Hybrid and Solid – Infused Surfaces
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mousavi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Aryanpour, Masood (Supervisor)
Increasing energy consumption and limited energy resources are instances of the concerns of human societies and environmentalists today. The condensation process, as one of the most important processes in the industry, plays an important role in saving and regeneration the existing energy. Nowdays, surface optimization is one of the modern ways to improve condensation.In this research, two methods have been used to construct surfaces useful for enhancement of droplet condensation, including hybrid surfaces and solid infused surfaces. In the construction of hybrid surfaces, superhydrophobic coating with silica nanoparticles based on hydroxyl acrylic resin was used. The superhydrophilic parts...