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Newton's Method for Vector Optimization
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Razvan, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Khorram, Esmaeil (Supervisor)Optimal Design of Parting Line in the Shape Casting Processes
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Tavakkoli, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
More than 70 weight percentage of using parts in diverse industries (such as military, civil, automobile productions and etc.) are produceed by the casting processes. For each one of the casting procceses, mold cavity is requisite for arrived molten metal in the mold cavity to get eventuated as a solidified part. Based on mold ilk, if the mold is permanent, the cast part must be capable to be remoeved from the the mold inside. For the non-permanent mold (asssuming multi-piece and non-monolithic), if the model requires to be removed from the mold inside after molding and before casting, only model (no cast part) has to be moldable (why for removing the solidified cast part from the...