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    Service Level Agreement Templates and Guides for Implementing, using eTOM

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahdioun, Saeid (Author) ; Mostafavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, in communication industry, specially data network, in which service quality is a serious parameter, request for making connection with appropriate quality (Proportionate to demands) and necessity of clarification of obligations of service providers and customers, as well as customer awareness of submitted materials and offering various services with different qualities & costs, led service providers, specially IP based networks, to make agreements with their customers, entitled service Level Agreement (SLA). The SLA specifies the service type, mutual obligations, related parameters, measuring methods, violation threshold, penalties and loss compensation. Whereas, applying... 

    Definition of Model For Evaluation of Paint Shops Outsourcing In Car Manufacturing Company

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Salehi, Hamid Reza (Author) ; Eshraghniaye Jahromi, Abdolhamid (Supervisor)
    Decreasing cost, enhancing quality, increasing the customer satisfaction and the productivity to gain farther market shares are among the reasons for urging the companies to outsource their needs. In this study the definition of outsourcing, its advantages and weaknesses and the risks associated with it are presented and then models for decision making on outsourcing and its implementation process are discussed. As a scope for this mention, then the evaluation of outsourcing procedures for the paint shops is selected and studied. A model for the case is also presented. The case study is undertaken in Iran Khodro's paint shop during the years: 1379 – 1384 as a practical case. We can summarize... 

    “Determination of Economic Order and Production Quantity in Inventory System Regarding the Quality of Items”

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Torabi, Hassan (Author) ; Haji, Rasoul (Supervisor)
    EOQ and EPQ models have been among the most important and commonly used techniques for about 100 and 60 years respectively .But, they are involved in some assumptions that sometimes prevent them from being implemented in real situation of industry and production. One of these unrealistic assumptions is that all of items received or produced are of perfect quality. In order to overcome this constraint and make the mentioned models closer to the real environmentsome researches have been done. To this end,following the previous attemptsin this project we assumed to have destructive inspections and existence of imperfect and rejected items after rework. In our models, considering 3 circumstances... 

    Human Capital Management Using a Quantitative (Value Engineering) Approach in Projects

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rostamali, Mahmoud (Author) ; Hajji, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Project is defined as all activities with a definite beginning (start) and end (finish) aiming to achieve a defined target through defined resources. Literature reviews in the field of project management have shown the importance of project management capabilities for evaluation and optimization. There are many factors in project management which can lonely disrupt the timing and progress of the project. One of the most important factors that in effective and unfortunately has been less measured due to its intangible characteristic in the project is known to be the "human factor". This factor is involved from the first day a project starts and will continue till the end of the project....