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Component Based Translation of Z Specifications to Executable Code
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mirian-Hosseinabadi, Hassan (Supervisor)
Automatic translation of a high-level specification language to an executable implementation would be highly useful in maximizing the benefits of formal methods. We will introduce a set of translation functions to fill the specification-implementation gap in the domain of database applications. We chose Z, SQL and Delphi languages to illustrate our methodology. We extend Delphi libraries to support mathematical objects exist in Z. Then, based on the extended libraries, we extract the translation functions from Z to Delphi. The translation functions from Z to SQL are more easily extracted, because the mathematical foundation of Z has many properties in common with SQL. Based on the extracted...
XML Query Processing Optimization
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mirian Hosseinabadi, Hassan (Supervisor)
XML has been emerged as a de facto standard for data exchange and information transition over computer networks including Web. On the other hand by the growing use of sensors and data streams over computer networks, the usage of XML data format for data streams between data and processing units like sensors and information centers is growing. In this thesis first we do a survey on XML query processing and optimization and after that we propose methods for optimizing query processing over XML data streams based on data stream unique attributes and incremental completeness of XML data trees for increasing the speed of processing and decreasing the amount of memory that processing needs. For...
Query Correctness Assurance for Outsourced Databases
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jalili, Rasoul (Supervisor)
In the secure data outsourcing scenario, verification of the reply of an unreliable server includes assessing the authenticity, completeness and it’s integrity. In this thesis, an efficient method, with emphasis on freshness, has been introduced to evaluate the correctness of the replies from a server. It takes in hand different application needs, inherent differences in the data, and different update mechanisms. This method evaluates freshness by using timestamps alongside the data being out sourced. Due to the requirement of verifying not only the freshness of the response, but the correctness of the timestamps as well, two general methods for evaluating and verifying the responses were...
A Trust-based Approach for Correctness Verification of Query Results in Data Outsourcing Scenario
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jalili, Rasool (Supervisor)
One of the security issues in database outsourcing scenario is the correctness of the query results. Correctness verification includes integrity, completeness and freshness of the results. Most of the proposed approaches for correctness verification impose high overhead on the components of the scenario which prevents the scenario to implemented in practical applications. In this thesis, we have proposed a probabilistic approach which imposes acceptable overhead for correctness verification of returned results of service provider. The approach uses the previous behavior of the service provider to calculate a trust value toward it which is used to adjust the imposed overhead. In other words,...
Cooperative Search and Localization of Mobile RF Ground Targets, Using a Group of UAVs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nobahari, Hadi (Supervisor)
In this project, a method for cooperative search and localization of RF ground moving targets by a group of UAVs is developed. It should be noted that UAVs are just equipped with GPS and directional sensors. Since there is fuel constraint for UAVs, they take fuel from a tanker whenever they require. Moreover, searching method enables the UAVs to see different parts of the desired area with almost uniform distribution. In addition, the proposed approach enables the UAVs to perform a local search with the aim of finding the targets having lost their signal during localization mode. Finally, based upon a fueling decision function the UAVs take turn, approach to the fuel tanker, and start...
A Confidentiality and Integrity Preserving Architecture for Secure Data Outsourcing
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jalili, Rasool (Supervisor)
Infrastructural costs of data management, have led people and organizations to outsource their data. This approach is facing with some significant security challenges and risks. The goal of this research, is to present an architecture for secure outsourcing of data in a way that used methods, storage processes, query processing methods and access control mechanisms work together to preserve confidentiality and integrity of outsourced data. In this architecture, the main challenge is transparent placement of some components between client and server in order to prevent user from being aware of communication with a secured server. In order to create this degree of transparency, we need to pay...
Improvement of Software Quality Attributes based on the Properties of Relational and Non-relational data Models
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor)
With the growing use of computer systems, especially in form of web applications, software development and customer requirements has become more complex. Modern computer systems are supposed to achieve non-functional requirements in addition to functional requirements. Non-functional requirements are also called software quality attributes. One of the most important quality attributes for today's software systems is performance. Today’s softwares due to the growing number of their users, need more efficiency than ever to properly meet the performance request.Storage components and databases are the most important factors in causing performance bottlenecks in web applications. Most of...
Ontological Study of Metabolic Networks to Develop an Identification Software for Metabolic Networks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bozorgmehry Boozarjomehry, Ramin (Supervisor)
Simulation of biological behaviors as the pre requirement for control and optimization, especially for recognition and treating diseases, requires studying involved reactions which may or may not be accessible. In the other side, finding the correct network structures and related mathematical expressions to simulate biological behaviors is a complicated problem due to multi aspect interactions among biological reactions, which imply an approach that integrate the knowledge coming from multiple discipline including biological concepts, mathematical modelling, bioinformatics and advanced programming. In this study we aim to analyze this problem using ontological inference to develop a...
Vision-based Vehicle Detection in Intercity Roads for Intelligent Transportation Systems Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Marvasti, Farokh (Supervisor)
This project aims to highlight vision related tasks centered around "car". First, we gathered a dataset of 4343 front view car images, captured from the streets of Iran and Syria during daylight, the images of which are all manually cropped around their corresponding accurately chosen bounding boxes. we also extracted seven parts (i.e. left and right front lights, left and right mirrors, bumper, plate, and air intake) from each car image in the dataset. Our dataset is suitable for developing and testing bounding box extraction algorithms, holistic and part based analyses, occlusion handling algorithms, etc. next, we utilized Viola-Jones Detector to develop a system for car detection, in...
Persian Compound Verb Database with the Verbal Element: “Shodan”
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khosravizadeh, Parvaneh (Supervisor) ; Shojaie, Razieh (Supervisor)
Compound verbs (CVs) and its components, have been widely discussed in previous linguistics' researches as one of the most important and fundamental constructions of Persian language. Nevertheless most of the arguments and assumptions in those researches align with each other and studying CVs from another aspect with a different viewpoint has not been considered very much in order to solve nodes and issues in this area. We have endeavored in this thesis to review and criticize the portrayed definitions of the CVs, reconsider this construction and the syntactical and semantical roles of verbal and non-verbal elements in this combination from another point of view, and revise the previous...
Local Personalized Differential Privacy in Statistical Databases
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jalili, Rasool (Supervisor)
Usually, developers analyze data in order to enhance the services they provide to users, but this data analysis may compromise the privacy of the users during this process. Alternatively, service providers may choose to share their data with a third party for the purpose of data analysis, but they may have a strong aversion to sharing the personal information of their users with them. In response to these concerns and considerations, some countries have enacted legislation in this area. The method of protecting privacy has been proposed in a variety of ways, however most of them lack a precise mathematical and formal definition. In the end, there is no guarantee that this will ensure that...
Analysis of Blind Algorithms for Image and Video Quality Assessment
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Behroozi, Hamid (Supervisor) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
The quality assessment of image and video data has became an important and challenging problem in the fields of image/video processing. Oftentimes, the images/videos files are designed to be viewed by a human observer. Further, the number and size of such files
are growing everyday. Thus, computer-assisted monitoring of the quality has emerged as the only possible solution for this challenge. In this thesis, we shall first review the existing techniques for no-reference(blind) quality assessment of image and video data. Next, we propose some new approaches for the no-reference quality assessment of image and video data in-the-wild. In the case of images, our contributions consist of two...
are growing everyday. Thus, computer-assisted monitoring of the quality has emerged as the only possible solution for this challenge. In this thesis, we shall first review the existing techniques for no-reference(blind) quality assessment of image and video data. Next, we propose some new approaches for the no-reference quality assessment of image and video data in-the-wild. In the case of images, our contributions consist of two...