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    Argument Against Germ-line Genetic Enhancement

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ali Hassanzadeh Asl, Pouria (Author) ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    In this dissertation, we will attempt a discussion of some ethical implications of genetic enhancement and present an argument against certain group of enhancements. We will demonstrate that this discussion requires a distinction between therapy and enhancement, therefore the arguments for and againt this distinction will be examined but it will be adopted in the end based on its merits. We will also show how genetic enhancement is a real possibility that will be available for consumers in the near future; and how probing the ethical issues surrounding the technology is quite necessary. We will then turn our focus to different theories of normative ethics and an examination of their merits... 

    Social Reality in John Searle: Do Institutional Facts have Physical Realization?

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bahari, Amin (Author) ; Taqavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
    In the extension of his former developments of the theories of philosophy of mind and language, John Searle (1932- ) proceeded into the realm of social reality by his The Construction of Social Reality and Making the Social World, written in 1995 and 2010 respectively. With his naturalistic background, he placed his new theory on top of his former theories of mind and language already naturalized and fully worked out. As we will see, social reality comes with our three marvelous capacities, not coming together, to the extent we know, in animals other than us: collective intentionality, assignment of function, and language; all of them already being treated by Searle, in a naturalized manner,...