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Dynamic Planning of Transmission Expansion
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
Goal of this project is to present a method for dynamic transmission planning in restructured environment by system regulator. Congestion, fair competition in power market, stakeholders’ desires in transmission expansion, transmission investment traits, creating incentive for investment and transcos revenue are considered in this work. Presentation of methodology for reliability evaluation is necessary because of increasing uncertainties due to restructuring. Remedial action method is suggested for uncertainties analysis and reliability index presented for measuring degree of reliability. The method has been applied to the IEEE 14-bus system. ...
Developing a Decision Support System for Generation Expansion Policy Making in Iranian Deregulated Electricity Market
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kermanshah, Ali (Supervisor) ; Bahramgiri, Mohsen (Supervisor)
Iranian Power industry has undergone fundamental changes since deregulation started in 2003. Currently, bulk trade of electricity in the industry is mainly conducted through a day ahead wholesale market, representing over 98 percent of the exchange of electricity within the grid. Although the current market regime is under operation for over 4 years, several political, cultural and operational obstacles have hindered effective evolution of the restructuring process. Low political support from privatization of the industry assets backed by lack of confidence and trust in market economies in general, and low economic incentive of the market players has slowed down formation of an effective...
Maintenance Planning at Generation by GENCO & ISO in Restructured Power System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ehsan , Mehdi (Supervisor)
In a centralized power system, the system operator, derives a maintenance scheduling plan that maximizing reliability of system and minimizing operating cost. But in a restructured power system the goals of GENCOs and independent system operator (ISO) are separate and each of them optimize its own goal. The goal of each GENCO is to maximize its annual benefits and the goal of ISO is to maximize the reliability of system throughout the year. Therefore there are two objective functions for finding an optimum maintenance schedule in restructured power system. This thesis proposes a new method for maintenance scheduling of generation units in a restructured power system. Firstly each GENCO...