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    Experimental Investigation of Mass Transfer by Droplet Using Image Processing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Babak, Pirooz Hashemi (Author) ; Firoozabadi, Bahar (Supervisor) ; Afshin, Hossein ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
    Wide and varied aspects of droplet motion due to its increasing application in various fields has attracted much attention. Analysis of mass transfer from the liquid drop into the other fluid, such as complex and intriguing problems in fluid mechanics, which is very important. Many experimental and numerical studies have been carried out in this case that the evelopment of laboratory equipment and software, are rapidly growing.
    In this study, given the importance of this issue, experimental study on mass transfer in fluid systems solution droplet liquid - liquid extraction, have been considered. Different methods have been discussed to date. In the present study, using image processing... 

    Modeling and Simulation of Two Phase Flow in Gas Condensate Wells

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sheikh Hosseini, Saeed (Author) ; Taghikhani, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
    A numerical simulation of fluid flow in gas condensate wellbore, which annular flow is dominant, is performed. A three fluid model is used for annular two phase flow. The model is based on conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy for gas phase, dispersed phase (droplets) and the film. The friction between phases and with wellbore wall and also mass transfer between phases, which conservation equations rely on them, are considered. Computer programming of obtained system of equations is performed in Matlab. The Reimann method is used for solving our system of hyperbolic equations and simulation is performed for both steady and unsteady state. Transforming system of nonlinear... 

    Investigating the Fracture Behavior of Adhesive Joints at Different Strain Rates and under Drop

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Darvishi, Irana (Author) ; Nourani, Amir (Supervisor)
    Nowadays adhesives with the development of technology and the numerous benefits they have, are becoming a replacement for traditional joining methods in industries like electronics, automotive, aerospace, and naval. That’s why the need for studying the fracture behavior of adhesive joints becomes vital. So far, many engineers and designers are trying to investigate the behavior of adhesive joints in different conditions that these joints actually deal with. Also, finding solutions to predict the behavior of adhesive joints is the researchers’ other concern. The purpose of this research is to find the effect of factors that are less focused in the literature, on the fracture of adhesive... 

    Investigating the Fracture Behavior of Adhesive Joints at Different Strain Rates and Under Drop

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Darvishi, Irana (Author) ; Nourani, Amir (Supervisor)
    Nowadays adhesives with the development of technology and the numerous benefits they have, are becoming a replacement for traditional joining methods in industries like electronics, automotive, aerospace, and naval. That’s why the need for studying the fracture behavior of adhesive joints becomes vital. So far, many engineers and designers are trying to investigate the behavior of adhesive joints in different conditions that these joints actually deal with. Also, finding solutions to predict the behavior of adhesive joints is the researchers’ other concern. The purpose of this research is to find the effect of factors that are less focused in the literature, on the fracture of adhesive...