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Generative Software Development through Emergence-based Transformation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ramsin, Raman (Supervisor)
Due to the ever-increasing demand for larger and more complex software systems, generative software development has become an attractive alternative to traditional approaches. Generative software development is in fact a transition from one complexity space to another; the higher the ratio of the complexity of the destination space is to the complexity of the source space, the more ideal the level of generation will be. In the ideal case, generative software development becomes equivalent to fully-automated software development. Despite widespread research on generative software development approaches–such as Model-Driven approaches, Software Product-Lines, Generative Patterns, and...
Philosophy of Chemistry: Its Autonomy and Major Problems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
Philosophy of Chemistry: The missed piece of Philosophy of Science’s tower. This thesis is intended to bring in this recently emerged branch of Philosophy of science. In section 1, some trends of Philosophizing in chemistry by some scientist and philosopher have been investigated. Why Philosophy of Chemistry had been turned off until recently? Section 2 deals with this question. In section 3 some problems in Philosophy of Chemistry have been introduced