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Scheme-Content Dualism
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sheykh Rezaee, Hossein (Supervisor)
According to Davidson the distinction between the conceptual scheme and the empirical content is the last dogma of empiricism, and its abandonment will amount to abandoning what has remained from empiricism. To him, conceptual schemes are ways of organizing experience or systems of categories that form the data of sensation or fact, contents being data of sensation or facts which are neutral and out of all schemes. While Quine seems committed to such a distinction, Davidson provides arguments to show that the distinction is untenable. This discrepancy between Quine and Davidson is what this dissertation elaborates on. More specifically, the dissertation pursues two main aims: to show in...
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Golshani, M (Supervisor)
Most of local thinkers ,who were influenced by Western philosophers of science, and have spoken about religious knowledge, have selected experimental science as standard science and Have tried to find a way trough cultural and other non-scientific channels of science to influence the field of human knowledge by religious teaching's .This expert's are generally opposed to positivist’s models of science, but because of the nature of the Western atmosphere that they breathe, consider the experimental science as the main model of knowledge and the experience as the main method of Acquisition of knowledge. Paya is also one of this thinkers who is influenced by Karl Popper's ideas about the...
A Study of the Conflict between Scientific Realism and Anti-Realism from the Perspective of Evolutionary Epistemology or Evolutionary empiricism
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Akbari, Javad (Supervisor)
We know that Science has been one of the most influential cultural revolutions in recent centuries, and that, due to its remarkable successes and achievements, it has rapidly spread across many societies and cultures. Scientific theories have attracted the attention of many thinkers, but among these theories, Darwin's theory of evolution has attracted more attention in that it also claims to explain the origin of humans. One outcome of this theory is that man, and consequently all his attributes, including his cognitive powers, language, and culture (which are unique among the attributes of other species), came into being through a process of evolution and natural selection. But can the...