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Liquid-liquid-liquid microextraction and high performance liquid Chromatography for Seperation and Determination of Estrogens in Aquatic Media
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Bagheri, Habib
Liquid-liquid-liquid microextraction (LLLME) is a new miniaturized liquid extraction to preconcentrate and purify for ionizable analytes. In LLLME firstly analytes extracted in an organic phase, and subsequently back-extracted into a second aqueous phase. Main advantages of LLME are their speed, simplicity, negligible volume of solvents, analytical precision, short sample preparation and low cost. This technique was shown to be an efficient preconcentration method for the extraction of estrone and estriol from biological samples. A basic microdrop in the tip of microsyringe was fixed in the organic layer over the sample solution. After extraction for a preset time, the microdrop was...