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Fabrication of Fibrin Sheets for Tissue Regeneration
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Abdekhodaie, Mohammad Jafar (Supervisor)
The cornea is a transparent, avascular, multilayer, connective tissue. When the erosion process of these cells occur, where natural and quick restoration is expected, corneal disorders begin. Regeneration of corneal tissue, using a biocompatible method is a great point of interest. Nowadays, scaffold based on amniotic membrane is used as a basement membrane in the regeneration of corneal tissue. Lots of researches focused on using auto graft scaffold to decrease the inflammation and infection of an allografts and synthetic scaffolds, while overcoming amniotic membrane’s weak mechanical properties. The aim of this survey is to construct an appropriate scaffold from patient’s own blood to...
Multi-scale Simulation of Protein Corona Formation at Nano-bio Interface in the Presence of Different Metabolites
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Naghdabadi, Reza (Supervisor) ; Sohrabpour, Saeid (Supervisor) ; Montazeri Hadesh, Abbas (Co-Supervisor) ; Mahmoudi, Morteza (Co-Supervisor)
One of the most promising strategies for fighting cancer is the drug delivery process using synthetic nanoparticles. Once in biological milieu, the nanoparticle surfaces get covered with a layer of biomolecules called the “Protein Corona”. The protein corona formation changes the nanoparticles interaction with the human body dictating a new fate for them. The protein corona composition is not only dependent on the nanoparticle itself, but also it is affected by the health condition of patients as recently discovered through the experimental studies. Here, the effect of disease on the protein corona formation is discussed through the molecular dynamics simulations. A multiscale simulation...