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    Design, Manufacturing and Testing a Micro Hydro Turbine Governor Using Commercial Controller

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Karbasi Zadeh, Morteza (Author) ; Durali, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    Lots of micro hydropower potentials are spread all around Iran country. They have the capability to produce electricity for workhouses, residential areas, agricultural and animal husbandries and recreational tourism centers. Hence, Sharif University of Technology and Iran Water and Power Resources Development Corporation decided to design and produce three types of hydro micro turbines to cover all range of micro hydropower potentials available in Iran. These three types of micro turbines are Pelton, Banki and Axial and they are designed in order to cover high, middle and low heads in sequence. Frequency control of micro hydropower plants is so vital due to plant off-grid. The most prevalent... 

    Designing of Gyrover and Controlling it with Fuzzy-pade’ Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Forouhar, Moeen (Author) ; Zohoor, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Sohrabpour, Saeed (Supervisor)
    Gyrover is a kind of robot which can move with only one single wheel. In this robot, all the mechanical and electronics’ systems are placed in the wheel of robot. So the wheel of robot is the boundary which separates the inner equipment of gyrover with outside environment. In this robot, only one wheel is used for moving, so the amount of friction of movement in gyrover robot is less in comparison with two and more wheeled vehicles. Because of this gyrover can move to more domains. Gyrover robot can move both on land and water. Gyrover robot is not intrinsically stable which means that it cannot stand on ground. So for stability of gyrover another dynamic system should be used. The best... 

    Dynamic Modeling and Torsional Vibration Analysis of Crankshafts Equipped with DMF & CPVA

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi, Sobhan (Author) ; Sayyadi, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Torque variations caused by intermittent combustion and inertia effects of reciprocating components, exert significant torsional excitation on crankshaft of internal combustion engines. These excitation induces considerable torsional vibration on crankshafts. Therefore, modeling and analysis of crankshaft torsional vibration and absorber systems, especially in automobiles engine that crankshaft tolerate high amplitude excitations coupled with heavy inertia effects has high importance. In this study, ability of centrifugal pendulum vibration absorber and dual mass flywheel which used in rotating machinery for vibration reduction, will be examined. At first, cranktrain will be torsionaly...