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    The Evolution of a Geometric Space in in the Nineteenth Century

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Karimi, Ehsan (Author) ; Shahshahani, Siavash (Supervisor)
    The meaning and the nature of space and it’s essential properties seems to be one of the oldest problems which has been continuing to occupy human’s mind during centuries. It can be counted as a common ground between philosophy, mathematics, physics and even art. However this thesis concentrates on the philosophical and mathematical attitudes, neglecting the other aspects of the issue. Prima facie, it appears that the concept of space is essentially mingled with geometry, the science which seems to investigate the essentials of space. Taking it for granted, Kant regarded space, and so Euclidean geometry which dominates it, as an indispensible and necessary structure of the human’s mind.... 

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation the Effect of Geometry on Hydrodynamic Performance in Surface Piercing Propeller

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Teimouri Rabor, Mahdi (Author) ; Seif, Mohammad Saeed (Supervisor)
    Due to the suitable performance characteristics and the widespread use of Surface Piercing Propellers (SPPs) in high-speed crafts, many experiments and numerical studies have been conducted in this field. Due to the lack of a comprehensive series similar to conventional propellers in the field of SPPs, in this thesis, it has been tried to personalize the suitable basis by conducting two separate experimental tests in the National Iranian Maritime Laboratory (NIMALA) towing tank and the cavitation tunnel at Sharif University using computational fluid dynamics method and the commercial code STAR-CCM+. For this purpose, a wide range of phenomena and effective parameters on hydrodynamic...