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Experimental Study of Geotextile's Drainage and Filtration Properties in Dams under Different Hydraulic Gradients and Boundary Conditions
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor)
Geotextiles are one of the most widely used materials in filtration and drainage applications. Since geotextiles are exposed to different stresses and hydraulic gradients, thier hydraulic behavior in real situations is of great importance. In this study, filtration and drainage of several nonwoven needle-punched geotextiles with different properties and unit masses per area of 200g/m2, 400g/m2, 500g/m2 and 800g/m2 under various confined stresses and hydraulic gradients are investigated. To get to these aims, permittivity and transmissivity apparatuses were designed and built in the course of this investigation. Then samples which were emerged for at least 24 hours were tested under different...
Numerical Study of Geotextile Application in Downstream Filter Zone of an Embankment Dam with Clay Core
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shamsaie, Abolfazl (Supervisor)
Nowadays, applications of the synthetic materials are developing in civil engineering projects and widely used in these projects. Therefore, during previous years; use of the Geotextiles as one of the Geosynthetic materials in order to filtration, drainage, separation, soil protection, etc have developed ever-increasing. The goal of this research is modeling and studies of the Geotextiles application in the downstream filter zone of embankment dams in combination with granular materials using FLAC2D software. Gordeh Bin embankment dam situated in West Azerbaijan province has been chosen as case study. In this matter, different models have been made with changes in thickness of the inclined...
Elastic Responses of a Half-Space Reinforced by a Buried Extensible Membrane under Internal Loading
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Eskandari, Morteza (Supervisor)
In order to improve mechanical properties and increase the load capacity of soil so many different methods are innovated and utilized. Through This variety we can mention cement and asphalt concrete pavements which are the most common methods, cement sprinkling for consolidation of inclined surfaces and utilizing geotextiles and geomembranes which are recent methods. As far as a method becomes more common in industry, analytical study on effect of these methods on soil properties drew more attention in researches.In this research a homogenous elastic half-space is reinforced by an extensible thin plate and studied under various loads. The plate is considered as a buried infinite plane with...
Seismic Performance Evaluation of MSE Wall Reinforced with Geotextile
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Toufigh, Vahab (Supervisor)
This study aims to evaluate the seismic behavior of geotextile-reinforced soil retaining walls by using incremental dynamic analysis and endurance time analysis methods. Five different wall models with variables of length and the modulus of elasticity of reinforcements have been constructed in the ABAQUS finite element software. In this study, the soil behavior and the interaction between the soil and reinforcement are modeled using a fully plastic linear elastic behavior model based on the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion. Despite reinforced retaining walls' numerous benefits and extensive use, there is an obvious need for more precise design and a better knowledge of these structures' static...