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Deployment of Component-Based Applications in Distributed Environments
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor)
With significant advances in software development technologies in recent years, it is possible to have complex software applications, wich include large number of heterogeneous software components distributed over a large network of computers with different computational capabilities. To run such applications, their components must be instantiated on proper hardware resources in their target environments so that all requirements and constraints are met and some quality of service parametesrs (e.g.,reliability, load balancing, etc) are also optimized. This process is called software deployment. For large, distributed ,component-based applications¬ with many constraints and requirements, it ...
Covering Arrays for Graphs and Their Construction Algorithms
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahmoudian, Ebadollah (Supervisor)Secret Sharing Schemes for General Access Structures
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Eghlidos, Taraneh (Supervisor)
Secret sharing scheme is a method for distributing the secret (secret information) among a set of participants in such a way that only the authorized sets can recover the secret and the unauthorized sets could not. In a perfect secret sharing scheme, unauthorized sets cannot get any additional (i.e. a posteriori) information about the possible value of the secret. In these schemes, to prevent information leakage and increase communication efficiency, the size of the share should be as close to the secret size as possible. In other words, finding the shares with reasonable size which results in an optimal information rate for a given access structure, improves the efficiency of the scheme....
Multiple Eguilibria In Chemical Reaction Systems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Razvan, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
In modeling of biological systems and chemical reaction networks, analy-sis the existence of multiple equilibria is important. Our interest in using dynamical system in such analyses comes from biology. So, we will study the qualitative properties of a dynamical system, described by a system of ordinary differential equations. In this thesis we will discuss the question of how to decide when a general chemical reaction system is incapable of admitting multiple euilibria, regardless of parameter values such as reaction rate constants. We will relate different graphs to chemical reaction systems, and by means of its paths and circuits, we will introduce some sufficient conditions for...
Direct Torque Control of Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Machines Using Fuzzy Logic
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khayyat, Amir (Supervisor)
This thesis contributes two separate predictive direct torque control methods; based on hysteresis and fuzzy logic for Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine (BDFM). Initially Chapter 1, focuses on BDFM history and concept of this machine and after that a short review about the development of BDFM and the Field Oriented Control will be studied. Chapter 2 introduces the d-q-0 state transformation matrix, dynamic equation of BDFM and represents its steady-state equivalent. Furthermore, in this chapter the bond graph model of BDFM is studied and via distinguishing all energy ports the bond graph model of this motor is introduced and validated, finally the result of this model is compared with...
Distance Coluring Graphs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahmoodian, Ebadollah (Supervisor)Entanglement Generation and Distribution in Spin Chains
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Rouhani, Shahin (Supervisor) ; Jafarizadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
Entanglement is the most important quantity in quantum information processing tasks. However the provision of the required entanglement between various quantum parts is one of the most challenging breakthroughs in realization of quantum processors. One of the scenarios for entangling various parts is use of naturally interacting qubits, called “spin chains”. The low level of required control and the ability of entangling mesoscopicaly separated parts cause such systems to be attractive for using in future low dimensional silicone compatible technology quantum processors. Accordingly in this thesis by considering a ferromagnetic spin system in which is conserved and by initializing the...
Hypercubes and Some of their Problems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahmoodian, Ebadollah (Supervisor)
There is much interest in the theoretical study of the structure of hypercubes because their structure has played an important role in the development of parallel processing and is still quite popular and influential.This thesis will begin with an introduction to hypercubes and some of their problems. Then we study the following concepts: Arboricity (The minimum number of edge-disjoint forests into which a graph can be decomposed), Galactic number (similar to arboricity but such that each component of each forest is a star), Silver coloring (Given a set I of maximal independent vertices, a silver coloring with respect to I is such that every v 2 I sees every other colors in its closed...
Forcing Sets of Graphs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahmoodian, Ebadollah (Supervisor)
The concept of defining set in matching theory, recently has been taken into consideration by chemists and mathematicians because of several important applied problems in chemistry and mathematics. This concept is studied extensively in vari-ous areas of combinatorics and graph theory. The idea is to obtain total combinatorial structure of one object uniquely, based on some special information about it. Defin-ing set has been studied in various areas of graph theory like colouring, matching , orientations of graphs and etc. and many researches have been done in these areas. What we focus on, in this thesis is the defining set in matching theory that has been called “forcing set”. A minimum...
Graph Isoperimetry Problem Using Optimization Methods
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Daneshgar, Amir (Supervisor)
In this thesis, we study the mean graph isoperimetry problem using an optimization approach. The k-th isoperimetric constant of a graph is defined as the minimum of an objective function (p-norm of the vector consisting of normalized flow) over k-subpartitions of vertices. We note that the normalized cut problem can be formulated as a semidefinite programming problem and utilizing the relaxation methods for semidefinite programs, the problem can be solved in approximately polynomial time. Finally, we model the isoperimetry problem as an optimization problem with orthogonality constraints and utilizing Wen and Yin’s efficient method for finding local minima of the problem, we extract a...
Graph Clustering With Parallel Processing
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Daneshgar, Amir (Supervisor)
One important way to discover patterns in data is clustering. Due to the limited human ability to solve problems in terms of volume and range of computing a viable solution for processing large amounts of data is using parallel processing. In this project, it is proposed some modification on Daneshgar-Javadi ‘s algorithm for data clustering using parallel processing. In this new algorithm , data will be divided among different processors to cluster them independently and in a parallel manner. Then results of each processor will be gathered and a final clustering will be performed on the gathered results. It is shown that the proposed modified algorithm along its high speed processing can...
A Survay on Graph Reconstruction Problem
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mahmoodian, Abadoola (Supervisor) ; Daneshgar, Amir (Supervisor)
The Reconstruction Conjecture asserts that every finite simple undirected graph on three or more vertices is determined, up to isomorphism, by it’s collection of vertex-deleted subgraphs. This thesis reviews the progress made on the conjecture since it was first formulated in 1941 and discusses a number of related questions. Also, we discuss the Ak property and study the A1 property where we introduce some new aspects and an alternative formulation of the conjecture itself.
A Survey on Min-cut On Planar Graphs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Foroughmand Arabi, Mohammad Hadi (Supervisor)
In minimum cut problem we aim at finding a set of edges with minimum overall cost possible, such that removing them would separate two specific vertices, source and sink. This problem has been studied thoroughly, however the available algorithms were not proven to be time-wise optimal. Nowadays, planar graphs have attracted more attention because of their applications in cities and countries map. Moreover,their characteristics and properties, make some problems easier to solve in planar case. In this thesis, we will have a survey on algorithms for minimum cut on planar graphs. Our motivation to choose these algorithms is the balance between how easily they could be implemented and how fast...
Hybrid Multiscale Modeling of Cancer Cell Behavior
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor)
Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. Cancer is among the leading causes of death worldwide.Cancer modeling is increasingly being recognized as a powerful tool to refine hypotheses, focus experiments, and enable predictions that are more accurate.We investigate a three-dimensional multiscale model of vascular tumour growth, which couples blood flow, angiogenesis, vascular remodelling, nutrient/growth factor transport, movement of, and interactions between, normal and tumour cells. We constructed a hybrid multi- scale agent-based model that combines continuous and discrete methods.Each cell is represented as an agent. The agents have rules that they must...
Traffic Light Smartification Using Graphs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hemmatyar, Ali Mohammad Afshin (Supervisor) ; Haj Sadeghi, Khosrow (Supervisor)
Since traffic lights are the only mechanized system at street level, their operation mode affects traffic congestion. Since traffic lights organize vehicles at crossways, the target of traffic light smartification is to reduce waiting time based on the density of traffic flows. There are many topics that work in this field to recognize traffic before making any decision based on traffic. Hence, if it is possible to introduce an algorithm for change static timing and predetermined timing of the traffic lights, it can affect the density of traffic at the large scale. This dissertation introduces an algorithm to reduce traffic congestion using traffic lights and correct timing. In this case,...
Deep Learning Algorithms for Solving Graph Problems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salehkaleybar, Saber (Supervisor) ; Hashemi, Matin (Co-Supervisor)
Nowadays, thanks to improvement of processing hardware and plenty of data available, artificial intelligence and specifically Deep Learning are being one of the powerful tools for solving different problems. Also graph is one of the powerful tools for modeling different data structures. Graph matching is one of the problems in the field of graph problems.In this thesis we consider the problem of graph matching in Erdos-Renyi graphs. The graph matching problem refers to recovering the node-to-node correspondence between two correlated graphs. Previous works theoretically showed that recovering is feasible in sparse Erdos-R´enyi graphs if and only if the probability of having an edge between a...
Random Interlacements and Amenability
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Haji Mir Sadeghi, Miromid (Supervisor)
In this thesis, we consider the model of random interlacement on transient graghs, which was first introduced by Sznitman for the special case of Zd(d > 3) in 2010’s. in Sznitman’s case, it was shown that on Zd: for any intensity u > 0, the interlacement set is almost surely connected. The main result of this thesis says that for transient, transitive graphs, the above property holds if and only if the graph is amenable. In paticular, we show that in nonamenable transitive graphs, for small values of the intensity u the interlacement set has infinitely many infinite clusters. We also provide examples of nonamenable transitive graphs, for which the interlacement set becomes connected for...
Signless Laplacian Spectra of Graphs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Akbari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Let G be a graph of order n. The signless Laplacian matrix or Q-matrix of G is Q(G)=D(G)+A(G), where A(G) is the adjacency matrix of G and D(G) is diagonal degree matrix of G. The signless Laplacian characteristic polynomial or Q-polinomial of G is QG(x)=det(xI-Q(G)) and its roots are called signless Laplacian eigenvalues or Q-eigenvalues of G. If R is vertex-degree incidence matrix of G, then Q(G)=RRt. So Q(G) is a positive semi-definite matrix, i.e. its eigenvalues are none-negative. Let q1(G)≥q2(G)≥…≥qn(G) denote the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of G. A theory in which graphs are studied by means of eigenvalues of Q(G) is called signless Laplaciian theory or Q-theory.In this research,...
Learning Deep Generative Models for Structured Data
Ph.D. Dissertation
Sharif University of Technology
Beigy, Hamid
Recently, a new generation of machine learning tasks, namely data generation, was born by emerging deep networks and modern methods for training neural networks on one hand, and the growth of available training data for training these networks on the other hand. Although distribution estimation and sampling were well-known problems in the science of statics, deep generative models can properly generate samples from real world distributions that common statistical methods fail in them e.g., image and music generation.Due to these improvements in deep generative models, researchers have recently tried to propose deep generative models for datasets with complex structures. These structured...