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Electrodeposition of Ni-Co/SiC Composite Coatings
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor)
Ni-Co/SiC composite coatings with various contents of SiC nano particles were electrodeposited in a modified watt type of Ni-Co bath containing 20 nm SiC nano particles to be codeposited. The influences of the SiC concentration, current density, stirring rate of the deposition bath on the composition of the coatings were investigated and these parameters optimized for highest amount of SiC codeposition. The optimized deposition parameters were 40 g/l SiC and 480 rpm stirring rate and current density equal to 4 A/dm2. Ni-Co/SiC composite coating was deposited with the maximum particles content of 30.5 volume percent. Linear voltammetry demonstrates addition of the SiC to the Ni-Co deposition...
The Comparison Between TiN and Hard Chromium Coatings
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor)
This research focuses on finding an appropriate method for increasing wear and corrosion resistance of hard coating TiN PVD and chromium. The substrate was made up of 42CrMo4 (DIN) steel (used for marine industries) and coated by TiN Arc PVD process and hard chromium electro-deposition. The results of these two coatings are compared and the better coating which is TiN Arc PVD is suggested. To find the best method for coating, several test studies are organized such as: the mechanical and tribological properties of TiN PVD and hard chromium coatings for wear and corrosion resistance applications are organized. The potentiodynamic polarization technique was used to measure the corrosion rate...
Electroplating Nano Crystalline Nickel for Reduction of Corrosion Rate
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Baghalha, Morteza (Supervisor)
Polycrystalline materials are solids that are composed of many crystallites of varying size and orientation called “Grain”. As the grain size reduces to the values below 100nm, the overall material properties are remarkably changed, and thus the resulting nanocrystalline materials have provided much better engineering properties at the same chemical composition compared to the microcrystalline. The main objective of the present study is to synthesize a nanocrystalline (22nm-25nm) coating based on Nickel over the yellow-brass plates. To do this, an electroplating technique in a modified Watts bath is employed in which the current density and stirring speed varied between 3 to 9.5 Ampere per...
Electrophoretic Deposition of Ni/SiO2 Nanocomposite Coating: Fabrication Process and Tribological and Corrosion Properties
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Ni/SiO2 nanoparticle composite coatings were prepared by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) and their hardness, wear and corrosion resistance were examined. Additionally, the morphology of the coatings was observed. In the first phase, the feasibility of coating with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Energy Dispersive Spectra (EDS) techniques was evaluated. After finding the effect of concentration of nanoparticles on coating characteristics and the results of using SEM, optimum conditions for uniform coating, acceptable adhesion at 20V and concentrations of 10 g/L for Ni, 1.2 g/L for SiO2, and choosing NiCl2 as additive with a concentration of 0.2 g/L...
Synthesis of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Nanoparticles Using Chemical Method and Investigation of the Effect of Zirconia on Spinel Composites Properties
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nemati, Ali (Supervisor)
In this research, a powder containing magnesium-aluminate spinel particles is prepared based on co-precipitation method and 5% , 10%, 15% and 20% zirconia-contained composites are produced as second phase from the synthesized powder. The raw materials used in the synthesis comprise hexa-hydrated magnesium nitrate, nona-hydrated aluminum nitrate, ammonium bicarbonate, 28% ammonium solution and distilled water. The properties of the powder is then investigated using STA, XRD and SEM tests. Also, XRD and SEM analyses as well as triple point flexural strength and Vickers hardness tests are carried out in order to investigate the effect of adding zirconia to the powders. The variations of the...
The Structure and Corrosion Behavior of Synthesized Zn-SiO2 Nano-composite Coating by Sol-Gel Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Zinc–silicanano-composite coatings were produced by successive dip coatand sintering procedure from different sol-gel solutions. The surface and cross-sectional morphologies of Zn-SiO2 nano-particles (NPs) were examined using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). Corrosion resistance evaluated by means of polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy showed that even thin films of Zn-SiO2 in orders of 200 nm can have corrosion rates as low as conventional hot dip galvanized steels. Multi-layers coatings have been studied and showed that 10 layers coating with the thickness of 2m has the lowest corrosion rate with the passive region in anodic branch. Corrosion...
Investigation of Stress-Dependence on Hydro-Mechanical Properties of Fractured Rocks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Goodarznia, Iraj (Supervisor)
Fracture and Matrix permeability systematically change because production time of gas and oil reservoirs is very long and pore pressure, temperature and in-situ stresses continously change in reservoirs.This parameters have an important role in determination and development of wells according to the permeability distribution.The main factors in determination of fracture permeability values is normal and shear stiffness that parameters such as roughness, opening, closure, aperture and asperities influence this factor.In this thesis, we try to investigate the influence of this parameters on fracture permeability according to the normal and shear stresses.Also we want to investigate the...
Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Heavy Vehicles Tire With Target of Determining Stiffness and Damping Characteristics
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saadat Foumani, Mahmoud (Supervisor) ; Fallah Rajabzadeh, Famida (Supervisor)
Tire is one component of the suspension system and has beneficial effects on reducing vibrations caused to the vehicle. This study aims to determine the factors affecting the damping and stiffness of the tire is carried out. The modeling of factors were identified. For testing the modeling effort is to be made to the instruments used to measure the damping and stiffness of the tires. To make the structural static analysis, dynamic and modal was to have sufficient structural strength and the displacements and stresses are sensibly placed. Factors that have influence on the hardness of the ring diameter, the outer diameter of the tire, tire pressure, tire tread depth, tire wall thickness,...
The Effects of Composition on Hardness and Toughness of ZrO2-Based Ceramics
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nemati, Ali (Supervisor)
The purpose of this thesis is the construction of hard and tough Zirconia bodies from economical raw materials using minimum sintering time and temperature.
Stabilizers cause tetragonal particles to be remained in cubic phase. Most additives are Ca, Ce, Mg and Y ions the whole of which are rare earth elements and make solid solutions with Zirconia.
In this project different percents of CaO, MgO, CeO2, and Y2O3 were mixed with ZrO2 and they were sintered after granulation, cold pressing and Cold Isostatic Pressing. Using jar milling and fast milling, the particle size of purchased ZrO2 was reduced to 0.7 um. The whole needed additives were purchased with particle size below 300 nm....
Stabilizers cause tetragonal particles to be remained in cubic phase. Most additives are Ca, Ce, Mg and Y ions the whole of which are rare earth elements and make solid solutions with Zirconia.
In this project different percents of CaO, MgO, CeO2, and Y2O3 were mixed with ZrO2 and they were sintered after granulation, cold pressing and Cold Isostatic Pressing. Using jar milling and fast milling, the particle size of purchased ZrO2 was reduced to 0.7 um. The whole needed additives were purchased with particle size below 300 nm....
Investigation of Si3n4 Nano Particle Addition on the Hardening Behavior of Anodized Coated 1050 Aluminum Alloy
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
In the present study, it has been tried out to increase the hardness and wear resistance of anodized aluminum coating byadding Si3N4 nanoparticles to the anodizing bath and making a composite coating. In order to investigate the influence of other effective parameters on the properties of anodized coating before the compositing process, hardness and thickness were optimized in the Sulphoric/oxalic bath using design of experimental method (central composite design). The properties of these coatings are dependent on various parameters among which time, temperature and pulse current parameters (current density limit, frequency and duty cycle) were considered in the present study. Analysis of...
Characterization of Elecroless Ni-P-Al2O3-SiO2 Nano-composite Coating on Aluminium
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor) ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor)
In this study Ni-P-Al2O3-SiO2 nano composite coating developed on aluminium alloy 6061 using electroless method. Due to oxidation of aluminium, a double zincate pretreatment performed to obtain proper adhesion of coating on substrate. Effect of solution temperature and heat treatment on thickness and property of nano composite coating was studied. Furthermore, effect of concentration of nano particles in electroless solution on thickness, morphology, micro hardness, wear behavior, corrosion resistance and particle content in coating were investigated. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, Hitachi S-4160) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was used to evaluate morphology...
Investigation Ni-P-Al2O3-SiO2 Nano Composite Coating on Aluminum by Electroless
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Afshar, Abdollah (Supervisor)
Electroless coating is a chemical reduction process which depends on the catalytic reduction. In this study, the influences of different concentrations, stirring rate, pH and heat treatment of Al2O3 and SiO2 Nano sized particles in the bath on deposition rate, hardness, wear resistant, surface morphology and corrosion behavior of the Ni-P-Al2O3-SiO2 composite coatings have been investigated. The microstructure was investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and among the nanoparticles SiO2 and Al2O3 have drawn attention due to their high hardness, availability, particles distribution and reduced cost. The amount of Al2O3 and SiO2 was examined by Energy Dispersive...
Stiffness, Position and Orientation Optimization of the Engine Mounts to Reduce the Vibrational Noise Transmitted to the Body
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nejat, Hossein (Supervisor)
Despite the great work done in the field of the engine mount system to reduce vibrations transmitted from the vehicle to the body, an efficient process is still needed to achieve the optimal response to the design of the engine mount system.The goal of the project is to provide an ideal model for optimizing the stiffness, position, and orientation of the vehicle's engine mount system. In this regard, the activities carried out consist of three parts of the modeling, optimization, and verification of the response. In the modeling section, a linear model of 13 degrees of freedom has been proposed for the engine, mount and vehicle assembly, which also has the ability to model the rigidity of...
Investigating the Behaviour of A Type of Energy Absorbing Bracing System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)On The Solution Treatment of Severely Deformed AA 2024-O and its Post-Severe Plastic Deformation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kazeminezhad, Mohsen (Supervisor)
In this study, the solution treatment of severely deformed AA 2024-O and its post-severe plastic deformation is investigated. The investigation was performed in two cases of pre-multi directional forging (pre-MDF) and post-multi directional forging (post-MDF) on the solution treatment. After applying pre-MDF, finding kinetics of temperature and solution time caused that natural aging to be studied as a treatment after solid solution. By measuring the difference in hardness before and after natural aging in pre-MDFed and un-MDFed samples, 500℃ and 5 minutes were found to be the most desirable temperature and time in terms of mechanical properties and microstructure. Continuous...
Evaluation of Microstructure and Wear Behaviour of Nicrbsi Composite Coating Deposited by Atmospheric Plasma Spray and Plasma Transferred Arc on Steel Substrate
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Movahedi, Mojtaba (Supervisor) ; Kokabi, Amir Hossein (Supervisor)
Nowadays, in many industrial applications, protecting surfaces has become necessary. This research attempted to create a coating resistant to the wear of NiCrBSi with the help of the atmospheric plasma spray and the process of plasma Transferred Arc on the substrate of the simple carbon steel. Also, in order to study the effect of compositing on hardness and abrasive properties of the APS coatings, NiCrBSi powder was strengthened with 25 weight percent of Titanium Carbide particles so that the NiCrBSi-25TiC composite coating could also be created. According to the nature of the APS process, the substructure of this coating always has some porosity and layered structure, and the connection of...
Investigating the Fracture Behavior of Adhesive Joints at Different Strain Rates and under Drop
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nourani, Amir (Supervisor)
Nowadays adhesives with the development of technology and the numerous benefits they have, are becoming a replacement for traditional joining methods in industries like electronics, automotive, aerospace, and naval. That’s why the need for studying the fracture behavior of adhesive joints becomes vital. So far, many engineers and designers are trying to investigate the behavior of adhesive joints in different conditions that these joints actually deal with. Also, finding solutions to predict the behavior of adhesive joints is the researchers’ other concern. The purpose of this research is to find the effect of factors that are less focused in the literature, on the fracture of adhesive...
Investigating the Fracture Behavior of Adhesive Joints at Different Strain Rates and Under Drop
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Nourani, Amir (Supervisor)
Nowadays adhesives with the development of technology and the numerous benefits they have, are becoming a replacement for traditional joining methods in industries like electronics, automotive, aerospace, and naval. That’s why the need for studying the fracture behavior of adhesive joints becomes vital. So far, many engineers and designers are trying to investigate the behavior of adhesive joints in different conditions that these joints actually deal with. Also, finding solutions to predict the behavior of adhesive joints is the researchers’ other concern. The purpose of this research is to find the effect of factors that are less focused in the literature, on the fracture of adhesive...
Synthesis and Investigation of Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Properties of Ni-Fe Multilayer Coatings with SiC Particles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Electrochemical deposition of multilayer coatings is one of the surface engineering techniques to create thin surface layers with a controlled structure in order to create desirable surface properties. In this research, the nickel-iron-silicon carbide multilayer coating is deposited from a single bath with a sulfate composition and by changing the current density between two values (10 and 40 mA/cm2). The number of layers in multilayer coating was 4, 8, 16, 32.The effect of current density and the number of layers on chemical composition, surface morphology, phase structure, corrosion resistance, nano hardness measurement, wear resistance of multilayer coatings respectively using electron...