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Electrical Impedance Tomography
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vosoughi Vahdat, Bijan (Supervisor) ; Mortazavi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Electrical Impedance Tomography, (EIT), is one of the medical imaging technologies, similar to CT-Scan or X-Ray. It can also be used in industrial process monitoring. In this technique a reconstructed image of the inner part of a conductive subject can be made with an array of external electrodes which are connected to the boundary of the subject (e.g., body). It is inexpensive, fast, small and portable. In this imaging method, the image of electrical conductivity (or impedance) distribution of the internal part of a typical subject is reconstructed. The Image reconstruction process is done by injecting an accurate current into the boundary of the subject, measuring voltages around the...